"Get Ready for Mass Retail Closings"

I live in north central NJ and there are WAAAY too many retail stores! I can WALK to three drug stores....CVS, Walgreens, RiteAid...and I can drive to at least a dozen more in 5 minutes or less! WHY would anyone in their right mind, place them so close together? Makes no marketing sense at all! There just aren't enough people to make all of them profitable! And then, recently, the town center built a new complex with 7 more retail spaces. It's been finished for over 8 months, six spaces are still empty - only one has a tenant - Cosi, and it's the second one within one mile! Go figure. The entire country has been on a retail frenzie the past several years and it's caught up. No suprise at all that store after store will close in these hard economic times. Maybe if there weren't so MANY stores everywhere, the economy wouldn't have gotten in this sorry state.

We too have this issue..they are building a new Walgreens here DIRECTLY across the street from a CVS and a Food City w/a Pharmacy...and there is another Walgreens less than 2 miles up the same street!(also near a CVS):confused: We are losing Circuit City(ours is directly across street from a Best Buy) In our mall Zales and Kays are side by side, and there are 3 more jewelry stores clustered right together also on the upper level.Also, we have a Carinos and Fazolis across from the Olive Garden. Yes it makes me wonder if some developers somehow saw logic in this(how I don't know)
I wouldn't be surprised if our Penny's closes, Kohl's has taken all their business around here. I prefer Kohl's anyway, their prices are much better and they are always having great sales and you can't beat their markdowns.

The problem I have with Kohls is that every shirt I buy from there shrinks pretty fast. I don't tend to have that issue with shirts bought elsewhere.
The problem I have with Kohls is that every shirt I buy from there shrinks pretty fast. I don't tend to have that issue with shirts bought elsewhere.

I am too large to wear their clothes, but I do buy alot of clothes for DH and my cousin's children and have never had a problem. I sometimes buy shoes for myself for work because of the great deals. We usually buy towels there as well and they have held up really well as much as we use them.

Why do people post things like this? Keep shopping and things will turn around - stop shopping and this ind of thing comes true - I agree ith one of the posters who said this is hurtful to those people who work in those stores. Do we need to keep beating a dead horse?
I can't believe these two.

I work for one of these two and I can tell you this...we are NOT going out of business; we have very little debt. Sales HAVE been tough, mainly because people are really holding tight to their money. Posts like this DO NOT HELP!!! Also, the author of the article the OP put a link to is a questionable "retail consultant" who is basing his remarks soley on same-store sales declines which ALL retailers are experiencing (other than Wal-Mart) and not on fact...he is NOT invited to analyst meetings and has no access to any financial information on any of the companies he referenced, other than what you and I can access on yahoo financial. People need to relax. How confident am I? I am going to WDW this June!

Remember this...every time someone freaks out and reacts to the endless "experts" that put misinformation out there, we ALL suffer. Look at how WDW is being hit by the recession. If you stop shopping at Sears or Bed Bath & Beyond because you are worried about the economy, their sales fall and they cut their employee's hours; those employees have no money to spend, so they cut out going to Applebees; Applebees cuts hours, so those associates don't have money to buy a car; GM cuts jobs because nobody is buying cars...so on and so on! Lets look at the REAL unemployment rates and the REAL amount of homes in foreclosure. Yes, it is bad, but its not Herbert Hoover time. The media has grasped this and keeps beating the drum of doom and gloom, and we are all laping it up. This country is built on consumerism...just chill and be careful what you post. If I lose my job, it affects my ability to spend, and my lack of spending could cause YOU to lose your job. Remain calm!:scared1:
The story that was originally posted here was on the Yahoo Finance Board. It is based on the truth. I see absolutely nothing wrong with helping out our fellow DIS people and telling them to use their gift card, which may be worthless in the future.

You may not want to believe that stores will go out of business and I certainly hope that the stores listed do not go out of business.

But I never expected Linens and Things or Circuit City to go out of business.

People should be warned.

well i'm glad thos was posted. anything is possible in this economy. Shoot i thought my job was safe and have been told it might not be :confused3 and i have 14 (not a teacher)years under my belt. I work for the CA school system

so anything is possible
The problem I have with Kohls is that every shirt I buy from there shrinks pretty fast. I don't tend to have that issue with shirts bought elsewhere.

i just cant find lots of things i like or fit into at khols . i'm a size 14 and if i do find something its not on sale. I liked mervyns and i also like jcpennys but i've stayed away from shopping . I'm trying to pay off as much of my debt as possible incase i do get laid.
Please post the link to this article!

The link is the underlined title. Click on it.



OK, apologize for causing hysteria around here. Also apologies for the people working in retails, I work in manufacturing industry and I’ve seen what happened when offshoring the manufacturing jobs since 2001. I also know what’s left from it today… .

So, what do you want me to say, that’s it going to blow over by this fall??? Sorry, maybe I’m kind of feeling depressed about it a little, but please tell me, who is going to shop at Nordstrom, Tiffany or even Sears & JC Penny for that matter? The people working at McDonalds or Subway?

OK, maybe it going to be the medical field people? But who will have health insurance to pay for their services? And Don’t we already have medical services in India, like doctors reading X-rays and CAT Scans because it’s cheaper?

I surly hope that the Government pays well, that’s the only job we can count on because we’ll tax away all those rich manufacturing owners that pay a bit better then anybody out there. They used to pay more, but we had to take few pay cuts since in China workers make $1 per day… . Yup, my “cost of living” increase is going the wrong way and on top of it, once the taxes kicks in, we may not survive after all.

