Over the river and through the FUN!

The painting is done. We need to re-caulk the tub now. One day I want one of those one piece surrounds put in there. This house is 30+ years old, and the tub and tile don't look so great.

If I stopped taking Disney trips, I could do something about that, but every time I think new tub or Disney trip?, the trips just seem to win out.

It would make it a lot easier on me if we could just go down there and have a lousy time on one of these trips!

:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2: I can sympathize only too well. I want to put tiles down in the kitchen and hardwood the floors throughout the house, but instead, we plan an AKL trip. Tiles versus Disney so of course my magical place wins out. ;)
Just checking in before a very busy day leads into an even busier week. Today is church, a birthday party at JumpZone, church again and then a diaper shower. I have to be at work at 6:30 tomorrow and I work all 5 days this week since my coteacher is on vacation. My in-laws will be here Friday evening and will leave sometime Sunday. If I survive without losing my mind it will be a miracle. the only really good part is I will get to hear Disney World sounds when I talk to MeMom starting on Wednesday!
Just checking in before a very busy day leads into an even busier week. Today is church, a birthday party at JumpZone, church again and then a diaper shower. I have to be at work at 6:30 tomorrow and I work all 5 days this week since my coteacher is on vacation. My in-laws will be here Friday evening and will leave sometime Sunday. If I survive without losing my mind it will be a miracle. the only really good part is I will get to hear Disney World sounds when I talk to MeMom starting on Wednesday!

Hang in there, Jill! When I have a crazy week like yours I never think about the next day; I just take it one day, sometimes one hour, at a time! :hug:
MeMom- I certainly was not calling you a hippie. It was the peaceful reference I intended. And yes, back row for sure (maybe even behind a tree)

Jill-I'm worn out already just reading about your week. Is your state one of the ones considering a four day school week? I was reading about that yesterday. We'd never get that in Canada.:laughing:
:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2: I can sympathize only too well. I want to put tiles down in the kitchen and hardwood the floors throughout the house, but instead, we plan an AKL trip. Tiles versus Disney so of course my magical place wins out. ;)

Me, too. Every time.

Just checking in before a very busy day leads into an even busier week. Today is church, a birthday party at JumpZone, church again and then a diaper shower. I have to be at work at 6:30 tomorrow and I work all 5 days this week since my coteacher is on vacation. My in-laws will be here Friday evening and will leave sometime Sunday. If I survive without losing my mind it will be a miracle. the only really good part is I will get to hear Disney World sounds when I talk to MeMom starting on Wednesday!

Brooklynn will have so much fun this afternoon. She loves going to parties!

I'm laying out of church this morning for the benefit of all of those around me who would not want to hear all the coughing, sneezing, and snorting.

When I talk to you tomorrow morning, I will NOT be at school! :banana: :banana: :banana:

I will share many Disney sounds with you to help you through the week. Too bad I won't be able to share the wonderful smells with you over the phone - like a Main Street Bakery cinnamon roll, popcorn on Main Street, a big old turkey leg...

Hang in there, Jill! When I have a crazy week like yours I never think about the next day; I just take it one day, sometimes one hour, at a time! :hug:

Good advice. Enjoy today - a fun party and then lots of diapers to bring home tonight. Those diapers will be such a blessing!

MeMom- I certainly was not calling you a hippie. It was the peaceful reference I intended. And yes, back row for sure (maybe even behind a tree)

Jill-I'm worn out already just reading about your week. Is your state one of the ones considering a four day school week? I was reading about that yesterday. We'd never get that in Canada.:laughing:

Well, that's good then, because I don't think I can still fit into my super groovy bell bottoms any more!

