Sister Wives

I am sorry but this statement of hurting the kids is a cop out and is over abused today. Same sex couples shouldn't adopt because it will hurt the kid, families shouldn't adopt babies of a different race because it is hurting the children, single parents are hurting their kids, working parents are hurting their kids, the list can go on and on.

What people really mean to say is "I don't agree with what you are doing so I am going to say you are hurting the children instead of admitting I am being judgemental."
I agree.
The idea of "DEALING" with feelings of jealous is crazy to me. They are upset because deep down they know what he is doing to them is wrong and the sadder part is that the are allowing it and allowing their daughters to see this lifestyle and think it's ok.
You know what they're thinking HOW? :confused3
At the end when the ladies were asked if they would do it again live that lifestyle they were all like yup. expect for Christine and she was like I dunno I really don't like she wasn't happy, I wonder if shes not thinking about leaving
No, that is not what she said. They were talking about COMING OUT again...would they have gone public, knowing what they know now.
A lot of you have said "I won't judge... as long as they are happy" but the thing to me is, they don't seem happy at all. I think they all seem pretty tense and often miserable. There are jealousy issues, insecurity, fear, ect. So, I'm gonna go ahead and judge, and I'm gonna call it wrong. It doesn't seem like a good way to live. The only one who seems to have it made is the husband. He has everything he wants.
Then don't live it. Happy isn't everything, and it certainly doesn't split groups into happy married people and unhappy "other situation" people. It also doesn't determine if an arrangement is OK. And honestly, they seem generally happy to me. Life isn't one hilarious moment after another.
The beauty of it is, this is their life and their choice and if they are not happy they can do what they need to do to change it. Just because one doesn't agree in something doesn't mean it is wrong. If it works for all parties involved then it is right!
I agree.
All well and good, but it isn't working for all parties involved.
Of course it is. It's not perfect, anymore than all those "regular" marriages, and in all these situations, there are choices.
I don't think I could do a marriage like that. That is too weird for me. I don't like that guy either, my dh said the same thing.

The thing that got me was that he just expects the other wives to go along with everything he wants and it is centered around what HE wants!

I could never be in a situation where it is all about one person. Now I could understand it better if they all came together and decided this was the one for all involved if you know what I mean? Then that would mean that all parties agree and are attracted to each other and will do things together as a good relationship TOGETHER!

He has what 4 separate marriages right? I could not do that. I hope everyone is understanding what I'm saying. :goodvibes
"Don't think" you could have a marriage like that? I KNOW I couldn't. I haven't read one person stating here that it was right for them; just that they're not going to judge what's right for anyone else.

As far as bringing the 4th wife into the family, I don't think there was an official vote, but it seems like they all were in agreement about it, EVEN THO there were some jealousies and adjustments involved. I'm not sure what you mean by all of them should be "attracted" to each other. :eek: :confused3
Well I call Bull! All this live and let live at some point becomes absurd. I WILL judge. It weird, its odd and its not natural for women to "share" a husband that way. That's how I see it in my world, so I will go with how I feel about it. Can't see how any sane woman can have any sense of self-worth or self-esteem in a situation like this.
They seem like very confident, very together women, who have chosen a lifestyle different than yours or mine. I LOVE your "its (sic) not natural" line. My 87 year old mother used that line about women going to women gynecologists LOL, married priests (she didn't want to think about them doing "that"..."Geez Mom, do you think about ME doing "that"?" LOL), and homosexuals (because all the heterosexuals in our family were so "normal"...NOT!)
I thought that the question was about whether they would go public again or not. not whether they would want sister wives? Christine loves the situation. She loves staying home and she loves being with any of the children.
You're correct. ::yes::
No the question was would you choose this life again
You are incorrect. ::yes::
I agree.You know what they're thinking HOW? :confused3No, that is not what she said. They were talking about COMING OUT again...would they have gone public, knowing what they know now. Then don't live it. Happy isn't everything, and it certainly doesn't split groups into happy married people and unhappy "other situation" people. It also doesn't determine if an arrangement is OK. And honestly, they seem generally happy to me. Life isn't one hilarious moment after another.I agree.Of course it is. It's not perfect, anymore than all those "regular" marriages, and in all these situations, there are choices."Don't think" you could have a marriage like that? I KNOW I couldn't. I haven't read one person stating here that it was right for them; just that they're not going to judge what's right for anyone else.