So, I ask you, the Budget people of DIS, how long, can a snake fool his hunger, by eating his own tail??? And those Real Estate prices will continue to fall until the average job worker (McDonalds, retail store workers, etc) will be able to afford it, or until major inflation strikes us.


And for the stimulus plan? Look here: http://www.stimuluswatch.org/ and see for yourself what kind of a job will get created with those projects and how long can they last… .

By any means, I’m not trying to start a political debate in here, both parties should be equally responsible, so don’t turn this into political discussion.

Look at this things happening around the same way you’re looking at your budget and tell me, WHERE are we going with this???

I’m kind of sorry I started this thread, but then again, maybe we all need to open the eyes a bit wider.

i just cant find lots of things i like or fit into at khols . i'm a size 14 and if i do find something its not on sale. I liked mervyns and i also like jcpennys but i've stayed away from shopping . I'm trying to pay off as much of my debt as possible incase i do get laid.

:lmao: Oh, what happens when you miss a word!!!!!

We lost our Krispy Kreme a while ago, then they all closed in Upstate NY. I was sad eeven though we only went a couple times a year. It was a big treat.

I worry about Penney's, it is the only store I shop at but I have been getting clothes for a dollar or 2 lately, that worries me.

Our 6 Flags was bought out by someone else too.
The story that was originally posted here was on the Yahoo Finance Board. It is based on the truth. I see absolutely nothing wrong with helping out our fellow DIS people and telling them to use their gift card, which may be worthless in the future.

You may not want to believe that stores will go out of business and I certainly hope that the stores listed do not go out of business.

But I never expected Linens and Things or Circuit City to go out of business.

People should be warned.

Again...the "expert" quoted in the Yahoo finance article is a "retail consultant" who has no access to real information on these companies...and, no offense, if you did not expect Linens N' Things and Circuit City to go out of business, you must not follow business news. Both of these companies were having well-documented, well-publicized problems LONG before they went out of business.

There is a difference between warning someone and believing EVERYTHING you read on the internet. I write part-time for a small local paper in addition to my retail management job and my articles have been reprinted and quoted on many sites....I could easily write something about WDW that would be reprinted and have everyone in a tizzy on here, doesn't make it factual. Deadmalls.com and some lame "retail consultant" are not the end-all information source on business, believe me.
The story that was originally posted here was on the Yahoo Finance Board. It is based on the truth. I see absolutely nothing wrong with helping out our fellow DIS people and telling them to use their gift card, which may be worthless in the future.

You may not want to believe that stores will go out of business and I certainly hope that the stores listed do not go out of business.

But I never expected Linens and Things or Circuit City to go out of business.

People should be warned.

And the story at the beginning of this mess was posted on Yahoo Finance. However, it was SUPPOSE to be a summary of the interview with the "expert" If you LISTEN to the interview.... the story is not exactly what he said, is it?

So just because it appear on "Yahoo Finance" means what????
Well, they're still building more retail around here, but it has slowed down a bit. Within the past year, a whole bunch of high-end stores opened in the local mall - Nordstrom, Tiffany, etc. I don't usually shop there, so I don't know how the stores are doing.
You must live in Green Bay,
I just saw those 3 stores this weekend off of Bay Street. I haven't seen a Copps in a long time.
Close about 30 miles off. Appleton. I live right by a little mall with like 4 stores now, And a SHOPKO! lol
Within the last 3 months we have lost a Walmart, Old Navy, Borders, Linens n Things, soon to be Circuit City, Comp USA, soon to be World Market all within 2 miles of each other. In the mall, at least 20 stores have closed.
:lmao: Oh, what happens when you miss a word!!!!!

We lost our Krispy Kreme a while ago, then they all closed in Upstate NY. I was sad eeven though we only went a couple times a year. It was a big treat.

I worry about Penney's, it is the only store I shop at but I have been getting clothes for a dollar or 2 lately, that worries me.

Our 6 Flags was bought out by someone else too.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will leave the error too funny.
Almost everywhere you go around here is so busy, it looks like Christmas. In the last 1 to 2 years, we have had 3 new Walmarts open, well 2 new ones and 1 that was rebuilt.

I think alot of the reason we are growing is because this is a huge military town and none of the military wives use the commissary, I don't know why, because they have the best prices in town to me. We are also expecting a huge group of troops here in the next year I think it is, so we are growing to handle them. Our "mall" looks kinda pitiful, but the other areas of town are booming.

The story that was originally posted here was on the Yahoo Finance Board. It is based on the truth. I see absolutely nothing wrong with helping out our fellow DIS people and telling them to use their gift card, which may be worthless in the future.

And this is why on a near daily basis I have to listen to people's questions on if we are going out of business.

"My sister's best friend's cousin's dog heard on yahoo news that you all were going out of business... is that true?" (THEY never hear about it, but hear from some random people about it :confused3 )

People who continue to spread rumors and half truths are only making it worse. I look back at this past Christmas and wonder how many more gift cards we could have sold if the retailer I work for hadn't been on one of those false lists of businesses in trouble. If you have questions about what is going on with a company go to their websites... many companies will have an "investor relations" area where they break down how the company is doing (at least we do). Also, do some research, do not just take the word of ONE "expert". If people would do this, then maybe I wouldn't have to listen to it anymore.


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