Disboutiquers Part 10 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Thanks for the update on Daniel. I'll pray that they make the right decisions on his care. It must be hard to watch them make what may be a mistake!

I love the red cowgirl boots in the wedding, how cute!

Your nieces and nephews are all so cute! So are you and your hubby. I just love your smiles. You both seem like such warm, giving, people. It looks like you have a wonderful family!

The lights look SOOO cool. That must have been awesome to see!

Here are the six little puppies that are currently residing with us.
Wow Crystal, that was a really rotten thing she did!! You have every right to be furious with her! How dare she take the dog, not fix it, breed it, and then move to a place where she can't have dogs, and guilt you into taking them back, WITH FLEAS!!! Irresponsible pet owners infuriate me!! Good luck with the puppies. I hope you can find good homes for all of them.

Wow how do you digitize....sounds very complicated? I hope you don't have to backtrack so much that you are writing "1" and "0"'s...:rotfl: :confused3 In any case your Dumbo came out great!
You're a nut! I have a program called Embird that will allow you to digitize images into files that can be stitched out with my embroidery machine. It's really confusing! So, I'm proud of myself for finally doing it!

I wouldn't mention the Ruffler as a form of motivation. Linnette and I haven't even taken ours out of the packaging. Neither of ours came with instructions and we don't even know how to hook it up to the sewing machine.
Have you watched the video on youcanmakethis?

I thought of all our Big Give Blessings. Often times our children left out – you brighten their days. How wonderful you all are and what an amazing example you are to your children. What an impact you are making on all of our children’s hearts and what a difference you make for our trips. How a bit of you all joins us on each and every one of our trips.
Thank you so much for posting this here. You went and made me cry! But, it's a good kind of cry, so it's okay. Your family just warms my heart. I am so grateful that we got to be part of your wish trip. :hug:

Happy birthday, Brooklyn!!

Heather will be interested to know that they have pink flannel with skunks all over it with the Valentine fabric at JoAnns. Megan saw it and shouted, "Stinky!" :lovestruc I was mean mom and didn't buy any but now I think I should go back and get some.
:rotfl2: That girl is hilarious!

Heather - Your Dumbo was excellent. How many things have you digitilized?
I just bought a embroidery machine for Christmas. I love it!!! I have Embird right now, but I am just using it to combine images and change the sizes of designs. I would love to learn how to digitilize but it looks super hard. Any tips would be appericated!!!
This is the first sorta complicated thing I've digitized. I think it was pure luck that it turned out! I would really like to take coloring book pages and such and make applique files out of them. But, I can't find any easy way to do it!

Shannon (Revrob) is the resident expert on Embird. So, she might be the one to ask! Maybe we can coax her into giving us a tutorial!!

Are you still planning on coming to the Dismeet?

I'm so jealous that Stephanie got to meet Heather and Teresa LIVE and in person! How fun!
Seriously, you don't have much to be jealous about! :lmao:

I hope you don't have to cancel your trip! I was hoping Teresa could meet you down there!! We need something to get her to stop whining about not being able to come to the Dismeet. ;)

What do you use to trace the Carla C's patterns on?

I just print them out on regular paper and tape them all together.

No, the A-line top.

This is a struggle for me - how long to actually make the top. My oldest dd is so tiny that according to the chest measurements she should be a size 6, but she wears a size 8 (and my youngest a size 5 when she wears a 6x/7). Looking at the lengths, I can't decide whether to use the size 6 lenghts or the size 8 ones. :confused3

I would go with the length from the size 8.

So I am trying to figure out what to make for my girls V-Day outfits......and since I am less than original I thought I would take a look at :wizard: and etsy. There is practically nothing on for sale for Valentine's. Am I too late or too early? Or are the sellers cutting back due to the economy? By the way on etsy there are pasties for sale for Valentine's Day. Really pasties? And it comes with double sided medical tape for putting them on. Seriously, is that not the weirdest thing?

I would just like to say, thank you for saying V-Day instead of VD! :rotfl2:

Also, that is not the weirdest thing I've seen on etsy. There was a dress on there for women that had a pocket in a really odd place. When I read the name of the dress, I figured out it was an intentional placement. It was pretty gross!
I would just like to say, thank you for saying V-Day instead of VD! :rotfl2:

Also, that is not the weirdest thing I've seen on etsy. There was a dress on there for women that had a pocket in a really odd place. When I read the name of the dress, I figured out it was an intentional placement. It was pretty gross!

