So NOW we get why people love cruising! 3-Night Wish & Enchanté "Brunch" Jan 2024 COMPLETED


home is where the Yeti is
Apr 1, 2008
DH (C) and I (B) were on board the Wish for the first time Jan 19-Jan 22nd, and we have a LOT of thoughts and a LOT of pictures!

For a little background info - we're WDW resort fiends, but relative newbies to the world of cruising. We took our first cruise in 2010 and since then have only been on 4 total before this Wish cruise. I know that's not exactly nothing, but since we live right between Port Canaveral and Port Tampa, our cruise count is lower than a lot of people we know (locally, but also most certainly on the DIS, too!) so we still feel like cruise noobs.

Our past experience:
Carnival - x2
Disney -x1
NCL - x1 (never again)

We went on a 4 night Disney dream cruise in 2013, but I got sick the first day on the ship (not Disney's fault) and so I experienced very little and remember almost nothing.
So while I'd LOVE to be able to join the discourse on Wish vs Dream ship, I really can't fairly compare them!

The cruises we've taken have mostly been years apart, but our last cruise before the Wish, on NCL, was exactly one year prior. And it was such an awful experience we nearly wrote off cruising entirely, but since we love Disney so much we decided to take a chance on the Wish, hoping it would make up for our bad trip with NCL. We now consider this our "revenge cruise!" :laughing:

Our thoughts on the Wish itself changed DRAMATICALLY over the course of three days, so I'm excited to get those feelings out!

Our Navigator schedule for this trip report:

Day 1 Part 1 - embarkation and exploration with a side of room celebrations
Day 1 Part 2 - Claustrophobia Cay
Day 1 Part 3 - An Arendelle Surprise
Day 2 Part 1 - Nassau Day, Enchante "brunch"
Day 2 Part 2 - Enchante Brunch continued
Day 2 Part 3 - Cablegate & 1923
Day 3 Part 1 - Castaway Cay Day
Day 3 Part 2 - Worlds of Marvel

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Day 1 Part 1 - embarkation and exploration with a side of room celebrations

We had a 12:30 PAT, which to us as baby silvers actually seemed early, and arrived just on time.

This was by far the smoothest embarkation process we've had, even including when we had some sort of paid VIP status with Carnival. We were through the port terminal so quickly I didn't even have a chance to snap any pics before we were on board walking out into the Grand Hall!

We oohed and ahhed at the chandelier and how pretty everything was, and I immediately sent this blurry pic of Belle to a friend who adores her.


I saw the crew member walking around handing out the magic wands and deep in my heart I absolutely wanted one, but he was only offering them to kids so I didn't pipe up and ask. :laughing:


As lovely as the hall was, it both kind of hit us as somewhat small (foreshadowing for the THEME FOR THE REST OF DAY 1). We started wandering around and, hilariously, I saw a guy snapping a photo of the deckplans and since I hadn't yet opened the Navigator app I thought "hey, how smart!" and followed suit. Feel free to laugh!


Since we'd made the stupid decision to skip breakfast (although who wants to do any cooking or dishes the morning before they leave for a cruise?!) our hunger poked through our excitement, and we went straight up to deck 11, bypassing the buffet (more foreshadowing) to get right to the good stuff.

Mickey's Festival of Foods (warning: extreme gluttony ahead)


Donald's Cantina - chicken bowl with cilantro rice, pico, corn, cheese, sour cream, and chipotle hot sauce

My expectations might have been too high for this place based on all the love it gets here! I loved the huge variety of options (and sauces) here but I was disappointed in the flavor, everything was sort of bland. But it was nice and light, a rare pool deck fast food option you could grab and not feel gross about after! ...Unless you ruin that by indulging in 52 more things, like we did. :laughing:


Daisy's Pizza Pies - pepperoni

Unlike Donald, I had no expectations for Daisy and she made a fool of me quickly. I loved this pizza and I couldn't figure out why! It had that 'puffy' nature to it like most WDW CS pizza that almost prohibits it from even qualifying as pizza, but man did this hit the spot. Loved that they had red pepper and oregano shakers on the side!


Goofy's Grill - chicken tenders

These beauties? Chef's kiss. The simplest food on earth and so immensely satisfying. I'd be eating these more on the cruise and they were perfect every time. And their giant dispense of honey mustard? Please and thank you.


After we ate and on our way out we HAD to pick up cones from Sweet Minnie's Ice Cream, naturally. The CMs were clearly anticipating the embarkation rush, because they had vanilla cones already swirled and ready in a holder, and were just handing them out to everyone who approached.

Now, I didn't take a pic - the cone was not pretty and I could tell by looking at it that it wasn't going to be great. The texture was so gritty! I assumed it was non-dairy ice cream and was instantly turned off, I'm not a fan of any non-dairy soft serves, even, blasphemous as it may be, dole whips (although DH would die for them). So I wrote off Sweet Minnie's and thought "oh well, this will be an ice cream-free cruise." (MORE FORESHADOWING!!!)

Our rooms were ready by this point so we made the quick and easy walk downstairs to our stateroom, 10620.

My birthday was a couple days before the cruise, and while DH had told me he ordered a cake he didn't say anything about room decorations, so I was surprised to walk into this festive scene!


The birthday goodies came with a giant beach towel, a neck...towel...thing? with pockets? (I wore it like a scarf when we got home and I was cold, LOL) and...birthday pillowcases?! That's something I've never seen, and they were surprisingly silky!

There was also a birthday tapestry and a giant birthday magnet on our stateroom door. We had a brief moment of weirdness over that magnet - we heard a commotion outside from what sounded like kids freaking out over the magnet, then a thump on our door. DH opened the door, saw the magnet was gone, asked the family in the hallway "hey, did you happen to take a magnet from our door?" and the kids' dad immediately offered it up and said "sorry, they got confused." Which kind of indicated to us he saw them take it and thought nothing of it? But oh well. We kept it on an inside door after that. :laughing:


Also - I was overjoyed to see we had a Moana stateroom! I hadn't looked it up in advance, and Moana is my favorite Disney movie!

