Like...They are Going with STRANGERS?!?! Sayonara Part 1- Join Us on the new thread!

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Liesa, that's so awesome about your boy!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2::cheer2: :cheer2:I know just what it would feel like, we haven't heard back yet about Ty's schools. We're still waiting the results. :scared:

Andrew has done really well up til last week, when he found out he FAILED BOTH AP physics and his calculus finals!! :scared1::scared1::scared1: He still got C's out of the classes, but now, it will really take soemthing to get him into the engineering school!!! I was pi$$ed, but let him know I still love him. Mama's warning: Spend less time holding Laura's hand and more time holding a pencil. :rolleyes1
I'm sure my parents know I'm manipulating them. They just love me and do what I want them to do.....or more what I want them to do.

for instance with the new laptop.

Me: my laptop died at home.

Mom: are you going to get a new one?

Me: I can't because I'm trying to save money for my trip.

Mom: Do you want us to help you buy one?

Me: Okay.

I'm paying them back 50 dollars a month, but they said not to start until after I get back from vacation....
Thanks Jordy! :thumbsup2 I knew someone would get a kick out of my experience. If you cant' laugh about it, then ya just gotta hang it up and go home. :laughing:

That was too funny!!! I can't believe you kept your game face on for so long. I only had one eppie out of 5. the rest were nubain, and a lot of walking around.

Oooooh girl! :scared: Your the winner! :worship: :worship:
I had an epi with Mackenzie too, but I only got to enjoy it for about 45 mins. before Mackie wanted to make her appearance for the first time. They induced me with her and I was about two hours into it when I asked for an epidural and as soon as they had me poked, taped and sitting me back into the bed, I felt like I had to push. They laughed and said honey we told you, you'd feel pressure, I said rather calmly..." Yea! Like having BM pressure, right?" :) They said yeeeees, all leary like. "Sit back and we'll check so we don't have to have a doctor in here for no reason." Needless to say when the nurse checked me, she ran out of the room to get a doctor, and all the equipment they needed! :rotfl: I literally went from a 5-8 in a matter of 30 mins. and from an 8-10 in the time it took them to get all the equipment into the room. The epi did the trick for relaxing enough to allow the contractions to work for me. Then out came Mackenzie 30 mins. later, all 10 lb. and 12.9 oz. of her! :lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc Thank God she was easier to have than Ty was.
worst birthing horror story I've ever best friend was rushed in for an emergency c-section...I guess they forgot to check to make sure the spinal block worked. the last she remembers is feeling the scalpel and screaming. :scared1:

I had problems with all of my kids. Evan , I had pre-eclampsia and after knowing I was in labor for an hour, he popped out 8 weeks early....I still have a scar from them trying to get an iv started.

#2 I spent 3 months on bed rest...

My aunt was in the delivery room acting as photographer. About a week later I took the film into one hour service so I could get pictures sent to my family.
The same man was there when I dropped it off and picked it up. After he handed me the pictures , I told him I needed to pick some to enlarge and started to flip through the stack.

I about died when I realized that in the roll about 15 were starring me still "in the position" and my dr turned around and smiled for each of them.:scared1: Up in the far left corner you could see my face, d.jay and Bailie.

That poor man who had to develop those!:scared1:
I just quickly paid and got out of there.
: I literally went from a 5-8 in a matter of 30 mins. and from an 8-10 in the time it took them to get all the equipment into the room. The epi did the trick for relaxing enough to allow the contractions to work for me.

I had a similar experience with my 3rd. Nurse didn't believe me, checked ran to call the dr and while we were waiting admonished me to stop pushing......I just said sure, but it's a little hard when the baby is popping out, ready or not.
I'm sure my parents know I'm manipulating them. They just love me and do what I want them to do.....or more what I want them to do.

for instance with the new laptop.

Me: my laptop died at home.

Mom: are you going to get a new one?

Me: I can't because I'm trying to save money for my trip.

Mom: Do you want us to help you buy one?

