How is a Disney Trip Like a Writing Desk: A PTR through Wonderland UPDATED: 9/18/10


Most Missed 'Retired' Disney Attractions

9. The original Journey Into Your Imaginations (I'd say the one that made sense...but none of them really made much sense...)
8. The Skyway
7. World of Motion
6. Horizons
5. Residential Street on the Backlot Tour
4. Cranium Command
3. The original Living Seas queue and movie ("BOOM...the deluge" ~ that was for you V!)
2. The Jeremy Irons version of Spaceship Earth
1. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea


:sad1: R.I.P........



Balloons for a nine day party!!!!!

Oh, I LOVE this! It's a par-tay on my PTR!

:sad1: R.I.P........



Seriously, you know I'm not even a huge JI fan in general. It's just his soooooothing. Whenever the old ride track comes on Live365 I turn it WAY up.

And don't get me wrong, there are certain parts of the refurb that I love. Particularly the fantastic costume choices ( ;) ) and the end, and I love me some Judy Dench but...

You're right.

Woo Hoo for single digits! :cool1: How exciting.

I don't know what my most missed attraction would be. Oddly enough I think it would be either the original Imagination ride or the original Tiki Birds. Probably because the replacements on those are both kind of lousy. (Although I still need to do each of those attractions each trip). I don't on the other hand miss the skyway. I always was paranoid the cable would snap and I'd go plunging to my death as a kid. I'd dread when the car would roll over the relay polls. It still gives me chills thinking about it.
I don't know what my most missed attraction would be. Oddly enough I think it would be either the original Imagination ride or the original Tiki Birds. Probably because the replacements on those are both kind of lousy.

I agree with you. I do have some strong memories of the Tiki Birds from when I was 7. I remember liking it more then.

I don't on the other hand miss the skyway. I always was paranoid the cable would snap and I'd go plunging to my death as a kid. I'd dread when the car would roll over the relay polls. It still gives me chills thinking about it.

9. The original Journey Into Your Imaginations (I'd say the one that made sense...but none of them really made much sense...)

Definitely! I remember loving it so much when I rode it for the first time in 1982.

8. The Skyway

Yep, miss this one, too! Was there any better way to get from Tomorrowland to Fantasyland or vice versa?

5. Residential Street on the Backlot Tour

I miss The Golden Girls house. Sniff, sniff.

2. The Jeremy Irons version of Spaceship Earth

He has one of those voices I could listen to all day!

1. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

One of my favorite attractions of all time at Disney!

But wait! Where's Mr. Toad's Wild Ride???

Happy Single Digits Day!
Happy Single Digits!!!


I was so excited when riding the Peoplemover that Mr. Tom Morrow is being paged once again! Unfortunately, I don't think you can hear it from the ground like you could before due to where it's located on the ride...but at least it is there!!!

I never saw the previous Tiki Room, we did it for the first time this trip - my husbands reaction: "That was...<blank stare>" :rotfl: I thought it was cute!! I do wish they did the whole Tiki song though! Did they used to?
I miss The Golden Girls house. Sniff, sniff.

Me too. ::yes::

He has one of those voices I could listen to all day!

Reading stereo instructions, even.

But wait! Where's Mr. Toad's Wild Ride???

I was TERRIFIED of that ride as a child and so didn't ride it much as an adult. I did get one last one in before it gave way to Pooh, and it was more fun then, but just didn't make the "Top 9 List" cut.

I was so excited when riding the Peoplemover that Mr. Tom Morrow is being paged once again! Unfortunately, I don't think you can hear it from the ground like you could before due to where it's located on the ride...but at least it is there!!!

That's ok. I'll just be content to hear it. :goodvibes

I never saw the previous Tiki Room, we did it for the first time this trip - my husbands reaction: "That was...<blank stare>" :rotfl: I thought it was cute!! I do wish they did the whole Tiki song though! Did they used to?

Yes, and I think it was like their final number. I wonder if you could find it on YouTube? I'm sure someone somewhere must've taped it.

Your hubby is right. The new version is...odd. Iago and Zazu...meh. And the goddess? Just plain creepy. The old one was much more family friendly. And you could see how Walt's original idea of having it be a dinner show was actually good idea!
Let's start by doing 10 sets of jumping jacks for only 10 days!!!