We were really impressed by our stateroom. Since DH and I have only ever taken short cruises from PC, our experience has been on mostly older ships. Like, old, OLD ships. We had a suite on our NCL cruise that cost us more than this room, but had a weird layout and the most archaic, awkward bathroom known to man. This statement though was so bright and airy, and we LOVE the split bathroom layout.

Our luggage had arrived shortly after we got into the room (efficient!) so we unpacked and then ventured off for more exploring!

(PHOTO MAX REACHED! to be continued)
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Day 1 Part 2 - Claustrophobia Cay

I'd read references to Castaway gifts on the DIS previously, but since we'd only ever had that one Dream cruise that ten years ago that I remembered nothing about, I wasn't really anticipating we'd get anything. It was a pleasant surprise! The bag is really nice quality, and I wore my lanyard throughout most of the cruise.


We went down to Luna where they had dining guest services stationed. We had an Enchante brunch booked because Palo had been sold out, but I'd seen on the DIS suggestions to check on board for possible additional availability. While there was no Palo unavailability, the CM assured us Enchante would be great. I offhandedly mentioned I just liked the Palo brunch options a bit more, the CMs dropped the bomb that we were in luck, because Enchante was no longer offering a brunch menu. It would be the full dinner menu, during either brunch or dinner bookings! o_O This was a big change, but tbh I was excited about it because I hadn't really been excited about the brunch menu, DH was the one pushing for that ADR!

Speaking of DH...we also spoke to a CM about a private table request. We had the 5PM early dining booked, and the CM told us if we switched to the later 8PM dining they could easily grant our request. I'm an extrovert, and DH is extremely introverted. But while I find it easy to talk to strangers, I know from past experience that sometimes I overdo it in an attempt to make up for DH's silence and then just wind up exhausting myself. So I accepted the switch!

And I was SO glad we did; our muster drill was in the restaurant 1923. When we were led inside I was shocked by how small it was and how CLOSE the tables and seats were. DH and I couldn't even slide into seats next to each other without rearranging the chairs a bit. The dining CM had told us we were originally booked at a 6 seat table with 2 other couples, and looking around 1923 I could only imagine us bumping elbows nonstop, or me cutting something on my plate and it winding up on the stranger's plate next to me. :laughing:

We had a leeeengthy wait at our muster station for all other parties to arrive and when we were finally released into the masses, the stairs/elevator banks were SO overwhelmed with people. Going from the cramped restaurant to the cramped hallways was a bit suffocating to me and this is when I started feeling that the Wish seemed SO much smaller than the previous ships we'd been on.

For the rest of day 1 we referred to the ship as either "Claustrophobia: The Cruise" or "Claustrophobia Cay" but worry not, our opinions would dramatically change!

But there was a definite bright spot walking the grand hall area; random Tiana and Naveen sighting! These two are my favorite prince and princess and instantly made me feel like a kid. I surely had the biggest, dumbest smile on my face when I whipped out my phone, and they were sweet enough to wave my way.



They're so cute!

We decided to sit down somewhere and familiarize ourselves with the Navigator app and the day's plans, and popped our heads into the Star Wars lounge.

Hyperspace Lounge

I expected it to be packed, but there were several tables empty. We're not SW buffs so maybe we're more easily impressed, but I really liked the vibes in here!


Tatooine | Freetown Reserve
Woodford Reserve Double Oaked


DH's drink came out with a whooooole production of smoke and mirrors, and it was great fun to watch, but I had a feeling one sip would have taken me out. :laughing:

Batuu | Spire Sunset
Saigon Bagur, Kumquat, Lychee, and Coconut


My drink didn't just have a fun bubble, it was actually TASTY too! Fruity, a little tart, not too sweet, exactly my kind of drink. Loved the whole lychee inside it, too!

We had a bit of sticker shock when we paid our bill ($48 for 2 drinks and tip?!) but we enjoyed our time in the lounge and were glad we gave it a try.

We had some unfortunate weather during the sailaway party, but it passed quickly and we had blue skies the rest of the trip.


(okay Day 1 is taking more than just 2 be continued!)
Day 1 Part 300 - An Arendelle Surprise

After the sailaway party that was not to be, we explored the two cinemas (I was excited to return for a showing later!) then decided to hit up the Luna lounge for our first trivia event. On our way, we stopped at one of the little coffee bars for a caffeine boost.

I loved the little ipad menus everywhere on the ship, but those dang "special offerings" get me every TIME! I went in for a simple coffee but somehow wound up ordering a beetroot latte. I love beets, but in a latte? This was new territory for me!

Enchanted Sword Cafe


Our first latte art of the trip! DH was given Spiderman and I got Ariel! I somehow wasn't expecting this and I'm easily amused, so it was a delightful surprise. We also got our punch cards to earn a free coffee after 5 purchases...2 coffees per day over 3 days? Piece of cake!

Art aside, the lattes were definitely interesting. Beets are naturally so sweet, but this tasted so unexpectedly savory. I didn't hate it, but I didn't exactly love it. As DH said, "it sure tastes healthy" which is his way of giving something a negative review. :laughing:

We enjoyed the trivia events in Luna and our first exposure to the amazing Wish entertainment staff. One thing I would come to marvel at across the cruise was how MANY entertainment CMs there were. We went to a lot of events and only a few times had the same CM twice. On our last cruise with NCL, every event we attended was hosted by the same lone entertainment crew member, to the point where he greeted us by name. Which isn't a bad or good thing, the difference just stuck out to us!

The 6PM stage show would be starting in around a half hour, so we headed to the theater with plenty of time to spare in order to snag good seats. Famous last words...