Me: Okay.

I'm paying them back 50 dollars a month, but they said not to start until after I get back from vacation....

All babies in the family do it, and the parents know it, it's all part of the sickness. :laughing: I totally allow my baby to get away with things I would never have let my oldest get away with, but then again, my oldest was the only for so long. So in a sense, he was the baby for a loooong time. Now that I'm home schooling, the baby doesn't feel like she's getting anything over me anymore. :laughing:
That's really sweet your parents helped you out. :cloud9: I look at it this way....If God wants to give us good things, and does, and we're made in His image, then why can't parent's give their children good things? :confused3 Makes sense to me. :thumbsup2 And! I'm sure your extremely appreciative, I know my kids are when ever I do anything for them, which makes it that much easier for parents to want to continue to do for their kids. :hug:
worst birthing horror story I've ever best friend was rushed in for an emergency c-section...I guess they forgot to check to make sure the spinal block worked. the last she remembers is feeling the scalpel and screaming. :scared1:

OMGosh! :scared: I think she wins!!!

I had problems with all of my kids. Evan , I had pre-eclampsia and after knowing I was in labor for an hour, he popped out 8 weeks early....I still have a scar from them trying to get an iv started.

#2 I spent 3 months on bed rest...

:guilty: Poor Winkers.

My aunt was in the delivery room acting as photographer. About a week later I took the film into one hour service so I could get pictures sent to my family.
The same man was there when I dropped it off and picked it up. After he handed me the pictures , I told him I needed to pick some to enlarge and started to flip through the stack.

I about died when I realized that in the roll about 15 were starring me still "in the position" and my dr turned around and smiled for each of them.:scared1: Up in the far left corner you could see my face, d.jay and Bailie.

That poor man who had to develop those!:scared1:
I just quickly paid and got out of there.

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Oh my goodness!!! That's pretty embarrassing. Oh well, at least it wasn't you doing something less worthy. I'm sure your pictures were waaaay more pure than others he had seen. :laughing:

I had a similar experience with my 3rd. Nurse didn't believe me, checked ran to call the dr and while we were waiting admonished me to stop pushing......I just said sure, but it's a little hard when the baby is popping out, ready or not.

I know! Why don't they believe us, it's not like it's our bodies or anything! :confused3 Geesh! ;)

I had a girlfriend who didn't have labor pains when in labor (lucky duck), but the major down fall to that don't know when your at the point of baby coming until it's pretty much to late. :eek: She ended up having her baby at a stop light on the way to the hospital because her DH didn't believe her when she felt she needed to go the hospital sooner than they did. :scared: She told him as the baby was coming..."I swear to God I'm not pushing, I swear to God I'm not pushing, but she's coming any way!" He said "Oh be quiet," and laughed, then the baby let out a big ol' cry, she lifted her dress and there was the little munchkin!! Needless to say, he drove really quickly the rest of the way!
:eek: :rotfl: How freaky is that?!?

:lmao::lmao::lmao: that's priceless!!

Yea, well. The things we say when were scared or nervous. :laughing:


What's the dilly-oh? :lmao::lmao:

Nooo. :angel:

You missed it dude, it's over at Jordy's thread.
After Future World had been all played out, we headed over through the International Gateway to discover what other stores of riches ECPOT held. We really had no idea what to expect to find, but were eager explorers nonetheless. Only faint memories are surfacing these days, more than 10 years later, but a few recollections stand out more clearly.

By the time we began our tour of nations, it was well into the lunch hour. That being the case, and the fact that the Cantina de San Angel was dead ahead, we laid tracks to score a meal. I’m pretty sure that we ordered some sort of kids’ meals for the offspring, Mom and I split a taco salad, and Dad ordered up a combo deal. How I remember this I have no idea, but there you have it. It was plenty of food to go around and filled up our bellies. It was standard Mexican fare; not great, but certainly by no means bad either. It was, in my book, a good value for your food bucks.

