Cass, Rob & Kira - Disneyland June 2023 - "Our lights! Our watches! Our bands!"

Just wanted to pop in and tell you how much I've enjoyed reading your trip report! We're getting ready to head to CA for our first trip ever for our 25th (a year later instead of early, haha) and I am soaking up all the info I can!

Well thanks for popping in and I hope you have a wonderful 25th anniversary trip! :cool1:

This is such fun to read! I haven't been on these boards recently, but remember your great reports and your cute kiddo --can't believe she's a teen now!

Loving your adventures --looking forward to the rest!

Thanks for joining in and coming back to read about our recent adventures! :goodvibes


Most definitely is!

So no Pixar Pal around for you?? :rotfl:

Yeah, I don't care about Disneyland, but I do want to read a Cass trippie. :rotfl2:

Awww, thanks!! One of my fave comments!!! :lovestruc:cool1:

I am so enjoying your report! It is so fun and I feel like I am there with you! It also makes me long to be there...counting the days until December!

Ohh a December trip will be amazing!!! :woohoo:

Your husband went to Plaza Inn and got......salmon? SALMON????? :oops: :sad: No no no.....return trip immediately......for fried chicken!!!!!:rotfl2:Thank god for your ronto wrap otherwise I'd have no food porn in this entry bwahahaha

Hahaha, I know! And he was regretting it because the salmon was not as good as the chicken! :rolleyes2

Ok I have yet to find that spot in the Grand to watch WoC 🤨 D'oh! Awww Kira all tuckered, bless 😍

It's super easy, it's on the 6th floor. In fact, it is listed on the map above, just around that elevator bank. ;)

Loving it! I think we should plan a trip together!
World of color is just so beautiful. Did it cool down at all at night ? I haven't been to Cali in the summer, but I would assume it stays warm late.

I think that's a most excellent idea! :scratchin:idea: It did get colder, once the sun went down which is why Rob needed a jacket. :rolleyes1 Kira had a hoodie each night too but you know me, three billion degrees as always, don't need a hoodie until about 40 degrees. :rotfl:
Of course one last Dole Whip for the road, I mean d'uh! ;) :rotfl2: :love:

Buzz the cleaning helper dog, what could be cuter??

I'm so excited for the new Villas at DLH. Eventhough buying another contract is not in the cards for us at the moment I'm hoping to be able to book something at the 7 month mark when our window opens for next July or August. And will be checking out the current inventory when it goes live to all DVCer's this Thursday....for research purposes of course ;)
June 27th, Part 2

Our Uber driver was a huge Packers fan and it made me think of my friend Nancy and how much I misssed her. :hug:



We made it to SNA safe and sound, albeit, a little frazzled. :crazy:


We arrived very early and there was no one at the Westjet desks so we waited on a nearby bench for awhile.


So far, so good, our flight was on time! :thumbsup2


We eventually joined the line and about 30 minutes later, we got notification that our flight was delayed. We didn't know why, something about departure location delays. Our plane was coming from Calgary and they were getting some storms.


We watched as many K-9' teams made their rounds. They all kept surrounding this one area but eventually they all left. You can see three of them in this pic plus two more guys in uniform. We thought something was about to go down but nothing happened. :confused3


Eventually the WJ agents came out and we checked in. They took our extra bag of dirty laundry for free thankfully and we checked the other one for free since we had upgraded to Premium, so we didn't have to haul them around. :thumbsup2

Once we got through security, we were hungry so we headed to California Pizza Kitchen. It's been a long time since we've been to one of these but we still remember that they had good pizza.


We split one pizza, Kira only wanted one piece and I had two pieces minus the crust. Rob always eats our crusts and then he finished off the last three pieces. It was really good but very heavy and I didn't want to eat too much.


We headed to our gate and found a spot to chill for the next few hours. Our flight would eventually be delayed again and it changed to another gate because of it.

Rob and I also split that chocolate croissant that I had bought that morning and it was freaking delicious! No wonder Kira loved them so much! It might have been the best chocolate croissant I've ever had in my life! :worship:

Kira eventually got hungry and she wanted McDonald's so we headed over there together. The line was very long and there was only one person working the counter. This woman was a one-woman show! The line ended up being 45 minutes and it would have been much longer if the woman wasn't freaking amazing! We commended her on the fact that she was literally doing everything except making the burgers. She took all of the orders, called them out to the kitchen, made the fries, got the drinks, put the orders together, called out the numbers and more!

