Why Castmembers Hate DVC Members!

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Earning My Ears
Jan 16, 2005
This is not meant to offend just inform and educate please take this with a grain of salt!

I write this as a person who has not worked at WDW that long, but a person who loves being a guest and loves the Magic, and I love providing the magic. That is why I feel compelled to write this article so that you DVC members can see how self destructive you are to that which you love.

I recently transferred resorts so I am no longer at a DVC resort and I THANK GOD FOR THAT! I was at a split hotel, part DVC part Hotel. Now I am not going to say which one i was at just that it was half and half. Frankly it doesn’t matter which one I was at because as far as I am concerned there are two kinds of members, the good and the [B ]naughty[/B]. The good members are few and far between. These are the people who either bought into DVC at the very beginning when only people of culture and class could buy in, or they are the ones that just are good wholesome middle class families that want to spend quality time together and enjoy WDW (a lot of you might thing you fall into this category but just wait your probably don’t). The naughty members are ever increasing as Disney makes the mortgage terms easier to meet and makes loans easier to qualify for. Or they are the people just hell bent on having a miserable time and want to just make everyone else feel a cruddy as they do.

Let me start off by saying I would love DVC if a vast majority were good members and you had your few naughty members here or there but this is not true. As a Front Desk Manager I learned this was not true. I am about to give you a list for success. If you want to get the room category you want or the view you want or you want to have a FANTASIC and MAGICAL time take this to heart and do the do’s and don’t the don’ts.

First off most DVC resorts are full service hotels! Just because you get free valet does not mean that you do not have to tip!! Those guys work HARD and their base hourly wage is $3.00 hr. so when they help you get your luggage out of your car or put our trash bags full of clothes away for you in storage and you don’t tip that just embitters them towards other DVC members. If you are not going to tip and out then DO NOT VALET PARK! Social courtesy. The BoardWalk, Beach Club, and Wilderness Lodge are full service resorts! Meaning that they have Bell Services and that you are expected to conduct your attitude and manner at a higher level (on this note it is the result of many DVC members conduct in the lobby, communal guest areas that caused the BoardWalk to loose a Diamond, a prime example of how self destructive DVC members can be). Remember Cast Members are people too! We love what we do, and we don’t get paid especially well so please remember that when you yell at us! If we look down trodden, beaten down, depressed, you spend your day trying to be Magical, trying to express your love for a company only to be screamed at by some jerk from New Jersey, New York, Penn, about how their view is not perfect and how they will go how ever high above your head to get what they want. It gets old! You might say to this, then get another job. Well true if you don’t like you job the leave, well that is what many Fantastic Cast Members do. They move to different hotels, different areas where they don’t have to deal with DVC members (it worked for me and countless friends). Read your contract. Many issues you create that need to exists had you read your contract and have a basic understanding of what your rights are as a DVC member! Remember savings come at a cost. You can’t have a late Check out and there is a $25.00 room change fee. Managers are not people to verbally abuse. They have families too and your verbal abuse can cause some to not sleep at night, cry in their offices, and hold a deep rooted hatred. Compensation is something that is for real problems not made up ones. If you ever complain about high prices just think of all the DVC Members who fight for points, back, demand a free $150.00 meal due to a minor inconvenience, demand comp tickets. We know when we have a problem guest and we know to prepare for the onslaught of verbal abuse, and how we are going to take them on. This is not how things are supposed to be. At non DVC resorts they don’t have a list of guests who cause hell for all their Cast Members. But at DVC properties everyone knows these problem guests by name and try to avoid helping them.

I can go on all day about DVC members. So how do you get what you want? How do you do all this without being a naughty member. First, don’t care as much. It is one week in Florida, you do not always have to have the same view! Try something new you might like it! A parking lot view of the BoardWalk is not that bad, I have had one I found it enchanting. Know how to book and don’t lie about it. Be understanding. It is a hotel, things will go wrong other naughty guests will inconvenience anyone to get what they want, (a guest once demanded that I kick another guest out a room so that they could have the room that they wanted). Be kind to the Front Desk Cast Members, most of them will try to “hook up” guest that they like. If you are charming and pleasant to us we will treat you like Gold and the Disney Magic will flow! Remember you go to Disney to have fun and to be happy, if you don’t go else where. We all want to experience the Disney of our Dreams to help create it and preserve it instead of destroying it!

I could go on all day, but I would love to hear your rebuttals and feedback.


Mr. Not at a DVC Resort Anymore
thank you??????? i think???? i know some folks go over the top but realistically you think it is most of us???? I have been in DVC 14 yrs and been to WDW alot...........over 60 times in that time frame and i have seen alot of verbally abusive folks but i really cant say most are.............i think that is a bit broad.........i think when you go on vacation you have to expect something might be amiss...........but i dont sweat the small stuff.........it is also nice to know there is a list out there floating around of naughty members...........god forbid someone gets a hold of it........because the settlement would buy alot of points.............
i always try to treat others as i would like to be treated. as far as tipping, my husband always tips over and beyond the standard~no matter which we resort we are staying. the bellperson is always tipped well; it seems we always have a lot of junk w/us! we own at 3 DVC resorts and never have a car. :teleport: :earboy2:
Wow! That's an earful but I guess it needed to be said.

