Peeps, restrooms & drunks. A hot, sweaty Asian TR-Pt.2 1/21-Under the sea

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Wake me up before you go go.........

It's my perrogative, I can do what I wanna doooooo...........................:dancer:

I base it on this past June's hours/EMH parks/Fireworks and Parades schedule. The thing that probably varies the most is the EMH. I try and avoid EMH parks, but have scheduled a few Evening EMHs knowing that we probably won't get on much at Epcot or DHS. It's just nice to be in the parks later in the evening.

Let me know if you need any help. I'm at your service.

:worship: I hope this was meant for me. I'd love to know this year's hours etc., for May 9-21 including Mother's Day, whatever the date was. popcorn:: :woohoo:
It's my perrogative, I can do what I wanna doooooo...........................:dancer:

:worship: I hope this was meant for me. I'd love to know this year's hours etc., for May 9-21 including Mother's Day, whatever the date was. popcorn:: :woohoo:

Check out Disney Park Hours and fireworks .It lists everything!!
It's my perrogative, I can do what I wanna doooooo...........................:dancer:

You got that song stuck in my head.

Picture if you will a ocean of violets in bloom.......

867-5309 said:
:worship: I hope this was meant for me. I'd love to know this year's hours etc., for May 9-21 including Mother's Day, whatever the date was. popcorn:: :woohoo:

It on the main wdwinfo home page. go to theme park hours and it shows all the historical data.....:thumbsup2
I've gotta tell ya, I've had the most fun catching up on your PTR AND your TR's today! Great and much needed distractions.

You remind me very much of my best friend who went home some time ago... he too was a PK and I think there's just something in your actions that is so much like him. Something nonchalant but exceedingly FUN in all you do. I can't wait to read on!
Jordan, I can't believe you are on the 5th draft for next year!.............oh wait................yes, I can!;)

dark in the city, night is a wire.................
Thanks to you I'm singing wham songs!:rotfl:
Jordan, I can't believe you are on the 5th draft for next year!.............oh wait................yes, I can!;)

dark in the city, night is a wire.................
Thanks to you I'm singing wham songs!:rotfl:

:rolleyes: OMG!!!! That is so NOT Wham! :scared1: I only know this b/c I was thier---->(not wham!)---->biggest fan when I was 14!!! That is 'Hungry Like the Wolf' by Duran Duran:rolleyes1 . It was like Jonas Bros famous but 25 years ago:laughing: and they were older too!:snooty:

Sorry, Winkers, i just had to call ya' on that one!

BTW- hey Jordan!!!!:flower3:

I've gotta tell ya, I've had the most fun catching up on your PTR AND your TR's today! Great and much needed distractions.

You remind me very much of my best friend who went home some time ago... he too was a PK and I think there's just something in your actions that is so much like him. Something nonchalant but exceedingly FUN in all you do. I can't wait to read on!

:welcome: party: I can't believe you read it all......:eek: Thanks though.

We PK have to have a sense of humor....

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: This is exciting!! Something tells me there will be more. It's June, one of the most busy months of the year. Surely there will be a lot of DISer's around. :rotfl:

I think so.....crazy people that we are for going during the summer.

Jordan, I can't believe you are on the 5th draft for next year!.............oh wait................yes, I can!;)

dark in the city, night is a wire.................
Thanks to you I'm singing wham songs!:rotfl:

I should be working on the next draft soon and the spreadsheet.

Sorry.....I'll change it up for you.....

Every breath you take...every move you make..every step you take
:rolleyes: OMG!!!! That is so NOT Wham! :scared1: I only know this b/c I was thier biggest fan when I was 14!!! That is 'Hungry Like the Wolf' by Duran Duran:rolleyes1 . It was like Jonas Bros famous but 25 years ago:laughing: and they were older too!:snooty:

Sorry, Winkers, i just had to call ya' on that one!

BTW- hey Jordan!!!!:flower3:


I was wondering why the lyrics didn't ring a bell...

Hey LORI!!!!!!!!
Nice to know you're still around....:thumbsup2

I think it is awesome that you are planning for your trip already. I still haven't started my planning for the cruise NEXT December(2009). Soon enough, soon enough....:idea:

We are going to add a day or 2 around that trip in WDW-how can we NOT:rolleyes: !!

You got that song stuck in my head.

Picture if you will a ocean of violets in bloom.......

My hands are tied, my body bruised, she got me with nothing to win and nothing else to lose........................................

It on the main wdwinfo home page. go to theme park hours and it shows all the historical data.....:thumbsup2

:thanks: :thumbsup2 Going to take a looksee! Do the hours generally stay the same? How about the flower Festival thing?
Chapter 66. Friday, February 8th. Day 9. Part 8. Overserved and New Jersey Drunks.

So when we last left you, Wendy and Derek returned from their dinner with Josh and RoboJo.