They were getting ready to board our flight as we grabbed the food. Kira scarfed it down in record time and then we boarded. This is where she found out that I had upgraded our seats because she kept saying that we could just board after everyone else, no big deal but since we had Zone 1 boarding with our upgrade, I wanted to take advantage of that so I had to tell her about the upgrade. I was hoping to keep it a secret until we actually got on the plane but yeah, that didn't work out. :rolleyes2

I completely forgot to tell you about my first botched attempt at surprising my kid. When I was booking this trip, like I had mentioned, I was very close to booking the SunCoast Park Hotel and at that point, she asked where we were staying, so I told her. And then I booked the Grand Cal the next day and decided to surprise her and tell her as we were pulling up to it but the US Customs guy foiled my plans when he asked where we were staying. I blurted it out and looked over at Kira with her jaw on the floor and realized that I just ruined that surprise. :rolleyes1:rotfl:

So, I'm 0 for 2 with surprising my kid this trip. :lmao:


We REALLY enjoyed this upgrade because we were on a plane with dedicated Premium seats, not the old planes with the regular seats and a blocked off middle seat. :woohoo:


We couldn't get all three of us in the same row so Kira was one row behind us. It made it difficult to take our traditional pic but we didn't care. :p

Good enough! ::yes::

The people behind us didn't make it on the flight and Kira eventually moved over there and had no one next to her so she was really spoiled! :dance3:

When she found out about the upgrade, I reminder her that we had upgraded once, for our Christmas trip in 2018 but all she remembered from that flight were the warm cloths that they gave us. So funny what kids remember, right? :goodvibes

She had the best reaction when the flight attendant passed out those warm cloths! :rotfl2:


We took off very close to sunset, two hours after we were supposed to.








This 3.5 hour flight just flew by! It seemed like we were always getting something delivered or set up for our meal. And look at that, a real glass!! :woohoo:I don't drink but I sure enjoyed a nice glass filled with ice to dump my water into!


I propped my iPad up and watched some Black Mirror while I dined. How spoiled am I??!!! :love:


I don't recall the other choice but we all ended up with the chicken. It wasn't amazing or anything but it was nice to have some real food on a plane for once. ::yes::


I got to see Vegas again out my window as the lights were coming on. The photos didn't turn out at all but it was cool to see it again! And the clouds were amazing!


Do I spot one final hidden Mickey? :earboy2:


We were offered one more snack but I think we all just put these into our carry-ons as we were all very full.


Coming into Calgary, we flew right by our house.


And then passed downtown, so pretty at night.


Kira exclaimed that this was the best flight ever! I have to agree with her I think! The 3.5 hours really did fly by, I watched a couple of really good episodes of my show, had some great views out of the window and I was very comfortable. Normally flights kill my back but these seats were so roomy, I could flip side to side to help alleviate my lower back pain. While it was a splurge, this upgrade was 100% worth it! :worship:

Back to Canada, yay! The Customs guy didn't even ask us any questions! Normally after visiting the Nexus machines they ask us if we have anything to declare but he looked at our printout from the machine and let us through, not a single word! I have to say, since Covid, while flying can be hit or miss, getting through Customs has become so much easier for trusted travelers and I love it! :love:


Another plus of flying Premium is that your bags come out first! We are normally waiting forever but the bags came out just as we were getting to the luggage belt! Across the street we went to hop on the shuttle to go get our car. Kira was done. :teeth:

This is where we found out why our plane was delayed. The power had gone out at YYC for hours earlier that day and our plane couldn't take off on time. Many people were way worse off than us so I'm glad it didn't affect us too much.


As usual, we headed home, unloaded our stuff and I unpacked while Rob and Kira went to go get Luna & Boo. 🐶🐶

The puppies were very happy to be home and we were absolutely exhausted! :faint::faint::faint:

Thanks to my two brothers who helped make this trip possible! :hug:

And that's a wrap, folks! :goodvibes

Thanks for joining us for another adventure. I really appreciate all of the comments, I love reading every single one! :grouphug:

Until next time, Adios, Amoebas! :cool:

Of course one last Dole Whip for the road, I mean d'uh! ;) :rotfl2: :love:

Buzz the cleaning helper dog, what could be cuter??

I'm so excited for the new Villas at DLH. Eventhough buying another contract is not in the cards for us at the moment I'm hoping to be able to book something at the 7 month mark when our window opens for next July or August. And will be checking out the current inventory when it goes live to all DVCer's this Thursday....for research purposes of course ;)

Ohhh I wish you luck then!!! 🍀pixiedust:

Another fantastic trip report! :worship:

Where are we going next? popcorn::

I have finally booked our 25th anniversary trip but I am not writing a trip report for that but I will post photos on my FB business page. ;)

I also have a return trip to DL planned with some friends but again, not writing a trip report for that one either.

I usually only write trippies for trips that I do with both Rob and Kira and while we have nothing booked yet, we are crossing our fingers for a Christmas cruise. 🤞🎄

Awesome Report! I totally enjoyed it. Are you doing videos for this one too?

Yes, I did a much better job taking video this trip than photos for some reason. :teeth:

I am downloading videos as I type this. :thumbsup2
I'm sorry for the flight delay but yay for the upgrade to Premium :cheer2:

Can't wait to find out where you booked for your anniversary! Oooh and another possible Christmas cruise....weeeeeee :love:
What an awesome trip report. Thanks so much for doing this. Now I will have to go back and check out your old ones.
Wonderful report! For some reason, I started reading your 2009 trip with Kira pulling her Tink bag all over and insisting on getting out of her seat belt on the plane. Fun!

