A Tale of [family madness in] Two Cities - Final Thoughts & PTR Link!

As we were walking I noticed a restaurant, Cafe Beignet, that Tracy (TyRy) had mentioned to me...and she had given me a link for COUPONS! I loved the beignets so much yesterday, I wanted them again!

So we stopped. And had a second breakfast! :rotfl:




Open Daily. Perhaps we can squeeze in another trip tomorrow before the airport...


It was very cute in there.


Joe's choice. Bor-ing!


Henry's choice. He loves him some yogurt.


MY choice! Woot!

These beignets were equally as delicious, bigger and cheaper (even without the coupon). It was a very good 2nd breakfast, thank you TyRy for the tip!

You are so welcome, and now I'm drooling and starving. We ate there before Cafe DuMond and liked the beignets much better. That became a stop every day while we were there. I'm glad you liked it.


Back at the hotel, a view from upstairs

If directly below that and to the left was an extra large balcony (compared to the others) that was our room right below where you took this. Now I really really want to go back!!!

Thanks for doing such a great report on Disney and New Orleans.
I am ready for that PTR. I love to see the plans, I figure what Henry likes this trip will be in line with Luke's summer trip. But while Henry loves his Cars... Luke loves his Buzz and gang more!
Hehehe, I love your socks!! ;)

Look at that beignet powder all over NO. Too funny!

I used to only own crazy socks. I still very, very rarely will wear white ones! I love funky socks!

I seriously think something is wrong with me. I saw all the sugar on the ground and thought, "I wonder if they have a problem with ants." *sigh*

:lmao: (and from the replies I read, you weren't alone in your thinking!)

I like downtime days so I think your last day was pretty great. It's hard to get going when it's so cold. And I know it had to be cold there, since you know "Minnesota cold". ;) Can't wait to read your final thoughts.

We kept saying almost that same thing, "If we are cold, we KNOW it's cold out!" it was this moist cold too - not a dry one, so it was not fun. But, we still had a good time!

Dang, I see you put up another "mega post" and I have to go. Oh well, something to read later. But what I saw, I liked -- funky socks and pink ear muffs with mittens attached! :rotfl2:

:rotfl: Joe would not be so happy with me if he knew I posted that! :rolleyes1 He sometimes refuses to let me take pictures because he knows they will end up here or Facebook --> LINK <--



We just got an email from our Realtor, finally, finally, finally!

Back to replies...

And I have no clue how to do anything with my computer other than turn it on! :laughing:

I can totally understand why Joe has no interest in learning about baseball - it's no fun if you can't see what is going on!

Wow, we didn't go inside the Cathedral while we were there and now I regret that - so pretty!

:lmao: Only in New Orleans!


It sounds like your last day was just what you needed, a slow down, take it easy kind of day after going so hard earlier in your trip :thumbsup2

It really was a beautiful Cathedral! We were blown away!

We kept saying "It's our last day, we should do something." But neither of us cared to, so we didn't! It was GREAT.

Another great NOLA update!! I thought about stopping in Cafe Beignet but never did, now I wish I had!!

LOL...too funny Brook, on a day it rained I went to a theater outside of New Orleans and saw two Disney films (they were only $5 admission during the week) I saw Prince of Persia and TS3 LOL!! Just cracks me up how similar our trips kind of were LOL!!

Love the socks btw!!!!

That is funny about our trips!!

Cafe Beignet was very tasty. I don't think we would have even seen it if we weren't looking for it though!
The Marching Network? OK, that is funny. I am in a band and I had no idea that channel existed.

I am really enjoying your trip to New Orleans. its such a cool place. I especially love all of the pictures of Henry. He is just so darn cute! He looks like he was having a blast with all that powdered sugar.

Saint Louis Cathedral is beautiful. Just gorgeous.

Biegnets - I want them now and can't wait to try them when I spend the first night of my trip at the FQ.

Bummer that the movie theatre was closed, but it looks like you guys still had a great evening. Really nice trip - loved it.

I couldn't believe there was such a demand for Marching Band television that it had it's own channel! :laughing:

Thank you for the compliment on Henry! :goodvibes He is such a good sport about his Mom constantly taking pictures of him too. Lately he's gotten into posing. :lmao:

I really enjoyed the beignets, obviously!! I want to get over to POFQ to try theirs.

Okay, it was even better reading through it more slowly! I can't believe you had two breakfasts, two days in a row! Bummer that the theater was being renovated, and so funny that 411 only recognizes the "Nawlins" pronunciation!

I LOVE breakfast! I wake up hungry! :laughing: Joe could skip it, but not me! The days we have breakfasts scheduled for our WDW trips I always eat something in the room before we go, otherwise I would never make it! These breakfasts were at least an hour apart, so that justifies it some, right? ;)

We laughed and laughing about the "Nawlins" comment!!

Underwear just rolled up and taped for sale? That's just plain weird!

BTW-love the socks!