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

The 10-day mark could only mean one thing...ONLINE CHECK-IN DAY!

Which leads me to tell you something.

Something incredible.

Something indescribable.

Something BF wouldn't believe.

Tinkerbellarella, a.k.a. the control-freak from Hades, has left the room assignment to the Fates to decide.


That's right. Because you see with online check-in you can't make requests like, "Room # 4671" or "The ground floor, 60's building, lake side." You can only use check boxes to request things like a pack n' play (I think the double beds will be enough for me) or a ground floor room.

Granted, I believe my reservation still has the request for the 70's section but you know what? I. Don't. Really. Care.

If I end up in the 70's section, great! I know I like that section and all it's within proximity to. If I end up somewhere else, great! It's something different, something new, to quote the most handsome ginger in my life (NORupertGrint).

My only hope is that I get put in a refurbbed room. I think I stand a pretty good chance of that. As of earlier this week, only buildings 1 and 2 (in the 50's) are completely undone. Building 4 in the 60's area is complete, except for the first floor, to be done in the next week, and one wing on the second floor. All other buildings have been flipped. And if I don't? Well...whatever. I'm still in Disney. :goodvibes

I think it's also interesting that when completing online check-in, they ask what is the earliest someone in your party is arriving and the latest someone is leaving. Makes me wonder if they try to get people in rooms as early as possible based on their arrival and room availability, and then estimate room turnover on the back end. Hm.

I do have a little list for you today also, in honor of the 10-day mark, but first I'd like to put this out into the universe:

Dear Tropical Storm Igor,

Please, please, please! It would be greatly appreciated if you and all of your African-Coast-loving buddies would please keep quiet and well east of the United States in the next 17-ish days.

I'm begging.

If, after that, you'd like to come to visit New England, I'd be happy to host you and any of your friends. We have a futon. And cats. I hope you're not allergic.

Thank you very much for your consideration.


One very weather-obsessed, Disney-trip-havin' Tinkerbellarella

And now...

The 10 Non-Attraction/Non-Food Things I Love Most in the World

10. The first Disney sleep. Doesn't matter if it's at the Poly or at POP, there's nothing like knowing you're going to wake up to the Disney brand of Magic.

9. The cold seats on the back of your legs, first thing in the morning, on an almost-empty Disney bus.

8. Looking down Main St. U.S.A. and seeing everything exactly where it was and the way it was when you last left it.

7. Wandering around Tomorrowland by CoP and hearing the Tom Morrow page.

6. That moment at the beginning of Illuminations when the torches
are "blown out".

5. The "hidden" paths around the tree of life that lead to animal exhibits you never even knew existed. Did you know they had river otters? I didn't until my Sept. 08 trip! They are one of my very favorite animals and I was positively glowing when I happened upon them.

4. Walking down Sunset Blvd. at DHS just as the sun is setting. The light does something in that area of the park, I dunno, the colors just always seem warmer and stronger to me than anywhere else in the World at that time of day.

3. The smell of the lobby of the Polynesian.

2. Morning "coffee walks". They don't always actually include coffee, but there is a peace to be found as the sun is rising, walking the grounds of any Disney resort, that I've yet to find anywhere else.

1. Closing my eyes at the entrance to Adventureland and conjuring up the strongest memory I have of my first trip to the World, 23 years ago: Walking across that same bridge, hand-in-hand with my grandparents.

See you tomorrow, folks, when we'll be single-digit-dancin'!!!

Loved this post!!:love:
Happy Single Digits!!!


I was so excited when riding the Peoplemover that Mr. Tom Morrow is being paged once again! Unfortunately, I don't think you can hear it from the ground like you could before due to where it's located on the ride...but at least it is there!!!

I never saw the previous Tiki Room, we did it for the first time this trip - my husbands reaction: "That was...<blank stare>" :rotfl: I thought it was cute!! I do wish they did the whole Tiki song though! Did they used to?

Brook! You never saw the original Tiki Room?!:confused3 It was WAY better than the current one! Loved that song! Old time Disney in my book!
Well, if I'm in the snack bag, I suppose that makes me Sookie. Heck, I like Anna Paquin. I wouldn't mind the comparison! :thumbsup2



Love the ten day list. No joke, when I read about them blowing out the torches at Illuminations, I got chills. Actually, just thinking about it now while writing it, it happened again. I have so many fond memories of Illuminations.

