My 4th running life !! (Comments Welcome)

So have been focussed on getting long runs in over the last few weeks in preparation for my 26.2 in 4 weeks time, 15 miles done 2 weeks ago and 17 last week….. tomorrow will be 19/20 miles prior to flying out Wednesday for the Sprinting surprise.

We are away for 2 weeks so will race the 10 miler at WDW then on way home on 24th April I will race a Half Marathon with a view to trying to going Sub 2.

I ha e packed my suitcase and have selected my race shirt , I have ran quite a few Disney races since my first WDW marathon in 2004 but they were all 2016/2017 at Disneyland CA.

So in honour of my first WDW race since 2005 I am going with this…..


Will be staying at the All Star …. really getting excited now 😁😁😁

Who else is going
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Just back from picking up my bib and T Shirt, skipped the expo….. I am not prepared to join an online queue just for the opportunity to buy race merchandise…. Probably just my age showing there but I can’t help it 😂😂

Also I have so many Disney race T Shirts and medals I don’t really need anymore.

Had an enjoyable easy 3 miles , not to humid and made a change running in warm weather.

Will be leaving for the parks at 0630 tomorrow so undecided if I will run in the A.M.

Hey !! took a little while to get round to the race recap 😂😂 Life in many forms has gotten in the way off many things running being one.

I enjoyed the race although very humid plodded round in 1.42.27, I did like the course and was fun to run a distance I had not done before.

I note there are spaces still left for 2024 but don’t know if I will be clear of current situations that would allow me to properly enjoy such a trip.

I have regained some but not all of the weight I had lost so trying to get back below 170 lbs again.

Running has continued but added weight and some inconsistency has seen my training time drop quite a bit but no matter. I have run 450 miles for the year which I know is not much but significantly more than any of the last 4 years, I am hoping to finish the year at 600 fingers crossed.

I am considering early retirement in the next 12 months a bit earlier than I had intended, and have been reflected as quite a number of runners I have know since I first ran I. 2004 have had to give up completely due to ongoing health issues as they have got older I am feeling a real sense of needing to make the most of the ability to run and try to achieve goals whilst I still can.

I had an fated DNF at a Full Marathon in May, I struggle with ITB over 16/17 miles. So I may have to accept a full marathon may not be in my future the last one being in 2005 and I had the same issues then.

I don’t have any races planned or in the books as yet but am on the lookout for a suitable Half Marathon in the new year.

In the meantime running is providing some release from life current challenges.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Stay Safe

4 runs this week for a total of 12 miles.

Missed long run today but my hip was very painful so decided a rest day was in order.

There are no Half Marathons nearby for the remainder of the year that I fancy which I normally have as an upcoming goal.

I have decided to see if I can break 26 mi s for 5 k before end of year.

I did 26.41back in March but I weigh 18lbs more at this point….. but I think with good diet and following a specific 5k plan it is possible.

Have a great week everyone

So for last 3 weeks running has been sporadic with this week being very poor.

Lots of reasons but lack of proper routine and motivation the main culprit.

29th October to 5th November

4 runs = 15 miles

6th to 12th November

3 runs 8.6 miles

13th to 19th November

1 run 3 miles

However the universe must have been listening to me when I bemoaned the lack of local up and coming races and lo and behold a new half marathon has been announced in my home town in 15 weeks time🙏

I have dug out my old 1999 copy of the competitive runners hand book, well worn and missing it’s back cover and selected a training plan and will attempt to follow it rather than my usual make it up as I go.


I will do a few weeks of the base mileage weeks until the plan kicks in in 2 weeks time.

Managed 2.08 in spring this year but going to try and dedicate myself properly to see if I can get sub 2 a running bucket list item.

Looking ahead to 2024 I have decided to run only local races this year so rough plan is as follows

Middlesbrough Half 3 Feb

Sunderland Half 12 May

Middlesbrough 10k 1st Sep

Redcar Half September 22nd September.

For 5k’s in the UK there is a thing called Parkrun free organised timed 5ks every Saturday at 9 am.

There are hundreds of them and I have about 4 within a 5 minute drive.

There is also one on a Sunday which is the same idea but independent of Parkrun about 3 miles away so I will likely do quite a few of these in my attempt to get below 26 minutes.

If anyone is ever here for a visit looking for a free, timed social 5k check it out, I know there are some now in North America, I did one in San Francisco but not as widespread I think as here. Anyway they are great 👍

I am trying to find a Santa Dash/Turkey trot to see out the year but not found one yet.

Below is a Copy of my Half Marathon plan, feel free to make any suggestions.


Have a great week everyone

So on todays run I passed 500 miles for the year. My previous 3 years on Strava averaged between 260 and 325 so this feels like progress.

Hoping to finish at 600 for the year (99 to go 😂)

Felt like a milestone so thought I would share as no one in”real life” world would get it 🤣🤣🤣
So nearly 6 months since I last posted an update !!

I finished the year with 535 miles for the year which I was quite happy about.

My first run of the New Year saw a return of the knee injury that saw me out of action for almost 6 months in 2022.

This meant i missed the Half Marathon I had registered for which was disappointing.

So January and and Half of February saw no running whilst I tried to rehab my knee.

Fortunately it only took 6 weeks rather than the 6 months in 2022.

March saw 13 runs for a total of 39 miles.

Just as I thought I was back on track an ankle injury on 8th of April had me out for a further 3 weeks.

Got back running again on 30th April and managed first full week of running this week. All 3 miles with 2 min run 30 seconds walking.


So feeling a bit more upbeat 👍 The grim totals for last 4 and a half months below.


Hoping to just slowly build from here, a bit disheartening that this time last year I had 2 Half marathons and the Springtime Surprise 10 miler in the books 😔

Still, straightforward no looking back…..

Having regained 32 of the 45 lbs I lost during my injury in 2022 my focus for
the Summer is losing that again as I’m sure it is contributing to the injuries.

I have had quite a lot going on at work and with family so that has led to overeating etc.

I had a full physical recently and no Major issues other than the self inflicted ones such as Cholesterol being too high etc so that’s the focus.

One positive is I have completely cut out
Caffeine and doing more stretching which seems to have helped with my hip pain.

If anyone has any suggestions for any beginner stretching routines on you-tube etc let me know , did try a couple but a bit to challenging I am very stiff and seized up 😂

Hope everyone is doing well?

Will try and do a better job of keeping this Diary up to date.

Adriene has a few yoga videos targeted at runners on YT and some are only 7 minutes long.

Otherwise @WillRunForPizza pointed me towards FitnessBlender which has strength training videos of all shapes and sizes and a great deal are free
Thanks !! I will give both of them a look 👀 👍
Hi Folks

3 runs last week of 3 miles each same 2.30 run and 30 minute walk.

Wednesday did beginners yoga……. It was tough I am very inflexible !

On Wednesday and Sunday I did strength training 20 minute kettlebell workouts.

Knee and ankles held up

So all in all happy with that.

Hope everyone is doing good.



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