Do you believe we even said 'groovy'?!?!?
I think I'm going to start saying it again and see if it catches on! :laughing:

Ooooh, I've got it!
We could go find DeVine and hide behind her! :)

It'll never happen here, but I'd love a four day work week.
I've said that for so long - it would be nice to have one day for church, one day for chores, and one day to actually relax. I'd be more than willing to work four longer days in exchange for that.
Memom, I understand you when you say it will be different without the kids. Still fun but a different kind of fun. Hubby and I went in Dec. without the big and little kids. We rode SM and ToT and called the two grandkids that love the ride so they could ride it with us. We have a trip planned the end of Sept. but will be with just 1 grandson, the other 2 were going to go but they have a little sister/brother on the way,and my daughter isnt crazy about dealing with a nursing 2 month old, so they will go next year.
I totally agree with the decision to do a vacation or fix up the house. A trip always wins in my mind too! Somehow I can live with the stuff that needs attention when I have a trip to plan for. ;)

I am a huge procrastinator but when it comes to Disney, I can't wait to get started. :rotfl:

Lexi is here and would like to ask you a favor. I told her if you could you would surely try. She wants to know if you could please take pics of the Pokemon at the store in Japan. She would be so grateful, it's all she talks about. Other than the rides, food, characters, pools, shopping...you get the idea. :laughing:

Only if you happen to go in there, but don't take time out of your vacation.

:hourglass 3 SLEEPS!!! UNTIL YOU ARE THERE!!! :hourglass
Memom...yes it was really nice that my mom took Caleb. It gave her time to see him (and of course not spoil him at all!! )and gave me time to get something done. I got his room mostly organized. I still have one more boxof clothes to put away since I ran out of boxes. All of Caleb's clothes (just the 0-3 mos and anything else that i knew he was not going to wear again bc of the improving weather) fit into 2 plastic totes. i can't believe he had that many clothes and those were all his. I also had a ton of clothes that were my newphews and put most of his clothes away. I probably had about 3 boxes worth of clothes that were just my newphews.
Though it was nice to be able to use my newphews clothes too...I am not going to get his 9 mos clothes and up. I had way too many clothes that I realized that I was re-using the same ones (probably bc no more would fit into his drawers or closet) so from now on...i am only buying Caleb select amount of clothes that way i do not have mountains of clothes again.

Now thats all that is left to do in his room is to have my mother in law make me some padded cushins for his two window seats. I bought a lot of safari jungle type of stuffed animals on sale b4 he was born and plan to line them up there. I think it will make a nice reading place for when he is older.

I better get off the computer. Caleb will probably be up soon from his nap. Hope you have a great rest of the weekend!
The mention of bell bottoms reminded me I would buy bell bottoms, but being under 5'2", when I would go to hem them I would cut off the the bell.

MeMom have a great time next week.

Jill have a wonderful time at the party, and my thoughts will be with you during your full week.
I have one to add. One with a MeMom!


Oooooh! It's MeMom! Finally a pic of her! :banana:
i feel so behind! you get sick and don't feel like doing anything for a couple of days and you miss so much. i have so much work to do that i haven't felt like doing anything else other than sleeping. i'm feeling better today. i actually got out and went to the grocery store. i wish this annoying crap in my head would go away though!

i can't believe you leave for WDW in a couple of days!!!!! i will be thinking of you and wishing i was with you. are you guys driving?

Canadian storyteller.


we saw about 30 seconds of this guy's show as we speed-walked by on our way to our reservation at teppan edo in december. i liked the very little bit of what i saw!

I feel so honored to be in MeMom and Jill's TR!!! A mention and a picture!

I have one to add. One with a MeMom!


I have to add that I was unsure about what MeMom looked like due to the extreme lack of pictures of herself in her TRs! The constantly working camera tipped me off though!

oh, a memom picture!!! :thumbsup2 such a good one, too! what a great DIS meet.
Memom, I understand you when you say it will be different without the kids. Still fun but a different kind of fun. Hubby and I went in Dec. without the big and little kids. We rode SM and ToT and called the two grandkids that love the ride so they could ride it with us. We have a trip planned the end of Sept. but will be with just 1 grandson, the other 2 were going to go but they have a little sister/brother on the way,and my daughter isnt crazy about dealing with a nursing 2 month old, so they will go next year.

Now that I've gone with Brooklynn so many times and seen everything through her eyes, it's just going to be very different going without her. I know we will enjoy our friend time. Kay works hard and deserves a break from all of her stresses. I know that I will still think trips with my family are better, though.

