Stalking DISers.... continue here

That sounds great!! What a wonderful rate!! You will have fun.

We are going 5/23 - 5/31...staying at Pop again and we are flying. I booked the package 2 weeks ago and we booked plane tickets last Sunday night. My sister is giving me and Paul our tickets for Christmas so we only had to purchase 2. The girls get out of school on 5/21. Alyssa will graduate from kindergarten on 5/19 so this will be her graduation trip...ha!!!

Speaking of school they got their first 9 weeks report cards this week and Amanda had A B Honor Roll!!! We were so excited. She is doing so well at her new school. We are proud of her...she's back to making grades that we know she can make! As an incentive last year we told her for A B honor roll she would get an email account and for straight As she would get texting. Well now she has email and says she's getting texting next grading period...I hope she does. It's such a different environment at this school. Since there are only a few students in each grade they get more individual attention and they are more competitive with grades. We are so happy with our decision to move her!

How is school going for Dana, Maggie, Daniel, Tucker, Avery and you too Mandy?

:yay: :yay: Great job Amanda:yay: :yay:

Maggie is doing well... struggling a little with History but the rest of her classes she says are great...

Daniel's five week report was excellent... all grades about a 95%.... he is finding chemistry a little challenging.... and the honors English class has way to much reading for his taste but he is doing well.... he also broke the school record for Varsity golf this year... and he is only a sophomore... so still hoping for more records in the future.....

Things are busy around here.... Tim was recently promoted so that is good... the housing market is a little rough right now.... having to work many more hours for less pay.... oh well....

hope everyone is doing great!!!
School is not going as well as I had thought. I have the rest of the semester left to bring up three classes to grades I'm happy with. It's just been a rough transition too. I will pass everything though.
Dana is finding Chemistry very trying. The rest of her progress report was VERY good.. she adores History, Theology, and English (although she doesn't care for this year's English teacher).
Geometry is not a favorite, but the teacher IS, so he is really helping her get through it. (He's got two daughters that both went through the school - he's just a very kind man who seems to understand.) She's not as thrilled with French as she hoped to be, but the teacher is a bore, and the rest of the class are freshmen. I think things will pick up as the year goes on. She's having fun in Theatre Studies, as it is a combined class of Theatre Studies I, II, and III... with different levels and ages involved in different things. Only complaint is that the teacher keeps using her as an example to perform when it is a role for a child. Dana feels she is being typecast. :rotfl: *always the diva....:cutie:
She is on stage crew for the fall production of "Twelfth Night", but is excited about the announcement this week of the Spring Musical.
TREMENDOUS amount of homework in DRIVER'S ED, of all things. Go figure. At least it's only a one marking period class!

We went to NYC for our anniversary last weekend and saw "GYPSY" on Broadway with Patti LuPone and Laura Benanti. Absolutely wonderful.

Off to help at the high school's Open House for next year's prospective students...

Good luck to all our students - glad to hear Amanda adjusted so well. Good for her!:woohoo: Congratulations on Daniel's golf achievement! Good luck to our college girls, Maggie & Mandy!

And here's Dana's latest jumping photo... she's doing really well and is competing in a horse show next month..
Great job to Dana!!!!!! Maggie loved French class.... not the teacher.... she said it gets easier as you go along.....

Good luck to Dana when she competes next month!!!
I just wanted to check in with everyone and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!! What are everyone's plans?

We will eat lunch at Paul's sister's house about an hour away and then eat dinner at my sister's house which is about 20 minutes and on the way back from his sister's house. Then it's shopping bright and early on Black Friday!!
Going home Monday and coming home either Thursday or Friday morning, I have work Friday night. Please be nice to us retail people on Friday we can only do so much at one time.
We will be leaving in the morning to head to my sisters new house... she just closed on it today and is having Thanksgiving... she is crazy.... we might all be sitting on boxes.... that's okay.

My nephew arrived home safely from Iraq.... he will be at Thanksgiving dinner... I can't wait to see him...

