Disboutiquers Part 5 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Is that just your stuff on the site? I am going to go check it out later tonight. ::yes::

OH NO!!!! It is a site ran by a woman who is local to me. I don't have anything up as of yet but I'll have some custom order outfits in the kid couture and a few things available from time to time for immediate purchase. I am making a couple of outfits to get up there this week. Hopefully by wed. I'll have 2 or three things. I am waiting on some fabric to arrive to do the custom order samples. I think there will be 4-5 outfits and they will be available in 4 different fabric combos. My MIL and I are also going to do some crib bedding for the site we'll make 2 samples a tailored one and a more traditional one they will also be able to be ordered in any of the 4 fabric combos we have. Hopefully we'll do well and will be able to add more variety.
I think the site looks great and she's just barely open and has already been taking orders so I am excited to be on board w/ it. But if it takes me 12 hours to finish an outfit I'm SCREWED. But that was unfair I had to figure out the serger and the printer was out of ink... the stars were aligned against me yesterday. ;)

OH!!! and we made flower Yo Yo's for the dress. I got like 6 Yo Yo makers at Joann's . I LOVE those little things!!!

And I serged the seam on Little's pre-shirred minnie dress but couldn't find my purple ribbon, I'll sew the straps on tonight and take a pic (w/ my new camera!!) so there can be more Lily's

We just got home from Target and they had an endcap of Fancy Nancy things. The Poodle dress and some doll clothes. I did a quick check on Ebay and it seems people have already been buying the items and marking them WAY up to resell on Ebay. :( So if you want them for your child, you might want to RUN to Target LOL.:moped:
When I went to Target looking for Fancy Nancy they had only one doll and one of each of her outfits. When Jenna and I went last night they had about 6 of the dolls out and more of the clothes and more of the dress up clothes out. I think that her clothes would be easy to make. It sure would save a bunch of money. Later in the summer I would like to make Jenna a dress up dress and a matching one for her doll. I think I could Fancy up a CarlaC dress real easy. :lmao:
Here is something I worked on today.


I just have to hem it and make her a watermelon hair bow and I will be finished. I am trying to decide if I like the white ribbon for ties. I had thought about doing green ties but the girl at Hancock's said she thought it needed white to go along with the white checks. What do you think?
So cute! I think it looks fine with the white but I think green would look good too.

I am almost afraid to post this in light of recent events, but i am taking my chances b/c I need feedback on the applique



What do ya'll think? I know it is a little blocky, but is it ok considering the fabric is drawn that way?
Looks great!

Yeah!!!!! It's finished & I love it & so does she!!

This was a vintage Simplicity pattern that my grandmother used for my mom. Now that I've figured it out, I think I'm giong to use one of the other views to make the girls' Christmas dresses. (Yes, I really do think that far ahead sometimes. I bought the fabric last year on clearance & it has the same vintage-y feel that this does.)



Very nice! Love the fabric and vintage pattern!

OK so I am going to try and not overload you guys lol. Plus my 4 year old only wanted to do so much modeling today and I have not had time to edit them all out. We went and picked up her clothes today! I am so excited! She acted like a whole different kid with new clothes! :goodvibes

First the Froggie outfit which honestly I am not really really fond of. I think I am going to add some appliqued froggies to the green bib would love opinions on that. Also do you ladies put something on under these outfits? She is just so dang skinny that it leaves a lot that I am afraid jumping around could be seen lol.



How cute! I was going to say (before I read Lisa's comments) that you should try making the straps a bit shorter so the arm holes are up higher. LOVE the monkeys too!!!!

One more pic.....I finished this one last night too.

So cute!!!!
Has anyone seen lavender rick rack? I have looked both at joann's and wally world with no success!!

I haven't seen any, but I could really use some so if you find any please let us know!