I totally agree with the decision to do a vacation or fix up the house. A trip always wins in my mind too! Somehow I can live with the stuff that needs attention when I have a trip to plan for. ;)

I am a huge procrastinator but when it comes to Disney, I can't wait to get started. :rotfl:

Lexi is here and would like to ask you a favor. I told her if you could you would surely try. She wants to know if you could please take pics of the Pokemon at the store in Japan. She would be so grateful, it's all she talks about. Other than the rides, food, characters, pools, shopping...you get the idea. :laughing:

Only if you happen to go in there, but don't take time out of your vacation.

:hourglass 3 SLEEPS!!! UNTIL YOU ARE THERE!!! :hourglass

I pretty much get things fixed when they cross the line from want to need. Some day, I know I need to take a year or two to do nothing but work on the house.

I will definitely be going to the Japan store. I love looking at all the delicate things they have there. I wouldn't have looked at Pokemon on my own, but I will surely do it for her. I know kids love that stuff. I've taken up many Pokemon cards, etc. from my students over the years, and I do not return them unless they can get their parents to personally come to school to get them! Since I rarely have one that will do that, I have trashed a lot of Pokemon and assorted other toys, games, jewelry, make-up, and such into a trash can at the end of the years.

I'm going to write myself a note to find Pokemon, and I'll tell Kay and Jill to remind me, too.

Memom...yes it was really nice that my mom took Caleb. It gave her time to see him (and of course not spoil him at all!! )and gave me time to get something done. I got his room mostly organized. I still have one more boxof clothes to put away since I ran out of boxes. All of Caleb's clothes (just the 0-3 mos and anything else that i knew he was not going to wear again bc of the improving weather) fit into 2 plastic totes. i can't believe he had that many clothes and those were all his. I also had a ton of clothes that were my newphews and put most of his clothes away. I probably had about 3 boxes worth of clothes that were just my newphews.
Though it was nice to be able to use my newphews clothes too...I am not going to get his 9 mos clothes and up. I had way too many clothes that I realized that I was re-using the same ones (probably bc no more would fit into his drawers or closet) so from now on...i am only buying Caleb select amount of clothes that way i do not have mountains of clothes again.

Now thats all that is left to do in his room is to have my mother in law make me some padded cushins for his two window seats. I bought a lot of safari jungle type of stuffed animals on sale b4 he was born and plan to line them up there. I think it will make a nice reading place for when he is older.

I better get off the computer. Caleb will probably be up soon from his nap. Hope you have a great rest of the weekend!

You learn lessons really quickly when you have kids. It doesn't take much time to figure out that you don't really need everything you thought you did, but things you do need you might need duplicates of. Jill already has said she is simplifying the second time around. She doesn't need or have room for a thousand toys or cutesie things. She needs the basics, and she needs lots of them. She's at a diaper shower that the girls in her Sunday School class are giving her tonight. It will be so nice for her take those home and know that she's set for a while, since diapers are expensive and can add a lot to a budget.

The mention of bell bottoms reminded me I would buy bell bottoms, but being under 5'2", when I would go to hem them I would cut off the the bell.

MeMom have a great time next week.

Jill have a wonderful time at the party, and my thoughts will be with you during your full week.

I always had the opposite problem. I'm tall, so it was hard finding things long enough. Not as much in pants, but in the sleeves of blouses. I had a hard time getting sleeves that would go to the right places on my wrists. If I liked the shirt, I'd just end up folding the sleeves up once or twice to at least make it look like they were short on purpose instead of just being dorky looking.

Maybe Jill will give us a full report on the shower if she's not too tired when she gets home. She probably will be, though. It's been a long day for her.

Oooooh! It's MeMom! Finally a pic of her! :banana:

What am I going to do with you girls?!?!?!?

i feel so behind! you get sick and don't feel like doing anything for a couple of days and you miss so much. i have so much work to do that i haven't felt like doing anything else other than sleeping. i'm feeling better today. i actually got out and went to the grocery store. i wish this annoying crap in my head would go away though!

i can't believe you leave for WDW in a couple of days!!!!! i will be thinking of you and wishing i was with you. are you guys driving?

we saw about 30 seconds of this guy's show as we speed-walked by on our way to our reservation at teppan edo in december. i liked the very little bit of what i saw!

oh, a memom picture!!! :thumbsup2 such a good one, too! what a great DIS meet.