From there, we started to see the sights of lands “far away”. The obvious first place was the mysterious orange pyramid. Like all Disney wienies, it lured us inside and captivated our curiosity. To our wonder and awe, the perpetually twilighted atmosphere reminded us of our beloved Blue Bayou Restaurant inside the Pirates ride at DLR. I’ve always loved the enchanting atmosphere there. So much that in 1986 I worked there as a hostess. And what is this?? A classic Disney dark ride??!! Score! A ride we could all enjoy and relax on. I’m not positive about this, but I’m pretty sure the ride has had a refurb since 2000, wherein Donald et al. were added. I’m a purist, and wish they had left it alone. Why does Disney always have to promote itself like that? I’m sad to say, I’m pretty disappointed they added a whole bunch of characters to the Small World at DLR too. But that’s a different story to tell.

After some quick browsing and such in the darkened pavilion, we set our sails and crossed the Atlantic towards Norway. The minute my dad found out there was Norwegian food, it was a sealed deal concerning where our dinner would be. He couldn’t wait to get his watering mouth all over some herring in sour cream, warm lefsa, and grilled salmon. But dinner was a while away yet, so we took in all we could of the Scandinavian Pavilion. Maelstrom did not disappoint, nor did the Laila perfume that my mother and I got all stunk up with. Of course, the kids all battled the King Troll and were victorious, so were aptly rewarded with some play time on the now defunct Norwegian skiff. Again, I’m sad that it was removed for reasons of safety. Seriously, I’m sad that a few overprotective parents forced this really great play place into extinction. But that’s another different story to tell.

Whether or not we made it any further around our clockwise progression I don’t recall. We must have at least made it to China because it was just beside the drawbridge that we heard the announcement of a parade to start. The cool thing is that we just happened to be right, and I do mean right, beside, within 5 feet of, where the characters and floats came out onto the parade route. The curb nicely supplied us with seating and we settled in for the Tapestry of Nations parade. It was pretty eclectic I remember and kinda whacky, in fact. The characters were in wildly outlandish costumes like something out of a post-modern Alice in Wonderland novel. Here are a few photos I found online to give you an idea of what I’m talking about.

One memory I have of this that really sticks out was this one character who was just plain weird. He was HUGE with his costume on, and kind of, well frankly for a 20 month old, scary. From way up on his stilts he bent all the way down and got right into my son’s face and, I don’t know, sort of flirted with him. All I can say is that it was bizarre; like he was enjoying his job a little too much. It creeped me out.

My dad is the impatient kind of guy who runs around like he has ants in his pants most of the time. His whole life is characterized by a go-go-go frenzy, and we’ve learned to humor his as best we can. When he gets some hankering or another he never waffles and does what it takes to get it. I remember many spur of the moment decisions he’s made- like the purchase of a 35 ft. motorhome because he wanted to see the Grand Canyon. Dinner was no exception. He wanted his Norwegian food, and he wanted it now. So around 4:30 (far too early for dinner) we were sitting down ready to eat again. Didn’t matter we were all still pretty stuffed with burritos and tacos. Let me tell you, that Norwegian was really, really good!! I love pickled herring and rice cream, so there was no problem parking it all right next to the taco salad I’d had just 3 short hours earlier. Dad is also an extrovert to the max. So when our cute, and quite effervescent, blonde haired, Norse waitress served us, Dad was pleased as punch to engage her in all kinds of talk about Norway. He flirts as far as he can get away with and still call it "being friendly". All in all, it was a fabulous meal!

But of course, as seems to be the theme with this chapter, things have changed for the worse in the Akershus. Last year we decided to give it another try for Bekka’s 16th birthday, convincing Dad to pay for it, by playing the “remember how good it was last time?” card. Why, oh why, does Disney mess with such a good thing?? The food was OK, but NOT what it once was. We were terribly disappointed last time, and won’t be going back unless they put authentic Norwegian fare back on the docket.

