Fearlessly Fleeting February 2022 W.I.S.H. Thread

Need some tips and tricks folks!
I am going to be returning to the office next week. Currently I have a lot of time to cook for my picky eaters. Starting in April the DSs are going to be starting track which means I need to cook and have them finished eating by 530 two days a week, two days I am in the office.
I am not afraid of freezer cooking, I actually enjoy it. Any suggestions for food I can make and freeze to have my mother in law or aunt throw in the oven/toaster/microwave to heat up if I am running late from work? I am sure there will be the occasional chicken nuggets or hotdogs and that's completely fine but I dont want to rely on that every night.
They are used to eating early on scout nights but that is takeout night which is fine and dandy 1 weeknight a week but not 3 in a row.
Hit me peeps what do you cook in a pinch?
Nothing I cook is quick, however I always cook enough for leftovers the following day. So whether it’s baked chicken or Italian meatballs and pasta, I only cook half the week and warm up dinner the rest of the time. Sometimes we have extra leftovers which end up in the freezer for those nights when we really don’t know what to have. Breakfast for dinner is a favorite…I could eat eggs at every meal.

I do what Summer does. We always make enough for left overs. We eat the left overs for lunch and dinner throughout the week. DD refuses to eat left overs so she usually has a hot dog or chicken nuggets. We also us the crock pot a lot. We have done chicken thighs and beef roasts in the crock pot.

I do understand the craziness of afternoon activities. The fall was nuts for us. Both kids played high school soccer and marching band plus DD had a concussion so tons of doctor appointments too. Fridays were the worst. They went straight from school to soccer practice then straight to band for the football game. They didn't eat dinner until 10 or 11 at night. It was always McDonald's because that was the only thing open that late and I wasn't cooking at that time.

I need to remember this. I have been beating myself up lately because I have gained so much weight back.
Good advice... just let it go. It is easy to fall in to the trap of thinking forward progress is a straight line, but it never is. I've always favored the 80/20 rule, if I'm hitting the mark 80% of the time that is pretty darn good.

It is very cold here, as we're part of the artic deep freeze, and it snowed a little bit last night which was kind of a surprise because yesterday the weatherman said it would not. And it is snowing a little bit again this morning but it doesn't look like it will amount to anything...knock on wood. The Orlando forecast is still looking warm and sunny - hurrah! OK, this post has been sitting unsent for about two hours, and it is still snowing! I am so looking forward to being warm.
Woohoo... just three more days until I'm here, sitting poolside with my charcuterie box watching Princess and the Frog!


Woohoo... I was checking the Flower and Garden booth menus yesterday and my favorite spicy hotdog with pineapple chutney is being offered!

Woohoo... the snow yesterday did not amount to anything and this morning the skies are clear blue. Not quite so woohoo, without cloud cover it is even colder (currently 24 degrees). Hopefully the bulbs and things coming up for Spring will survive.

Woohoo... haircut this evening!
Woohoo-it’s almost 70 degrees today!
Even though it isn’t sunny, it will be a great day to get out for my walk.

Woohoo-after being away 2 weeks I stayed mostly on track. When we ate out I immediately boxed half of my meal. I think that really helped.

Woohoo-after I get some things done around here I have a book I’ve been waiting for ready to be picked up at the library.
I am not woohooy here today. I have been in a lot of pain over the weekend and saw the doctor this morning. I have a cyst that is pretty big. Advil is only taking the edge off so I am still in some pain. hopefully it gets better in the next few days or so. If not I may need to have surgery. I am really feeling like I can't catch a break lately.

DD also had a bad day yesterday with being dizzy. She had her first PT appointment last night and had so weird heart rate stuff going on. while sitting her heart rate was 83. they took it again after standing in place for 3 minutes (all she did was stand up) and it went up to 106. This is consistent with POTS. I have message out to the cardiologist to see what she thinks. She has all of the symptoms of POTS when she was at the cardiologist but none of the the heart rate stuff. But she was having a good day that day. So maybe getting closer to an answer.

I do have a woohoo. I got a promotion at work today. I am now the senior manager. I almost started crying in my managers office when he was telling me who much he apricates all me and all I do. I told he I was happy to hear this as I feel (all internal) I am not doing good with all that has been going on. So in the mist of chaos it was great to hear that I am apricated.
I am not woohooy here today. I have been in a lot of pain over the weekend and saw the doctor this morning. I have a cyst that is pretty big. Advil is only taking the edge off so I am still in some pain. hopefully it gets better in the next few days or so. If not I may need to have surgery. I am really feeling like I can't catch a break lately.

DD also had a bad day yesterday with being dizzy. She had her first PT appointment last night and had so weird heart rate stuff going on. while sitting her heart rate was 83. they took it again after standing in place for 3 minutes (all she did was stand up) and it went up to 106. This is consistent with POTS. I have message out to the cardiologist to see what she thinks. She has all of the symptoms of POTS when she was at the cardiologist but none of the the heart rate stuff. But she was having a good day that day. So maybe getting closer to an answer.

I do have a woohoo. I got a promotion at work today. I am now the senior manager. I almost started crying in my managers office when he was telling me who much he apricates all me and all I do. I told he I was happy to hear this as I feel (all internal) I am not doing good with all that has been going on. So in the mist of chaos it was great to hear that I am apricated.
WOO HOO! One of my naughtiest students was out today. It was a nice break, however there were plenty others willing to take his place for the day.

