~ The Man Report ~~~~~~~~~ Bonus Material Included ~~~~~~

Well, I just stumbled over these trip reports over the last few days and have been enjoying them immensely. I'm now working my way through your October '06 report and have decided that we could do a lot worse than hanging with Buzz and Linnie the Pooh for an evening of debauchery on Pleasure Island.

Your honesty, humility, and humor about your kids is touching. We have five of our own, none of them are perfect, and we love each one of them. It's clear you feel the same way about yours.

Keep 'em coming. And did I read in one of your posts that you were rooting for the Fighting Irish? Or was that just a Vegas thing? I'm writing from a two-domer household, so I pick up on that sort of thing.
I swear you guys are a comedy tag team!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

She's actually the funny one. Everyone thinks I'm joking all the time but I'm usually "dead serious". :headache: :banana: ;)

write_me_a_check_dude said:
Keep 'em coming. And did I read in one of your posts that you were rooting for the Fighting Irish? Or was that just a Vegas thing? I'm writing from a two-domer household, so I pick up on that sort of thing.

Nope, I'm a true blue Irish fan (or is it true Green??). I rarely bet on them though. Too much pressure.

pix said:
OK...going way back to Post #1 exactly what is a "supervised coma"

It's where Linnie watches my "Drunk Guy Dance Move" send me over a balcony thus resulting in a head trauma where she has to take me home in cab and care for the bump on my head while I "sleep one off". :thumbsup2

Lin, she gud. :hug:
She's actually the funny one. Everyone thinks I'm joking all the time but I'm usually "dead serious". :headache: :banana: ;)

Nope, I'm a true blue Irish fan (or is it true Green??). I rarely bet on them though. Too much pressure.

It's where Linnie watches my "Drunk Guy Dance Move" send me over a balcony thus resulting in a head trauma where she has to take me home in cab and care for the bump on my head while I "sleep one off". :thumbsup2

Lin, she gud. :hug:

Yup, that's what I figured!;)
Okay, MDF, I thought you were going to post your top ten favorite things to counterbalance those grievances. Having a little MDF and Linnie withdrawal here. :surfweb:
Okay, MDF, I thought you were going to post your top ten favorite things to counterbalance those grievances. Having a little MDF and Linnie withdrawal here. :surfweb:

It's coming, it's coming. I've just enjoyed being lazy for the past week or more. :thumbsup2

Lazy = gud.

Actually, I should be able to work on my wrap up today. Hope to post it soon.

I'm really enjoying reading these other reports. It's a little hard to keep up with all of them but there are a lot of really good reports out there (including yours!!).

Be back soon ---> :banana:

Don't finish too soon...I'm working on a little something I want to post :teeth:
~ The Man Report ~~~~~~~ 2007 ~~~~~~~ Bonus Material Included ~~~

Ok, Ok. I’ve thought it over and decided that since I had to post my grievances, I should also probably post a few things that made me smile.

1). Watching my handicapped son smile from “ear to ear”, kick his legs and squeal with glee while riding Soarin’. :hug: What could POSSIBLY be better?

2). Dancing with my wife at 8-Trax in Pleasure Island, acting goofy, taking pictures, and guzzling beer. We let our hair down in a big way and it felt GREAT! party:

c). Watching that duck attack my wife, the bird hater. Then watching her scamper out of the pool like a spry ninja. I’ve never seen her so nimble. What a hoot! :lmao:

4). Putting that smiley face on my big toe just cracked me up. Nobody but me could have that much fun with something so stupid. I could barely hold the camera still to take the shot. I kill me. :rotfl2:

5). Pooh-head joining me at the pool after our night of debauchery and saying she felt all better then 3 minutes later running back to the room to “lose her cookies”. Yeah, she’s ALL BETTER now! :love2:

6). On my date with Loud Girl at TGI Fridays I ordered a glass of wine from the waiter then asked Loud Girl, “you want a glass of wine baby”? She responds, “uhm, no. I think I’ll just have a Sprite”. The waiter just stared at us. :confused3

7). When Pooh spilt half her glass of wine on herself on our way down (at the Red Carpet Club in Denver) she bellowed “Oh, Crap”! I damn near spit wine through my nose. :rotfl:

8). Moan Boy standing by the edge of the pool and saying “It’s go time”, then jumping in. He gets more normal every day. :cloud9:

9). Watching the cute little baby brown monkey at Animal Kingdom while we waited for Kali River Rapids to open. He was so little and his parents were so protective. Meanwhile, big brother showed off by making a bunch of noise and swinging around the trees like a… well, monkey! :)

