Disboutiquers Part 16 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

OT question for those of you on :wizard:

I bought a custom dress over a month ago. The person has not sent the dress nor sent me any emails other than july 25 when she sent a note saying she had almost finished it. I don't want to be a pest but would any of you object to a buyer sending a just checking on the progress email. I really wanted the fabric as it was about 3 yards of silk for under 20 made into a custom dress. Buying the fabric alone from anywhere else was about 3x more.


That seems like a long time. I usually try to ship my customs out within 10 days. Did the auction state how long before she would ship? Is it a very detailed dress? (One that would take a lot of time)
That seems like a long time. I usually try to ship my customs out within 10 days. Did the auction state how long before she would ship? Is it a very detailed dress? (One that would take a lot of time)

I had to ask for a shipping time and got 2-3 weeks. It is a very plain dress and looks like the daisy kingdom pattern I have upstairs. I just wanted the material and should have probably paid more for the material somewhere else.
Well my parents are supposed to fly back from their trip tonight at 9:07 so I decided to finish the tunic dress I promised to make for mom a month ago! Megan took the picture:


I made a little clutch/wristlet to match:


And one for my sister:


Also, we were in Wal mart looking for white t-shirts for Jessica and I found this totally cute outfit. I am glad Megan still likes little girl stuff!


And a little something for Scrappy! You can tell by the expression of his face that he hates it. I am hoping it will grow on him though. Megan picked out the fabric and I am happy with the way it came out.


I have to go back about 20 pages to catch up. . . but wanted to post this now, and then catch up later:

Had my 32 week appointment yesterday. Isabel had her head down still - yeay - and she will hopefully stay that way :) Her heart rate was at 144 and the poking and prodding to measure my uterus got her SUPER active!! I'm measuring at 34 weeks - a little big, but they say you can be +/- 2 and that is normal. Today we did the 3D/4D ultrasound, she was sooo sleepy, but still looking adorable (at least to us). . .

My daughter ALWAYS has her hands touching or hiding her face, and has had her legs crossed at EVERY ultrasound - even back at 12 weeks! So it was no surprise that both were true this time!

This is how the u/s started, and how she wanted to be most of the time (she's either shy or was very comfortably sleeping ;) ):


Her crossed little (actually, BIG) legs/feet:

Our Sleeping Beauty:


My new favorite, love her open mouth here, lol:



LOVE how clear you can see her little face here:

Steph I LOVE everything! What pattern are those clutches?

Love that Tink outfit. Nik saw that and wanted it I may have to get it for her:thumbsup2
Sewing machine advice

My sewing machine stills sews - but it is 25 years old. Very basic - the kind like they had in home ec class. I would like to look into a newer machine - but what do I look for? Not looking for brands or models - but do I want digital or mechanical? Anything I NEED to have? I don't want anything too complicated. I do have a serger and would like to get an ebroidery machine - one day - but want a new sewing machine now! :rotfl: Should I go to a dealer or WalMart or Joann's or order online??? HELP!!! :worship:
Steph I LOVE everything! What pattern are those clutches?

Love that Tink outfit. Nik saw that and wanted it I may have to get it for her:thumbsup2

Clutch: Very easy!

They had princesses too, but Megan says she has almost outgrown princesses. :eek: Fortunately, Tink is still cool!

Hey Steph - did you make Scrappy's harness? Where did you find the pattern?

Does he have his eyes closed in that picture?? Zoey does that to me all the time!!! She had just snuck a Hershey's kiss!!!:rotfl2:

Harness: Zoe definitely needs one, look it comes with free bow instructions!

I love that picture of her, she looks so proud of herself. Scrappy, as you can see, was pouting and refused to walk in his harness. Big baby.
OT....so we had to cancel our trip to Boston. stupid hurricane. our hotel was one block away from the ocean...with 20 foot swells on the way and an expected 1-2 inches of rain it was better to stay home. I'm so sad!! I made that sponge bob skirt for my DD because sponge bob was going to be at the aquarium. but the worst part is the hotel won't refund our 150.00 room!!!!! I am SO mad.
Iwas wondering if anyone could help me. I am wanting to do a steamboat willie applique and I can't find any clip art. I don't know why, but I have the hardest time finding the clipart for anything!!
OK- here are the photos from my trip the other night. I LOVE THIS PLACE!
It's called Monches Farms. They had their Autumn preview the other night- and sent me an email to come and visit- so I did. It was a beautiful night- cool and cloudy, but just perfect for an Autumn preview--- and it even felt a little eerie when we entered the store with all the Halloween stuff they had.

