Disboutiquers Part 24 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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I would love to see your first crayon roll up!!! I really don't sew straight lines well, so I waited until I got a 5x7 hoop and had the machine do all the work for me!

Okay, doing my part to cheer up the American (and Canadian) sewers of the world. I made this over a year ago primarily to see how crayon rolls are put together. NOT like this one apparently. I couldn't even talk any of my broken crayons into sitting in it long enough for a photo. :mad:


Obviously I need to have my cutting mat recalibrated because it is very wonky.

In other world news, look at the "hidden Mickey" fabric I got at Joann. :)


Don't know how well the photo will show up, but I thought it would be good for ruffles.
Tension issues part 3...

There is a test pattern on the Brother site. It is supposed to help you get the tension calibrated. So, now the test pattern stitches out PERFECTLY! Unfortunately, every time I try to stitch out anything else, it stitches fine for a while, then messes up, then stitches fine, then messes up...some of it is bobbin issues some of it is top thread issues.

So, I now have the number of the nearest Brother service center. I will call them in the morning! I'm sure it is something minor. I'm sure when I find out what it is I will be mortified that I couldn't find it myself. I'm equally sure it will cost me a fortune to find out the problem...but I have jobs waiting and I am so far behind schedule I doubt I will see daylight for a long time!

So, I wonder what I can do in the mean time...I haven't sewn anything without embroidery on it for a looooong while!

Maybe I can magically get my sewing studio as perfect as that website Sew Many Ways....or maybe not!

Can anyone tell me where I can find the Hangin with my Peeps design? I love it and would want to make some shirts for an egg hunt this Sunday. I checked Heathers Facebook and Etsy as well as a few other favorites and no luck.

I have seen it on stitchontime. I bought heather's peep and then combined 3 of them and added text on my machine, but not all machine's can do that.
I have seen it on stitchontime. I bought heather's peep and then combined 3 of them and added text on my machine, but not all machine's can do that.

Thanks Ellen, I looked there under Easter and didn't see it, I'll go look again.
Thank you all for the skirt compliments. Those were a total CASE from Aimee. Those cute as a cupcake shirts are from their birthday last year. Em actually came up with the idea to pair them with the skirts. Leave it up to a 4 year old to figure it out. :rotfl:

If I multi quote everything posted this week, it will be the longest post ever. I can't believe all of the talent here.

I love these dresses - the style, the fabric and the girls are adorable!

I have tried to post this a couple of times but it never has popped up.


Such a cute dress.



Thanks for looking. I guess I had better get ready for work now!


The Mary Poppins dress is great. So creative! And I love the Tangled shirt.
Seriously? We are there May 6-15. When will you be there?
5/11 to 5/18. Can't wait! Work has been insane so this is a much needed trip. I'm going with 2 friends to celebrate a big birthday. One friend has a work obligation so we can't go on my actual bday. You know I haven't tried to buy coffee syrup in a while but I'm sure I can find it and if I can't find it near me my sister lives less than 30 minutes from the RI border.:laughing: Would be great to see you again!

We're going to be there for a really quick trip May 14-16. Staying at AKL. Any chance you're going to be at EPCOT on the 15th for the last F&G festival day?
I probably will be. I'm sure your DD is a lot bigger than when I saw you in Epcot before. Was that Dec 09? Seems like a lifetime ago now. That weekend is some special Cars 2 celebration but I haven't heard what they are actually doing.
Tension issues part 3...

There is a test pattern on the Brother site. It is supposed to help you get the tension calibrated. So, now the test pattern stitches out PERFECTLY! Unfortunately, every time I try to stitch out anything else, it stitches fine for a while, then messes up, then stitches fine, then messes up...some of it is bobbin issues some of it is top thread issues.

So, I now have the number of the nearest Brother service center. I will call them in the morning! I'm sure it is something minor. I'm sure when I find out what it is I will be mortified that I couldn't find it myself. I'm equally sure it will cost me a fortune to find out the problem...but I have jobs waiting and I am so far behind schedule I doubt I will see daylight for a long time!