R.I.P. Jeremey Irons' Spaceship Earth narration. You are sorely missed.

And seriously, after reading some of the banter after your day nine post, all I can think of is,

"Everyone wants Mr. Toad's Wild Ride." :lmao: Name that movie.


Love the ten day list. No joke, when I read about them blowing out the torches at Illuminations, I got chills. Actually, just thinking about it now while writing it, it happened again. I have so many fond memories of Illuminations.

R.I.P. Jeremey Irons' Spaceship Earth narration. You are sorely missed.

And seriously, after reading some of the banter after your day nine post, all I can think of is,

"Everyone wants Mr. Toad's Wild Ride." :lmao: Name that movie.

Can anyone name that movie? I know it, since that movie is directly responsible for my engagement story, heh.
Can anyone name that movie? I know it, since that movie is directly responsible for my engagement story, heh.


I must hear this engagement story! But not until everyone's figured out what the movie is. :lmao:
K, Tink? You really have me missing MY world right now. Your posts are so on the mark. Quiet morning coffee walks? I love them.

So, the 50s building is still not refurbed? That makes my selection better. I was thinking of requesting the 60s. I have a preferred room. I was thinking 60s building, top floor. I don't like people walking over my head.

I sadly never saw any of the retired Disney attractions on your list. I wish I had.
"Everyone wants Mr. Toad's Wild Ride." :lmao: Name that movie.

NOT my favorite Kevin Smith movie (we're Dogma fans) but I do believe this was Mallrats. ::yes::

So, the 50s building is still not refurbed? That makes my selection better. I was thinking of requesting the 60s. I have a preferred room. I was thinking 60s building, top floor. I don't like people walking over my head.

They may be done by the time you go. Someone was doing live updates from their trip over on the POP thread on the resorts board and she said they were positively BLOWING through the refurbs. They had the entire first floor of one of the 60's building out and had guys working in every. single. room. My guess is that the goal is to be done before the holiday season starts.

Hey everyone! :wave2:

I'll have an update for you a little bit later today. We're having a very relaxing afternoon on the couch, watching the Pats game. Football has FINALLY arrived. All is right in the Tinkerbellarella household once again. :goodvibes

I think I'm going to take a long hot shower (it's kinda chilly in Southeaster MA today!), make some No Pudge Mint Brownies, a cup of tea and and cuddle back into the couch to get you up to speed now that we're only a WEEK away!!!

Happy Sunday!

TINK :flower3:
Hey everyone! :wave2:

I'll have an update for you a little bit later today. We're having a very relaxing afternoon on the couch, watching the Pats game. Football has FINALLY arrived. All is right in the Tinkerbellarella household once again. :goodvibes

I think I'm going to take a long hot shower (it's kinda chilly in Southeaster MA today!), make some No Pudge Mint Brownies, a cup of tea and and cuddle back into the couch to get you up to speed now that we're only a WEEK away!!!

Happy Sunday!

TINK :flower3:

Sounds like a FABULOUS Sunday afternoon, to me!! The Pats are doing a-ok the 1st quarter!!!:yay:

Mmmmmm mint brownies and tea! Wish I was at your house today!!! I can't believe how chilly it is here today! But I'm loving it!!

Yay for only one more week!!!!:jumping1:
Ahhhh. Sunday. Sundays are wonderful for so many reasons.

Especially this Sunday.

It's cool outside, making for snuggle time with BF on the couch.

It's the first Sunday of football season and the Pats won.


And this time next week I'll be in DISNEY WORLD!!!

These guys are pretty excited about it too: :jumping1:

While today has been all about being lazy and relaxing (before He** Week begins at work tomorrow), as you can tell from the title of the post, this weekend hasn't been ALL about relaxing.

While as much of my packing as humanly possibly has been completed (I'd say about 98%), TINK herself wasn't 100% taken care of. So that's what I did from about 5:15 yesterday morning until about 3 in the afternoon. I'm happy to report, however, that I'm now totally 'Disneyfied':

Hair cut and colored: CHECK!
Eyebrows cleaned up: CHECK!
Nails done: CHECK!
Toes done: CHECK! (Nails and toes match and in the cutest color! OPI's 'And This Lil' Piggy...')
Massage done: CHECK!
Therapy completed: CHECK!