With the pasties a VD is possible though!:rotfl2: :rotfl:

There were also men's underwear for sale (boxers and boxer briefs). I can just imagine if I bought my DH a pair of custom made boxers. I don't think he would find that too amusing. But what really is funny though is that there are guys modeling them (no faces - I guess they aren't that brave)!
Facebook Users.......Please tell me who you are (from the Dis). I am not trying to ignore you I just dont know who you are unless you tell me....I'm a dunce like that :confused3

When someone asks to be my friend, I click on "Mutual Friends" when I see a bunch of DIS-ers, I figure that person must be a dis-er. :)

I have the Brother Disney machine and I am thinking of getting the software and reader so I can expand my options....
For those of you who know what I am talking about (and I am not sure I do) what suggestions do you have - This is what I think I am looking at/for Brother PED-Basic Software for Downloading Embroidery Designs.

I have the Brother Disney. I don't have the software, but was thinking about getting the same one. Whoever gets it first can tell the other one about it! :thumbsup2

What do you use to trace the Carla C's patterns on?


I use wrapping paper. Ugly ones that I bought and don't like. :)
Hey everyone!!
Wanted to stop by and say Hi!!
I've been working one my big gives (for tomorrow) and planning Lucas' B-day party. Did you know that wall-e was like so last year, the party stores don't even carry ANY wall-e party items!! So I've been running all over looking for stuff and of course scouring the internet as well. Ugh!!! I'm trying to get the best deal and not have to order from 8 different places to get the things I want!

Also, I stopped by the local once upon a child last night and asked them about the new law and they looked at me like I had five heads. The lady actually said to me "don't to believe everything you read" and asked me "why I was telling them?" :rolleyes: They had signs up saying they are buying for summer. Very Odd!!
So if the gov't is planning on instating a new law in a month don't you think they would have the word out to places that would be greatly affected?!?!?!
I am very confused!! :confused3
I hope you all don't mind I post this here.

I just finished up our trip report (minus photopass pictures) and wanted to make sure all you Big Giver's saw part of the ending of our report. Each and every one of you are such a blessing for our Wish Families.

The kindness you all show will live in my heart with our Wish Trip forever.

Steve and the boys carried the bags upstairs to the playroom and then Steve ran to get Subway Sandwiches and Pizza for us for dinner while the kids and I emptied the bags and got laundry going. I was so glad when the day was over.

I lay there and thought back about our week. So many things we had done. So many memories made. I thought of all our Wish Trip Friends and how each of our trips is just as different as our children and families are. Each of our trips has different magical moments. Different moments etched in our hearts forever.

I thought of all our Big Give Blessings. Often times our children left out – you brighten their days. How wonderful you all are and what an amazing example you are to your children. What an impact you are making on all of our children’s hearts and what a difference you make for our trips. How a bit of you all joins us on each and every one of our trips.

I thought about my son. About his face lighting up when I asked him if his wish had come true and the biggest smile that shone on his face when he told me YES! I thought about how healing this trip was for my heart. From the moment we drove through the gates at GKTW that first early morning how we felt lifted wherever we went. How we had spent a whole week without any great worry. How I was able to hug and hold my son while he seized and feel blessed instead of fear or despair. How not once the whole week did I see stares or hear whispers from strangers while we waited seizures out. How when we walked through the village and were greeted by other smiling parents and children our hearts understood. It didn’t matter what had brought us there – we were family. I thought about all the volunteers that serve our children and families. I wonder if they all realize what a great act they are doing. I hope they realize the difference they are making daily in the lives of so many.

I thought about Henry Landwirth. What an amazing man he is. He is definitely a doer and a giver. He’s made an impact on so many children and their families. A difference that will last much longer than a lifetime.

I thought about all the people that care for and help us with Drew. How blessed we were for my mom and Brittany to join us on this trip of a lifetime. Any time I have sat at the doctors with Drew my mom has either been with me or watching my other kids for me. Drew’s life has just as an effect on her as it does me. I’m forever thankful for all she does. She is definitely a blessing to us.

And finally I thanked God. Thanked him for our new friends, our new GKTW family, our doctors, Ken, Laurie and Trina (our MAW grantors and coordinator), our church family that lifts us up and encourages us and for family. For each one of my children that blesses my life each day. How lucky I am to be there mom.

DeAnna, it has been a real joy to get to know your family and to be a part of Drew's wish trip. He is an amazing young man and I'm so glad that his wish came true! The rest of your family is downright awesome too!
I know I'm late, but Happy New Year's everyone.

Thanks for the compliments on my clothes. I haven't been here for awhile because that flu was so nasty. Theo then develped an ear infection and sinus infection, and Gabe had bronchitis. We're finally starting to feel better and get back to life.

I'm trying to get caught up here but it will take me awhile. I'm timing myself now so that I don't get too carried away reading posts. I need to get back to school.

I thought I posted these but now I don't see them. I must have got distracted shopping! LOL!