BTW, I'm a Wendy too. Funny how I never met any until I was an adult & now there are what 3 or 4 of us on here?
OH NO!!!! It is a site ran by a woman who is local to me. I don't have anything up as of yet but I'll have some custom order outfits in the kid couture and a few things available from time to time for immediate purchase. I am making a couple of outfits to get up there this week. Hopefully by wed. I'll have 2 or three things. I am waiting on some fabric to arrive to do the custom order samples. I think there will be 4-5 outfits and they will be available in 4 different fabric combos. My MIL and I are also going to do some crib bedding for the site we'll make 2 samples a tailored one and a more traditional one they will also be able to be ordered in any of the 4 fabric combos we have. Hopefully we'll do well and will be able to add more variety.
I think the site looks great and she's just barely open and has already been taking orders so I am excited to be on board w/ it. But if it takes me 12 hours to finish an outfit I'm SCREWED. But that was unfair I had to figure out the serger and the printer was out of ink... the stars were aligned against me yesterday. ;)

OH!!! and we made flower Yo Yo's for the dress. I got like 6 Yo Yo makers at Joann's . I LOVE those little things!!!

And I serged the seam on Little's pre-shirred minnie dress but couldn't find my purple ribbon, I'll sew the straps on tonight and take a pic (w/ my new camera!!) so there can be more Lily's


I bought three of those yo yo makers too - I am getting ready to make my first ones for an outfit today!
Another adorable outfit, Linnette!

All you cake makers - have you been watching the Pixar movies cake challenge on Food Network? It's just about over now, but WOW are those some amazing cakes!
What!? I missed it! I wonder if they'll re-run it.

Aww...Megan looks so cute! Why didn't she bust a move for us when we met her?

Jacob looks absolutely adorable!!

I think it looks great!

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! Love the fabric, love the dress, love the ribbon, LOVE it!!!

That's my girl! Such a little angel!

These are both adorable outfits!! I usually shirr the back of Tessa's dresses if they're too loose. I also have added ties to the sides. If it's still too loose, I put a spaghetti strap-type undershirt underneath it.

Hey did anyone watch the mtv movie awards?? Johnny Depp won 2 (so we got to see him twice) His hair was looking very 21 jump street-ish. He is so cute!!
Oooh! I missed it, but I'm going to have to catch the re-runs, just to see him!!!

I showed Armind the pictures this morning, and when she saw the one with the drums, she bestowed upon Jacob her HIGHEST honor!!! "AWWWW, he looks like Sawyer!"

I thought the same thing!
Okay, I hate getting behind but my dang internet keeps crashing for long periods of time. Of course whenever the repairman is scheduled to appear it is working fine. :headache: I'm still in a bit of a jewelery making phase. It was a good thing, because I hadn't made any in so long, Lily was running out of bling! :scared1: Now I have to try to sell some to support my habit! Oh, I have some pictures of bracelets I should upload. I made some Disney ones for DD and myself to wear to Disneyland IN 6 DAYS! :banana: :banana: :banana: It has been busy around here. This is the last week of school, soccer just ended, and I'm trying to get ready for this little trip. SO anyhow, I love what you have all been up to! I love all of The Big Give stuff (and thanks for making me cry again Miss Cammie) and Sugarbees made Isabelle a couple of things I WOULD LIKE TO SEE PHOTOS OF! And listen to Miss Cammie and don't think they aren't post worthy. Your stuff is adorable! And I just keep thinking of the look in Isabelle's eyes in one of the photos Alicia posted from when she opened her first outfit and it makes me so happy. I hope to get my package off to her tomorrow. I just have one bow left to do. I love all the dance and pageant photos. Beautiful girls! And that Jacob was such a cute baby, but he is still just as cute/handsome. And I looooooove that Tessa :rotfl: And I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of stuff. Oh, love the vintage/retro stuff and I WANT that rocket fabric! I love it! Okay, I need to get busy on some more projects, including teacher gifts which I will not be sewing, but I will be "crafting" a lil bit. :faint:
OK and I lied will post two tonight lol. :rotfl: This is my one of my favorites though! :goodvibes



The pants she

Awww I think these turned out so cute. My favorite is the sock monkey one!! Love the little shorts for your little guy!!!