I walked 4 miles yesterday and for 45 minutes this morning (I walk 5 days a week with a long walk on Saturdays. This Saturday was a 'short' long walk, however. Next Saturday (Disney Eve!) is a seven mile walk). So after all that, and all the pampering, I'm feeling pretty good. :goodvibes

And yes, I qualify as a total princess:

The only thing that didn't get done yesterday that was supposed to isn't Disney-related. BF and I had an appointment to sign our lease and when we got there...well, the woman from the rental office was disorganized and still hadn't confirmed the exact apartment numbers that would be available. And we obviously couldn't sign a lease without knowing for sure what was coming up when. I was a wee miffed. :sad2: I just wanted it signed and done with! However...she did let us know she'd found out a 3rd floor should be coming available (which is our preference over the 2nd floor we were getting) and that she'd check with the complex owner to confirm. Supposedly the current tenants only paid a half month's rent for September, as they've bought a house, and should be out this week. This would be perfect as we would likely be able to get in there a week earlier, around 10/1.

I told her that I really wanted this taken care of and the lease signed before my trip, so please cross your fingers and toes that this gets squared away early this week. I'm going to e-mail her tomorrow from work to check in and ask one other question. I know she only does this part time and, as a teacher during the week has had it crazy the past few days, but I just wasn't impressed. KWIM? I had a hard time cooling off about the whole situation yesterday afternoon, but a nice dinner at an nommy Italian restaurant with BF finally got me out of the red.

I've been watching Igor churning away out there in the Atlantic. According to, it still isn't going to be anywhere near the US coast by Friday and it's track looks such that it shouldn't affect my flight on Sunday. However, I'll continue keeping an eye on it. I discussed it with BF and we decided that if Igor looks like he's going to cause trouble for my Sunday departure, I'll be flying out on Saturday instead and will just spend an extra night in the Orlando area, if not in Disney proper. We'll see. I'm really just hoping I don't have to even consider it.

Oh, and that other tropical depression? Behind Igor? Take your time out there, girlie. Don't rush towards the East Coast, kay?

BF has been super sweet this weekend. He taped a bunch of Disney shows that were on either Discovery or the Travel Channel this morning. He's been talking a lot about hoping he can come in Feb., and when I said yesterday, "I'm not saying this to make you feel guilty but, I really wish you were coming," he took my hand, squeezed it and said, "I know, boo, I really wish I were going too."


Wow...this post has been a little all over the place, no? I blame Disney brain.

Which is the perfect segue to

TWO Disney lists all about consumption of nomminess (one for not posting yesterday and one for today):

Eight NEW Things I'm Most Looking Forward to Eating in the World
8. A cinnamon bun as big as my head from the Main Street Bakery
7. Sticky Wings from Kona
6. Sweet Cream Cheese Pretzel
5. The Sterling Silver Pork Chop entree from Brown Derby
4. Fried Wonton dessert from Yak & Yeti
3. Carrot Cake Cookie from Writer's Stop
2. Sultan's Sampler from Restaurant Marrakesh
1. Macadamia Pancakes from Kona

Seven Beverages I'm Looking Forward to Imbibing (Adult and Otherwise)
7. Dole Whip Float (it's part juice - it counts! :laughing: )
6. Plum Wine sample at Mitsukoshi (I'm actually more about the marinated plum but since you can't have one without the other...:rolleyes: )
5. Frunch from Boma
4. Lilikoi Juice from Kona
3. Champagne from France
2. Italian Margarita (from the kiosk outside Italy...crossing my fingers they still have it!!!)
1. Lapu Lapu!!!

And that's about it for tonight, my friends. As much as I'd like to be on the DIS to keep me sane this week, I'm not sure if it'll happen more than once a day. My boss is back from vaca and we have a ton of stuff to squeeze in before I'm out for a week. I'll do my best to at least give you a quick countdown list every day.

My next big post will likely be next Saturday...DISNEY EVE!!!

Ahhhh. Sunday. Sundays are wonderful for so many reasons.