As far as bringing the 4th wife into the family, I don't think there was an official vote, but it seems like they all were in agreement about it, EVEN THO there were some jealousies and adjustments involved. I'm not sure what you mean by all of them should be "attracted" to each other. :eek: :confused3 They seem like very confident, very together women, who have chosen a lifestyle different than yours or mine. I LOVE your "its (sic) not natural" line. My 87 year old mother used that line about women going to women gynecologists LOL, married priests (she didn't want to think about them doing "that"..."Geez Mom, do you think about ME doing "that"?" LOL), and homosexuals (because all the heterosexuals in our family were so "normal"...NOT!)You're correct. ::yes::You are incorrect. ::yes::

I mean what I said attracted to each other! IF EVERYONE was attracted to each other it would a whole relationship and not 4 separate marriages. ;)
I am sorry but this statement of hurting the kids is a cop out and is over abused today. Same sex couples shouldn't adopt because it will hurt the kid, families shouldn't adopt babies of a different race because it is hurting the children, single parents are hurting their kids, working parents are hurting their kids, the list can go on and on.

What people really mean to say is "I don't agree with what you are doing so I am going to say you are hurting the children instead of admitting I am being judgemental."
Remember the guy in Louisana last summer who refused to marry interracial couples because "it would hurt any children" they had. :scared1:

I totally agree, whenever we don't like a life style the first thing we do is pull the "kid" card.
No the question was would you choose this life again

Sorry, but the question was about the way they shared their lifestyle with the world; and Christine didn't know if she would go public in that manner again. She appears to be very happy in her role as third wife, stay at home mom.

While their lifestyle is not for me, I don't find it "weird," I just find it different. It seems to work for them. Yes, they have their issues, but don't we all? Their children seem well cared for and happy..yes, there are a lot of them, but there are a lot of Duggars too. This (combined) family supports itself and doesn't rely on government (your money and mine) assistance. I do agree with some posters that Kody is a little..out there? Certainly not my type, but to each his/her own.

It's not my place to judge them, and I won't. They appear happy,healthy, and focused on their family.
I mean what I said attracted to each other! IF EVERYONE was attracted to each other it would a whole relationship and not 4 separate marriages. ;)
Sorry...still don't get your point. Do you mean sexually attracted to each other? The women having bisexual relationships? Because they all seem to LIKE each other very much. I'm just not really sure what you're saying. :confused3
I agree.You know what they're thinking HOW? :confused3No, that is not what she said. They were talking about COMING OUT again...would they have gone public, knowing what they know now. Then don't live it. Happy isn't everything, and it certainly doesn't split groups into happy married people and unhappy "other situation" people. It also doesn't determine if an arrangement is OK. And honestly, they seem generally happy to me. Life isn't one hilarious moment after another.I agree.Of course it is. It's not perfect, anymore than all those "regular" marriages, and in all these situations, there are choices."Don't think" you could have a marriage like that? I KNOW I couldn't. I haven't read one person stating here that it was right for them; just that they're not going to judge what's right for anyone else.

As far as bringing the 4th wife into the family, I don't think there was an official vote, but it seems like they all were in agreement about it, EVEN THO there were some jealousies and adjustments involved. I'm not sure what you mean by all of them should be "attracted" to each other. :eek: :confused3 They seem like very confident, very together women, who have chosen a lifestyle different than yours or mine. I LOVE your "its (sic) not natural" line. My 87 year old mother used that line about women going to women gynecologists LOL, married priests (she didn't want to think about them doing "that"..."Geez Mom, do you think about ME doing "that"?" LOL), and homosexuals (because all the heterosexuals in our family were so "normal"...NOT!)You're correct. ::yes::You are incorrect. ::yes::

I would love to see proof of me being incorrect
Christine, however, demurred. "I don't know," she said. "I don't know." Ten points for honesty, lady! This creative thinking and frank honesty is why we love Christine most, but do her doubts make her a bad sister wife, or even a bad woman? What did you think of the premiere, and more importantly, do you understand the wives' attraction to Kody?
I caught most of last night's episode. I didn't see the Today show interview when it aired but did Kody really stammer that much in response to Meridith's question? I'm going to have to find it and see. And I don't know why but I find Kody's hairstyle amusing. :laughing:
I would love to see proof of me being incorrect
Barring you and I being in the same room and watching the end of the show together, and my pointing it all out to you, you'll just have to watch it again, I guess. :)

They are clearly discussing whether they would have come out publicly again. Three of them said that they would, that they were tired of hiding, that they took a risk for their children, but they believed it would be worth it to them in the long-run; Meri said she was doing a lot of thinking since the investigation about whether or not she would do it again (come out) because of the fear she now has about being taken away from her family, or Kody being taken away, but would (come out) for the chance that this might change their futures...that their children or grandchildren would not grow up oppressed. Christine said she wasn't sure if it was worth it...the COMING OUT. She had some of the greatest fears about the impact of coming out and was the one using "aunts" to describe the other wives on school forms...just to make the situation less invasive and easier.
Christine said she wasn't sure if it was worth it...the COMING OUT. She had some of the greatest fears about the impact of coming out and was the one using "aunts" to describe the other wives on school forms...just to make the situation less invasive and easier.