It was very odd!!

And thank you! I love crazy socks - and when it's cold I'm almost always wearing knee-highs! :laughing:
Enjoyed the update as always popcorn::

And I've definitely got 'head to POFQ for beignets' in my Sept trip planning notes :goodvibes I've never tried them before.

One question for you though - beignets or corn dog nuggets?....

I almost missed your post!

Oh goodness.

You are mean!



I think I have to go with the Nuggets. I most always prefer savory over sweet.

But for breakfast, beignets! :laughing:

However, despite only having it once during our trip, I *might* choose the red beans & rice over the nuggets. It was THAT good. :eek: Shhhhhhhhh!

However, I can make the red beans and rice at home...and while Liesa can make corn dog nuggets at home, I just ain't that inclined to cook that seriously. (my favorite dish to cook is take-out)

Ah, decisions!

I think I still choose the red beans & rice. I think.

No, nuggets. Yes, because it comes with the Castle. ::yes::

Can I just have both? Please? With a side of beignets? ;)
Oh no, what will she choose?! :lmao:

My cousin's wife grew up in New Orleans. At their wedding, the favors were little tiny bottles of hot sauce! Too cute! :rotfl:

I love that you had two breakfasts, and did the same the next day! :thumbsup2

I absolutely love this picture! The whole church is so incredibly beautiful!

I wonder if they have a bug problem? :rolleyes1


Genius! :thumbsup2

That was NOT an easy question!! In all, I have to choose the Nuggets because of where they are from!!! :yay:

That is a great wedding favor! Excellent idea!

The lighted candles inside the church were beautiful - they were everywhere. I'm not Catholic, so I wasn't sure what they meant (do you just light one when you say a prayer for someone?), but they created such a great mood!

I sure hope Cafe du Monde doesn't have a bug problem! YUCK! Though, I'm certain several places I've eaten at here in NYC do...I guess what you don't know (usually) can't hurt you, right? :laughing:

Here they dont' even roll them up and tape them. THey just lay them out, so you can find just the size, color, pair you want. :banana:

:lmao: Logical!

Seeing your pictures and hearing about how cold it is reminds me of the time we went to Cape Cod in february. Granted it was for a funeral but it was miserable! I've never ever been so cold it was just awful! Worst part, the next year we had to go to another funeral. My grandparents died 1 year apart from eachother and they both grew up at Cape Cod (came over from Portugal). I just remember being miserable!

Glad you found ways to keep warm though, and Henry is too adorable!

Did Cape Cod have that heavy, moist cold? NO did, and it was not fun! Plus we were both battling colds, so that made it worse!

Great last day in New Orleans! Love the picture of all that powdered sugar around the window frames of Cafe du Monde! That sign is pretty cool! I would have wanted it, too.

Awesome socks, Brook! :laughing:

That sign next to the giant crack in the sidewalk is irony at its best! :rotfl:

I actually found the sign online! But now I don't have a spot in my kitchen for it considering the size of it. Hmmm...I might have to do some rearranging! :laughing:

When I saw that sign in the sidewalk I made Joe stop and look at it, we both just roared with laughter!!!!
That link to the Joe pic is hilarious! So funny that you had to make your point by posting another embarrasing picture.

Congrats on selling your house! I know what a relief that is.
You are so welcome, and now I'm drooling and starving. We ate there before Cafe DuMond and liked the beignets much better. That became a stop every day while we were there. I'm glad you liked it.

If directly below that and to the left was an extra large balcony (compared to the others) that was our room right below where you took this. Now I really really want to go back!!!

Thanks for doing such a great report on Disney and New Orleans.

I am nearly certain there was a larger balcony down below!! It was a great hotel, thank you SO much for the advice on both the hotel and the FOOD! :goodvibes I liked the beignets at both places, but they were bigger at Cafe Beignet...and no line! :thumbsup2

I am ready for that PTR. I love to see the plans, I figure what Henry likes this trip will be in line with Luke's summer trip. But while Henry loves his Cars... Luke loves his Buzz and gang more!

Henry has transitioned! He is a HUGE Buzz fan. He still likes McQueen, but Buzz has inched above him. And Monster's Inc has been a favorite lately as well. This morning we watched The Incredibles and he was lifting his firetruck toy over his head all morning long --PICTURE LINK --. :laughing: Then he started throwing it...:sad2: ;)

Though...he did choose McQueen flip flops and sunglasses the other day at the Disney store over Buzz ones. I was shocked! So who knows!
That link to the Joe pic is hilarious! So funny that you had to make your point by posting another embarrasing picture.

Congrats on selling your house! I know what a relief that is.

I have oooooodles of crazy Joe pictures! And you would never know it when you first meet him. Quiet, kinda reserved...but get to know him, he's a NUT! :lovestruc That was is already on Facebook, so he can't get mad about it...! He he.