10). Seeing that “Welcome to Billings” sign as we drove into town after are ordeal of trying to get home. :goodvibes

And just like any good DVD would have, I’ve included Bonus Material:

A). My wife is not Cuban.
B). The can wasn’t open on the picture of Loud Girl drinking the Budweiser
C). The Chop Wizard was put to use the night we got home. Stir Fry baby!!
D). The term GAT was first coined by Linnie and I about 7 years ago.
E). Loud Girl is still loud but Moan Boy doesn’t moan much anymore. :thumbsup2
F). This is actually my 4th trip report.
G). I will be in WDW 3 times during 2007. :woohoo:
H). The All Beer For A Day diet wasn’t a joke. I really wanted to try it. ::yes::
I). It really was Loud Girl who farted on the airplane. Really! :bitelip:
J). I gained 4 pounds during the week. :guilty:
K). I use my “gang signs” to annoy my wife. It works well.
L). Pool hopping is frowned upon (yet fun as heck!).
M). Eating at Disney is better than NOT eating at Disney… Duh!
N). Staying at Disney is better than NOT staying at Disney… Double Duh!
O). The KFC Big Box rules! I dream about its deliciousness. The first time I learned of it was from a billboard in Orlando while on vacation.
P). Our next trip is in October (for 14 days).
Q). We will send postcards to your children from their favorite characters for you. PM Pooh in September if you’re interested.
R). Epcot is our favorite park followed by MK, MGM & finally AK.
S). World Showcase is my favorite place to visit anywhere in the world.
T). Food & Wine Festival is our (Pooh & I) favorite WDW event.
U). I can eat bratwurst non-stop until I pass out on the ground in a heap (usually from the beer I use to wash it down). :yay:
V). My wife eats like a duck. No chewing. Just head held skyward gulping food until it’s down. It’s an odd sight. :duck:
W). I’ve had 6 major “falls” during WDW visits. Only two while intoxicated.
X). We’ve dined at California Grill and Sommerfest restaurants more than any others over our many visits to WDW. We’ve never eaten at any restaurants in France, China or Italy (Epcot).
Y). A margarita from Mexico at 11 a.m. is actually good for you. It wards off scurvy. ;)
Z). We’ve never been to a WDW water park.

Thanks guys. It’s been 10 weeks since I started and I’m glad to be done with this report. I’ll start my next one in October when we get back (or maybe go live like last years).

I appreciate the comments and getting to know a lot of you. It’s like a big family here at the DIS boards. I promise to keep reading and making fun of all of you. Even if you don’t know I’m joking (ZZUB).

Lin will post her final thoughts here soon.

With that, I say…

Adios Amigos! :smokin:

MDF ~~~~> :banana:
Great ending Buzz :cool1:

Looking forward to October's report
~ The Man Report ~~~~~~~ 2007 ~~~~~~~ Bonus Material Included ~~~

6). On my date with Loud Girl at TGI Fridays I ordered a glass of wine from the waiter then asked Loud Girl, “you want a glass of wine baby”? She responds, “uhm, no. I think I’ll just have a Sprite”. The waiter just stared at us. :confused3

This is too funny!!! :rotfl2:
I have a little something for you that I put together today as a keepsake and memory of your trip:

Short Video


Comments on your last post to follow later - I'm heading off to work!!

Enjoy ;)
Ok I'm not posting any more trip reports, at least not any with pictures.

Great Job Blue,
but this just adds evidence as to what I think your real job is.
L). Pool hopping is frowned upon (yet fun as heck!).
Call it bar-pool hopping-you won't get in as much trouble from fellow readers.

Q). We will send postcards to your children from their favorite characters for you. PM Pooh in September if you’re interested.
How about your favorite moderator?
U). I can eat bratwurst non-stop until I pass out on the ground in a heap (usually from the beer I use to wash it down).
I could send you the best Wisconsin butcher shop Italian brats ever. You would never go back to just a plain ole brats-I just have to figure out a way to send them to you without them end up killing you of food poison.

8). Moan Boy standing by the edge of the pool and saying “It’s go time”, then jumping in. He gets more normal every day.

Your wife isn't a cuban, she is a saint!
Blue, love the video!! Thanks for the laughs!

MDF, so sad the trip report is over. Looking forward to the next one.

Great video Blue. I really just clicked on the link thinking, "Whatever, a photo collage. Probably stupid but I'll watch anyway." (Real nice of me, huh? ;) ) Then I broke out laughing. So, thank you and sorry for the "first thoughts".
Loved your report MDF! It was SO funny...happy to hear you'll be back at the World in October. Looking forward to another GREAT Trip report!!!


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