I love credit cards so much! v6.0 - 2023 (see first page for add'l details)

Thank you to those who commented the other day on using my dad's United Club certificate with my boarding pass- it worked flawlessly and it was nice to get out of the rush of the main part of the terminal, and also not have to spend money on lunch!
Okay so bookings for Aer Lingus are now on their website and it doesn't freeze like Avios did. But it looks like they aren't releasing and Biz class a year out. I can totally find Biz class for this summer, but nothing for next March (yes, I'm clearly a glutton for punishment). I have 200k Avios so I would like to use them still for an Ireland trip (despite having non-rev now). Since this switch is new, I'm guessing we won't know the sweet spot on when to book Biz for awhile.

On the flip side, perhaps we use them this summer (if I can find 3). And then non-rev for her Bday trip, since my mom has made it clear she doesn't want to go in March.
I'm planning to apply for a CIP in early May (last card was a CIC 1/29/24). I have tuition bills to pay so could simultaneously cover the MSR on a Citi AA Biz. Can I apply for the Citi card today and then the CIP May 1? I'm 2/24 with 1 dropping off in June, does a Citi Biz card count towards x/24?.
Nice on the instant approval! I went for the card too, but had to wait 3 days. It comes with 4 PP visits that I think still includes restaurants.
Hmmm. I didn't even look at the benefits. Will have to look into that.
We were planning on going Sat/Sun and coming home Monday. Now my son has a hockey tournament that weekend. I figure I'll cover Sat's games, his dad can do Sunday. So we'll likely stay Sun/Monday. We have VIP tickets to the Magician's Study I am SOOOO excited! I saw him (back row) in November. The front row gets to help w/ the tricks. It's such a small intimate show, it's AWESOME!

I used my Delta Credit to book at night at Palazzo, I'm trying to book another w/ my IHG free night. Otherwise we may switch to the Westin and use the BF's 35k FNC. He used to stay there w/ Spirit all the time.

It'll be our 3rd trip this year already, LOL. I think at this point Vegas and Cancun are our second homes.
We are staying at Paris. Had Comp stay for 3 nights plus no Resort Fees with Diamond status. Free flights on SW. I want to say this is a nice free trip - but my $$ will be going right into the slots and I don't anticipate me getting much of return on that (though I would be happily surprised if I was wrong...)
I'm planning to apply for a CIP in early May (last card was a CIC 1/29/24). I have tuition bills to pay so could simultaneously cover the MSR on a Citi AA Biz. Can I apply for the Citi card today and then the CIP May 1? I'm 2/24 with 1 dropping off in June, does a Citi Biz card count towards x/24?.
Yes you could apply for the citi card today then the CIP in May….pretty sure Citi doesn’t report business cards on your personal credit so shouldn’t count towards x/24
Planning for 2026. I'd like to do Antarctica. Any recommendations/personal experiences on cruise lines. I'm looking at both flying across the Drake as well as sailing. Lots to sift through as I start planning.
We went with A&K and did the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and Antarctica. I'd recommend trying to find a cruise that covers all 3 places -- who knows if / when you'll be back again and we really LOVED South George (we spent 4 days on different parts). We were on the ship for 21 days, which was a lot, but I wouldn't change the trip because it was so amazing. Speaking of ships, I'd recommend getting on a small one (under 200 passengers, but the fewer the better), so that you can navigate the smaller landing areas, the Lemaire Channel and everyone gets a decent amount of time on land.

I've heard amazing things about Nat Geo -- if I went again I'd look at their newest ship and going all the way to the South Pole in one of their single cabins (I would've been by now if it weren't so expensive lol).

As far as flying across the Drake Passage, I'd recommend doing a lot of research. From what I read a few years ago, the planes can be delayed for a few days due to weather and that cuts into your time in Antarctica (CC is an excellent source of info). We had the Drake Shake 1 way and neither dd nor I had any issues, can't say the same about 80% of the ship though (including crew). Our friends didn't have any issues either, but there were only 5 tables at breakfast, lunch and dinner for 2 days (waves were over the windows in the dining room, you had to hold onto handrails walking around the ship, the upstairs dining room was closed because things were flying off the tables and everyone on the top decks had to clear off their counters and tops of their dressers). I actually thought it was fun, almost everyone else not so much!

We had the most inexpensive room category and because I booked 16 months in advance I got to choose our cabin (mid-ship). Our friends were in the most expensive cabin, which was identical, but they were supposed to have a better view (I couldn't notice much of a difference). Their cabin was right by the door to the bridge and she said the noise of the door (to the bridge) opening and closing and people talking outside of their cabin was pretty bad. We were only in our room to sleep, if we weren't on excursion we were either in the dining room, in the lounge area or out on deck (I went to the gym almost every morning as well). I'd definitely go with the lease expensive cabin again (as long as it had a balcony, which every Le Ponant ship does (A&K chartered a Le Ponant ship). I took my own waterproof pants because I have long legs and I hate pants that are 5" too short. Good sunglasses with UV protection are a must (a strap to keep them on in high winds highly recommended). I also had 2 watertight 'bags' made for SLR cameras which I used almost every day (available on Amazon).