Maggie is doing well in school... I miss her terribly....

Daniel is doing exceptionally well in shcool... high 90's... also had a great golf season... broke the school record for varstiy golf... and now is in the midst of JV basketball...

I am having my gastric bypass surgery next week... I wasn't planning on having it until Febraruy / March time but they had an opening and they offered it to me so I took it..... am a little nervous but also excited.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
Here's what's been keeping US busy in New Jersey..... :goodvibes
Dana just finished a four night run in Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" as a servant and Props Manager.... (I told her she looked more like a pilgrim to me. LOL)

...and.... in the middle of the show and finishing the marking period... she placed 4th in the Jumping category on Sunday morning. :thumbsup2 ... then ran home to shower and appear in closing night and went to the cast party! busy busy busy!



Good luck with your surgery, Wendy. Let us know how you are feeling...I'll be thinking of you next week. :flower3:

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!! :)
Mandy - I hope you have some nice shoppers on Friday!!

Wendy - good luck with your surgery...let us know how it goes. I know you will enjoy being with your family over Thanksgiving!! I can't beleive that your sister is hosting Thanksgiving in a new house!

Renee - That is great that Dana is so involved. Congrats on her play and placing in the horse show. That is a beautiful horse.

The girls and I are off tomorrow...Paul has to work so I'm not sure what we're going to do yet...first thing on the list is to sleep late!

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Hi everyone.... hope you all had a blessed holiday season.... ours was wonderful. I am doing well since my surgery... it has been 3 1/2 weeks and I feel great.... holidays were busy... Maggie is home from school (Yeah!!) and the last of my two weeks of out of town guests left today (yeah!)... so now things can get back to normal.....
Hello Friends...Happy New Year!!!

We had a good Christmas! Paul has been working out of town a lot lately. Luckily he got to come home Christmas Eve and Christmas Day then he headed back out of town early the day after Christmas. He even had to work until about 10 tonight and will work tomorrow so he is still out of town. It was kind of sad...we started dating in 1986 so every New Years Eve since 1987 we have spent together except this one...:sad1: I have the crud :sick: so the girls and I have watched the Disney Channel, Dick Clark's Rockn Eve and the Disney shows on the Travel Channel all night.

Wendy - I'm glad to hear that you are doing well after your surgery!! I know you have enjoyed Maggie being home. I can't imagine having house guests for that long!
Happy New Year everyone! Can't believe we are off to Disney in just 23 days.... I haven't even started getting a thing ready.....

Hope everyone had a great New Years Eve and wish you all the best in 2009!!!
Belated Happy New Year to all!:cool1: Things have been very hectic throughout the holidays - a cousin's wedding, my mom's 70th birthday, niece's christening, and Bob's 50th. Last week auditions for the Spring Musical -"Fiddler on the Roof" - Dana's hoping to be cast as one of the daughters - we'll see what happens! This week we are in the middle of mid-term exams. Please pray for a good outcome in Geometry! :rolleyes:
Hi everyone....back from our birthday trip for Daniel.. had a wonderful time... happened to get the good weather and not the cold stuff..... DH felt so guilty about Maggie missing the trip he told me to take her in May.... so we are going along with my mom, my aunt and my moms friend.... can't wait!!!

Doing great since my surgery... have lost 40 lbs., am off my blood pressure medication and dropped 4 sizes..... still another 40 lbs to go!!!
We're supposed to be going 5/23 - 5/31 staying at Pop again BUT I got laid off from my job 2 weeks ago. Hopefully I'll get another job soon AND they'll let me off for our trip.
We'll be there the same time! We're there May 15th through 22nd or 23rd.

Where are you staying.... we are trying POR... only moderate we haven't stayed at....

We're supposed to be going 5/23 - 5/31 staying at Pop again BUT I got laid off from my job 2 weeks ago. Hopefully I'll get another job soon AND they'll let me off for our trip.

I will keep you in my thoughts.... hopefully a new job will come soon!!!


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