Anyway... here are the pics:

The outside of the store:


THe gardening area. You can buy any of these plants- and they even have a landscape guy that will come and do your yard plan for you! MY DREAM! :cloud9:


the potting shed:



I lurk and don't post very much but wanted to say that until a year ago we lived about an hour and a half southwest of this store. My cousin lives around 20 or so minutes west of there. I always wanted to go visit and shop but could never get away without the kids. I could have sworn that there was an article in Midwest Living or another magazine about Monches Farm sometime in the last year too. It looks absolutely incredible. I so wish I had taken the time to go up there and shop! Very pretty area. We did take our kids up the hill nearby to see the Cathedral a couple different times though, very pretty! If I remember correctly, they have a Arts Festival there in the fall.

I'm not a fan of sock monkeys either, so I can totally relate. Eek. My SIL is though. I don't think she has that one! Maybe a good Christmas gift? :rotfl2:
I forgot to add: Your craft/sewing room is INCREDIBLE! Gosh, not only do I wish it was mine, I wish I could keep mine that organized. I swear once I start sewing the fabric flies everywhere! :goodvibes
Ok so I finished the girls stripwork twirly skirts. Thank you so much for the tutorial Leslie it was wonderful:flower3:
Unfortunately when I wanted them to model them & took them outside to take pics the heat change fogged up my camera lens ugh. So the pics of them wearing them didn't come out well.

Here is Morgan's skirt:

Here is Sierra's skirt:

And here are the sad pictures thatI will retake on a better camera day soon. Maybe Sun cause the girls are already planning to wear them to the airport to go pick up daddy:



I see more of these skirts in my future cause my girls love them.
Ok so I finished the girls stripwork twirly skirts. Thank you so much for the tutorial Leslie it was wonderful:flower3:
Unfortunately when I wanted them to model them & took them outside to take pics the heat change fogged up my camera lens ugh. So the pics of them wearing them didn't come out well.

Here is Morgan's skirt:

Here is Sierra's skirt:

And here are the sad pictures thatI will retake on a better camera day soon. Maybe Sun cause the girls are already planning to wear them to the airport to go pick up daddy:



I see more of these skirts in my future cause my girls love them.

They turned out great, and your DD's look loke they love them!! So happy I could help :cloud9:
First......... I need to apologize to Heather, as I invited her to come out and play yesterday, and I didn't show up! I tried to, but my camera was not co-operating for me... and I have a special surprise for her later in the post. I'm sorry Heather. Can we still be friends?

OK- here are the photos from my trip the other night. I LOVE THIS PLACE!
It's called Monches Farms. They had their Autumn preview the other night- and sent me an email to come and visit- so I did. It was a beautiful night- cool and cloudy, but just perfect for an Autumn preview--- and it even felt a little eerie when we entered the store with all the Halloween stuff they had.

Anyway... here are the pics:

The outside of the store:


THe gardening area. You can buy any of these plants- and they even have a landscape guy that will come and do your yard plan for you! MY DREAM! :cloud9:


the potting shed:


Monches Farms version of Madam leota!


Inside the fantabulous store! This pic just doesn't do it justice! I took some close ups, but I'm going back for better pics. I learned alot about taking pics in stores like this!




And now........ for Heather's special, SPECIAL treat!

I couldn't help but think of you when I walked into the store and found this. Apparently....... they feel the same way you do about certain..... ummmmmmmmm...... THINGS! WARNING! .... it may be too much to take! WARNING!

I don't know....... maybe you should close your eyes for this......

Proceed with CAUTION!



I couldn't believe it when I saw it! HEATHER WAS RIGHT! Sock Monkeys REALLY ARE EVIL! :scared1:
I thought you had found another one of those dolls Heather showed us.. .