I work in public service and I have had my share of attacks by loons, so I understand what it's like. I have never, ever abused my privileges as a DVC member, but I have seen people do exactly that.

I didn't realize that the DVC Castmembers received more flak than the Castmembers at other properties. That's awful. Maybe people are taking that whole "welcome home" thing too seriously. There's a big difference between public and private behavior.

Tipping a valet is essential and goes without saying. Anyone who doesn't tip is being a cheap SOB and they're wrong.

Insisting on a late check-out when you can have your items held if you have a later flight is silly. I rent a car, load the car, and leave - enjoying my last day at the parks or wherever.

There will always be rude, inconsiderate people wherever you go. It's a fact of life. I'm just sorry it seems like you've encountered so many of them.
Do you have a list of ideas on how to be a "good" guest? Your complaint was somewhat vague.
are you serious???? i think that should be self explanatory as someone else said treat others the way you would treat yourself................common sense
We have been DVC members since 1997 & have never abused a CM at any of the resorts we have stayed at. That being said, I think we were very patient last October when we arrived at OKW at 7:30 am, but never received our room assignment until 6:00 pm (& the room had yet to stocked w/ towels, etc.) We have seen several very abusive individuals at OKW & wondered what all the fuss was about. When they tell you that rooms will not be ready until 4:00 pm (official check in time), when you arrive at the desk prior to that time, you should not give the staff attitude. We have been on DCL three times and noticed several very "pushy" people that thought they were to be a priority wherever they sat their very "special" butts down. Our last trip to OKW, we stayed next to the quite pool at South Point. There are several signs that state the times that the pool was open. Unfortunately when I thought we could have some quite time on our balcony before the pool opened. there were the same two-three families that brought all their kids to the pool around 7:00 am! This shows complete disregard to the other DVC'ers around them. So for the MANY DVC'ers that appreciate the pressure the CM's are put under, we appoligize for the ignorant ones. Maybe if they do not enjoy it, they should sell their interest.
Thank you for reminding us what the CMs go through. We recently returned from a trip to VWL and BWV. We arrived after 7 on a Thursday and expected to receive the last studio available. We had the infamous dumpster room. We were just glad that we had a tub. The view really wasn't bad. We could even see Wishes from our balcony.

Then we moved to Boardwalk on Sunday and had a Boardwalk view. It was on the fourth floor, ready at 12, and over the old vacation club office. It was perfect!!! Disney even moved our luggage for us. So you are right that one room may not be perfect, but the next may be. As long as we are at Disney, we are happy. Next time I will remember to thank all of the CMs for the wonderful job that they do. This DVC family really appreciates all of you.

Thank you again,
The Varns
I cant speak for everyone but I have never complained about ANYTHING and I would bet I tip better than you and for that I am offended.
I cant speak for everyone but I have never complained about ANYTHING and I would bet I tip better than you and for that I am offended.

Right there Rick you prove how you are one of the Naughty members, maybe not a bad naughty but still the same you are one that will demand compensation in it's many forms
While I respect the OP's advice and opinion (and there is some good advice there), perhaps it is also CM's like this who are responsible for DVC'ers feeling like they are being treated as second class citizens. The broad brushes with which the post was made are terribly offensive

"These are the people who either bought into DVC at the very beginning when only people of culture and class could buy in, or they are the ones that just are good wholesome middle class families that want to spend quality time together and enjoy WDW (a lot of you might thing you fall into this category but just wait your probably don’t). The naughty members are ever increasing as Disney makes the mortgage terms easier to meet and makes loans easier to qualify for." WOW...I don't think I have read too many things that were more judgemental or predjudiced in my life. Unfortunately, for me, the good intents and good advice of the OP get hard to swallow when you consider the source is the same one as the one who has made this incredible judgment.
WOW...I don't think I have read too many things that were more judgemental or predjudiced in my life. Unfortunately, for me, the good intents and good advice of the OP get hard to swallow when you consider the source is the same one as the one who has made this incredible judgment.

Good post and good point. I am not trying to be judgemental, I am trying to be brutally honest to get a point across. Cast Members do not like to work at DVC resorts (is that generalization, yes but is it the majority, yes). There are a number of things that DVC members to that put off Cast Members and create a horrible enviroment for other DVC Members to exist in. Do we intentionally treat you as 2nd Class, no. Is it a result of the behavior that other Members set, yes.
that is why i posted immediately thank you I THINK?????????? i think this person point of view could have been written in a much less offensive fashion but i was left feeling that deeper point here was to be quite prejudiced and judgemental to make the point firmly entrenched..........I think there are bad apples in the barrell but there just can not be 90K of us.............I can only account for the behavior of me and my family........i know how i was brought up and how i brought up my kids..........but i also am well aware of how society and it values have changed in the last 30 yrs..............the world now feels as they are the victim and the world's axis revolves around them and their beloved...........but there are better ways of making your points in a post than the way this one was written..............
Hmmmm...... Sounds like someone should look for a career that doesn't involve dealing with the public.