Here are a few Val's Day t's I did yesterday and today.







These are REALLY cute!
Wendy-continued prayers for Daniel. Loved all the photos you posted. Your customs looked so cute in the parks!!!!

Steph-loved your V-day skirt! And your quilts too. I think doll size is about the limit on patients I have.

Heather-I LOVED your Dumbo!!!!:love:

Jessica-Love the T. I'll have to keep practicing so I can make myself a 50 one in 2 years. I also need to figure out photoshop so I can make a 50 Mickey Head like Wendy do for Bill-only I think his was 40.

Ok, I want an older than sin age group. I remember 41, at least I think I do?? I am too old to remember what I can't remember.:rotfl: I do have an AARP card and just got it last year. Yep, I am that old.
I'm almost ready for AARP-just 2 1/2 more years to go.:laughing:

What do you use to trace the Carla C's patterns on?

I use gift wrap-just use the back side to draw on. I really like the brown paper gift wrap I got at IKEA. It is relatively thin so it is easy to work with.

I used a product called pattern ease for tracing the Farbenmix patterns. JoAnns has it with the interfacing.

For length on the A-Line I would either measure how long you want it to be on your DD or I would use what ever size matches your DD's height.
Made my first flouncy skirt. It takes a lot of fabric. I had to piece the yoke. I used the Kona premium muslin for the lining and twill for the shorts. I made this for her for dinner at the California Grill. I was going to make a top out of a coordinating print but the skirt was "loud" enough so I just ordered a deep purple T from Land's End.


It turned out great. I love the fabric--so cheerful.

Dallas' Birthday Photos! He chose Wall E this year. I was pleased about that because when it is not near his birthday he always wants some crappy boy theme (transformers, super heroes or power rangers) and I like to stick with cute boy.

My favorite picture!


Looks like Dallas had a fun birthday. You did a great job on his shirt and cake.

Good to see everyone had a pretty good holiday. Best wishes to all in the new year.

I have started on a quilt and so far have the blocks done. Have to sew them together and then do the borders still, but thought I would share what I have so far. If it turns out it will be a gift for a friend that is getting married.

I love the fabrics you chose for your quilt. It's going to be beautiful!

Back to school. I'll have to catch up more later.
Hey everyone!!
Wanted to stop by and say Hi!!
I've been working one my big gives (for tomorrow) and planning Lucas' B-day party. Did you know that wall-e was like so last year, the party stores don't even carry ANY wall-e party items!! So I've been running all over looking for stuff and of course scouring the internet as well. Ugh!!! I'm trying to get the best deal and not have to order from 8 different places to get the things I want!

Also, I stopped by the local once upon a child last night and asked them about the new law and they looked at me like I had five heads. The lady actually said to me "don't to believe everything you read" and asked me "why I was telling them?" :rolleyes: They had signs up saying they are buying for summer. Very Odd!!
So if the gov't is planning on instating a new law in a month don't you think they would have the word out to places that would be greatly affected?!?!?!
I am very confused!! :confused3
I was wondering the same thing. I haven't heard anything on the news either. Don't you think that at some point someone would have thought that this was news worthy? Not to mention wouldn't ebay and etsy be putting out a notification to people since it would effect them? does anyone have an official site about this? Like from the government since it's their law.
AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!:headache: :mad: :headache: :mad: :headache: :mad:
my brother 7700 just broke. :sad1:

I was happily sewing along when the bobbin case about jumped out and bent the needle in half. I finally got everything apart and put the bobbin case back where it belongs, but I think there is a little springy thing that is supposed to stick out and hit the notch on the bobbin case to keep it from circling all the way around. Does that make sense to anyone? It seems there was something tiny there that it bumped into but now there is not and so it wants to swivel all the way around which means it will jam up after about every 2 stitches.

Just when I was starting to make some progress on my customs for our trip! It is not the end of the world because I can figure out how to sew with my new embroidery machine, but I don't know about applique. Every time I change machines and try to applique there is a new learning curve. Every machine is different. Hmmm...I bet my handy dandy gathering via thread tension won't work as well either. Okay, thanks for letting me vent. I'm sure it will cost over $100 to fix my machine and will probably take weeks. All right, I"ll stop whining now. :sad1:
Hey everyone!!
Wanted to stop by and say Hi!!
I've been working one my big gives (for tomorrow) and planning Lucas' B-day party. Did you know that wall-e was like so last year, the party stores don't even carry ANY wall-e party items!! So I've been running all over looking for stuff and of course scouring the internet as well. Ugh!!! I'm trying to get the best deal and not have to order from 8 different places to get the things I want!

