Walt Disney World & Beyond Discussion + What Disney Means To Us – Episode #3


Senior Editor for The DIS & DCL Fan
Staff member
Dec 19, 2008
Prices go up at Walt Disney World, but park hopping is set to return in January, Journey of Water Inspired by Moana officially opened at EPCOT, and Once Upon A Studio wrecks Disney fans on the 100th anniversary of The Walt Disney Company.

Thank you for adding in the countdown clock! I forgot to say it earlier. It's so helpful! :lovestruc
I really enjoyed the last segment. To me, it demonstrated how many diverse backgrounds can find a commonality and passion.

And yes, the Disney short made a pretty much emotionless person, me, into an emotional moment.
The second half of the show was much better than the first & I really enjoyed the stories from the team. If I'm honest though that was probably the most low energy start to any show I've seen in the last 10+ years. It was really awkward. Especially Craig's 'is everyone having a good start to the week?' and there was silence and a sea of glum faces with him asking for at at least one person to smile and then there were just a couple of comments about the weather. You probably need some new, enthusiastic faces if you want people to keep watching. Good luck.
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I have mixed feelings about the segments. Some of them feel forced. It’s like,”We have 10 minutes to tell our Disney moments from this week.” And while I enjoy hearing about how characters may be returning to the park, I’d love to hear others opinions about this. It’s like no one will comment or give opinions on whatever anyone else says. Maybe fewer segments with more comments. Part of what I want to hear is varied opinions.
I am wishing so hard that after all whats happened, that things will change, but guys really this is not it. Its so forced, so awkward, its all basically the same format but without the ranty person who shall not be named. The format worked years ago because thats how things were, but the internet has moved on. The whole format like a TV network news program, with set topics, a time for each topic, each person saying their piece is just not it any more. The formal has been replaced by causal. Week 1 there were almost 3000 live watchers, week 3 around 500. You need to pull people in with what they want to see, not push out information you want people to see. You really need someone to explain Push / Pull Marketing to you and you really need a marketing expert who specializes in YouTube content marketing. You can create the content but you are not formatting in a way that people want to see.
It might be time for them to admit that this weekly show is dead and time to let it go. They should really stick to shorter topical shows. When you compare this show to the weekly DVC show, lack of energy and enjoyment is very apparent.
When I've worked for a demanding boss like Pete it's been stressful but the pressure has often resulted in a good end product. Eliminating that stressor can result in a 'meh' or big ol' shrug attitude as we saw on Tuesday. The lack of enthusiasm at the start was shocking. They need to go back to the drawing board, get a studio, bring in some fresh talent & get rid of the silent people glumly looking into the camera. Who wants to watch that? Deni was a ray of sunshine, even Steve Porter & Fiasco were a draw for me. At least they had sunny personalities and enthusiasm. Watching a Zoom chat of bored co-workers will see viewing figures continue to go down.
It might be time for them to admit that this weekly show is dead and time to let it go. They should really stick to shorter topical shows. When you compare this show to the weekly DVC show, lack of energy and enjoyment is very apparent.
I don’t think the weekly format is dead but it needs to be more natural and casual, not overly scripted and structured. Every member of the panel doesn’t need to give their answer to every question unless they have something they’d like to say. The show works best when it presents as a few friends talking and having fun together. The more formal and scheduled and formatted, the less enjoyable it is.

Also use the resources you’ve got. If a new discount comes out, tell us about it in a 30-second comment and then tell us where to go for more information. “There’s a new hotel discount for stays from 2/5/24 to 4/10/24. Go to Dreamsunlimited.com for all the details.” Don’t spend 10 minutes reading through 5 pages of terms and conditions as part of the show. That’s when you lose folks.

I love the team and the show. I hope it continues for a long time. And I hope now that PW is gone you’ll think about reviving regional DIS meets like in NJ and DE and Hershey. Getting out and meeting and getting to know your audience and raising money for GKTW was something that really built your fan base.
Also use the resources you’ve got. If a new discount comes out, tell us about it in a 30-second comment and then tell us where to go for more information. “There’s a new hotel discount for stays from 2/5/24 to 4/10/24. Go to Dreamsunlimited.com for all the details.” Don’t spend 10 minutes reading through 5 pages of terms and conditions as part of the show. That’s when you lose folks.
Thats called Omni Channel Marketing. Using the weekly Vlog to direct people to the other online platforms. How about promoting the Tik Tok and Instagram.
I don’t think the weekly format is dead but it needs to be more natural and casual, not overly scripted and structured. Every member of the panel doesn’t need to give their answer to every question unless they have something they’d like to say. The show works best when it presents as a few friends talking and having fun together. The more formal and scheduled and formatted, the less enjoyable it is.