Especially this Sunday.

It's cool outside, making for snuggle time with BF on the couch.

It's the first Sunday of football season and the Pats won.

:banana: And it was oh so nice to top a Pats winoff with TO looking like an idiot out there. Just sayin'. :rolleyes1


And this time next week I'll be in DISNEY WORLD!!!

Woo HOO!

These guys are pretty excited about it too: :jumping1:

While today has been all about being lazy and relaxing (before He** Week begins at work tomorrow), as you can tell from the title of the post, this weekend hasn't been ALL about relaxing.

While as much of my packing as humanly possibly has been completed (I'd say about 98%), TINK herself wasn't 100% taken care of. So that's what I did from about 5:15 yesterday morning until about 3 in the afternoon. I'm happy to report, however, that I'm now totally 'Disneyfied':

Hair cut and colored: CHECK!
Eyebrows cleaned up: CHECK!
Nails done: CHECK!
Toes done: CHECK! (Nails and toes match and in the cutest color! OPI's 'And This Lil' Piggy...')
Massage done: CHECK!
Therapy completed: CHECK!

What a list to have all done!

I walked 4 miles yesterday and for 45 minutes this morning (I walk 5 days a week with a long walk on Saturdays. This Saturday was a 'short' long walk, however. Next Saturday (Disney Eve!) is a seven mile walk). So after all that, and all the pampering, I'm feeling pretty good. :goodvibes

And yes, I qualify as a total princess:

Wow--those are some walks! And you are a princess!

The only thing that didn't get done yesterday that was supposed to isn't Disney-related. BF and I had an appointment to sign our lease and when we got there...well, the woman from the rental office was disorganized and still hadn't confirmed the exact apartment numbers that would be available. And we obviously couldn't sign a lease without knowing for sure what was coming up when. I was a wee miffed. :sad2: I just wanted it signed and done with! However...she did let us know she'd found out a 3rd floor should be coming available (which is our preference over the 2nd floor we were getting) and that she'd check with the complex owner to confirm. Supposedly the current tenants only paid a half month's rent for September, as they've bought a house, and should be out this week. This would be perfect as we would likely be able to get in there a week earlier, around 10/1.

I told her that I really wanted this taken care of and the lease signed before my trip, so please cross your fingers and toes that this gets squared away early this week. I'm going to e-mail her tomorrow from work to check in and ask one other question. I know she only does this part time and, as a teacher during the week has had it crazy the past few days, but I just wasn't impressed. KWIM? I had a hard time cooling off about the whole situation yesterday afternoon, but a nice dinner at an nommy Italian restaurant with BF finally got me out of the red.

Crossing my fingers and saying a prayer. I would be upset, too. But it will work out. You will see.

I've been watching Igor churning away out there in the Atlantic. According to, it still isn't going to be anywhere near the US coast by Friday and it's track looks such that it shouldn't affect my flight on Sunday. However, I'll continue keeping an eye on it. I discussed it with BF and we decided that if Igor looks like he's going to cause trouble for my Sunday departure, I'll be flying out on Saturday instead and will just spend an extra night in the Orlando area, if not in Disney proper. We'll see. I'm really just hoping I don't have to even consider it.

Oh, and that other tropical depression? Behind Igor? Take your time out there, girlie. Don't rush towards the East Coast, kay?

I've been watching those for you. I hope they stay away for your sake, but I'd also rather be at Disney during a hurricane than not there at all.

BF has been super sweet this weekend. He taped a bunch of Disney shows that were on either Discovery or the Travel Channel this morning. He's been talking a lot about hoping he can come in Feb., and when I said yesterday, "I'm not saying this to make you feel guilty but, I really wish you were coming," he took my hand, squeezed it and said, "I know, boo, I really wish I were going too."


That's so sad. I wish he was, too.

Wow...this post has been a little all over the place, no? I blame Disney brain.