Walt Disney Theater - Disney Seas the Adventure

We were one of the first to enter the theater, so we headed for prime seats on the first floor. As we got closer to the seats, we could tell they appeared to be quite narrow, but even still we were a bit shocked when we sat down and discovered how uncomfortable they were.

We actually left our original seats and headed upstairs to the balcony, thinking there could potentially be different style seats up there, or at least more room. We found they weren't different at all, but wound up staying for the show there.

DH is 6'4" and I'm a ~friend of Pooh~ :laughing: so we were absolutely miserable in these tiny, cramped seats. He had no leg room and my hips were squeezed like a vice. The theater seating discomfort honestly shocked us for such a new ship. We've not had any theater seating issues on the other, much older ships we've been on.

As for the show, while I was happy for the Moana and Tiana inclusion and loved their performances, the second it ended I bolted out of that seat and up the stairs!

We skipped the remaining two shows on our cruise. Sorry Walt, not a fan of your Theater!

After the show we headed back up to the room to relax before dinner, encountered our first towel animal of the cruise and met our WONDERFUL room attendant Ed. He was an absolute sweetheart and checked in with us every time we passed him throughout the cruise, always asking if we needed anything!

Also happily surprised to see the chocolates were Dove, which is my favorite. Needless to say DH didn't get his. :laughing:


Arrendelle: A Frozen Dining Adventure

Claustrophia Cay struck again when we arrived to Arrendelle at 8:05 for our 8:15 reservation, and wound up funneled into a long line in a sea of people. If this was the less busy seating we couldn't imagine what the 5PM crowd was like!

But when we were shown to our table, it was PERFECT - against the wall, a good distance away from the stage. It was a 4 top but they'd removed the 2 extra chairs. We felt like we had so much room!

We met our servers for the cruise, Allissia and Nelson, and loved them right away. They were so personable and down-to-earth, and gave us by far the best service we'd had on any prior cruise!

This dinner would be the first and last time I felt bold enough to order two appetizers. :laughing:

I went with -

Elsa’s Royal Baked Scallops Shrimp Tarragon Bisque, Rainbow Carrots, Leeks, flaky Pastry


I didn't really know what to make of this. The pastry was like a delicious, flaky croissant. But forking into it, instead of sending chunks down into the broth below, just sort of made it go everywhere. I honestly just started eating forkfuls of it by itself, which seemed a bit silly. The scallops/vegetables/broth inside were all pretty tasty!

Nordic Cucumber, Potato & Carrot Salad Baby Oakleaf, Lolla Rossa Lettuce

This was the winner for me! It doesn't look like much but it was cold, refreshing, and the potatoes had a strong mustard flavor that I loved.


Anna’s Koldtbord “Hot” Smoked Salmon, Smoked Fiord Trout Horseradish Lefse, Salmon Gravlax, Sweet Shrimp, Dill Honey Mustard, Crisp Knackerbrot


DH loves charcuterie boards and I'd read good things about this on the DIS, so I encouraged him to try it. He wasn't a big fan, but we both should have realized it was probably too fish-forward for his tastes.

Split Yellow Pea Soup Pulled Ham Hock, Pannekaken


This however DH loved! He said it was one of the better pea soups he's had. And while all I could see in his bowl was HAM, he thought it contained the perfect amount. :laughing:

Crisp Panko-Crusted Icelandic Cod Filet

A perfect entrée for me, cod is always a favorite. This was served crispy and hot, a pretty generic-fish-filet but perfectly crusted. Loved the rainbow carrots and the pea/potato puree had more of a pea flavor with a potato texture, which was very interesting! I even enjoyed the tartar sauce, which I usually avoid.


DH went with -

Garlic & Thyme Roasted Beef Rib-Eye Double-baked Potato, Buttered Broccoli, Sweet Honey-Roasted Carrots, Cabernet Jus


This is just the first of many slabs of meat for DH on this cruise! In my opinion, the plate looked like a hot mess, but I'm not much of a beef person. I'm seafood, he's land mammals. :laughing: He did say it was more prime rib and less rib-eye steak like he expected, but he ate every last bit of it with no complaints.

For desert (missed the pics!) I had the apple cake and DH went with the buttercake. After taking one bite, we both switched plates! The apple cake was like a spice cake, which I'm not a big fan of, and he thought the buttercake was too bland. But I enjoyed the buttercake, and he enjoyed the applecake. It all worked out!

While we didn't pay much attention to the show on the stage since we were far away, the show came to us anyway with a lot of performers (and Olaf!) roaming around the room. DH and I are diehard SNL fans and we were endlessly amused by our show's Kristoff bearing an uncanny resemblance to comedian Michael Longfellow. Our server Allissia went all in during the napkin-waving contest, and we just found the whole atmosphere to be charming and goofy and a lot of fun.

That combined with the food far exceeding our expectations (I read these boards too much!) put us off to a great start for the cruise.

After dinner we took in more entertainment at Luna with the game Majority Rules before officially turning in for the night.


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Day 2 Part 1 - Nassau Day & Enchante Brunch

We're early risers so we woke up before we'd docked at Nassau, and took in the beautiful weather on the balcony for a bit.


We'd ordered coffee and fruit from room service for breakfast, which would become a trend for us because those door hangers are just SO convenient. We had intended to try MDR breakfast this trip but never got to it. Shockingly, we also never set foot into Marceline, for either breakfast or lunch.

Coffee and fruit! We kept it light since we wanted to go into our Enchante brunch with our most robust appetites. :laughing:


After we showered we headed off to the pool deck because Moana (my fave!) was playing on the funnel vision!

It was COLD and windy, so there weren't too many people out. We grabbed some cups of hot coffee from the pool beverage bar and enjoyed most of the movie, until we had to leave to get ready for brunch.