Also use the resources you’ve got. If a new discount comes out, tell us about it in a 30-second comment and then tell us where to go for more information. “There’s a new hotel discount for stays from 2/5/24 to 4/10/24. Go to Dreamsunlimited.com for all the details.” Don’t spend 10 minutes reading through 5 pages of terms and conditions as part of the show. That’s when you lose folks.

I love the team and the show. I hope it continues for a long time. And I hope now that PW is gone you’ll think about reviving regional DIS meets like in NJ and DE and Hershey. Getting out and meeting and getting to know your audience and raising money for GKTW was something that really built your fan base.

Maybe they just need the right case then. John and Kevin were really unwatchable even when PW was on, they just added nothing to the show for me and brought the mood down. Erica may very well be a fantastic human, but is really insufferable to watch on every single episode regardless of topic.

Craig and Ryno are a great duo and balance each other out well, they just need better surrounding voices possibly.
“Maybe they just need the right case then. John and Kevin were really unwatchable even when PW was on, they just added nothing to the show for me and brought the mood down. Erica may very well be a fantastic human, but is really insufferable to watch on every single episode regardless of topic. Craig and Ryno are a great duo and balance each other out well, they just need better surrounding voices possibly.”

I love John and Kevin when they’re talking about stuff that they’re into, like the restaurant review last week. That was great. Or telling us about their most recent ABD trip. I love those shows.

And Erica is fun when she’s talking about stuff that she’s passionate about. New character meets or merchandise or whatever.

Ryno is great at updating us on new food and drink offerings, or discussing the latest Marvel series or movie, or whatever else.

Everybody on the team has their place.

The problem, as I said, is when the conversation is too forced and structured. You need to choose the participants each week based on the topics at hand. Match the people to the stories they’re excited to talk about and let the magic happen.
I’m just going to go ahead and say it: I think John and Kevin are the “problem”.

And for the sake of transparency, I will say that my opinion of them is biased because they’re not really who I watch The DIS to see. Now, this is not a castigation of them as people, as I’ve never met them and they’re probably decent well-meaning people off camera. But they’re just not “for me” on the shows.

But on-camera, I just feel like they have a cantankerousness that sucks the energy out of the room. And I’ve always felt that way about them, even more so when (redacted) was there. I just always get the vibe that they’re there out of obligation and they don’t really want to be there (and they very well might want to be, for all I know), but they also have a travel agency to promote, so here they are.

Perhaps, instead of having them on the Tuesday show on a regular basis, maybe just resurrect the “Dreams Unlimited show” and have them on there to talk about the travel deals and what not in depth, with Craig being the “Roz” of that situation. And that can be J&K’s “thing”. Maybe have one of them (not both) show up briefly on the Tuesday show to preview what’s to come on the more in-depth discussion that will live on a separate video with just them and perhaps an agent or two. But I just don’t find them “lively” enough and it makes things awkward.

Also, I starting to think that 5 people on the Tuesday show is too much. Like one person too many. Too many cooks in the kitchen. Let it be Craig and Ryno as the “permanent” hosts, and then let the remaining 2 slots be from the pool of Erica, Jackie, Teresa, Kathy, Corey, Julie or maybe even a special guest or a DIS alum (Deni, Steve, Fiasco, etc.) all of which is easier to pull off thanks to the show being virtual.

But yeah, this ties back into what I said on the episode 2 board, and I even think this was brought up to some degree on the after show, about the “cliques” within the DIS and how it’s just awkward when you have people with clashing styles and personalities trying to have a discussion.

But let me conclude that I mean no diss (pun semi-intended) to John and Kevin. I just feel like their style would be better suited for their own show.
I’m just going to go ahead and say it: I think John and Kevin are the “problem”.
I respectfully disagree. I don't think John and Kevin are "the problem" at all. In fact, Kevin happens to be my favorite member of the whole team.

The "problem" is that the format of the show doesn't utilize each person to contribute in the way that is most meaningful and appropriate for them. When people are inserted into a situation that isn't their thing, it's awkward for all.

Kevin shines brightest when talking about food and travel and Disney history and nostalgia. I could listen to him talk all day about any or all of those things. If the topic of the week includes a dining review, by all means include Kevin on the panel that week. But if you're going to spend half an hour talking about the Star Wars hotel or the latest Star Wars TV series, having Kevin at the table just because he happened to be available simply makes no sense.

One thing I don't think anyone has mentioned is that at least while the show continues to be done virtually, the flexibility exists to have participants not be there for the full hour. You could have John and Kevin come on to do a dining review and then sign off and be replaced by Teresa coming in from the Welcome Center to give an update on the latest cruise news or Kathy popping in to talk about a new experience at Kennedy Space Center or Erica joining the conversation to tell us about Pooh greeting guests in the UK pavilion again.