I hope you're feeling better. Mine has been hanging on. I started last Monday feeling not quite right. Tuesday the fever and sore throat came. Wednesday - no voice. Thursday through now - continuing coughing and congestion. I can tell it's subsiding, though, and by Wednesday, I should be going at full throttle again.

We are flying. We have an early flight out, and we'll be in Orlando before ten, so after we get checked in at Pop, we'll still have a full day ahead of us. Since Kay has been to Hollywood Studios more than the other parks, we're going to go there that day, do a few things, and then go to Downtown Disney for the evening.

It was very nice to meet Julie and Jan. They are sweet ladies. I hope to meet more Dis friends on future trips. I might be meeting a former CM's dad (Dancin Princess) on this trip. Since she moved way up north, she thought maybe he could come over and meet us and she could see him in our trip report. Hopefully, that will work out. He is a CM at Hollywood Studios, but he's not working the day we will be there. He said he may come to meet us on our Epcot day, which is Friday.


I stayed home from church today, because I am coughing constantly. It's just that little tickle in your throat thing that makes you cough, even though you fight it. I am tired of hearing myself cough, and I know the boys are, too. I can tell this evening it is subsiding a little, so maybe after a good night's sleep, I'll wake up to no cough and no more sore throat.

I had a very productive day, too. I cleared out and cleaned out the laundry room and threw out a bunch of school stuff I no longer need. All we do is follow a strict curriculum now and teach for the testing, so there's little to no wiggle room for the fun stuff. I tossed a bunch of stuff in the trash and fondly remembered the good old days.

Then I worked on the extra bedroom - the one Jill and crew stay in when they're here. I'm trying to make more room for them, since the next time they spend the night, they'll be a family of four instead of three.

I also finished pulling the tape off the trim in the bathroom after the painting was done and all dried, cooked pork chops, apples, potatoes, macaroni, and carrots for lunch, washed and put away two loads of clothes, and DISed off and on, of course!

Since I still don't feel one hundred percent great, that's all for me for this day. I'm going to catch up on some of your reports. I'll finish our night at Epcot in the morning, and then if I can locate the last pictures, I'll get those up. I have to find them, because they're the ones where we met snowbell at Magic Kingdom. I have pictures of her riding the Carrousel.
So sorry to hear that you are feeling under the weather! I think it's going around.
I too am sorry that teachers aren't allowed to be as creative as they used to be. I think that I've told you before that my uncle in Vegas retired early because of all the testing requirements. It's very sad when good teachers lose their desire to teach because of too much TESTING! Anyway, I hope that you are feeling better in the morning!
So sorry to hear that you are feeling under the weather! I think it's going around.
I too am sorry that teachers aren't allowed to be as creative as they used to be. I think that I've told you before that my uncle in Vegas retired early because of all the testing requirements. It's very sad when good teachers lose their desire to teach because of too much TESTING! Anyway, I hope that you are feeling better in the morning!

We lost an awesome teacher two years ago to retirement, and she really didn't want to retire. She is an incredible person and was so good with the kids, but the cons just started outweighing the pros for staying, and she gave it up. I stay in touch with her through e-mail, and I always tell her how lucky she is to be out of this mess. She says she misses being around the kids, but she does not miss the testing and the paperwork.

Yeah, I hope I wake up not coughing. My chest and ribs hurt from coughing.

It seems like everyone in Chicago has that same cough! The nagging one that just won't go away.

I hope it goes away very soon!

Overnight would be great.
At least by Wednesday, or someone might just throw me out of the plane after about ten minutes!
Brooklynnsmommy try to take it slow this week I know that will be hard to do.
Getting loads of diapers is great!!!!

Memom I hope you get to rest a lot before Wednesday and your cold is all gone by then. Its no fun being sick. What color is the bathroom?

Glad you are feeling some better, and I hope you continue to a FULL recovery before you leave in just a few days! :yay: :yay: :yay:

Can I get in your suitcase?? :upsidedow

Nice Dis meet pic, and Jill does look a lot like you. :goodvibes

Have a wonderful :thumbsup2 trip!! And be safe!!! :hug:
I hope you get to feelin' better. I finally got put on some antibiotics so I'm gettin there. I'm gonna miss you when you leave though!!!
I hate when I have a bad cough because I get into these uncontrollable coughing fits. Heres to feeling better! Especially before WDW!


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