The windy deck had done a number on my hair, so I tamed it as best as I could. :laughing: I'm not fond of dressing up, I'm more your typical corporate remoter worker who dresses like a bum 90% of the time, so the sundress I'd brought to wear to Enchante was surely on the casual side. My giant sweater likely didn't help, but it was a COLD morning on the ship though so I was glad I'd packed it and REALLY glad I had it in the restaurant!


The walk through The Rose and into Enchante to our table was absolutely stunning. I was very happy when I looked around at the other patrons and could see I wasn't underdressed. It was a lovely restaurant but the vibes were not at all 'stuffy'.


Our table's prime view of a Carnival ship might not seem like the most scenic :laughing: but honestly since we were there for so long we enjoyed the ability to people watch!


We met our server G, who was lovely and told us a bit about himself, and I restrained myself from throwing out choppy phrases from the distant memories of 5 years' of French classes! He told us about the history of Enchante and the head chef's various accolades before explaining the menu options to us.


DH opted for the Collection, eager to try a bit of everything. I ordered the Passion, however G had mentioned I could customize the menu if desired. I immediately asked if I could eliminate the Wagyu beef from my meal and substitute it for another fish course, which G said would be no issue.

Every course during the meal came with a brief introduction of the history of the item, or the sourcing, its importance to the chef, etc. Even the bread service, which came with the best butter and sea salt we've ever tasted.


When we both turned down offers of wine, G offered to get us mocktails instead. It was an amusing offer so we declined hearing the options and asked him to surprise us.

And he presented us with two exceptionally refreshing glasses of juice that were perfect for brunch! It was a mix of juices layered like a sunset. Tasted like a grown-up POG juice!


I don't really have detailed thoughts to share on each dish, I didn't take notes during the meal and there were so many courses it became a blur. So I'll just share photos of pretty food in my next post!
Day 2 Part 2 - Enchante Brunch Continued











An insane array of food, right? It started off with such a bang - the first two courses, the scallops and then the john dorry and sea urchin, were my favorites of the meal. I love love love uni and it was used perfectly here. The sole that was my substitution entree had a mustard wine sauce that was bracingly acidic, although the fish and gnocchi were perfect!

I felt guilty when our server proudly presented the fromage course and talked about it representing the heart of France...I do like cheese, but I've never been big on cheese boards or eating cheese by itself. I ate the brie with the honey and some bread, which was great, and nibbled at everything the rest. The comté at the 12 o'clock position was my second favorite, and DH's favorite overall.

We were offered coffee and I asked for an Americano, which came out piping hot and strong enough to probably fuel the ship to Castaway Cay. I became a bit obsessed with the cup and saucer it was served on, they were so gorgeous! Dessert was an experience; I didn't get a photo of it, but they brought a giant brass egg to our table, opened it up, and revealed a chocolate cake with a happy birthday sign. Very sweet! They took the cake back and only brought back slices of it after serving our our "main" desserts.

My dessert was the white chocolate sphere, which contained a mousse inside and was served with Tahitian vanilla ice cream and crème brule. It was fun to pop the sphere, and all the flavors were tasty, if a little basic. DH however was served the incredible, amazing, 3-days-to-prep-and-make lemon mousse dessert. Lemon is my absolute favorite flavor in sweets, pastries, and cakes, so when DH offered me a bite I was over the moon. Honestly one of the best bites I had during the meal!

After dessert, we were presented with more food "gifts", little cakes and a tartlet - which I honestly thought at first they meant they'd package for us to take with us, but that wasn't the case. I was tapped out at this point so I didn't try anything. DH dutifully enjoyed exactly one of each before waving the white flag.

Enchante Brunch Overall Thoughts:

I'd read some less-than-stellar reviews beforehand so my expectations were guarded going into the restaurant. I was delighted to find out we wouldn't be given the brunch menu, and the dinner menu definitely hit it out of the park for us overall. There were a few dishes I adored and a few I didn't, but absolutely everything was beautifully prepared and presented!

Service was exceptional. G seemed to pick up on our cues and needs very quickly. He would briefly explain the dishes, ask if we had questions, and then step away to allow us to enjoy. I'm not a fan of fine dining restaurants that insist on over-explaining the food like their patrons are children. So I appreciated that G didn't do this but was instead very warm, receptive, and thorough whenever we did want to know more about a dish. Every other CM who came to our table, especially the head server, was equally as warm and wonderful as G.

And I know we must be proper when we're dining a la fancypants, but the constant replacing of unused flatware made me feel bad for the staff. Because DH had ordered a different meal that came with 8 courses instead of my 5, each time they served him a course that I didn't have, they'd provide me with a charger and fresh cutlery should I partake in his course. Which I never did (except that lemon!), so I just felt a little silly whenever G had to clear my untouched setting.

I also loved how the atmosphere in the restaurant was so surprisingly comfortable! Like I previously mentioned, we enjoyed our view of the dock and our opportunity to people-watch. The tables were decently spread out, but the restaurant was quiet enough to where we could occasionally overhear our fellow diners, and everyone appeared very relaxed and to be having a great time.

The whole dining experience lasted just under three hours, but we were in no rush! Gratuity was automatically added to our bill but the head server explained we were able to leave additional gratuity that would go directly to G, which we definitely did! G escorted us out and we thanked him for a wonderful time.

Such a great experience for us that totally surpassed our expectations! On our next cruise now we're even more excited to give Palo a try. We'll see if the brunch menu for that one sticks around! :laughing:
Day 2 Part 3 - Cablegate and 1923

After Enchante we headed back to our room to change. I'd hit up Mickey's Mainsails on the way since I was starting to really feel the ship (how quickly things change!) and snagged some Wish merchandise; a tee and the Wish loungefly!

I only own one other loungefly backpack (a Flower & Garden design), so it seemed time to try another. I donned my new shirt and swapped everything out into my new bag, and enjoyed using it throughout the rest of our cruise! It will definitely get use on our next trip. Although, will it be bad form to bring this baby onto the Treasure? :laughing:


We checked the showings for the Wonderland/Neverland Cinemas and were going to be able to make it to a showing of Wish, the newest animated movie that we hadn't yet seen, so we headed down.