The show works best when the person talking is talking about something they love and care about and are passionate about, not when the people at the "table" are all stuck talking about something that maybe only one or two of them is actually interested in.

You've got a great team. Let them each do their thing in the way that is most engaging.
This show is very difficult to watch. Great people, poor product. What they’re doing must be very difficult, but they need to figure out what role they fill for the audience. There are a lot of alternatives, and if I think through what my other Disney go-tos are, they are covering news the day it happens, park strategies, rumors, park history, or in-park content. The Dis as a channel does some of these well-ish, but this show specifically doesn't check any boxes. In addition to what the role of the show is for viewers, it can't be denied the energy is at times so low you wonder why they're even doing it.
I’ll be the one with the unpopular opinion and say that without Pete and his rants the show is boring!!! By no means does that mean Pete should come back or that I approve of his off camera behavior. However without him the show is a snooze fest!!
I've been using the past couple of weeks to read feedback versus engagement, but I just want to clear some things up. I am going to be walking on a tightrope here as I don't want to insult either the audience or co-workers. We've recorded great things in the past that were done virtually that weren't awkward. We've done plenty that are awkward. We are getting very close to finding a studio and need some good luck on our side, but the problem doesn't lie solely in virtual presentations. I listen to lots of podcasts produced this way and some of the most downloaded podcasts in the world are produced without the hosts being in the same room.

The low energy is very prevalent. This past week in particular, most are pointing towards the low energy portion being the part where the entire group is literally allowed to speak about whatever they're passionate about involving Disney. The energy rose at the end, but the part of the show that most were complaining about wasn't the segment or the news. It was the part where the team can talk about anything they want.

I think the entire team needs to not only find their passion and let that come out, but I also think that the team needs to not focus on chat or the world around them for that one hour and be actively engaged listeners to what is being said because even if they aren't interested it still does a great deal in terms of the perception that the team wants to be there and cares about what the others have to say. I say this for myself too as I get distracted with running the show at times and look like I'm not as engaged as I need to be.

The final thing I'll say, I know the one downfall of virtual is the delay and that is a real problem at times. There is still nothing more that I hate than being met with awkward silence around topics because no one has any input, especially news. Right now, I feel like I'm failing either at figuring out what our team wants to discuss and/or what Disney fans want to hear our opinions on and what we should have opinions on. I thought something like park-hopping and price increases would go through the roof and I was wrong. I'm not doing a great job right now and I recognize that. I'm not asking for pity nor do I want to be told that I am doing great. I'm saying it because I am aware and want to make sure that it's known that I'm trying to make this better.
I've been using the past couple of weeks to read feedback versus engagement, but I just want to clear some things up. I am going to be walking on a tightrope here as I don't want to insult either the audience or co-workers. We've recorded great things in the past that were done virtually that weren't awkward. We've done plenty that are awkward. We are getting very close to finding a studio and need some good luck on our side, but the problem doesn't lie solely in virtual presentations. I listen to lots of podcasts produced this way and some of the most downloaded podcasts in the world are produced without the hosts being in the same room.

The low energy is very prevalent. This past week in particular, most are pointing towards the low energy portion being the part where the entire group is literally allowed to speak about whatever they're passionate about involving Disney. The energy rose at the end, but the part of the show that most were complaining about wasn't the segment or the news. It was the part where the team can talk about anything they want.

I think the entire team needs to not only find their passion and let that come out, but I also think that the team needs to not focus on chat or the world around them for that one hour and be actively engaged listeners to what is being said because even if they aren't interested it still does a great deal in terms of the perception that the team wants to be there and cares about what the others have to say. I say this for myself too as I get distracted with running the show at times and look like I'm not as engaged as I need to be.

The final thing I'll say, I know the one downfall of virtual is the delay and that is a real problem at times. There is still nothing more that I hate than being met with awkward silence around topics because no one has any input, especially news. Right now, I feel like I'm failing either at figuring out what our team wants to discuss and/or what Disney fans want to hear our opinions on and what we should have opinions on. I thought something like park-hopping and price increases would go through the roof and I was wrong. I'm not doing a great job right now and I recognize that. I'm not asking for pity nor do I want to be told that I am doing great. I'm saying it because I am aware and want to make sure that it's known that I'm trying to make this better.
Thank you and apricated. My view is really that you know how to create good content, the team is passionate and knowledgeable of the subject matter BUT you really need professional help with how to market and present your content. I really think that the team would benefit from hiring a marketing consultant who specializes in YouTube and video marketing. This digital world we now live in changes very rapidly and I think investing in the team, continuous leaning and a refresh of up to date marketing and presentation skills would be hugely beneficial.


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