I'm almost done with the BIG GIVE outfit. I'm freaking out that the applique isn't as nice as I'd like it to be. But, I can't do it all over again or I may go insane. I just have to gather and sew on 2 more tiers, hem the bottm, and I'll be done.
Oh I bet your applique looks PERFECT Heather.....I can't wait to see it!!! :)

I am amazed at all the BIG GIVE outfits. Everyone has really outdone themselves with their generosity. I am still anxiously awaiting my appliqué from eBay before I buy any fabric.

I do have one concern though and it is fairly selfish on my part. Everyone is being so generous with their contributions that Isabella could not possibly wear each outfit during their trip. Part of me would feel awful (maybe even rejected, like she did not like my dress) if Isabella did not get to wear my dress/top since I will have spent time (and money) on making something for her. I have issues with feelings of inadequacy (as you might be able to tell). Due to these feelings I am second guessing myself about participating in the BIG GIVE. I feel so selfish right now to feel this way. Please do not judge me harshly.

:hug: :hug: I just had an idea that might help ease your concerns. I would like to suggest that you could make a top and pants for Alicia (spelling?) There have been some cute appliqued t shirts and pants for adults posted before.
I had similar concerns so I am making her a bag with Minnie Dot fabric.:idea:

I think everyone is putting a lot of emotional effort into these outfits as well as time, so it's understandable that you've have some anxiety about it. Perhaps if you thought about it in terms of EVERY single outfit that Isabelle receives gives her so much joy! Every time she opens an outfit she is excited, she gets to try it and model it for mom and dad and just feel good about herself. Every outfit gives her a moment of respite from the loss. She also gets to see her mom being excited and rushing to get the camera and making a big to do over the outfits. Even if Isabelle doesn't wear every outfit on the trip, every single piece she receives is Pixie Dust to her and to her mom and dad. She may be young but she is well aware that her life changed drastically with the loss of her little brother. Any moment of seeing her mom excited and happy is a healing moment. Every outfit that arrives is helping that family to to be happy about Disney. This Big Give effort is not only giving outfits to Isabelle, it's giving back to the whole family that feeling of anticipation and excitement that we all love before a trip. Now they have something to think about and plan for, options to pour over, instead of thinking every second about who won't be there.

So your generosity of time and effort is helping this family to heal. I know that that family appreciates every single solitary effort that has been made on their behalf!

don't be anxious. give yourself a hug for doing such a wonderful thing for people who need every single second of joy and excitement they can find.

:cloud9: Oh you said that just beautifully. I could not agree with you more. Alicia and I talked for quite awhile last night. She has been having a really rough time since Mother's Day, which would have been Levi's second birthday. I loved what you said about Isabelle seeing her Mom happy and excited each time a package arrives....about it being a moment of healing. Thank you so much!!! You are a sweetie!!!:cloud9:

I know!!! It's a travesty!! She says it's "too poufy"! What kind of nonsense is that?
:rotfl2: :lmao:

One more pic.....I finished this one last night too.

Aww that came out so cute!!!!

Hi - This is ADORABLE!! I made something very similar last year, and i put a mickey head on the front with a tiny red and white polkadotted bow to minnieize it and then had matching polkadotted bows for the girls hair. It looks cute as is too!!!

The kids in their coordinated mickey/minnie for chef mickeys!!

Awww they all look so adorable!!!!

YEP! And matching doll clothes LOL. I was informed, "Mommy I can't wear that to Disney, you didn't make it" LOL:rotfl2:

Now...that is funny....!!! :lmao:
Henry is going to be graduating from the Police Academy (I'd insert a funny Police Academy reference here, but I've never actually seen the movies) tonight. I'm really happy/excited for him. But, I'm so nervous about him actually doing police work. I'll post a picture of him looking super-handsome in his dress uniform tomorrow, if you'd all like to see him. ::cop:

I think everyone is putting a lot of emotional effort into these outfits as well as time, so it's understandable that you've have some anxiety about it. Perhaps if you thought about it in terms of EVERY single outfit that Isabelle receives gives her so much joy! Every time she opens an outfit she is excited, she gets to try it and model it for mom and dad and just feel good about herself. Every outfit gives her a moment of respite from the loss. She also gets to see her mom being excited and rushing to get the camera and making a big to do over the outfits. Even if Isabelle doesn't wear every outfit on the trip, every single piece she receives is Pixie Dust to her and to her mom and dad. She may be young but she is well aware that her life changed drastically with the loss of her little brother. Any moment of seeing her mom excited and happy is a healing moment. Every outfit that arrives is helping that family to to be happy about Disney. This Big Give effort is not only giving outfits to Isabelle, it's giving back to the whole family that feeling of anticipation and excitement that we all love before a trip. Now they have something to think about and plan for, options to pour over, instead of thinking every second about who won't be there.