We arrived early enough to get good seats, but WOW - coming to the theater in the early afternoon on Nassau day seemed like a safe bet, but the theater filled up FAST and for the first 20 minutes of the movie, people still streamed in looking for seats before leaving.

As for the movie itself....oof. It seemed like a straight-to-video type film, not a theatrical release. There were aspects of it I LOVED (Asha's design, Star, the city of Rosas, Valentino before he started speaking) but we were both so surprised by how paint-by-numbers generic the songs were, not really up to Disney's standards. When I looked it up after the movie ended and found out the film's main lyricist was a 20-something pop star it made a lot of sense to us. 😅 It's a shame, honestly. Asha deserved more! But we were still glad to have seen it, and you can't beat a free movie theater experience!

We headed back up to the room and our room steward Ed stopped us in the hall, launching into an event we started calling Cablegate. Ed let us know he'd "broken one of our belongings" in our room but had already accepted full responsibility, and wanted us to check it out and then speak to him for next steps.

When we got into the room, we found a full-page(!) handwritten note from Ed explaining that while he had been vacuuming the room, he'd accidentally sucked up my phone charging cable that I'd left plugged in on my nightstand. This is something I myself have done countless times, and if anything it's on me for leaving it plugged in like that!

We checked the cord and it was a tad bit frayed but nothing major. Plugged my phone in and it still worked, 100%. Also, DH works in IT and has a "travel bag" he keeps packed with charging cords and adapters. This cord was one of many, not even a main cord I'd use at home or anything. It was deeply insignificant! I'm an Android user, not Apple, so our charging cords are like, 2 bucks. :laughing:

We found Ed waiting in the hallway and assured him everything was fine, but he was beside himself. He advised us he had reported the incident to guest services and his direct manager, and we would only need to speak with guest services to ensure we were fully compensated for a replacement. We assured him there was no need, everything was fine, he didn't break anything and the cord itself is cheap and unimportant.

But Ed was SO concerned about making things "right". His distress was a little alarming; his reaction seemed so disproportionate to what had occurred that I could only imagine how this must have happened to him in the past, but with guests who took advantage of the situation and made complaints just to earn compensation.

So we headed right down to guest services, I wanted to make sure to set the record straight! When I briefly explained to the cast member what our need was, he joked "oh, I see, so you want to be sure we won't fire Mr. Ed? Kidding, kidding!" which was honestly...a little too on the nose!

The cast member typed notes for a good lengthy while after I explained the situation. I asked him to stress to Ed's manager that not only had nothing been broken, but we were overwhelmingly grateful to Ed for having such care and consideration for our belongings, and taking such ownership at the first sign of an issue. I also asked for a compliment card to fill out for Ed, which the CM told me would be in my stateroom on the final day.

We then headed back up to the room once again, found Ed, and told him we'd cleared everything with guest services. He still seemed a bit worried but was very thankful we'd reported our version so quickly.

Anyway so much time had passed between the movie and the whole cablegate saga we realized we were leaving Nassau soon! So we spent some time on the balcony enjoying the view.


Still wild to me how little time we spent on our balcony or in our stateroom this trip!

After we picked up our early-evening caffeine boosts, and here's the day's latte art:


We spent a few hours circling between Luna and Triton's various events and activities, which were always such a delight. It seems like every cruise has that One Group who shows up to every trivia event and cleans house, right? One this cruise, we had a group of four sisters who dominated at trivia events and seemed to be having an absolute blast while doing so. As soon as we saw them walk into the room we knew everyone else was up for a tough battle!

It was Pirate Night, so we attended the pre-dinner deck party. It was packed, but it was fun to see how many guests went all out dressing up in theme! We saw a few adult couples who had incredibly detailed pirate costumes and we were placing bets that they were FL locals who went big for Gasparilla!


Day 2 Dinner - 1923

Our dinner this evening was in 1923. Out of all the MDRs, this was the restaurant we'd most been looking forward to! DH because he found the menu most appealing, and me because it seemed to receive the most praise on the DIS...dundunduuuun!

Right off the bat, while the restaurant design is elegant and lovely, our table felt like it was in a warzone. We were right next to a serving station and sandwiched between two other tables so tightly that all meal long I could feel every server moving behind me through my chair. It felt exactly like the part in A Bug's Life where you "feel" the bugs leaving the theater. :laughing:

Our servers Allissia and Nelson were fantastic once again, having our favorite drinks ready the moment we sat down and offering suggestions on the menu.

For my appetizer I went with -

Split Napa Baby Romaine Lettuce: Caesar Dressing, Heirloom Grape Tomatoes, Parmigiano-Reggiano, Ciabatta Garlic Croutons


It was fine! Exactly what you'd expect from a wedge.

DH chose the
Hyperion Four-Cheese Tri-Color Tortelloni: Meyer Lemon, Artichoke, Sun-dried Tomato, Baby Spinach


It was kind of an uncharacteristic choice for him, and didn't really work out. He thought there was too much sauce and not enough flavor in the tortelloni.

My entrée was -

Tortiglioni Pasta: Prosecco Cream, Pancetta, Shallots, Cremini Mushrooms, Lemon Thyme


This was pretty good! I loved the flavor of the mushrooms and lemon thyme, and I appreciated that the pasta wasn't drowning in cream to where it was overwhelmingly heavy. I will say it was SSSSSSSSSSALTY though. Chopped judges would have been over the moon. I cleared through three glasses of water just eating this. :laughing:

DH, of course, got his nightly slab o' beef, by ordering the

1923 Peppered Filet Mignon: Buttered Long Green Beans, Smoked Bacon, Crushed Fingerling Potato Hash, Pink Pepper Café Au Lait


I am clearly no steak connoisseur so when this came out, to me it looked a little like a hamburger or a hockey puck. :laughing:Luckily DH assured me it was neither of those things, and was actually tender. He loved thte steak and the beans, but thought the potatoes were a tad gummy.