I know this has been discussed before, but you're going to want to have around $1M in medical evacuation insurance. Someone on our ship had a medical emergency and we had to turn around and head to the Chilean air base in a blizzard (it took 3 days to get there), where our ship was met by a military plane that flew her and her husband to Puenta Areneas for treatment. We also picked up a passenger from another ship that had a medical emergency in the middle of the ocean in 3' waves -- watching the evac was something I will never forget (it looked really scary). I can't imagine how much it cost those 2 passengers for the evacuation. At least we got a little tour of the Russian Antarctica station -- they had a small shop where dd got the coolest t-shirt and ball cap (they opened for us -- they share the island with the Chileans). We also saw the world's southern-most church (on the same island as the bases) -- it had standing room for 2, maybe 3 people.

@calypso726 went with Nat Geo, I'm sure she'll chime in with some more info.
This comes up every so often- this unique medical transportation/evacuation benefit of the Amex Plat for card members and covered family members:

MEDICAL ASSISTANCEDescriptionPremium Global Assist Hotline may provide, at no cost, the following emergencyservices to covered Card Members (and additional Card Members) and their CoveredFamily Members, defined as the spouse or domestic partner and dependent childrenunder the age of 23 (or under the age of 26 if enrolled in school on a full-time basis)who are traveling on the same trip itinerary as the Card Member, when:(a) Premium Global Assist Hotline was an existing benefit of the Card Account atthe beginning of the trip; and(b) the Card Member is traveling and the trip originated at the Card Member’s U.S.billing address within the prior 90 days; and(c) the Card Member is 100 miles or more from the Card Member’s AmericanExpress U.S. billing address.A HIPAA Release or authorization may be required to assist with any of the below statedservices.Please see below for eligibility requirements and restrictions.

Emergency Medical Transportation AssistanceIn the event the Card Member or another Covered Family Member becomes injured or illwhile traveling and is seeking medical treatment as a result, the Premium Global AssistHotline medical department can assess the adequacy of local facilities and the medicalneed for emergency medical transportation/evacuation. Such emergency medicaltransportation/evacuation may be provided at no cost if the Premium Global AssistHotline medical department, after review of the medical information and in consultationwith the local medical service provider or facility, determines there is a medical need atthe time of the incident for such transport and such transport is advisable due to theinadequacy of local facilities.To be eligible for emergency medical transportation/evacuation to a more appropriatemedical facility, the coveredCard MemberorCovered Family Member identified abovemust:• be under the care of a local medical service provider or facility• authorize the Premium Global Assist Hotline to obtain medical records andrecommendations to determine the medical need and fitness for travel• complete and return all required documentation for the review of Premium GlobalAssist Hotline• not be traveling against a physician’s advice• not be traveling with a pre-existing condition*• not be traveling to seek medical treatment*A pre-existing condition is any sickness, illness, or injury that has manifested itself,become acute, or was being treated in the 60-day period immediately prior to the start ofa trip.If all above criteria are met, Premium Global Assist Hotline will provide the timing andmeans of emergency medical transportation/evacuation, including medical equipment andsupplies and medical personnel to be used in connection with these services. Theselection of the Card Member’s (or Covered Family Member’s) final destination for theemergency medical transportation/evacuation from an inadequate medical facility to anadequate medical facility will be made by the Premium Global Assist Hotline.
Got an offer to upgrade my Blue Cash Everyday to BCP: $150 credit after $1K spend in 6 months. $0 intro AF.

Is that a good offer? I can keep it for a year then downgrade back to BCE, correct?
This comes up every so often- this unique medical transportation/evacuation benefit of the Amex Plat for card members and covered family members:

MEDICAL ASSISTANCEDescriptionPremium Global Assist Hotline may provide, at no cost, the following emergencyservices to covered Card Members (and additional Card Members) and their CoveredFamily Members, defined as the spouse or domestic partner and dependent childrenunder the age of 23 (or under the age of 26 if enrolled in school on a full-time basis)who are traveling on the same trip itinerary as the Card Member, when:(a) Premium Global Assist Hotline was an existing benefit of the Card Account atthe beginning of the trip; and(b) the Card Member is traveling and the trip originated at the Card Member’s U.S.billing address within the prior 90 days; and(c) the Card Member is 100 miles or more from the Card Member’s AmericanExpress U.S. billing address.A HIPAA Release or authorization may be required to assist with any of the below statedservices.Please see below for eligibility requirements and restrictions.