So your generosity of time and effort is helping this family to heal. I know that that family appreciates every single solitary effort that has been made on their behalf!

don't be anxious. give yourself a hug for doing such a wonderful thing for people who need every single second of joy and excitement they can find.

I think you've made me cry more than anyone else on this thread. :hug: You have such a beautiful way with words. Perfect!

How cute!!

Now I have a question for you all (sorry if this has been posted, but I'm just too tired to go back and read everything...darn pregnancy hormones;) )
It looks like your question was already answered. But, I just wanted to tell you not to hesitate to ask questions. We like being helpful around here!

Okay, I hate getting behind but my dang internet keeps crashing for long periods of time. Of course whenever the repairman is scheduled to appear it is working fine. :headache: I'm still in a bit of a jewelery making phase. It was a good thing, because I hadn't made any in so long, Lily was running out of bling! :scared1: Now I have to try to sell some to support my habit! Oh, I have some pictures of bracelets I should upload. I made some Disney ones for DD and myself to wear to Disneyland IN 6 DAYS! :banana: :banana: :banana: It has been busy around here. This is the last week of school, soccer just ended, and I'm trying to get ready for this little trip. SO anyhow, I love what you have all been up to! I love all of The Big Give stuff (and thanks for making me cry again Miss Cammie) and Sugarbees made Isabelle a couple of things I WOULD LIKE TO SEE PHOTOS OF! And listen to Miss Cammie and don't think they aren't post worthy. Your stuff is adorable! And I just keep thinking of the look in Isabelle's eyes in one of the photos Alicia posted from when she opened her first outfit and it makes me so happy. I hope to get my package off to her tomorrow. I just have one bow left to do. I love all the dance and pageant photos. Beautiful girls! And that Jacob was such a cute baby, but he is still just as cute/handsome. And I looooooove that Tessa :rotfl: And I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of stuff. Oh, love the vintage/retro stuff and I WANT that rocket fabric! I love it! Okay, I need to get busy on some more projects, including teacher gifts which I will not be sewing, but I will be "crafting" a lil bit. :faint:
I didn't know you were going to Disneyland in 6 days!! How exciting! Who all is going?
I was not totally happy with the front bow


then I decided to add black ribbons and now I am not sure which looks better



with or without the black bow?

Henry is going to be graduating from the Police Academy (I'd insert a funny Police Academy reference here, but I've never actually seen the movies) tonight. I'm really happy/excited for him. But, I'm so nervous about him actually doing police work. I'll post a picture of him looking super-handsome in his dress uniform tomorrow, if you'd all like to see him. ::cop:
I didn't know you were going to Disneyland in 6 days!! How exciting! Who all is going?

Henry is very handsome, we'd love to see him in uniform! Yes, my nephew is getting married in L.A. on Saturday so of course we have to run down to Disneyland for a day (Sunday). Just Jayden and I are flying out. Mike didn't have enough vacation and I wasn't about to take all 4 kids by myself. My 2 sisters are also going with me and each of them is bringing one of their kids. I don't remember the last time I was at Disneyland without a baby in a stroller! And Jayden is fearless--loves all the rides. It will be fun, but we will have my baby niece with us (19 months) to slow us down :lmao: I even made reservations at Blue Bayau which I love but only ate there once before with all the kids and all I remember is that they were naughty.