What is your business FB page?
Wait. What?? It's OVER?

Loved it.

Want a new Trip Report asap.

PS: My DD/SIL were at DLand and CA last week after not being there in many, many years. (WDW a million times) Absolutely loved it.
They only had 2 days there but so much of it mirrored your great TR.
My best friend lives in Rocky Mountain House, so she flies West Jet out of Calgary a ton...I am jealous of how great your upgrade was! I fly Alaska most of the time and Premium for them is a bit bigger legroom and early boarding. That is it, nothing else special. I so enjoyed your report it was the BEST!!!!!
Awesome trip report! We flew Premium with WestJet our last trip and it was so wonderful. It will be very hard not to fly premium going forward. Such a difference!
What a great trip! The flight home (after the delays, of course) sure looked nice! I loved how you snuck home the chocolate croissants to extend the vacation fun a bit!

Thanks again for writing! I’m definitely more excited for my upcoming trip after reading your report- you do such a good job with pictures and giving us a good feel for the parks.
I'm sorry for the flight delay but yay for the upgrade to Premium :cheer2:

Can't wait to find out where you booked for your anniversary! Oooh and another possible Christmas cruise....weeeeeee :love:

A nice long cruise on a new-to-us cruise line. :goodvibes:teeth:

Have yourself a wonderful trip soon! :sail:


thanks for such a great trip report, now I need to go plan a trip to Disneyland!

Yes, you absolutely do! :teeth:

What an awesome trip report. Thanks so much for doing this. Now I will have to go back and check out your old ones.

Thanks! Enjoy, there's lots of them! The chapter links don't work on some of the old ones because the DIS has changed servers over the years but they are still there if you scroll. :thumbsup2

Wonderful report! For some reason, I started reading your 2009 trip with Kira pulling her Tink bag all over and insisting on getting out of her seat belt on the plane. Fun!

What is your business FB page?

LOL! That was the trip with all of the tantrums and meltdowns. Thankfully she has grown out of that phase! :laughing:

I can't post it here, it's against the rules but I am sure you can google me. :upsidedow

Wait. What?? It's OVER?

Loved it.

Want a new Trip Report asap.

PS: My DD/SIL were at DLand and CA last week after not being there in many, many years. (WDW a million times) Absolutely loved it.
They only had 2 days there but so much of it mirrored your great TR.

I know, right? That was so quick!! :worried:

I would love to write another trip report asap but sadly I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. :sad2:

I'm glad they had a great time! Such a fun and easy place to visit! :teeth:

My best friend lives in Rocky Mountain House, so she flies West Jet out of Calgary a ton...I am jealous of how great your upgrade was! I fly Alaska most of the time and Premium for them is a bit bigger legroom and early boarding. That is it, nothing else special. I so enjoyed your report it was the BEST!!!!!

I've been to RMH. :goodvibes Yes, we loved our upgrade, so spoiled! :lovestruc I hear you about the Premium on Alaska, that's kind of the way it is on the old WJ planes but still better than economy! :scared::rolleyes:

Awesome trip report! We flew Premium with WestJet our last trip and it was so wonderful. It will be very hard not to fly premium going forward. Such a difference!

Thanks! :goodvibes

I hear you, so easy to get spoiled! ::yes:::laughing:

What a great trip! The flight home (after the delays, of course) sure looked nice! I loved how you snuck home the chocolate croissants to extend the vacation fun a bit!

Thanks again for writing! I’m definitely more excited for my upcoming trip after reading your report- you do such a good job with pictures and giving us a good feel for the parks.

Yeah, I loved how surprised she was each day she got them. :goodvibes

Thanks for the kind words! I am sure you will have a magical trip! :cool1:
Sad to see it end but it was a great report!

Awesome that you were able to upgrade to Premium seats. They looked really nice.

Glad to hear you booked an anniversary trip. Hope you have a great time!
Sad to see it end but it was a great report!

Awesome that you were able to upgrade to Premium seats. They looked really nice.

Glad to hear you booked an anniversary trip. Hope you have a great time!

Thanks for the kind words! :goodvibes

And thanks for always being a part of our journey. :flower:
Im so intrigued by Buzz Lightyear! Do you know what he was searching for? I’m wondering if it could be bedbugs….

Thanks for an awesome report!
We were gone on vacation the last 2 weeks, so I just binged the entire rest of this report!! I can't wait to go to Disneyland someday; everything just looks so amazing! Love your upgraded airplane experience on the way home--flying is SO not my favorite, but those seats and extra touches sure make it more enjoyable!
Your trip report was absolutely amazing! And I loved all your aerial photos, man, great shots!

your writing style is very warm and friendly, I feel like I know your whole family! Glad you had a wonderful journey!


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