I blame it all the time. . .:rolleyes1

Which is the perfect segue to

TWO Disney lists all about consumption of nomminess (one for not posting yesterday and one for today):

Eight NEW Things I'm Most Looking Forward to Eating in the World
8. A cinnamon bun as big as my head from the Main Street Bakery
7. Sticky Wings from Kona
6. Sweet Cream Cheese Pretzel
5. The Sterling Silver Pork Chop entree from Brown Derby
4. Fried Wonton dessert from Yak & Yeti
3. Carrot Cake Cookie from Writer's Stop
2. Sultan's Sampler from Restaurant Marrakesh
1. Macadamia Pancakes from Kona

MMMM. . .Carrot Cake cookie and Macadamia pancakes.

Seven Beverages I'm Looking Forward to Imbibing (Adult and Otherwise)
7. Dole Whip Float (it's part juice - it counts! :laughing: )
6. Plum Wine sample at Mitsukoshi (I'm actually more about the marinated plum but since you can't have one without the other...:rolleyes: )
5. Frunch from Boma
4. Lilikoi Juice from Kona
3. Champagne from France
2. Italian Margarita (from the kiosk outside Italy...crossing my fingers they still have it!!!)
1. Lapu Lapu!!!

I want all of those! Really, I do!

And that's about it for tonight, my friends. As much as I'd like to be on the DIS to keep me sane this week, I'm not sure if it'll happen more than once a day. My boss is back from vaca and we have a ton of stuff to squeeze in before I'm out for a week. I'll do my best to at least give you a quick countdown list every day.

My next big post will likely be next Saturday...DISNEY EVE!!!


Good luck with the week. You'll need a vacay after it. But just think, it's Disney eve week!
Ahhhh. Sunday. Sundays are wonderful for so many reasons.

Especially this Sunday.

It's cool outside, making for snuggle time with BF on the couch.

It's the first Sunday of football season and the Pats won.

That's a gooooood Sunday!!!:thumbsup2


And this time next week I'll be in DISNEY WORLD!!!


These guys are pretty excited about it too: :jumping1:

While today has been all about being lazy and relaxing (before He** Week begins at work tomorrow), as you can tell from the title of the post, this weekend hasn't been ALL about relaxing.

While as much of my packing as humanly possibly has been completed (I'd say about 98%), TINK herself wasn't 100% taken care of. So that's what I did from about 5:15 yesterday morning until about 3 in the afternoon. I'm happy to report, however, that I'm now totally 'Disneyfied':

Hair cut and colored: CHECK!
Eyebrows cleaned up: CHECK!
Nails done: CHECK!
Toes done: CHECK! (Nails and toes match and in the cutest color! OPI's 'And This Lil' Piggy...')
Massage done: CHECK!
Therapy completed: CHECK! did A TON! Good for you!!!!

I walked 4 miles yesterday and for 45 minutes this morning (I walk 5 days a week with a long walk on Saturdays. This Saturday was a 'short' long walk, however. Next Saturday (Disney Eve!) is a seven mile walk). So after all that, and all the pampering, I'm feeling pretty good. :goodvibes

You go girl!!! I ran a 5k yesterday and feeling great!! what a beauty of a weekend we had, huh?!

And yes, I qualify as a total princess:

The only thing that didn't get done yesterday that was supposed to isn't Disney-related. BF and I had an appointment to sign our lease and when we got there...well, the woman from the rental office was disorganized and still hadn't confirmed the exact apartment numbers that would be available. And we obviously couldn't sign a lease without knowing for sure what was coming up when. I was a wee miffed. :sad2: I just wanted it signed and done with! However...she did let us know she'd found out a 3rd floor should be coming available (which is our preference over the 2nd floor we were getting) and that she'd check with the complex owner to confirm. Supposedly the current tenants only paid a half month's rent for September, as they've bought a house, and should be out this week. This would be perfect as we would likely be able to get in there a week earlier, around 10/1.

Bummer!!:sad2: Fingers crossed you get the 3rd floor like you want!!

I told her that I really wanted this taken care of and the lease signed before my trip, so please cross your fingers and toes that this gets squared away early this week. I'm going to e-mail her tomorrow from work to check in and ask one other question. I know she only does this part time and, as a teacher during the week has had it crazy the past few days, but I just wasn't impressed. KWIM? I had a hard time cooling off about the whole situation yesterday afternoon, but a nice dinner at an nommy Italian restaurant with BF finally got me out of the red.

