DISer chapter of NKOTB anonymous...join the party *ahem* intervention!!!

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Hey chickas!
I will be updating my blog today with new and more pics. I also have some videos, but I am not sure how to post those. I will try to figure out YouTube and put some video on there.
We got some REALLLLLYYYYY good pictures. I am so freaking bummed it is over already though. Still kind of feels like a dream.
One month until I fly to Colorado to see them! And then the stalking can continue!!!! :yay: :laughing:
Hey chickas!
I will be updating my blog today with new and more pics. I also have some videos, but I am not sure how to post those. I will try to figure out YouTube and put some video on there.
We got some REALLLLLYYYYY good pictures. I am so freaking bummed it is over already though. Still kind of feels like a dream.
One month until I fly to Colorado to see them! And then the stalking can continue!!!! :yay: :laughing:
Are you going to be at the Denver show? I am flying in for that one, too! We should try to meet up! A DIS meet New Kids style!
So I have to share . . . last night we got our 5*VIP email for the NOLA concert on Saturday!! Can't wait!

I've been playing the Greatest Hits CD to and from work - my DD has been walking into her day care class singing "The Right Stuff" and "Step by Step" every day this week! It's so cute. I did decide to stop listening to The Block around her when she told me she wanted to hear "that dirt song" ("Dirty Dancing")! :laughing:
OK, girls, someone is working against me here.
I had a plan for tomorrow ... go to the Disney thing downtown, hang around a bit, try to "find" a few guys, meet up with my friend as she gets off of work and then go to the concert.
Then, I am sitting here at home working with the TV in the background, and the TV goes blank. Long story short ... our UVerse box kicked the bucket and now a tech is coming by between 2-4 tomorrow. NOOOO! That is the earliest they could come (no way I was taking the 4-6 shift).
Now, my husband is somewhat understanding of my Disney and NKOTB obsessions, but if that means us being without a DVR for a few days ... let's just say my planned day isn't going to happen if I want to stay married!
OK, girls, someone is working against me here.
I had a plan for tomorrow ... go to the Disney thing downtown, hang around a bit, try to "find" a few guys, meet up with my friend as she gets off of work and then go to the concert.
Then, I am sitting here at home working with the TV in the background, and the TV goes blank. Long story short ... our UVerse box kicked the bucket and now a tech is coming by between 2-4 tomorrow. NOOOO! That is the earliest they could come (no way I was taking the 4-6 shift).
Now, my husband is somewhat understanding of my Disney and NKOTB obsessions, but if that means us being without a DVR for a few days ... let's just say my planned day isn't going to happen if I want to stay married!

Oh no! Sending you good vibes for a EARLY DVR service call so that you can stick to your plans. :goodvibes
Wow, I hope the DVR tech gets out there ASAP. Anyone else that could hang out and wait for him/her? Your mom or a friend maybe???

oh oh oh I was looking for this thread! I was at work today and happened to notice this really cute guy with a boston accent. looked up and it was Joey McIntyre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! man is he cute in person! I didn't say anything to him because he was with his kiddo in the children's dept, but I did quietly stalk him for about 15 minute....
oh oh oh I was looking for this thread! I was at work today and happened to notice this really cute guy with a boston accent. looked up and it was Joey McIntyre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! man is he cute in person! I didn't say anything to him because he was with his kiddo in the children's dept, but I did quietly stalk him for about 15 minute....

EEK! Where were you?

No one else to wait for the AT&T guy BUT I hear the Disney thing is until 7:30p. Yay! So, the plan now is to pick up my friend around 5 and head downtown for Disney, drinks and NKOTB. Ahh, heaven.
txSleepingBeauty, I just saw your myspace and noticed where you work. What a great place to stalk someone also! hehe.
angey77, I can think of nothing better! Disney, drinks and NKOTB. It does not get better than that! Have a GREAT time! We can't wait for you to report back!!!
angey - how's it going today, girl???? Any word from the DVR tech? I hope they get there and leave quickly so you can get on the road to NKOTB!

You are going to be on cloud 9 after the concert. :cloud9: Seeing them, it just really takes you back to loving them when you were younger. I couldn't believe how giddy my friend and I were after the concert! :laughing: Too fun!!

Take pictures and tell us all about it!! Have fun!! Enjoy yourself!!!

Today is DRAGGING! I went to the doctor this morning and that passed some time. I might start stalking the streets of my neighborhood for the AT&T guy soon!
What really stinks is I had the Behind the Scenes special DVRed and "was planning" on watching it today.
The sky is about to open up in Houston ... 90 percent chance of rain. But I have my Mickey pancho ready to go! I'll just tuck my jeans in my boots.
My husband began the merciless teasing. I told him if my friend gets violently ill, he better watch out because he will be going!
I'm already giddy. I keep emailing lyrics to my coworkers.
Today is DRAGGING! I went to the doctor this morning and that passed some time. I might start stalking the streets of my neighborhood for the AT&T guy soon!
What really stinks is I had the Behind the Scenes special DVRed and "was planning" on watching it today.
The sky is about to open up in Houston ... 90 percent chance of rain. But I have my Mickey pancho ready to go! I'll just tuck my jeans in my boots.
My husband began the merciless teasing. I told him if my friend gets violently ill, he better watch out because he will be going!
I'm already giddy. I keep emailing lyrics to my coworkers.
I am so jealous! I am having a really hard time waiting until next week!!! Hope that you have an AWESOME time! Get that darn AT&T guy there!!!
I am so jealous! I am having a really hard time waiting until next week!!! Hope that you have an AWESOME time! Get that darn AT&T guy there!!!

I'm tempted to leave the DVR on the doorstep with a note that says "PLEASE TRADE." That's all they will end up doing anyway. I know beginning at 2:01, I will be pacing.

I made out a schedule to work by today. Makes time go by quicker as I check off my "to do" list.
I am so jealous! I am having a really hard time waiting until next week!!! Hope that you have an AWESOME time! Get that darn AT&T guy there!!!

Next week? I have to wait until 11/7! The last concert was so good, I'm dying waiting for the next one!! It can't get here fast enough. Although in the same respect I don't want it to be over yet either! At least I know I'm going to get to see them again. After 11/7, who knows how long it'll be! :sad2:

I got the first part of the report up. This is before show stalking at its finest. Today I will get the concert done. I am sooooo darn sick. But listenig to New Kids and going through our pics and videos ismaking it better! :)

Are you going to be at the Denver show? I am flying in for that one, too! We should try to meet up! A DIS meet New Kids style!
Yes, I am flying in for that. I think we are getting a hotel over by where the arena is. I have not bought my ticket yet! But yeah, we should meet up. Lori and I enjoy having a few drinks before the show.
dreamergirl - MUST SEE VIDEOS!!!! Love the blog!!

OK, time to log back in to build up the excitement.
DVR guy STILL has not come, I have showered, my hair is slowly drying on its own until I hit it with the dryer and I'm about to iron my top for tonight.
Side note: I walked out the shower last night and proclaimed to my husband that I did not shave (just to gross him out). He said "Oh, I bet you will shave in time for the New Kids tomorrow night." Well, duh ... yes!
Side note: I walked out the shower last night and proclaimed to my husband that I did not shave (just to gross him out). He said "Oh, I bet you will shave in time for the New Kids tomorrow night." Well, duh ... yes!

:lmao: So true!

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