For dessert, I kept it simple with the

Hollywood Hills Hot Chocolate Fudge Sundae: Vanilla Ice Cream, Fudge Brownie Bites, fresh Whipped Cream, Glazed Cherry


A timeless classic, no notes. Basic, but I loved it!

DH wasn't feeling swayed by any of the dessert options but Allissia encouraged him to try the signature option:

Burbank Blueberry-Lemon Bavarian Cream: Ecuador Vanilla Bean, Lemon Rocks, Dried Raspberry Meringue


Such a pretty plate! DH with another lemon-forward dessert, he's coming for my brand! It didn't look like either of us expected and had a more solid, mousse cake-like texture, which DH liked, but he said he wanted more lemon flavor.

All in all, we had a good meal at 1923, but not a great meal. Perhaps the timing put 1923 at an unfair disadvantage, with us coming into this meal following Enchante! And our general unease in the restaurant could have also swayed our tastebuds. We never expected the Arrendelle dinner show to give us a more relaxing atmosphere than 1923. :laughing:

We closed out the night with the final Pirate deck party and fireworks, and DH was asleep before his head even hit the pillow!
Day 3 Part 1 - Castaway Cay Day!

We were up early and enjoyed a bountiful room service breakfast to gear up for our beach day.


The bowls of fruit were so good! The pastries, not so much. If we do room service breakfast on a future cruise I think I'd try sticking to toast or a bagel. :laughing:

We were at the gangway as soon as it opened, and got onto the first tram of the day! The weather was clear, however, it was cold, by our FL standards.

We took the connection tram over to Serenity Bay Beach, the adult only beach.


We sat in the chairs for a bit trying to warm ourselves up before I journeyed down to the water. It was so cold I didn't really want to walk down to the far end of the beach, but the water where we were was a little too rocky/mossy. We looked around a bit and felt like there wasn't much to see here beside the bar. And we were the only ones on the beach!

So we decided to hop back on the tram and check out one of the family beaches.


This was much better! There were more signs of life, more to see, a STORE (important!), even more sun over on this side.

We claimed some chairs and ventured bravely into the water. I'm a big baby with cold water; we have a pool at home that's heated and DH will jump in when it's only at 75 or 76 degrees, while I need it to be at least a nice round 80. :laughing:
The Castaway water definitely did NOT feel 80 degrees, but it had to be at least in the high 70s because I managed to get in without screaming! Even though we live in FL we're so far inland we never go to the beach, so feeling sand in our feet and walking out in water up to only our knees was like a novelty to us!

Because of the weather, there weren't too many people in the water yet. We spent a few hours going back and forth from the water to our chairs before heading off. We'll be back in October and I'm hoping to spend more time there with better weather!

I did some shopping at the store and snagged some t-shirts; oddly enough the Castaway store had the longest line we experienced throughout the cruise! We strolled from our beach to the "first" family beach. I'd purchased some water shoes for the trip that I expected to only wear IN the water, but they were so surprisingly comfortable I kept them on the entire time.

We explored around a bit more and only wished the weather had been warmer. We saw some specialty drinks at one of the bars that looked amazing, but we were just not in frozen drink mode. We wished the bars had hot cocoa. :laughing:

We decided not to wait around for the BBQ lunch at the beach, and got back to the boat shortly after 11. Since we were feeling hungry, we decided to hit grab food before we returned to the room!

Lunch - Mickey's Festival of Foods


I still don't know what they put in that pizza to make it taste so much better than it should, but it was also served piping HOT and really hit the spot after all that cold!

I gave Donald's Cantina another try, this time getting chicken tacos. But even with a generous splash of chipotle hot sauce, the tacos, like the bowl the day before, were lacking in flavor. DH ate the second taco for me and thought the same. We officially wrote Donald's off and will skip it entirely our next cruise. It might be because that's the type of food we make at home often, and we use a ton of spice and fresh peppers.

While my Festival tastes were locked on the pizza and chicken tenders, like a toddler, DH's favorite was the BBQ. I never tried any of it because it's not my type of food, but he loved everything he had and said the meat was more tender than food from a pool buffet had any right to be. :laughing:


Also, I must eat my words from day 1 where I wrote off Minnie's Ice Cream as nasty non-dairy nonsense. We saw a sign advertising mango soft-serve, and mango is a TOP 5 FRUIT so we were both intrigued.

I didn't expect much, but wanted to give it a try. The second I GOT the cone it already looked way different than the vanilla from the first day. It looked like real ice cream!


And GEESH. This was so good?! The very first lick fired up every synapse in my brain. I felt like such a fool for turning my nose up at poor Minnie, because this was easily the best soft-serve I've had on a cruise. Or in all of WDW. I'll definitely be back on our next cruise, as long as there is mango!

We went back to the room to shower and change, and by the time we were done the afternoon sun had brightened everything up, and the view of Castaway Cay was gorgeous!

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Day 3 Part 2: the "Cram it all in!" Lounge Tour 2k24

The boat was surprisingly empty (I know Castaway Cay is beloved but it was SO COLD!) so we spent some time exploring the Grand Hall and taking in all the details we hadn't lingered over before. It really is such a beautiful area when it's not people-soup!

That crunch time feeling of "hey we need to try all these places before we go!" hit us, and we wandered over to Keg & Compass for a drink and a snack.

Keg & Compass

The lounge was pretty quiet, only a couple guests at another table and one at the bar. We'd popped our head in once before during a trivia event and it had been packed, so I appreciated the chance to look around. All the dark wood and nautical details would have been right up my Dad's alley! But I ALWAYS appreciate a heavily-themed approach by Disney!