Also, I stopped by the local once upon a child last night and asked them about the new law and they looked at me like I had five heads. The lady actually said to me "don't to believe everything you read" and asked me "why I was telling them?" :rolleyes: They had signs up saying they are buying for summer. Very Odd!!
So if the gov't is planning on instating a new law in a month don't you think they would have the word out to places that would be greatly affected?!?!?!
I am very confused!! :confused3

That reminds me, I'd better stock up on hair bows! I'll be sad if I can't buy them anymore!
AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!:headache: :mad: :headache: :mad: :headache: :mad:
my brother 7700 just broke. :sad1:

I was happily sewing along when the bobbin case about jumped out and bent the needle in half. I finally got everything apart and put the bobbin case back where it belongs, but I think there is a little springy thing that is supposed to stick out and hit the notch on the bobbin case to keep it from circling all the way around. Does that make sense to anyone? It seems there was something tiny there that it bumped into but now there is not and so it wants to swivel all the way around which means it will jam up after about every 2 stitches.

Just when I was starting to make some progress on my customs for our trip! It is not the end of the world because I can figure out how to sew with my new embroidery machine, but I don't know about applique. Every time I change machines and try to applique there is a new learning curve. Every machine is different. Hmmm...I bet my handy dandy gathering via thread tension won't work as well either. Okay, thanks for letting me vent. I'm sure it will cost over $100 to fix my machine and will probably take weeks. All right, I"ll stop whining now. :sad1:
Yikes! Not a good time for that to happen!
I thought mine was acting up, but I must have had a wierdly wound up bobbin in and the bobbin stitches were too loose.
I put in a fresh one, and all is fine! Whew!
Now to get back to my marathon sewing for our trip!
How many days????? Double Yikes!:scared1: :scared1:
I just bought the bowling shirt pattern. :cool1: What are the chances that I'll be able to get it made by saturday for the babys bday party? LOL
I want to make sure all the disboutiquers know about this, as I assume some of you have the Disney Visa....

I just had a friend sign up for the disney visa on my recommendation. DAYS later I found out there's a referral program and we each could have gotten $25! I'm so irritated that I missed that detail!

If you log into your cc account online it's under 'special offers.'
AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!:headache: :mad: :headache: :mad: :headache: :mad:
my brother 7700 just broke. :sad1:

I was happily sewing along when the bobbin case about jumped out and bent the needle in half. I finally got everything apart and put the bobbin case back where it belongs, but I think there is a little springy thing that is supposed to stick out and hit the notch on the bobbin case to keep it from circling all the way around. Does that make sense to anyone? It seems there was something tiny there that it bumped into but now there is not and so it wants to swivel all the way around which means it will jam up after about every 2 stitches.

Just when I was starting to make some progress on my customs for our trip! It is not the end of the world because I can figure out how to sew with my new embroidery machine, but I don't know about applique. Every time I change machines and try to applique there is a new learning curve. Every machine is different. Hmmm...I bet my handy dandy gathering via thread tension won't work as well either. Okay, thanks for letting me vent. I'm sure it will cost over $100 to fix my machine and will probably take weeks. All right, I"ll stop whining now. :sad1:

OH NO! :scared1: I have a super old back up to my back up and then the Hello Kitty one. I have this fear of mine breaking some day. Of course I don't think 2 of them would work worth crap! :confused3

Yikes! Not a good time for that to happen!
I thought mine was acting up, but I must have had a wierdly wound up bobbin in and the bobbin stitches were too loose.
I put in a fresh one, and all is fine! Whew!
Now to get back to my marathon sewing for our trip!
How many days????? Double Yikes!:scared1: :scared1:

Stop posting! I see your counter and think of everything I have to do!
Want to see something funny?
Yupp, me in boutique bottoms. Bonus points cause they look shiny in this picture.


Probably not the best look for me, but ehh, I was dying to see how they would look.
I just bought the bowling shirt pattern. :cool1: What are the chances that I'll be able to get it made by saturday for the babys bday party? LOL

Shouldn't be too hard. I had my first one done in a few evenings. So, that probably translates to about 5 - 5 1/2 hours work all together.
I just bought the bowling shirt pattern. :cool1: What are the chances that I'll be able to get it made by saturday for the babys bday party? LOL

You can do it! Once again Carla's directions are spot on and make it very easy to put together.


I hate it when something happens to my machine! Mine started acting funny when it was around 10 months old. I took out the bobbin case and cleaned it and anywhere else I could clean. It still wouldn't work quite right. So I ordered a new one from Costco and returned the old one. Costco's return policy says you have a year to return and it really annoyed me that when I took it in to get serviced they said it was going to be $100 just to look at it. The machine to start out with was only $160. So my advice is go and get a new one and if possible return/exchange your old one.
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