More exploring most likely ensued, but again, not one single thing comes to mind between dinner and Illuminations, which I remember being just as underwhelmed with then, as I still am today. Not to offend, but it’s just not a show I enjoy or would stick around for. It’s a great time however to ride Maelstrom without a line. By now, we were FREEZING! It was time to make emergency purchases to warm us up, and what better place than Mouse Gears?! Of course back then, I had no idea it was the primo place to spend oneself into a 2nd mortgage, but we were so cold. So we spent about 45 minutes finding sweatshirts for all of us. It would end up being our one huge splurge for this trip. 5 sweatshirts at $25 a piece, you can do the math…. Rant #328 for this post. Is it always so hard to find just basic, classic Mickey and Minnie designs at the shops? You would think that would be a quick in and out, find it fast sort of thing, but I walked around in there for, like I said, 45 minutes before I could find designs where Mickey wasn’t playing golf or the bagpipes.

Having a proper emotional response to the psychedelic sparkly sidewalk that lines the path, we slowly made our way to the car and headed for home. I couldn’t help but to know that someday I’d be back to my Happy Place called World Showcase.
#2 I spent 3 months on bed rest...

That poor man who had to develop those!:scared1:
I just quickly paid and got out of there.

We will have to share our stories when we get together! I did the whole bed rest thing too with 3 of mine. A month or more with each. I had a drug pump that I had to stick into my leg (mini IV style) to keep me from going into preemie labor. Got a ton of reading done though.

HA! Also had the film developed with wondering eyes to greet me upon pick up. I laughed off and asked the guy if he wanted to take a better look. He emphatically said no.

I had a similar experience with my 3rd. Nurse didn't believe me, checked ran to call the dr and while we were waiting admonished me to stop pushing......I just said sure, but it's a little hard when the baby is popping out, ready or not.

That's for sure! With #3 the resident had to catch her, midwife was 2 minutes late- just in time to finish up and stitch.


What's the dilly-oh? :lmao::lmao:

We could go there if you want, but Cherie's all tuckered out now. :lmao:
Hey There - just checking in and saw the kinds words about my trip reports!
Thanks so much and I'm glad I could entertain and inform!
I haven't done (or read) many pre-trip reports as I'm usually playing catch up with mine.

But looking ahead, how's your 2010 planning coming?
Hey There - just checking in and saw the kinds words about my trip reports!
Thanks so much and I'm glad I could entertain and inform!
I haven't done (or read) many pre-trip reports as I'm usually playing catch up with mine.

But looking ahead, how's your 2010 planning coming?

Hey back at ya!! You're very welcome; I've really enjoyed all your reports and look forward to the adventures you have! Love your matchy-matchy stuff and the creative way you get us all in character with your story telling.

Hope to see you around here often; we have a great time over here together and would love have you hang out!
Hey back at ya!! You're very welcome; I've really enjoyed all your reports and look forward to the adventures you have! Love your matchy-matchy stuff and the creative way you get us all in character with your story telling.

Hope to see you around here often; we have a great time over here together and would love have you hang out!

Like I said, I've never done much pre-trip report stuff but I can give it a shot... :confused3
Sheesh, I just looked at my response and realized I didn't answer your question one iota. Our planning is going well! Life is very uncertain for me right now, as we have just decided to move back to the US right about the time of our trip! But, if all goes as planned our ADR date is coming up in about one month!! YIKES!!

Time to nail down those touring plans!
Evening to you, morning from me. :teeth:
I'm off to go see my boy swim his District meet. I won't be around until much later today, say like when your suppose to be sleeping :rolleyes1. Hopefully I'll catch you tonight your time? Be blessed, enjoy your day. :lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc
Oh yeah, celebrate with me, another night of sleep and going to bed at a more decent hour. :banana:
Morning, morning!! Swim meets are kinda fun, I think. Honestly, I plan to spend the entire evening/ night going back over my PTR and jotting down all the highlights and putting together a finale couple of posts. I am out of space for this one, and I really want them to go on THIS thread.

Enjoy your day!
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