So, I wonder what I can do in the mean time...I haven't sewn anything without embroidery on it for a looooong while!

Maybe I can magically get my sewing studio as perfect as that website Sew Many Ways....or maybe not!


Who are you calling? I bought my machine from someone in Marietta and that is where I have taken it the one time. It takes about 2 hours from here to get there though, probably add 10 minutes on for you. He seems nice. Too bad I don't know the name of it. Maybe Ashby Sewing?

That's my idea of a solid as well. Solid is boring. You are hip like me ;)

I don't need anymore Nemo fabric. mphalens is the one who was looking for some (nor do I have any Mickey comic book -- Ellen is the Queen of the Comic Strip fabric).

I saw what you are making. Can you paint? I would suggest using a solid fabric and painting on it. That's what I did for a P&F Eye Spy bag and I occasionally do it for a luggage tag.

Plain solid just doesn't cut it around here! Glad to know we are hip! :thumbsup2

Yep, the queen of comic book is queen of friendliness too! I just love everyone here!
I wish I knew where some old sewing room pictures were. I would post them. Mine isn't anything special, more everyday I would think. I started cleaning it today to take new ones but I doubt I'll ever finish. I have so much to do and haven't been in the mood today (after my machine got hungry) or much this week to sew.
Who are you calling? I bought my machine from someone in Marietta and that is where I have taken it the one time. It takes about 2 hours from here to get there though, probably add 10 minutes on for you. He seems nice. Too bad I don't know the name of it. Maybe Ashby Sewing?

Asnby's...that's it. Problem is...I won't be able to get it to them until Tuesday. That is the only day I don't have therapy appointments. So at least a week to get it back! Really wish I had gotten better at hand applique! LOL!

Thank you so much for this I feel alot better. I just spent 2 evenings cutting out my next set of fabrics for the next pillowcase dress set.

Here are some pictures of my first project! A pillowcase dress with fabric ties, easy fit "shorts" (Carla C's easy fits - shortened) and a reverseable headband.


Great job on the set. Can't wait to see more of your work.

Lydia woke up sick this morning, so I thought I'd make her a little something to try to cheer her up.

And, here is Lydia with it (this is her SUPER EXCITED!!! face)


I used my second new embroidery machine to make this in the hoop. I got the design for free after I joined this Yahoo Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AA_PlanetApplique

And, thank you for all your advice on my embroidery machine! I'm so glad I returned the old one. This new one is (so far) working like a dream! I have not had to adjust anything! I am very hopeful that this one is a keeper! :thumbsup2

I am glad your replacement machine works well. The crayon roll looks great!

I had so much fun making this project I am definately going to keep sewing....sounds strange but this was my way of winding down after long days at the office and I look foward to starting the new pillowcase set tonight....this weekend its all about getting some more fabric for DS Pj bottoms and fabric for the Cathy dress /or Simply Sweet can't decide which to do first? Any thoughts?

You are actually not strange at all. Sewing also helps me wind down after work.

... well the machine has arrived.... I am nervously looking at the box, have not opened it yet!

So here's my question(s)
1. what were your first time mistakes?!?!

2. what is a good first project... I have loads of ribbon for bows and stuff

3. any other thoughts/ suggestions?

My first time mistake - thinking interfacing and stabilizer were the same thing! Let's just say I went to the store to buy stabilizer the next day.

My second time mistake - did not hoop the item tightly enough.

Of course I have made lots of other mistakes too. But those were my first ones. Good luck!

Here is what I stayed up finishing until all hours of the night! I ruined the first shirt so I chopped the arms off of a long-sleeved brown t-shirt for Alexa. The skirt is Aimeeg's tutorial that ellenben kindly reposted!


Not the best pic because I took it with my cell phone. My camera is out of memory!

Thanks to all for the compliments on the Minnie dresses!