Here are the bracelets I made for Jayden and myself. I think I picked up these ceramic beads at Disneyland last October. For those wondering, they are wherever you see those little make your own bracelet/necklace stands in the gift shops. I bought the cutest nemo, crush and dory beads to make Lily a bracelet to match her nemo dress for Disneyworld and I lost nemo. I actually ran out of time and never made my girls any matching jewelery for that trip :headache:

Jayden's: (I was going to do a red mickey head but she wanted the minnie bow)


and one more because I fixed the camera settings:



I was not totally happy with the front bow


then I decided to add black ribbons and now I am not sure which looks better



with or without the black bow?


I like it with the bow! Where did you get Mickey and Minnie? I love them!
Henry is very handsome, we'd love to see him in uniform! Yes, my nephew is getting married in L.A. on Saturday so of course we have to run down to Disneyland for a day (Sunday). Just Jayden and I are flying out. Mike didn't have enough vacation and I wasn't about to take all 4 kids by myself. My 2 sisters are also going with me and each of them is bringing one of their kids. I don't remember the last time I was at Disneyland without a baby in a stroller! And Jayden is fearless--loves all the rides. It will be fun, but we will have my baby niece with us (19 months) to slow us down :lmao: I even made reservations at Blue Bayau which I love but only ate there once before with all the kids and all I remember is that they were naughty.

Here are the bracelets I made for Jayden and myself. I think I picked up these ceramic beads at Disneyland last October. For those wondering, they are wherever you see those little make your own bracelet/necklace stands in the gift shops. I bought the cutest nemo, crush and dory beads to make Lily a bracelet to match her nemo dress for Disneyworld and I lost nemo. I actually ran out of time and never made my girls any matching jewelery for that trip :headache:

Jayden's: (I was going to do a red mickey head but she wanted the minnie bow)


and one more because I fixed the camera settings:




OMG! I LOVE these! LOVE LOVE LOVE them! I seriously need to get to WDW so I can get some of those beads! WAH!
:worship: :worship: :worship:


and one more because I fixed the camera settings:




OMG!!!! I love them too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good thing that I have no talent for jewelry making otherwise I'll be broke!!!!!

BTW: I got the mickey heads at my local gift shop, they had dora, spongebob, elmo, monster inc, ...they are 4 for a dollar( I believe they are plastic)

I was not totally happy with the front bow


then I decided to add black ribbons and now I am not sure which looks better


with or without the black bow?
I like it with the black ribbons I think it makes it "pop" a little more. You did a great job on it!! That's for isabelle right?
Henry is very handsome, we'd love to see him in uniform! Yes, my nephew is getting married in L.A. on Saturday so of course we have to run down to Disneyland for a day (Sunday). Just Jayden and I are flying out. Mike didn't have enough vacation and I wasn't about to take all 4 kids by myself. My 2 sisters are also going with me and each of them is bringing one of their kids. I don't remember the last time I was at Disneyland without a baby in a stroller! And Jayden is fearless--loves all the rides. It will be fun, but we will have my baby niece with us (19 months) to slow us down :lmao: I even made reservations at Blue Bayau which I love but only ate there once before with all the kids and all I remember is that they were naughty.

Here are the bracelets I made for Jayden and myself. I think I picked up these ceramic beads at Disneyland last October. For those wondering, they are wherever you see those little make your own bracelet/necklace stands in the gift shops. I bought the cutest nemo, crush and dory beads to make Lily a bracelet to match her nemo dress for Disneyworld and I lost nemo. I actually ran out of time and never made my girls any matching jewelery for that trip :headache:

Jayden's: (I was going to do a red mickey head but she wanted the minnie bow)

and one more because I fixed the camera settings:

Those are so pretty!! Have fun at DL!! And the wedding too!! Blue Bayou looks like a lot of fun!! Take lots of pictures!!!
Hi - This is ADORABLE!! I made something very similar last year, and i put a mickey head on the front with a tiny red and white polkadotted bow to minnieize it and then had matching polkadotted bows for the girls hair. It looks cute as is too!!!

The kids in their coordinated mickey/minnie for chef mickeys!!

Has anyone seen lavender rick rack? I have looked both at joann's and wally world with no success!!

