weight loss update . I lost 2 pounds as of yesterday


My Misson if I choose to accept it... ( and I will
Dec 14, 2006
Hi folks. I just want to let you know. I did the weigh-in last night and I lost 2 pounds this week. Im now at 213 pounds. Last night I ate fish and salad and fries but I washed all that food down with water. I eat A Ham sandwich, Grapes, Carrots, A Banana, Apple, And a cup of Jello. And I drink Water. for Breakfast I had Cheerio's. I'm on my way to A slimmer body by summer:thumbsup2
That's wonderful! It takes such determination to lose weight. Here's hoping you have many more successful days!:banana:
Good job!! Keep going!!! (exercise
and smaller meals more often are key) :thumbsup2
I do alot of walking everyday both at work and at home. I walk around the building everyday and walk the stairs. as soon as the weather warms up I will be walking at the park every saturday and some fridays in may and june
That is awesome I have been battleing myself. It took me a year to loose 25 pounds so far but I have kept it off with 2 vacations and holidays. Now for the other 25:rolleyes: Keep up the good work!!!!
Congrats! i am on the pod cast work out plan....i break up the pod cast for my cardio all week long. it puts me a few days behind and also makes me laugh out loud at the gym, but i am only allowed to listen to the crew if i am working out!

here is to happier healthier pod cast fans!!
I did the eat to live diet for 6 weeks, and in addition to what i gained with my 3 month old daughter which was 30 pounds, I lost another 15! So i'm at a total of 45! :) Coming off the diet for a couple weeks since we're in florida, but after that, Im aiming for another 50 pounds!
I did the eat to live diet for 6 weeks, and in addition to what i gained with my 3 month old daughter which was 30 pounds, I lost another 15! So i'm at a total of 45! :) Coming off the diet for a couple weeks since we're in florida, but after that, Im aiming for another 50 pounds!
WOW!! Congrats keep keep it up Hope all goes well. I am sooo excited about losing weight (FINALY!!) Im on my way to A slimmer New Me.
WOW!! Congrats keep keep it up Hope all goes well. I am sooo excited about losing weight (FINALY!!) Im on my way to A slimmer New Me.

Thank you. Me, my dad, and my bestfriend all did it together. My best friend lost 30, my dad lost 56. Its a great diet if you can give up pretty much everything excep tfruits and vegies for 6 weeks lol.
Congrats! I lost 1 pound at WW today. I was hoping to be down 14 by the time we leave but I still have 2.8 to go and only 2 weeks left. Don't think it will happen. But hey, that's okay.


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