We're all out there chasing our better selves (FredtheDuck chases on)

Congrats on a successful supported training run race! And huge congrats to @MoanasPapa on his PR!

I feel you on the not racing distances thing. Sometimes it's so nice to just be able to relax during a longer race and not worry about anything. But it's also nice to push yourself sometimes and see what you can do. And when you come out of that race where you pushed yourself, it may not be your favorite race experience (at least it rarely is for me), but you definitely feel a sense of accomplishment. Which is always a good thing. But it's also nice to have those carefree "training run" races sometimes too ... it's all about finding the right balance.
I have a conundrum. I’m being sent to London for a week for work (tough life, I know).

I get back the night before the MCM10k.

I’m struggling with whether to run it.
On the one hand, the jet lag works in favor of the race.

But I also won’t get home until close to 10 pm the night before.

And I won’t have seen my kid or family for a week, since this is a solo work trip. So it feels selfish to extend my absence another morning (we would leave the house before my kid wakes up and be gone several hours) to do this race.

But it’s also the goal race of this training cycle.

BUT I already ran a half marathon this cycle, so it wasn’t a totally wasted cycle. Although I didn’t RACE that half.

I’m looking to see what other races I could do instead. Anything I do would have to be before I leave for the London trip (so before 10/20) because I’m home for a few days post-London and then we leave for a week in WDW, which eliminates the weekends of 11/3 and 11/9.

So what would you do? Race it? Find a new race at least two weeks earlier than your goal race was? Call it a day on this cycle and move to maintenance running? (Lots of on-the-run sightseeing in London!)

I have a few races between now and year-end but all we’re supposed to be fun runs except mcm10k. If I DO scrap MCM10k, I could always try for my sub-1 at next year’s Pike’s Peek in April. It’s my favorite 10K, and I did it this year as a training run ahead of my spring half... I have yet to fully race it.

Sigh. Conundrum.
If it were me, I'd look for a race prior to London. Just so you could prove it to yourself the progress you've made. But the conditions prior to the MCM10k don't sound great if the sole goal is a fast 10k race.
It sounds like even if you run the MCM10k your heart may not be in it because of the circumstances, so I vote to try and find another race.
I'd agree with those who say find something else to do. Yes, mcm10k was the goal race, but sometimes life gets in the way. It doesn't sound like you'd be going into the race 100% excited, and that definitely will have an impact on your performance. Also, it's probably not worth the stress of worrying if you'll be feeling up to running after getting in late the night before and feeling bad about missing out on time with the kiddo.
Thanks @DopeyBadger, @ZellyB, and @SarahDisney. I think you guys are right. I think it’s just too much. I love the race, but I also live here, so I can do it another year(s).

I think I’ll find another race between now and when I leave for London (or, if you’ve been keeping up with the Running Thread, possibly IN London?!?!). @MoanasPapa will still do MCM10k and I’ll take kiddo down to spectate him. It’ll be quality time I get with her and i think he’ll love having her cheer him on (she’s never spectated him, just me), so that seems like a win.

Also, today is our ninth wedding anniversary, and @MoanasPapa outdid himself in the gift department: he got me a ticket to see Hamilton when I’m in London!!! I just had to gush for a sec over that.
I did see your post about a run in London which sounds like an awesome opportunity if you can work it out.

Happy Anniversary and what an amazing gift from @MoanasPapa !!
Happy anniversary!! That is awesome about Hamilton and I'd definitely try to find a run in London!
Wow. Over a year since I've been active in this journal. Not surprising given the change in pace for our family, but I'm glad to be back.

I've committed (though not yet registered) to run the Flying Pig half in May. I'll try to post weekly about how I've done in training, mostly to keep myself accountable.

The short of the past year is that I changed companies in mid-2018 and my career took off from there. All good things, all good things, as Olaf says. But it means I've been traveling a lot and trying to be really present for my family when I'm not on the road. That won't change in 2020, but we've gotten into a better routine, and I feel better about my ability to prioritize and manage my time now that I have my legs under me a little at work.

I've been in touch with Coach about a training plan. Will spend a few weeks just getting back into the routine of getting up early and running, and then will see where my fitness is and where the plan takes me this time.

Happy New Year, everyone!
Checking in again, first to wish all the marathon weekend runners good luck! Can't wait to read the recaps.

Been a fine week for running, I've been able to get out consistently (ran last Thursday, Saturday, Monday, and yesterday, and will run again tomorrow and Saturday). I just ordered new speed workout shoes and new general training shoes (we got a new dog last year and she ate my old ones during her puppy teething phase). One goal I have is to be better about tracking the mileage on my shoes. I was great about it when I manually updated Strava, but now that I sync my Garmin to Strava, I routinely forget to tag shoes.

Every run gets a little easier, so I think Coach is probably right about regaining fitness, though I'm admittedly still keeping distances short. One thing I'm proud of though: I'm making it a point to run outside. It snowed here Tuesday so the ground was icy-ish yesterday. Still made it a point to get outside. The run was that much less boring because I was watching for ice patches : )

I have a business trip next week, which has historically been when I've gotten bad about running. Monday is the day I'm worried abotu since I have an early flight and work commitments through dinner, but I'll figure it out. I think maybe I can squeeze a run in between the office and dinner. Wednesday will be a treadmill run at the hotel gym : )
Hmm, today was one of those days where I am choosing to feel good about a run that sucked. I’m on the road for work this week, staying at a hotel I often stay at. Got up a dutifully headed down to the fitness center only to find it closed for renovations. All I have with me is indoor running gear (including my treadmill shoes, not my outdoor ones). I literally say “oh well, I tried.” On my way back to my room, I see it’s not raining yet. Quick check of the weather says it’s in the fifties and I have about 20 mins before the rain. Do I go for it? Yes I do!
But then I get on the run and a half a mile in, my stomach starts acting up. It makes the run way less awesome than it could have been. And the fact is that I’m carrying a phone, full size water bottle, headphone case, and hotel room key because I don’t have my hip belt with me since I had planned on treadmill runs.
So the run only ended up being a(n uncomfortable) mile before I had to head back to beat the rain. But at least I got out and did something instead of packing it in when I saw the gym was closed. I’m good with that.
I am very impressed! I probably would have just given up when I saw the fitness center closed. Great job getting out there and getting something done!


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