WOO HOO! It’s 60 degrees today! It’s looking like we’re getting snow when the cold front arrives. I am hoping for one more snow day. I can really use a mental health day. Every school day is a struggle right now.

WOO HOO! Next Wednesday is Dr. Seuss’s birthday, so I began my Dr. Seuss unit today, which I love. We have special events all next week.
I am not woohooy here today. I have been in a lot of pain over the weekend and saw the doctor this morning. I have a cyst that is pretty big. Advil is only taking the edge off so I am still in some pain. hopefully it gets better in the next few days or so. If not I may need to have surgery. I am really feeling like I can't catch a break lately.

DD also had a bad day yesterday with being dizzy. She had her first PT appointment last night and had so weird heart rate stuff going on. while sitting her heart rate was 83. they took it again after standing in place for 3 minutes (all she did was stand up) and it went up to 106. This is consistent with POTS. I have message out to the cardiologist to see what she thinks. She has all of the symptoms of POTS when she was at the cardiologist but none of the the heart rate stuff. But she was having a good day that day. So maybe getting closer to an answer.

I do have a woohoo. I got a promotion at work today. I am now the senior manager. I almost started crying in my managers office when he was telling me who much he apricates all me and all I do. I told he I was happy to hear this as I feel (all internal) I am not doing good with all that has been going on. So in the mist of chaos it was great to hear that I am apricated.
Congratulations on the promotion! And hugs to both of you on the health issues.
Woohoo... just three more days until I'm here, sitting poolside with my charcuterie box watching Princess and the Frog!

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Woohoo... I was checking the Flower and Garden booth menus yesterday and my favorite spicy hotdog with pineapple chutney is being offered!

Woohoo... the snow yesterday did not amount to anything and this morning the skies are clear blue. Not quite so woohoo, without cloud cover it is even colder (currently 24 degrees). Hopefully the bulbs and things coming up for Spring will survive.

Woohoo... haircut this evening!
If you have a chance, I highly recommend eating a meal from the counter service restaurant at the Riviera. We had breakfast outside one morning at the patio tables by the water and then it’s a quick gondola ride to Epcot or HS. We were also impressed with the new (to us) menu at the ABC Commissary. Tables inside are far apart and there’s outdoor seating as well.
If you have a chance, I highly recommend eating a meal from the counter service restaurant at the Riviera. We had breakfast outside one morning at the patio tables by the water and then it’s a quick gondola ride to Epcot or HS. We were also impressed with the new (to us) menu at the ABC Commissary. Tables inside are far apart and there’s outdoor seating as well.
This is good to hear... CS at Riviera is Plan B for my first night, if I have the energy for more than just chilling at the pool.
Woowhoo it was 65 today and I took a mile walk on my lunch break...being back in the office and having a walking buddy is great. And this work buddy may be headed to wdw so we had fun discussing all the changes since she was there last 20ish years ago.

Woowhoo we booked our long weekend in VT for the end of April break. Trying to plan this trip since DH won it December of 2020...between travel restrictions and kids getting sick it's been tough. But the people at the resort were nice enough to extend the expiration on the voucher until the start of this summer season.

Not so woowhoo the stomach bug that swept through everyone else in the house hit me about half an hour before I left work. It was so bad DH had to bring home, fortunately our offices are about 2 miles apart and the is in a building open 24/7 so leaving a car in the lot is no problem. So I'll have to go with him in the morning to get it. Oh well. It turned out to be a good thing he was able to bring me home...3ish hours later I was feeling better but ugh that wasn't fun!

Had yesterday off and it was the first time in days no one was throwing up so I took advantage and made some Italian bread...we had one mini loaf with dinner and two minis went into the freezer. Dinner was mozzarella stuffed turkey meatballs and spaghetti....that will be a good one for freezer cooking. Also made some black bean brownies. The DSs gobbled them up but DD knew something was amiss and only ate a tiny bit...she is too smart that one.

I did a pork butt in the crockpot today but wasn't wanting it for dinner since my tummy was not 100% so we'll have that tomorrow with greek yogurt mac and cheese YUM. Sent quite a bit home with my MIL...I made it with a dry rub and a little soda so it should freezer well...3 pounds of boneless is A LOT of pork.

Lent is fast approaching and I am looking at meatless dishes beyond pizza, grilled cheese and mac and cheese...I swear we are like the only family that eats worse on meatless nights. So a recipe of how to make twice baked potatoes in the air fryer so I am thinking cheddar broccoli twice baked potatoes will be in order soon.

Watching the weather for a potential storm Friday. Fortunately the plan is for DH to work at home during the morning commute and then go in late morning which means snow clearing will not be the Shanny show. Assuming I wont have help with the kids once he goes to work that means several hours worth of Storybots and Sesame Street..TV as a babysitter? NEVER! Said the people who never have to keep kids occupied while working.
I am Thankful to have the opportunity to work from home. Being in the office yesterday was horrible. too much moving and could not get in a good position where I wasn't in pain. Today I am working from home so if I need to sit on the couch to be more comfortable I can.


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