Well my parents are supposed to fly back from their trip tonight at 9:07 so I decided to finish the tunic dress I promised to make for mom a month ago! Megan took the picture:


I made a little clutch/wristlet to match:


And one for my sister:


Also, we were in Wal mart looking for white t-shirts for Jessica and I found this totally cute outfit. I am glad Megan still likes little girl stuff!


And a little something for Scrappy! You can tell by the expression of his face that he hates it. I am hoping it will grow on him though. Megan picked out the fabric and I am happy with the way it came out.

I love the wristlets! And the Tunic! Those fabrics are beautiful. Scrappy is so cute with his eyes shut!
That Harness is adorable. Is it custom fitted? Sophie had a harness but her chest is too big for it. Dachshunds have funny shaped bodies. She usually just wears a little brown leather collar.
Can anyone post pics of their Girl Pirate costumes/customs? I looked through the photobucket but didn't see much that I thought my 15 yo Diva would go for:confused3. I'm trying to figure out costumes for MNSSHP in Oct. DD3 is going as Belle, DS10 is going to be a pirate, and DD15 will consider pirate if I can come up w/ something "super cute":rolleyes1.
Well my parents are supposed to fly back from their trip tonight at 9:07 so I decided to finish the tunic dress I promised to make for mom a month ago! Megan took the picture:


I made a little clutch/wristlet to match:


And one for my sister:


Also, we were in Wal mart looking for white t-shirts for Jessica and I found this totally cute outfit. I am glad Megan still likes little girl stuff!


And a little something for Scrappy! You can tell by the expression of his face that he hates it. I am hoping it will grow on him though. Megan picked out the fabric and I am happy with the way it came out.

Love these! Poor scrappy, how you torture him so... love the dress and wristlets for your mom and sis!
I have to go back about 20 pages to catch up. . . but wanted to post this now, and then catch up later:

Had my 32 week appointment yesterday. Isabel had her head down still - yeay - and she will hopefully stay that way :) Her heart rate was at 144 and the poking and prodding to measure my uterus got her SUPER active!! I'm measuring at 34 weeks - a little big, but they say you can be +/- 2 and that is normal. Today we did the 3D/4D ultrasound, she was sooo sleepy, but still looking adorable (at least to us). . .

My daughter ALWAYS has her hands touching or hiding her face, and has had her legs crossed at EVERY ultrasound - even back at 12 weeks! So it was no surprise that both were true this time!

This is how the u/s started, and how she wanted to be most of the time (she's either shy or was very comfortably sleeping ;) ):


Her crossed little (actually, BIG) legs/feet:

Our Sleeping Beauty:


My new favorite, love her open mouth here, lol:



LOVE how clear you can see her little face here:


That is just so precious! Can't wait to see her IRL
Iwas wondering if anyone could help me. I am wanting to do a steamboat willie applique and I can't find any clip art. I don't know why, but I have the hardest time finding the clipart for anything!!

How about this one?
Ok so I finished the girls stripwork twirly skirts. Thank you so much for the tutorial Leslie it was wonderful:flower3:
Unfortunately when I wanted them to model them & took them outside to take pics the heat change fogged up my camera lens ugh. So the pics of them wearing them didn't come out well.

Here is Morgan's skirt:

Here is Sierra's skirt:

And here are the sad pictures thatI will retake on a better camera day soon. Maybe Sun cause the girls are already planning to wear them to the airport to go pick up daddy:



I see more of these skirts in my future cause my girls love them.

Those are super cute! I'd love to make one for DD, but I'm afraid it would end up under her armpits or around her knees; she just can't seem to wear skirts right:rotfl2:
That is just so precious! Can't wait to see her IRL

THANKS!! I can't wait to see her IRL either :) I am feeling VERY pregnant today - and am only 32 weeks, 5 more weeks til full term, 10 til she has to be evicted by law (I learned that in the state of FL you have to have medical intervention by 42 weeks if you do not have a baby by then - crazy, but true. I don't want to go that late. . . but still). Anyhow, can't wait to see her. . . though I have a bit of sewing to do before she gets here :scared1:
I love the wristlets! And the Tunic! Those fabrics are beautiful. Scrappy is so cute with his eyes shut!
That Harness is adorable. Is it custom fitted? Sophie had a harness but her chest is too big for it. Dachshunds have funny shaped bodies. She usually just wears a little brown leather collar.