DH ordered a beer, a rarety for him but when-in-Rome and all! I went with a Midori sour.


I can never resist soft pretzels, so when we saw one on the menu we had to give it a try.

GERMAN PRETZEL: A giant Bavarian Pretzel baked soft on the inside, crispy on the outside and Salted. Served with German Mustard and Beer Cheese


It was MASSIVE, but it looked better than it tasted. The cheese served with it was most definitely not beer cheese, it had a nacho flavor to it. It tasted like Tostino's cheese dip, fresh out of the jar, except water and served ice cold. :laughing:Maybe they had run out, or it was an off day? The mustard was better, but there just wasn't enough for the massive pretzel, so we wound up knocking off most of the salt and eating it dry.

Keg & Compass was also the first time we had anything less than stellar service. The server was kind of weirdly wandering the area, but not in a checking-on-guests way. He'd stand and stare at the wall, then he'd go and stand in the doorway looking out...I think he needed a nap. We had to flag him down from the doorway to order, then he brought out the pretzel with no plates, no napkins, no cutlery, and without the waters we asked for. We hadn't planned on staying long so we didn't bother him again, but I did have to go walk over to his newest hiding spot in an empty back corner and ask him for the check. We still tipped him, but it was just an odd experience! We won't be in a rush to return here next time.

We went right over to Luna afterwards where they were doing Disney Songbook Starring YOU (aka karaoke) where we experienced one of the highlights of our entire trip!

The entertainment CM welcomed a little 3 or 4 year old girl to the stage, with her mother, to sing. The little girl made it clear she did NOT want her mother singing with her, but her mom explained to the audience "she can't read the lyrics!" :laughing: The little girl launched into How Far I'll Go from Moana, my absolute favorite. She did not seem familiar with any part of the song apart from the chorus, so she'd mumble quietly throughout the bridge and pre-chorus with her mom in the background gently singing and trying to guide her.

Then the chorus would hit, and this little girl's voice would EXPLODE in volume, and she's stomp her feet to enunciate each word as she belted out the song. When I tell you everyone in the audience was absolutely dying! I laughed and cheered so hard I had tears running down my face. This was the kind of moment that could have easily gone viral and gotten this girl onto Good Morning America, or something. She was a legend!

We attended a few rounds of trivia in the Triton lounge; we got annihilated in Beauty & the Beast trivia thanks to questions about christmas specials and the broadway production. We fared a bit better in movie quotes (especially when I was the only one able to identity a quote by Gramma Tala!) and snagged a coffee in-between trivia games.

Today's latte art:


When we were finally trivia'd out, we went to The Bayou, our next stop on the lounge tour. :laughing:

The Bayou

Coming here at least once was a must for me as a princess and the frog fan!


We got to enjoy a full set from The Wishers, as we happened to sit down right before they took the stage. I told DH the vocalist reminded me of Sting. He then proceeded to sing both Fields of Gold and Every Breath You Take. Way to call it, me! :laughing:


We ordered-

Three Beignets

Smoked Fashioned

Bayou Rum XO Mardi Gras, Bitters

Absinthe Frappé
Pernod Absinthe, Anisette|, Abita vanilla Cream Soda


DH got the smoked old fashioned and it was yet again a big production! The server brought it out in a wooden box, had DH open it, and a huge waft of smoke came out. DH absolutely hates being the center of attention so it was funny that he kept unknowingly ordering the drinks that would get every other table nearby turning to stare. :laughing:

I absolutely should have ordered a tried-and-true Hurricane here, but I fell for the absinthe frappe purely for the novelty of it. I made it two sips in and couldn't stomach it further. I knew it would taste like a black licorice slushy, and I despise black licorice, so that's totally on me. Luckily, DH LOVES black licorice and gulped my drink down, along with his own!

The beignets were mid; lukewarm, kinda doughy, and not flavorful. "Not up to Tiana's standards," DH said. :laughing: But since they were only a few bucks we weren't bothered.

DH really, really enjoyed the drinks here though and declared it his favorite lounge!

We went back up to the room before dinner, and were greeted with our final towel animal:

Day 3 Part 3 - Worlds of Marvel

I went into this dinner with zero expectations. I'm not much of a Marvel fan and have never seen any Ant-Man movies. To me, Paul Rudd is still Josh from Clueless. :laughing:

Right off the bat though, I was kinda digging the dark lighting and overall vibes! Our table was off to the side one table away from a screen, and we were thankfully a)nowhere near a server station and b) had plenty of room between our table and the one behind us. I know it sounds crazy, but we found the restaurant more comfortable than 1923 had been.


Bread service continued the great start; the rolls were served with a red pepper dip that had a great flavor. And some of the rolls had beet juice in them, I think? Which we didn't taste at all, but it gave them a cool color. Disney Wish is a ship that loves beets. :laughing:


We really knew nothing of this dining experience going in, so I was surprised and pretty immediately amused by Paul Rudd delivering Disney cruise humor! That plus getting to press the buttons on the quantum core thingy whenever asked meant my simple brain was happily occupied!


For appetizers, I went with

Hearts of Palm Ceviche: Tamarillo, Sweet Potato, Purple Onion, Lime, Cilantro, Bell Pepper, Infinity Stone Popcorn


This salad was such a unique, refreshing starter! I adore hearts of palm, and the sweet potatoes in here almost stole the show from it. This reminded me less of ceviche and more of tsukemono or Japanese pickled vegetable appetizers. Cool, light, tangy, and tasty!

The bowl of "Infinity Stone" popcorn was the goofiest, most random thing. I didn't eat it, but I loved it anyway just for making me laugh! DH said it was fruit-flavored and weirdly good.