Kim and I decided to get out or maybe I decided I needed to get out since I had not really left the Beach Club Complex all day. So we changed and then walked over to the ESPN Club. What a shocker I know.

We get there and it is more crowded than I thought it would be. The mortgage conference ended a few days earlier as the last of those long faced conferees left. It seemed a new conference was in town.

Now just to let you know how crazy I actually am when it comes to planning. I actually try to find out what conferences are in and around the WDW resort. I do a google search and usually have a good idea of what's happening in and around Orlando. I can then adjust my itinerary accordingly.
This conference didn't show up on my radar. I never did find out who they were.

Kim and I find a few seats at the bar. Matt, my friend and bartender, was working so all was good.

We were hungry so I think we shared some nachos. Sorry no picture.

Now I am a drinker. I can hold my liquor. 5-6 drinks no problem for me. Kim, on the other hand, can only have 1 drink. Even then she gets pretty happy. Oh and it has to be a mixed drink or wine NOT a drink like a martini.......


She had to have an apple martini which was basically pure hard liquor.....

I stuck with my vodka/cranberry...just in an XL glass

Flat Winkers had to have a sip or two being the lush she is;)

Here's a picture of Matt and me. He's a great guy. I've been pulling up at chair with him at the bar since 1997.

Now I have maybe 2 or 3 drinks and Kim says she's ready for another.....I'm motioning to Matt not to serve her another one, but she insists. Here she is telling us what drink this is. If you compare the first Kim picture and this one, look at her glass...slightly tilted...a little less controlled.

We hang out for another hour and it's now about 11:30pm. Kim is definitely feeling "happy" and is ready for bed. I decide it's time to walk her back to the BCV. It was fun watching her walk back. I would let her walk in front of me and watch her do the Boardwalk Crawl back to the room. I definitely could've taken advantage of the fact she was drunk, but remember...I'm a gentleman....:rolleyes1 Really, I was respectful.

I wished her well and went back to ESPN, chuckling all the way back. When I got back, I got on Matt for making her that 2nd drink. I drank a few more drinks and I closed down the bar. I did my normal shuffle on over to the Atlantic Dance Hall and grabbed a seat to get a good view of the drunks coming out of the both Atlantic Dance and Jellyrolls.


No drunk stories here....

So I walked back to the BCV taking a few shots on the way back...



I wasn't drunk and I wasn't particularly tired so I decided to head to the quiet pool at the BCV. I went and put my feet in the pool. It was sooo quiet. I had time to reflect on the past week. And then it happened....the New Jersey Drunks showed up--2 couples. They walked by me and said hi and walked right over to the Hot Tub and set up shop. They were obviously happy, maybe not drunk yet. They did bring some beer with them.

I didn't really think too much of them as I was caught up in my own world. At about 1:15am. A big group of people come walking from the parking lot probably coming back from Pleasure Island. They recognize the people in the Hot Tub and stop and talk to them. That's how I found out they were from Jersey as they talked about where they were from. This group was very friendly and one couple stopped and talked to me as well. Off they went.

About 10 minutes later I just happened to look over in the direction of the Hot Tub. The pool and hot tub are separated by bushes and plants so you don't get a full view, but I'm pretty sure I saw someone's behind and not in swimwear...:eek: :eek:. I turned quickly around. I wanted to go, but I thought..Hey this is my vacation and I was here first.....

About 5 minutes later, one of the couples heads over to the restrooms. I didn't even think anything of it. Well that is until the couple comes out of the restroom together and says to the other couple, "Hey it's your turn". They kind of laugh and look my way.....I then felt VERY uncomfortable and took that as my cue to leave....

Now...I don't know what they did exactly, but I can only imagine. I walked back to the room thinking to myself....How did I get so lucky?

I've chased a drunk with beer in my hand looking like a crazy Asian
I've listen to a guy drown his sorrows over his wife who left WDW.
I've helped a guy stumble back to his room.
I was introduced to a man who could have people "taken care of"
And now I find out that people from New Jersey like using Public Places.....;)

I knew I was going to have fun on vacation, but this was a whole other side of WDW I never knew existed....If nothing else it's made for good stories.

Day 9 is finally over.

Up next: Josh, Robo and Baby J depart...

Click here for next installment.
I think it is awesome that you are planning for your trip already. I still haven't started my planning for the cruise NEXT December(2009). Soon enough, soon enough....:idea:

We are going to add a day or 2 around that trip in WDW-how can we NOT:rolleyes: !!


Let me know if you need help. I went on a cruise in DEC 05....
My hands are tied, my body bruised, she got me with nothing to win and nothing else to lose........................................

You had me stumped....I figured it out...

This is more obscure U2..

If you twist and turn away.................If I could you know I would..If I could I would slip away...Surrender....

Jenny from the block said:
:thanks: :thumbsup2 Going to take a looksee! Do the hours generally stay the same? How about the flower Festival thing?

They don't vary too much. Mostly it's the shows/fireworks/parade times that change oh and EMH days.
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