I've been watching Igor churning away out there in the Atlantic. According to, it still isn't going to be anywhere near the US coast by Friday and it's track looks such that it shouldn't affect my flight on Sunday. However, I'll continue keeping an eye on it. I discussed it with BF and we decided that if Igor looks like he's going to cause trouble for my Sunday departure, I'll be flying out on Saturday instead and will just spend an extra night in the Orlando area, if not in Disney proper. We'll see. I'm really just hoping I don't have to even consider it.


Oh, and that other tropical depression? Behind Igor? Take your time out there, girlie. Don't rush towards the East Coast, kay?

BF has been super sweet this weekend. He taped a bunch of Disney shows that were on either Discovery or the Travel Channel this morning. He's been talking a lot about hoping he can come in Feb., and when I said yesterday, "I'm not saying this to make you feel guilty but, I really wish you were coming," he took my hand, squeezed it and said, "I know, boo, I really wish I were going too."

Awww!! Todd woke me this a.m. to show me he taped something on the Travel Channel for me, too!! So sweet!:love: Wish BF was going with you, too!!

Wow...this post has been a little all over the place, no? I blame Disney brain.

Which is the perfect segue to

TWO Disney lists all about consumption of nomminess (one for not posting yesterday and one for today):

Eight NEW Things I'm Most Looking Forward to Eating in the World
8. A cinnamon bun as big as my head from the Main Street Bakery
7. Sticky Wings from Kona
6. Sweet Cream Cheese Pretzel
5. The Sterling Silver Pork Chop entree from Brown Derby
4. Fried Wonton dessert from Yak & Yeti
3. Carrot Cake Cookie from Writer's Stop
2. Sultan's Sampler from Restaurant Marrakesh
1. Macadamia Pancakes from Kona

Seven Beverages I'm Looking Forward to Imbibing (Adult and Otherwise)
7. Dole Whip Float (it's part juice - it counts! :laughing: )
6. Plum Wine sample at Mitsukoshi (I'm actually more about the marinated plum but since you can't have one without the other...:rolleyes: )
5. Frunch from Boma
4. Lilikoi Juice from Kona
3. Champagne from France
2. Italian Margarita (from the kiosk outside Italy...crossing my fingers they still have it!!!)
1. Lapu Lapu!!!

:love: LAPU LAPU!!

And that's about it for tonight, my friends. As much as I'd like to be on the DIS to keep me sane this week, I'm not sure if it'll happen more than once a day. My boss is back from vaca and we have a ton of stuff to squeeze in before I'm out for a week. I'll do my best to at least give you a quick countdown list every day.

No worries, we'll be here when you have time!!:hug:

My next big post will likely be next Saturday...DISNEY EVE!!!


One more week!!!!!!!!!!!:wizard:
One more week, one more week!!! YAY for pampering!! I'm totally on the same page with you about feeling like a princess before you go to Disney and I have a pampering list similar to yours!!! LOVE IT!!!

Hoping Igor stays out of your way!!!!!!

Hope the week goes by fast for you!!!
:banana: And it was oh so nice to top a Pats winoff with TO looking like an idiot out there. Just sayin'. :rolleyes1

And Mr. Chad 'I Paid $4 MILLION to Change My Last Name to a Number in Spanish' Johnson. :sad2:

:Wow--those are some walks!

All part of the training for the Feb. 1/2 marathon. ::yes::

:I've been watching those for you. I hope they stay away for your sake, but I'd also rather be at Disney during a hurricane than not there at all.

Absolutely. And according to this morning's models, it's still looking ok.

:Good luck with the week. You'll need a vacay after it. But just think, it's Disney eve week!

I know!!! :cool1: I know I'll make it, but I also know it'll have its LOOOONG minutes.

One more week!!!!!!!!!!!:wizard:

I'm doing the Disney Dance in my chair. :goodvibes

Congrats on the 5K! You had a beautiful day for it!

One more week, one more week!!! YAY for pampering!! I'm totally on the same page with you about feeling like a princess before you go to Disney and I have a pampering list similar to yours!!! LOVE IT!!!

I knew this week would really test my patience and stress level and I wanted to started as relaxed as possible. Mission accomplished. Then I'll have Saturday to decompress from whatever this week brings. Then...DISNE!!!

Hoping Igor stays out of your way!!!!!![/QUOTE]

So far so good!


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