It is adjustable! I had a harness that was too small so I used the hardware for this one and I can adjust it to fit him perfectly. Yeah, he is bigger than an extra small and smaller than a small who just used a collar too. I am hoping he will get used to it.

Love these! Poor scrappy, how you torture him so... love the dress and wristlets for your mom and sis!

I know, he is quite abused! :lmao: Thanks!

THANKS!! I can't wait to see her IRL either :) I am feeling VERY pregnant today - and am only 32 weeks, 5 more weeks til full term, 10 til she has to be evicted by law (I learned that in the state of FL you have to have medical intervention by 42 weeks if you do not have a baby by then - crazy, but true. I don't want to go that late. . . but still). Anyhow, can't wait to see her. . . though I have a bit of sewing to do before she gets here :scared1:

I forgot to comment on your pictures earlier, they are so cool! I love how you can already see her personality developing right now. Let me know if you need help sewing for her, I wouldn't mind making her something.

And the twirl skirts: totally cute! I love your pictures outside because that's what I usually see after my glasses get fogged up coming out of the air conditioning!
Well my parents are supposed to fly back from their trip tonight at 9:07 so I decided to finish the tunic dress I promised to make for mom a month ago! Megan took the picture:


I made a little clutch/wristlet to match:


And one for my sister:


Also, we were in Wal mart looking for white t-shirts for Jessica and I found this totally cute outfit. I am glad Megan still likes little girl stuff!


And a little something for Scrappy! You can tell by the expression of his face that he hates it. I am hoping it will grow on him though. Megan picked out the fabric and I am happy with the way it came out.


LOVE the dress!!!
I lurk and don't post very much but wanted to say that until a year ago we lived about an hour and a half southwest of this store. My cousin lives around 20 or so minutes west of there. I always wanted to go visit and shop but could never get away without the kids. I could have sworn that there was an article in Midwest Living or another magazine about Monches Farm sometime in the last year too. It looks absolutely incredible. I so wish I had taken the time to go up there and shop! Very pretty area. We did take our kids up the hill nearby to see the Cathedral a couple different times though, very pretty! If I remember correctly, they have a Arts Festival there in the fall.

I'm not a fan of sock monkeys either, so I can totally relate. Eek. My SIL is though. I don't think she has that one! Maybe a good Christmas gift? :rotfl2:

They have a couple of fairs there each year. Just last month they had the "Fairie festival" It was darling! Too bad you missed out while you were closer, but maybe when you come to visityour cousin you could visit the farm. It really is worth the time to go there. Holy Hill is beautiful as well!

I forgot to add: Your craft/sewing room is INCREDIBLE! Gosh, not only do I wish it was mine, I wish I could keep mine that organized. I swear once I start sewing the fabric flies everywhere! :goodvibes

Thanks- but I will say it really is messy right now because of the quilt, but in general it does stay pretty neat. I go NUTS if it gets too messy for too long!

Ok so I finished the girls stripwork twirly skirts. Thank you so much for the tutorial Leslie it was wonderful:flower3:
Unfortunately when I wanted them to model them & took them outside to take pics the heat change fogged up my camera lens ugh. So the pics of them wearing them didn't come out well.

Here is Morgan's skirt:

Here is Sierra's skirt:

And here are the sad pictures thatI will retake on a better camera day soon. Maybe Sun cause the girls are already planning to wear them to the airport to go pick up daddy:



I see more of these skirts in my future cause my girls love them.

These skirts look so cute on the girls- and I love how the colors turned out on them too! GOOD JOB MOM!!!!

I thought you had found another one of those dolls Heather showed us.. .

Only in our dreams! :cloud9: :lmao:

Ya know.... really............... how can Heather and Teresa be so afraid of an innocent sock monkey when they have THAT doll in the family?? :confused3


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