Dill and Meyer Lemon Marinated Shrimp

In a rare move, DH decided to order only one appetizer and surprised me with this shrimp selection. He enjoyed it, but said it definitely could have been a bit more substantial. :laughing:

For my entrée I went with our server Allissia's recommendation:

Golden Mystic Pasta: Caramelized Scallops, Angel Hair, Chardonnay Lemon Saffron Cream, Roasted Vine Tomatoes, Savoy Spinach


And this, ladies and gentlemen, was my favorite entrée of the cruise! As previously stated once or twice or ten times, I love lemon, and the flavor of the lemon saffron cream sauce was just exceptional, such a nice balance between rich and creamy yet bright and tart. The scallops didn't have a hard sear but were tender and larger than I expected. Everything about this dish was a hit to me and I told Allissia she knocked it out of the park with her rec!

DH, of course, needed no such recommendations because he went with his old trusty Slab o' Beef option:

Delmonico Rib-Eye Steak with Black Truffle Butter: Whipped Yukon Gold Potatoes, Green Asparagus, Cabernet Reduction


He was very happy about the overall portion size, which was generous, and about the asparagus, one of the few vegetables he enjoys! He loved the sauce and that there was plenty of it, and said the steak was just slightly better prepared than the one at 1923.

Quantum Key Lime Pie: Key Lime Curd, Raspberry Gel, Whipped Lime Ganache


The pie itself was great! Nice crust and perfect amount of firmness and tartness, not cloyingly sweet or mushy like a Publix key lime pie (shots fired!) I appreciated the whimsical approach they took with the raspberry gel and whipped lime ganache but I would have rather they just threw a dollop of whipped cream on top of the pie and put a nice raspberry coulis on the plate. :laughing:

Subatomic Sticky Date Pudding: Salted Coconut Macaroon, Balsamic Caramel Glaze, Vanilla Ice Cream


The appearance of this dessert was less than appealing, to me. DH kept offering me a bite but I kept declining. He enjoys sticky toffee pudding so I wasn't surprised he LOVED this. He said it was rich, gooey, and satisfying. It won the award for his favorite MDR dessert!

So, Worlds of Marvel! Who knew? We were both so impressed by our meal, the atmosphere, and the interactivity. I could see how repeat cruisers might tire of the clips but we really enjoyed it, even not knowing a thing about Ant-Man. And it was fun seeing all the kids (young and old) get hyped for Spiderman!

Since this was our last night I felt bad for not spending more time talking to Allissia and Nelson, because we really appreciated them so much, but we left dinner pretty quickly in order to make a 2000s Music Trivia event. Which wound up all being for naught - I lost to a tiebreaker question. 😅

After dinner and trivia, DH was pretty tired, so he wanted to hit the room. I however wanted to take advantage of the movie theater one last time, so I went alone to the last showing of The Marvels. An unintentional attempt to catch up on what I missed out of deference to our great dinner? :laughing: Amusingly, the theater had only three other people in it, who were also alone and seemingly refusing to give up any spare time on the ship!

I enjoyed the movie (that cat scene was WILD) but it was well past 1AM when I made it back to the room. The walk back to the room in a nearly deserted ship was kind of a really cool way to end the night. But I definitely passed out as soon as I hit the pillow!
Day 4 - Debarkation and Final Thoughts!

We had every intention of attending the MDR breakfast on debarkation morning. It would have been our first time in the MDRs outside of dinner, and our assigned restaurant was Marvel! I was also looking forward to a chance to say a formal farewell to our wonderful serving staff, Allissia and Nelson.

Buuuuuut we woke up early and were ready to go well before 8am. Since we opted for express check-out and had our bags, we wound up just leaving the ship before breakfast.

It was kind of wild how greatly our feelings on the ship changed over such a short time on board. On Day 1, we were so overwhelmed by how cramped we felt and how small everything seemed. By Day 3, we loved how easy it was to get around and how 'cozy' many spaces felt. :laughing:

Our run-down!

The Great:
Main Dining Rooms
Trivia & Game Shows

The Good:
Mickey's Festival of Foods
Navigator App
Castaway Cay
Wonderland/Neverland Cinemas
Lounges (theming)

The Bad:
Lounges (pricing)
Marceline Market (we didn't eat here but whenever we walked through it was so chaotic we didn't want to stick around)

The Ugly:
Elevator congestion
Walt Disney Theater's cramped seats
Having to leave!!!

Things we didn't get to try, but are on our lists for future cruises (3 nights is not enough!)

Art drawing classes
Little Mermaid theater show
Joyful Sweets
Cove Pool & Hot Tub
MDR breakfast/lunch
Room Service breakfast/lunch
Hero Zone
Rainforest Room

..and maybe one day, if we get there super early, we'll try Marceline Market :thumbsup2

The title of my trip report is no joke; two weeks after our first Wish cruise, we already have a return trip booked for October, and then a journey on the Treasure set for next February. Here's hoping our future trips will be just as enjoyable as this one!
I enjoyed reading your report. Like you, I'm not afraid to point out negatives as so many others are loathe to do, so I appreciated your honesty and humor!
Fantastic report! I have loved following along. Already looking forward to your future reports! :goodvibes
Thanks for this report! When are you going in October? We’re on the 4 night leaving October 14, our first time on the Wish.
Thanks so much for sharing!! Looks like an amazing trip!

thanks for reading!!

I enjoyed reading your report. Like you, I'm not afraid to point out negatives as so many others are loathe to do, so I appreciated your honesty and humor!

thanks so much, I appreciate that!

Fantastic report! I have loved following along. Already looking forward to your future reports! :goodvibes

that is so kind, thank you! I'm thrilled to have a future report, because I can't wait to get back on the boat! :laughing:

Thanks for this report! When are you going in October? We’re on the 4 night leaving October 14, our first time on the Wish.

Ooooh! We're on Oct 21-25, shortly after you! I hope you have a great trip. I'm excited for Halloween on the High Seas!

Great report and photos!

Very nice of you to say, thanks for being here!


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