Seriously, this is an unfortunate example of some basic good advice ("Respect Others", "Be Nice") wrapped in some elitism and whining by someone throwing themselves a pity party.

Good members are only those who have "culture and class" or are "middle class"? CMs avoid helping a guest who may have a difficult problem to resolve, or are vocal when it isn't resolved? DVC members - and only DVC members - caused the Boardwalk to lose a diamond, simply by their lobby behaviour? If these comments weren't so offensive, they'd be laughable. And I can assure the OP that no one spends the amount of money that DVC ownership entails - both the initial cost and the annual fees - just so that they can have a miserable time.

Are there unpleasant DVC guests? Yes. Are there unpleasant guests at non-DVC resorts? Also yes. Perhaps because the typical DVC owner - who has invested thousands (tens of thousands?) of dollars - is more informed than a typical guest (and many CMs ;)), the potential for friction is greater. But claiming to speak for all CMs in blaming DVC owners en masse while hiding behind an intent to "inform" seems pretty petty.

I think your general assumption that this is just DVC memebers is incorrect. I have lived in the South for the majority of my life, although I have lived all over the world. Manners have deteriorated significantly over the last 10 - 15 years. It amazes me how many men do not hold the doors open for a woman, let the woman enter the elevator first, etc; this also applies to men and women who do not give priority to the elder/pregnant women. I have also seen this here in many threads on the DIS. One example was a thread I participated in about a month ago were several people thought it was okay to only tip the valet upon picking the car up. My comment was that I thought this was inappropriate as the valet had to work on both occasions.
Hmmm WDWzues, you have an awfully low post count, in fact the rant you posted was your first post...it seems odd you wouldn't want to have joined the private CM boards, or browsed around and responded to threads about the resort you are assigned to now. Could it be we have a troll?

In all my trips to OKW since 1992, I have gotten to know many of the cast members there. They truly are our Disney Family. I have seen only one "guest meltdown" at the front desk, and I must say, it was disgusting. But for the OP to paint everyone with such a broad brush is ridiculous, of course, I'm exempt from the tirade, since I purchased in 1992 when "...only people of culture and class could buy in..." LOL

It seems odd that CMs stay at OKW for years, many have been there since the resort opened. If the conditions were so unbearable, wouldn't they have moved on by now?
i think that is based upon custom and etiquette not the dissolution of manners..............
I'm so sorry you have had such terrible experiences with DVC members. Before I had children (8 years ago) I worked in customer service for a large telphone company. I got yelled at everyday by people demanding charges be taken off their bill for calls they either made or accepted (collect). They would lie and claim they called earlier about a problem even when I could tell they hadn't because of our security systems. They would demand to speak to supervisors (even though I was one, they always wanted someone "higher") and threaten to write to complain to the president of the company. I could tell what kind of customer they were just by reading the notes other reps left on their account. So, I can relate a little, but a least I didn't have to look at the person when they were yelling at me.
We are new to DVC. We bought a BWV resale this year. We didn't need Disney's easy loan terms. We have stayed at the BC, the POLY and BWI as hotel guests. We have always tipped and have never demanded anything. We actually never even request anything except N/S. I am sure that will not change now that we are DVC members. I have never seen any yelling at the BWI. However, I did several years ago, see a couple SCREAMING at a cast member at the Beach Club. They kept saying they were DVC. This was before my husband and I even knew what DVC was and my son looked at us and said "What is DVC and why are they so mean"? It seemed like they were even blaming the cast member for the snow at LaGuardia airport that made them late. :rolleyes:
I'm sure there are lots of great DVC families out there. We are good friends with two of them. I'm just sorry you had such a lousy experience at a DVC resort. I hope you are happier at the resort you are at now. BTW, who brings their clothes in garbage bags? I have not seen that since I was in college! :earboy2:
wdwzues said:
Frankly it doesn’t matter which one I was at because as far as I am concerned there are two kinds of members, the good and the naughty. The good members are few and far between.
To wdwzues: Please allow me to give you some friendly advice. Insulting the majority of DVC members is not a good way to make your points. My reaction after reading your note was, "I'm glad this person is no longer working at a DVC resort."

Yes, I sure there are some obnoxious DVC members. And, believe of not, there are also plenty of obnoxious, boorish, selfish, and downright mean people in the world who are not DVC members. Fortunately, most people -- yes, even most DVC members -- are courteous and pleasant. If your attitude is that "good members are few and far between," perhaps you should not be in the hospitality industry.

If you displayed the same attitude toward guests that you display in your posting, you might be the reason for some of the negative interactions that you had with guests.
I agree dallastxcpa. There really has been a decrease in civility and sometimes it is really amazing to watch or experience. CM's need respect and should be treated with respect, just like any human being. Appreciating service employees who rely on tips is also sound and oft disregarded advice. Good reminder. Trying to respect those who try to be helpful even if you can't get everything your way is also good advice. However, it should not be forgotten that it takes two to tango in many of these instances. Unfortunately, rude CM's are also becoming more and more common it seems (or perhaps it has been bad luck), without provocation in many cases. We ALL just need to try to be more civil--everyday, and not just on vacation or at WDW.
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