Great job!

Hi everyone! I have been lurking for a little while and have been in awe of all the wonderful things you all make. I haven't posted because I didn't really have anything to contribute. Thanks to you all and your inspiration, I bought CarlaC's simply sweet pattern and made my first dress for my dd5. Hopefully, I can post a picture soon. Thanks for inspiring me!

Just want to say welcome!

When Megan and I checked into the POP Century on 3/29 we received a HUGE surprise!

Glad to hear that you had a great trip and received lots of special gifts!

Love what everyone has made lately!! You're all so good at coordinating fabrics together. That's something I definitely struggle with.

Here are some of my own super-exciting pictures. These are the things that I made for my friend with the new baby. I will post something Disney-related some day!

Rag quilt:

Crayon rolls (my first!):

Burp cloths:

What I learned:

I am rubbish at sewing around curves.
Despite what anyone's instructions say, pre-wash flannel because it will shrink significantly and you will end up with tiny burp cloths.
My fabric store has horrible, horrible selection. I could not find 2 flannels that I liked together so I begrudgingly went with the ones pictures.

The crayon rolls were a BIG hit!

Great job. The baby gifts look awesome!

I can post some pictures of what I made for one of the Big Gives.


I have also been very busy with some orders from my Etsy store.
The Family Trip to Disney Order:

The princess lover's order:


Taylor Swift Concert order:


Wow you must have been very busy! Everything looks wonderful!

I just remembered that I can also now post the items I made for Peanut's big give:



And similar to others I have seen here, I made this for my DGD for Easter:

Probably would have been cuter if I had embroidered something like an initial on it, but I didn't know the name yet when I made it and I wanted to get it done.

Thanks for looking.

All of them look great. I really liked the set you made for Peanut's give. The baby stuff are cute too!

So, I have been sewing a little bit...nothing Disney related, yet! But, I have a few QUESTIONS

1. I'm starting my "stash" of Disney fabric (before it gets too big)....should I go ahead and pre-wash, or does it really matter?

2. I'm a scrapbooker, or at least hopefully will again, Anybody else out there who sews and scrapbooks? How do you organize the two together?

3. Does anyone know how to find out which Walmarts still have fabric? I'm on the GA/SC border.

4. Anybody interested in sharing pics of their CrEaTiVe spaces?

5. When you buy a fabric with no real purpose in mind...how much do you buy? Although, I'm guessing it depends on how much you like it

I'm always full of questions....Sorry! But I do try to research first before I ask! :rotfl:


PS. I've been reading this thread for a while....which was what motivated me to start sewing again... You ALL are soooooo talented!! I'm so inspired! I just wish I had a little one to create for or a Disney trip to plan for

1. Prewashing fabric lets you know if the fabric will shrink and if the fabric will bleed. I have to admit I am not 100% on that one yet, but I try to prewash anything I buy now.

2-3. Unfortunately I can't help you with either one of these questions (I do not scrapbook).

4. I use a spare bedroom which is often a mess. I won't take a picture of that place until I clean it up!

5. 2 metres is what I usually get if I don't know what I am going to do with it. My next increment is 5 metres if the price is right.


Would you guys consider that fabric solid for the pillows for GKTW? I guess I know it isn't solid, but it is my idea of solid! LOL!

Looks like close enough to solid to me!

Three days later I was finally able to upload photos to photobucket.

and since you actually make four at a time, here they all are.


But why stop there?


Amazing job! I am sure the recipients will really like them.

Thought I'd finally get around to posting that Mary Poppins dress. It's a frankenpattern really, although I kind of followed the shirred corset pattern from ycmt.com. I decided to shirr the back (like the fitted look). Of course it should have been easy peasy, but I did it on the wrong side first, and then for the red I used a thread that didn't really shirr well, so I had to take it apart a few times. Plus the bodice is a bit longer than I would have liked, but I think it turned out pretty good all in all. My daughter is going to wear this to 1900 Park Fare breakfast!