I am working on the Aline top - do you top stich it? and, is there a simple way to finish it?

Oh, about the big give - Isabelle's mom said she loves to wear those clothes all the time! So if she has more outfits than days there, she can have fun getting excited bout the trip by wearing some before they go!! Also, this is something she may remember for the rest of her life - the kindness she and her family got from strangers.....it may have a big impact on her, and she is so young - maybe some day she may be able to help another person in need...you just never know how you are impacting a little one for their future:goodvibes

Thanks, Wendy

Hi Wendy..since Rick rack is cotton, have you though about dying it. Rit dye would work well.
Okay, I hate getting behind but my dang internet keeps crashing for long periods of time. Of course whenever the repairman is scheduled to appear it is working fine. :headache: I'm still in a bit of a jewelery making phase. It was a good thing, because I hadn't made any in so long, Lily was running out of bling! :scared1: Now I have to try to sell some to support my habit! Oh, I have some pictures of bracelets I should upload. I made some Disney ones for DD and myself to wear to Disneyland IN 6 DAYS! :banana: :banana: :banana: It has been busy around here. This is the last week of school, soccer just ended, and I'm trying to get ready for this little trip. SO anyhow, I love what you have all been up to! I love all of The Big Give stuff (and thanks for making me cry again Miss Cammie) and Sugarbees made Isabelle a couple of things I WOULD LIKE TO SEE PHOTOS OF! And listen to Miss Cammie and don't think they aren't post worthy. Your stuff is adorable! And I just keep thinking of the look in Isabelle's eyes in one of the photos Alicia posted from when she opened her first outfit and it makes me so happy. I hope to get my package off to her tomorrow. I just have one bow left to do. I love all the dance and pageant photos. Beautiful girls! And that Jacob was such a cute baby, but he is still just as cute/handsome. And I looooooove that Tessa :rotfl: And I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of stuff. Oh, love the vintage/retro stuff and I WANT that rocket fabric! I love it! Okay, I need to get busy on some more projects, including teacher gifts which I will not be sewing, but I will be "crafting" a lil bit. :faint:
You are BUSY!
Henry is going to be graduating from the Police Academy (I'd insert a funny Police Academy reference here, but I've never actually seen the movies) tonight. I'm really happy/excited for him. But, I'm so nervous about him actually doing police work. I'll post a picture of him looking super-handsome in his dress uniform tomorrow, if you'd all like to see him. ::cop:
I've seen a picture of him in his uniform, he does INDEED look quite dapper! :thumbsup2

Even my sister-in-law thought so, and let's just say, HE is not her type! ;)

with or without the black bow?

I like the black ribbon.

I love these!!! They are so pretty!
Here are the bracelets I made for Jayden and myself. I think I picked up these ceramic beads at Disneyland last October. For those wondering, they are wherever you see those little make your own bracelet/necklace stands in the gift shops. I bought the cutest nemo, crush and dory beads to make Lily a bracelet to match her nemo dress for Disneyworld and I lost nemo. I actually ran out of time and never made my girls any matching jewelery for that trip :headache:

Jayden's: (I was going to do a red mickey head but she wanted the minnie bow)


and one more because I fixed the camera settings:




LOVE those!!! You'll have a great day at DL!!!!
Wow amazing stuff posted today :love: and many new "window shoppers" this weekend!:cool1: Welcome! :hug: I love the Big Give Giselle!. I hope it fits too! Lisa, your Giselle is just gorgeous...you really captured her expression. So if you don't like it....what are you going to do with it? I'll give you my address if need be :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

Well, this weekend was our recital. Each girl had two numbers and their were two shows plus two days of dress rehersal. Here are some shots from the last 4 days!









Yeesh thats practically a trip report! :3dglasses Glad the whole thing is done for now! Nine more days of school and its summer vacation!!!:cool1:
long time lurker. your kids are precious. your oldest looks so grown up.

i have a few works in process at the moment. i cased(is that the word) a mickey head quilt from a while back. now my mom and i(i am physically challenged so i come up with stuff and mom sews it) are starting a quilt for my soon to be service dog's puppy raiser.
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