Emergency Medical Transportation AssistanceIn the event the Card Member or another Covered Family Member becomes injured or illwhile traveling and is seeking medical treatment as a result, the Premium Global AssistHotline medical department can assess the adequacy of local facilities and the medicalneed for emergency medical transportation/evacuation. Such emergency medicaltransportation/evacuation may be provided at no cost if the Premium Global AssistHotline medical department, after review of the medical information and in consultationwith the local medical service provider or facility, determines there is a medical need atthe time of the incident for such transport and such transport is advisable due to theinadequacy of local facilities.To be eligible for emergency medical transportation/evacuation to a more appropriatemedical facility, the coveredCard MemberorCovered Family Member identified abovemust:• be under the care of a local medical service provider or facility• authorize the Premium Global Assist Hotline to obtain medical records andrecommendations to determine the medical need and fitness for travel• complete and return all required documentation for the review of Premium GlobalAssist Hotline• not be traveling against a physician’s advice• not be traveling with a pre-existing condition*• not be traveling to seek medical treatment*A pre-existing condition is any sickness, illness, or injury that has manifested itself,become acute, or was being treated in the 60-day period immediately prior to the start ofa trip.If all above criteria are met, Premium Global Assist Hotline will provide the timing andmeans of emergency medical transportation/evacuation, including medical equipment andsupplies and medical personnel to be used in connection with these services. Theselection of the Card Member’s (or Covered Family Member’s) final destination for theemergency medical transportation/evacuation from an inadequate medical facility to anadequate medical facility will be made by the Premium Global Assist Hotline.
Regarding med vac - I would also recommend checking to see if you have an Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) available through your workplace and if so, to check with your HR if Med Vac is part of it. Med vac is usually included in a lot of EAP plans. I work with our EAP vendor several times a week and the med vac is usually one of the most asked about questions.
Just wanted to say thanks to all who gave advice on helping my mom with her credit cards after my father's passing. She has a new Platinum card, we downgraded his Platinum to Green, and then she notified Amex of his passing.

She's still working through logistics with lawyers and her financial advisor but everything seems manageable and she knows I'm just a phone call away.
Planning for 2026. I'd like to do Antarctica. Any recommendations/personal experiences on cruise lines. I'm looking at both flying across the Drake as well as sailing. Lots to sift through as I start planning.
I am going to echo @*WDW*Groupie* on a couple of things. If you can do the longer trip that includes South Georgia and the Falkland Islands do it. I am looking at a repeat at some point because I did not get to visit SG and FI. Smaller ship is key so you can make all the landings and not have to split your time allotted for other passengers. Flying means you are subject to weather and could miss or delay your trip. Do the Drake. Ships make me seasick even when the water is like glass. We brought prescription remedies in preparation but never needed them. I was fine with Bonine everyday. It's a neat experience tbh.

Ship choice IMO matters here. I chose a ship that was designed for this. I chose the ship based on Ice class and being able to operate smoothly on the Drake. 18 foot waves looked awful but did not feel awful. I've had smaller waves feel worse on larger ships. I went with Lindblad/NatGeo on the Orion (102 passengers) and it was amazing. Book the moment the cabins/dates are released if you can. I booked the lowest level of midship for stability which was also the least expensive. It was perfect and I'd book the same cabin again given the choice. I'll chime in with more later today and feel free to ask questions.
If you want a way to earn United points, check out the MilieagePlusX App. I became aware of this app several years ago from a member on an older version of this thread. It is such as easy way to earn United Points on purchases and "double dip" with credit card points. I used to use the app, but fell away from in. Just decided to check it out again.

Here is the basic info: https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/mileageplus/earn-miles/mileageplus-x.html

Basically, you buy gift cards for purchases through the app. Pay for the GC on MileagePlusX with whichever CC you want (that's where the double dip comes in). You get United Points for the MileagePlusX purchase and CC points.

I just placed a 35.99 order at Chewy. I bought a 35.99 Chewy GC on MileagePlusX, and paid for the gift card with my CFU. I got 88 points immediately in my United Account and will earn the URs on the 35.99 purchase.
This can be done in stores too - just takes a little manipulating if you want to buy the gift card at purchase time for the exact amount. It only takes a few seconds to buy the gift card, but I remember always getting nervous at payment time that I was taking too long.

Edit to add: I remember that CC offers used to work even though the purchase went through MileagePlusX. So for example, right now I have at 10% offer on Staples on my CFU. And Staples give 3 miles/dollar on the app. If I go to Staples and pay with the MileagePlusX gift card, I should get United Points from the MileagePlusX app, URs from Chase and the 10% cash back. (Obviously, cannot buy a gift card with a gift card, so it would be a regular purchase.)
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Got an offer to upgrade my Blue Cash Everyday to BCP: $150 credit after $1K spend in 6 months. $0 intro AF.

Is that a good offer? I can keep it for a year then downgrade back to BCE, correct?
Yes. I have done this more than once. I use the 6% cash back to buy some gift cards because I don't spend $6000 a year on groceries at traditional grocery stores. They are a little sneaky about the AF after a year, seems they add it to my online statement only when it closes, so I have ended up only getting a pro-rated refund minus a month.


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