Actually Janelle was the one using "aunts" on the school forms. Christine talked about proudly writing in "other mom."
It's gross to me. All of that "sharing"!!
So what if one of them has something they shouldn't be "sharing"?? :scared1:

The dude is creepy. The wives must be off of their rocker to WANT to "share".
When it comes to that...I am a bit of a germaphobe! :eek:

This is how I feel. As far as having other women to share household/children responsibilities with...that would be great, but sharing hubby..ahhhhhhh NO!
Sorry...still don't get your point. Do you mean sexually attracted to each other? The women having bisexual relationships? Because they all seem to LIKE each other very much. I'm just not really sure what you're saying. :confused3

Yes I do while this may not be for everyone but I can see it being a better situation then just one person getting everything. At least this way all parties will be happy.

I see sister wives as a one sided relationship that is all about one person being happy and that is it. IF they all were in the relationship then it would be about all of them and not just one. I hope I'm typing this in a way that I get what I'm trying to say out in the right way. but who knows It maybe taken wrong anyway.
I really think he's creepy but he sure doesn't seem to have any problems finding women, wives, whatever?!?:eek:

He no prize for sure and IMO he just has "other women" and the OK to do so:3dglasses. Why not stay single and just date? why go on TV and then cry so many against your lifestyle? :confused3 all weird to me:upsidedow
.Of course it is. It's not perfect, anymore than all those "regular" marriages, and in all these situations, there are choices."

When Meri says the only reason she is staying is for her daughter, no, it isn't working for her.
I am sorry but this statement of hurting the kids is a cop out and is over abused today. Same sex couples shouldn't adopt because it will hurt the kid, families shouldn't adopt babies of a different race because it is hurting the children, single parents are hurting their kids, working parents are hurting their kids, the list can go on and on.

What people really mean to say is "I don't agree with what you are doing so I am going to say you are hurting the children instead of admitting I am being judgemental."

You mean, that's what YOU perceive it as. Sorry, but you have no right whatsoever to put words in my mouth.

No cop out here, I definitely believe that the children are hurt by this arrangement. There is no way on this earth that I can possibly believe that it is good for boys to be reared in such a way that they think this is how they should live, and I for SURE don't think it's healthy for girls to believe that this is how they should be expected to live. I agree with those who think the situation is demeaning to women, and it saddens me greatly.
Yes I do while this may not be for everyone but I can see it being a better situation then just one person getting everything. At least this way all parties will be happy.

I see sister wives as a one sided relationship that is all about one person being happy and that is it. IF they all were in the relationship then it would be about all of them and not just one. I hope I'm typing this in a way that I get what I'm trying to say out in the right way. but who knows It maybe taken wrong anyway.
It isn't all about one person being happy. He doesn't appear any happier than the women do. And sex with a man isn't all about the man. ??? They ARE getting something out of the relationship, sexually. And sex is hardly ALL there is to relationships. So I guess I'm just not getting your point. So be it. :confused3
When Meri says the only reason she is staying is for her daughter, no, it isn't working for her.
Really?? I must've missed that, where she said that THE ONLY REASON SHE IS STAYING is for her daughter. I didn't get that impression in the least, and I don't recall her saying that either. I'll have to look back at it when I get a chance. But I'll say this...I'm sure that many people...I HOPE that many people...stay to work out issues in the relationships when there are children involved, and don't just leave when things get tough.
It isn't all about one person being happy. He doesn't appear any happier than the women do. And sex with a man isn't all about the man. ??? They ARE getting something out of the relationship, sexually. And sex is hardly ALL there is to relationships. So I guess I'm just not getting your point. So be it. :confused3Really?? I must've missed that, where she said that THE ONLY REASON SHE IS STAYING is for her daughter. I didn't get that impression in the least, and I don't recall her saying that either. I'll have to look back at it when I get a chance. But I'll say this...I'm sure that many people...I HOPE that many people...stay to work out issues in the relationships when there are children involved, and don't just leave when things get tough.

She said it last season.
It is my job as a parent to judge. I freely judge and admit it. I don't want my children thinking a deviant lifestyle is ok, so I judge and share my judgement with my children. I can't imagine why they would want to parade their lives on TV and be "circus freaks", because that is basically what they are.
I thought the question was would you do this again (cable came and switched out my box today, so I can't go back and look).

Maybe we won't know if they meant live this lifestyle or go public. I guess it could have been taken either way.

Sorry, but the question was about the way they shared their lifestyle with the world; and Christine didn't know if she would go public in that manner again. She appears to be very happy in her role as third wife, stay at home mom..


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