April 2024 WISH Thread - Bring on the Sunshine! ☀️

Topic Tuesday: Do you agree with this saying?
Absolutely! I have a weak social battery, and I have to plan carefully around "people-y" events - some time by myself to "fill the tank" beforehand and some low-demand time afterward to recover.
It's Wednesday - what are you Woo-Hoo-ing today?
So far, walking a mile on the treadmill this morning.
I do agree that paying attention to what fills you up and what drains you is important. For me the draining can be people, so I try to guard against that, or it can be over stimulation. Sometimes I have to power thru and sometimes I can course correct in the middle of it.

Woohoo... yesterday was an excellent work day. For one project we were very far behind in testing but got caught up: for the other project I was able to get a bunch of project management stuff set up and now feel much better about being on-track there as well. And bonus, the training that was going to require me to be in Seattle most of next week is not going to happen.

Woohoo... I've now been doing YouTube exercise videos for two days in a row.
I didn't get back yesterday to post my Woohoo - It was administrative professionals day yesterday, so I got to run around to our offices and pass out the gifts. This year, everyone got an small Kate Spade wristlet and a gift card. It's the one day of the year that I get to drive around to our locations and visit with the admins, so I always look forward to it. It was a beautiful day too!

For Thankful Thursday - this morning on my way into work, I heard the song Counting my Blessings and it reminded me of Thankful Thursday and the gratitude thread as well.

Today I'm thankful for middle DD - today is her 26th birthday! She is such a blessing in my life ❤️

In the movie Miss Congeniality, they ask one of the contestants what the perfect date is. She replies with April 25th because she says it's not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket lol - so I always tell my daughter she was born on the perfect day!
I'm thankful that last evening I went over to my Niece's to have dinner with them and play a card game. It was so simple and easy and fulfilling. How easy it is to invite someone over without it having to be a holiday... yet it is something I never do.

I am so, so, so thankful that training got canceled for next week. Big sigh of relief.
Hello!! Catching up!!

Totally agree with Tuesdays post! I really need to focus on where I am putting my energy and thoughts or I will spend my time circling a drain of negativity when I could put that towards something positive!!

Whooohooo Wednesday- we had a AMAZING one day trip to Magic Kingdom yesterday! Absolutely perfect-flight landed early and departing flight left on time. Had great Uber drivers. Such amazing weather!! We arrived at magic kingdom gates at 10 and left at 7- a full park day. 10+ people on our flight were doing the same thing, so that was fun to chat with other Disney folks in our area at the airport.

Thankful Thursday- thankful we were able to take the trip yesterday and make the memories. It’s not lost on me that DD is in 10th grade and these days with her are not going to last forever.

@piglet1979 I am so sorry about the dogs-I know dog fights are terrifying. Very loud and they seem to last forever. If you don’t have one buy a small airhorn with a belt clip on Amazon-the sound of it is normally enough to make dogs stop or go away from you and your dog. Hopefully the smaller dog is ok ❤️‍🩹
Thankful yesterday for a sunny day and that we got to go to a neat presentation at DH's lodge. - The speaker talked about "The Forgotten Adams" (Louisa, who was John Quincy Adams' wife, as opposed to Abigail, who was the first John Adams' wife and the one people tend to know more about.)

Plans for the weekend are to attend a dinner and "pound auction" (also at the lodge). - Apparently people wrap up mystery items that weigh a pound, and they will be auctioned off for charity. I've never been to one, but it should be fun.
My weekend plans -- Nothing going on tonight but tomorrow I will be driving at least an hour away with DD to get what she needs for her horse show. Then on Sunday I am going to the zoo with our friends with the twins and then going to rent a tux for DS for Prom. The time really needs to slow down. Before I know it it will be graduation.
Last couple of days we've had some gentle rain and that is forecast to continue thru the weekend, so it's going to be spent primarily in-doors with chores. I think I'll also plan on taking in a movie, possibly Civil War, because it seems like such a perfect rainy day thing to do. Oh, and I think I'll spend some time in the pottery studio Saturday afternoon, we only have three more classes and I have quite a bit of clay left and a lot of ideas.
Happy Friday!!!! Busy day here-I am waiting for my Walmart grocery order to come out-already did my Sams pickup. My niece should be getting dropped off in about a hour for the day.

DDs prom is tonight and I think she’s all set! Hoping her makeup and hair come out ok. Prom starts at 530pm on a work night-that’s strange to me-and incredibly inconvenient to working parents, in my opinion. Since she homeschools they are going to her boyfriends schools prom and the school is closed today-but if it was not my day off I would have to take a half day to help her and take pictures-and DH doesn’t get to see her before she goes…anyways at least one of us is home to see her off!

Tomorrow is volunteering at the spca and Sunday we are taking DD to a reptile show shes been begging to go to. Who knew I would have a daughter so into reptiles LOL!

Have a great day everyone!!
Happy Friday! Tonight we're just going to stay home and watch baseball on TV. We've got a wedding to attend tomorrow, so thought we'd just chill tonight.

Last night was my board meeting at work, so today (the Friday after) always seems like a good day because the meeting is over. I don't know why I worry about it because it always goes good, but I present the financial statement and you just never know what questions may come up. I can always get back to them, but I'm just not a fan of being put on the spot lol!


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