Three Things...Gratitude Thread

I hope your library finds a way to stay open, @Allison Joy!

My 3 for today's topic:

Rests and Guests - I love both quiet time and seeing family/friends

Zoos and "mews" - because I love animals...and especially cats!

And the rhymes in poems - I love reading and writing them
I just wanna say that I truly truly value and appreciate this thread it is just been a godsend to me one of my goals is to be more optimistic and to be more thankful and just around myself with people with the same attitudes and tired of telling people to be more grateful and I like being around people Are grateful I mean you can be grateful about every little thing in your life and you should be and I so enjoy this thread and enjoy it because of the people that are on it You all are very nice amazing giving kind wonderful people and I’m grateful for all of you! You know as the saying goes you never know what somebody’s going through and you never know what somebody needs and this is what I needed for what I was going through thank you also very much!!! I’m so grateful I just wanted to let you know!!!
People are always quick to complain but often times they never pay out the compliments or tell somebody you really made a difference you really made me feel a whole lot better I like to tell people
Hey you really made a difference you really made me feel a whole lot better thank you so very much!!!
I’m very grateful for you all and the fact you put up with me and my hatred of snow ❄️! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wow! Well said! What an awesome post!
I haven't used this exact expression lately. I raise my Old Fashioned to you, Cheers!!


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