And I even managed to make something for me! I needed to test out a new applique, so I made this to go with my daughters EPCOT princess dress. Luckily we're both relatively small so I was able to get both out of just 1 yard of each fabric. However, making this pattern...I believe it's called the Amelia shirt...made me realize that must bust to hip ratio is way off. I'm pretty pear shaped so the bottom literally just fits around my hips but it works. I even modeled it for you! That's rapunzel on the bottom there. I won't wear it with a shirt underneath, but you could.


Thanks for looking. I guess I had better get ready for work now!


Beautiful Mary Poppins dress. I like seeing things made for adults too and that top look so cute on you! Thanks for showing the close up of your design. It looks awesome!

Okay, doing my part to cheer up the American (and Canadian) sewers of the world. I made this over a year ago primarily to see how crayon rolls are put together. NOT like this one apparently. I couldn't even talk any of my broken crayons into sitting in it long enough for a photo.


Obviously I need to have my cutting mat recalibrated because it is very wonky.

In other world news, look at the "hidden Mickey" fabric I got at Joann.


Don't know how well the photo will show up, but I thought it would be good for ruffles.

You see, sewing straight lines is not my strong suit either, which is why I haven't made a crayon roll yet. I like your "Hidden Mickey" fabric. Can't wait to see what you make with it!

Tension issues part 3...

There is a test pattern on the Brother site. It is supposed to help you get the tension calibrated. So, now the test pattern stitches out PERFECTLY! Unfortunately, every time I try to stitch out anything else, it stitches fine for a while, then messes up, then stitches fine, then messes up...some of it is bobbin issues some of it is top thread issues.

So, I now have the number of the nearest Brother service center. I will call them in the morning! I'm sure it is something minor. I'm sure when I find out what it is I will be mortified that I couldn't find it myself. I'm equally sure it will cost me a fortune to find out the problem...but I have jobs waiting and I am so far behind schedule I doubt I will see daylight for a long time!

So, I wonder what I can do in the mean time...I haven't sewn anything without embroidery on it for a looooong while!

Maybe I can magically get my sewing studio as perfect as that website Sew Many Ways....or maybe not!


I am sorry to hear about your issues with your machine. I don't have any suggestions. I hope it won't be a huge problem to fix.
Kirsta has been asking for a MP outfit. She like the tunics, so I'm still in the thinking stage. I was at a blog awhile back, and they had a mother daughter PillowCase top, it just look so nice together. Your dress and top look great.

Thanks! I like tunics on my daughter as well - I tend to use the Vida as a tunic instead of a dress. The top I'm wearing is really just a pillowcase and the pattern I used comes as a bundle from ycmt.com with a mother, daughter, and doll...https://www.youcanmakethis.com/info...ine-dress-ameliatunic-matching-doll-dress.htm

It's really very easy.

The Mary Poppins dress is great. So creative! And I love the Tangled shirt.


I probably will be. I'm sure your DD is a lot bigger than when I saw you in Epcot before. Was that Dec 09? Seems like a lifetime ago now. That weekend is some special Cars 2 celebration but I haven't heard what they are actually doing.

I was about 99% that was you (I'm horrible remembering screen names) and I thought it was crazy that we were going to be there again at the same time!! It was Dec 09 and she was 17 months then. She's just shy of 3 now! I recently heard about the Pixar thing as well. That should be cool. Kenzie's not seen any of the Pixar characters.
Does anyone know which is older--Anastasia or Drizella? Trying to figure out which one to make for which kid. :lmao:

ETA: found it! I've been searching forever & didn't find it until AFTER posting here, of course! It's Drizella.
I wanted to share the shirt I made for our daughter for her 5th bday. It's not sewn by me, but I did design it, print it and press it. We have a commercial printer and heat press so it should last a long time. Also, you can't tell from the pic, but the bottom says "best. day. ever" with each period being a minnie head. She actually noticed the teensy tiny bows so the trouble to layer it all on there (it's sparkly and metallic) was well worth it :)