It is SUCH a relief about the house. The financing has taken forever. First we were supposed to close June 1. Then June 15. Then June 30. Then July 30. Now "on or before 9/24", BUT, it said everything was done and finalized. Sooooo, they better be right! :laughing: We kept putting off moving, but then Joe got a job, so we had no choice. We were nervous it wouldn't close!
I used to only own crazy socks. I still very, very rarely will wear white ones! I love funky socks!
I used to wear funky socks all the time too. My first ever job was at a place called....are you ready for this?? THE SOX MARKET. All we sold was socks. It was the best first job ever.
I know I mentioned this at some point, either in chatter or in an actual update, but we gave Henry a disposable camera this trip, he LOVED having it and wanted to constantly take pictures! Since then he was given an actual childrens digital camera as a gift from my Mom, he wore the batteries out in days!!

Here is what he captured from our Disney/New Orleans trip:


I took this one obviously - I wanted his reaction when I pulled out the camera



Osborne Lights





On the bus - FULL! As they usually were during the trip.


Grammy at Kidani




An AWFUL picture of me!



Candlelight Processional. Camera flashing during the quietest and most emotional parts...of course!


At the Candlelight Processional


Candlelight Processional - those poor innocent people next to Grammy and Poppa!


Still at Candlelight Processional...he kept getting hold of the camera, digging it out of the bag!


After the show


More of the villa



At the wedding


Pretty light fixtures at the wedding


Wedding food - he knows what the DISers want pictures of!


Cafe Beignet


At the mall in New Orleans


Joe in the hotel room


New Orleans hotel

Final thoughts, and a new PTR will be up tonight or tomorrow!

Henry's pictures are great! It's so funny to see what a toddler deems picture-worthy! :rotfl:

Congratulations on closing on your Minnesota house! That must be a relief and definitely "yelling" worthy!
I used to wear funky socks all the time too. My first ever job was at a place called....are you ready for this?? THE SOX MARKET. All we sold was socks. It was the best first job ever.

Oh my! I would love that job! Did you get an employee discount? That could be dangerous...:laughing:

Henry's pictures were great. :goodvibes

I was surprised at how well they turned out!!

Henry's pictures are great! It's so funny to see what a toddler deems picture-worthy! :rotfl:

Congratulations on closing on your Minnesota house! That must be a relief and definitely "yelling" worthy!

:rotfl2: and he loved watching the flash go off, it was hilarious to him!

It is a HUGE relief on the house!! We got to the point where we just had to stop worrying about it and let it go. What else could we do? We figured it would work out, but it sure took long enough! :laughing:
What great pictures Henry took!!!!

Oh...and I believe someone mentioned a PTR...I'm waiting...(LOL I'm also ignoring that you said you might start it tomorrow LOL) Of course considering I may never finish a certain TR (LOL) I'm not sure how much my begging is worth LOL!!
I would have laughed about the sign on the street too. I love finding signs like that. We love "Slap Ya Mama". It adds a nice kick to your food. One day when Lexi was about 2 I came out of the laundry room and found her licking the dining room table so went to see what she was doing. She had shaken some out on the table and was licking it up.:rotfl: I love your socks. I don't wear white socks very often either. And last but certainly not least woohoo for your house closing.:cool1::cool1::cool1:
Henry's pictures are great! What a great idea. He has a decent eye, and has framed some of the shots really well. You can definitely tell it's his perspective with so many pictures looking up at people. :rotfl2:
You guys are doing some days before/after PCC 2.0, right? Perfect time to squeeze in CP. :laughing: Really, it's a beautiful show! I'm very glad we did it.

Biergarten was so stinkin' good. It was the perfect meal for that season, nice comfort food!

I love that you guys have Doorway to Dreams near you too, the mini-TRs about your visits there with other DISers are HILARIOUS! I laughed so hard at the "How many DISers can you fit in a shower?" bit! I wonder when they will update it with Aluani rooms?!?! :hyper:

We are doing days before and after...but I don't think we will have much room to squeeze! We aren't booking a dinner package and I heard the lines can be horrendous!

Last week we just had another meet at the Doorway to Dreams and we fit 13 this time, a new record!

Just spent the last hour or so reading all of your TR from where I left off after the Candlelight Processional. You took so many great pictures of New Orleans or Nawlins! LOL! It felt like I was actually there! The trees there are gorgeous....so eerie in a way (the way they twist). Love the evidence of where the beignets have been eaten. Haha Henry putting the pants on is funny! Aaron still won't dress himself....pure laziness...but once in a while, I accidently stick both of his legs into one hole. :rolleyes1
What a great time you guys had! Looking forward to your final thoughts and your PTR!! And congrats on a buyer for your house in MN!
Henry's pics are so darn cute! I can tell he really had a ball with his new toy- I imagine it kept him entertained a fair amount during those "boring for kids" times.
I loved seeing what Henry took pictures of! He did a great job! :thumbsup2

It's tomorrow and I don't see a link to the new PTR...just sayin'... :rolleyes1


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