She loves Tink too so I had to include her as well!
I hate to admit it, but I have had the Audrey Ruffle Skirt pattern for probably 4.5 months and just used it for the first time today. The Gymboree near my house had a huge mega clearance sale and I got my DD the kitty tee for $2, I thought it would look cute with a kitty print skirt... and since I now know how to use my serger I was able to do the rolled hem on the ruffles. I am in love :love: so much easier than pressing small hems or praying the narrow hem foot doesn't stitch weird. Anyways... picture overload, but I am proud!




When making the Eye Spy Bags do you use a special needle when sewing the vinyl?

I'm so not ready to start making any yet, I have to get going on the dresses for this year's trip.

The bookmark for the Eye Spy Bag is different than the one posted a few weeks ago. Where would I find the one with the handle?
When making the Eye Spy Bags do you use a special needle when sewing the vinyl?

I'm so not ready to start making any yet, I have to get going on the dresses for this year's trip.

The bookmark for the Eye Spy Bag is different than the one posted a few weeks ago. Where would I find the one with the handle?

I just use a regular needle but I only use that particular needle for eye spy bags and luggage tags. You need a non-metal foot though or I have read you can put tape over the metal foot. The vinyl sticks to my metal plate though and I've tried using tissue paper and didnt like that method so I may try putting tape over the metal plate the next time I make one. Otherwise I slide scrap fabric under the area not being sewn to help it glide. Clear as mud?!

I use this tutorial:

But I just add my own handle before sewing the two sides together. I can try to take pics of mine today and post and get the measurements of my handles, but I won't get around to that until likely late this afternoon.
I hate to admit it, but I have had the Audrey Ruffle Skirt pattern for probably 4.5 months and just used it for the first time today. The Gymboree near my house had a huge mega clearance sale and I got my DD the kitty tee for $2, I thought it would look cute with a kitty print skirt... and since I now know how to use my serger I was able to do the rolled hem on the ruffles. I am in love :love: so much easier than pressing small hems or praying the narrow hem foot doesn't stitch weird. Anyways... picture overload, but I am proud!





This is just lovely. I am scared to try this along with my serger. I actually need to find time to just get to work with it.

I can finally post this out fit I did for Hannah's Give. this is for Abigail and I combined a bunch of different tutorials with different things I liked
Here you go! I LOVE Tangled. I think it's my new favorite Disney - she's at least my favorite princess now!


I love your design, it came out really nice. The Tangled movie is really cute and I don't think it is as "dark" as some of the early Princess movies. I still need to see The Princess and the Frog.

I wanted to share the shirt I made for our daughter for her 5th bday. It's not sewn by me, but I did design it, print it and press it. We have a commercial printer and heat press so it should last a long time. Also, you can't tell from the pic, but the bottom says "best. day. ever" with each period being a minnie head. She actually noticed the teensy tiny bows so the trouble to layer it all on there (it's sparkly and metallic) was well worth it :)


She loves Tink too so I had to include her as well!
Happy B-day to your DD. This shirt is really cute and the Minnie heads are a very nice touch.

This is just lovely. I am scared to try this along with my serger. I actually need to find time to just get to work with it.

I can finally post this out fit I did for Hannah's Give. this is for Abigail and I combined a bunch of different tutorials with different things I liked
I love that skirt, so colorful and lots of detail.

I'm full of questions today:
I want to make my DS (6) an Imagination Movers outfit (coveralls). I searched through some old threads and saw that Toadstool had made a really cute skirt / coverall outfit for her DD. My questions are:
- where can I find the IM designs to create the name tag and the the main emblem design?
- how would you suggest making the coveralls? Is there a pattern that someone might be able to suggest?

Ok everyone I've decided to make a rag autograph quilt. I've never done a quilt before but the rag quilt doesn't look as scary as others lol! Any tips would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!
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