Solo and low crowds with a group


Mar 9, 2017
Ok so I did my pre trip report and I put a link below to that now it is time to tell how the trip actually went. So a bit of background I went to Orlando from April 5th to April 13th. I spent time by myself from the 6th to the 8th and the afternoon of the 8th I was joined by my friend and her family. This was the first time I've ever done the parks by myself and I am normally a DL person but have been to DW a few times. DW was picked for this trip so it was easy for my friend and her family to travel down.

I tried to take lots of pics and I will share some but apparently I went a day and half with no pics so who knows what I was thinking.

I will start with April 5th which was my travel date. Well I took a red eye so my travel date was two days.

I live in a small rural Nv town that is conveniently located on Interstate 80 called Winnemucca. It is 2 hours from the nearest airport of Elko which has one flight a day to Salt Lake city, 2.5 hours from the Reno airport (this is the one I normally fly from) and I live 5 hours from the Salt Lake city airport and for this trip this is the airport I picked because I saved about $600 on my ticket.

So I got all packed Friday morning with my favorite luggage and my work bag in case they needed anything from me (which they did not) and my favorite Crocs(they are from my last DL trip in Dec of 2023). The big one is only half full as I needed room for souvenirs. But I was ready to go but my flight did not leave till 1120pm so I had some time to wait.
However, it was snowing at least in my immediate vicinity and the weather forecast over the road I had to drive looked mostly ok but was iffy in places and because I had to go over several summits I left a bit early. There is a hour difference between Nv and Ut so in good driving conditions I needed to leave at 3ishbut because of dicey conditions and my excitement I left at 2ish and it worked out well.

The arrival time is PST so it changed an hour once I crossed to MST. I got there about 8:30 local time.
20240405_140256.jpg conditions as I pulled on to the main road. Snow everywhere I couldn't wait to get to some heat.

Conditions improved as I got some miles out but the Orange Trees you see in the pic are the Nv state tree always growing alive and well on the roads

Then just rain and snow fluries the rest of my trip.
This was my proof of life and Starbucks run in Elko, I got a cold brew to help stay alert and a iced peach green tea lemonade to go with my grilled cheese sandwich. I only get Starbucks like once every couple months when I go to Elko or Reno.
If you have ever crossed the Salt Flats you know there is not tons to look at. There was a fair amount of water on parts of them not too unusual but something to break up all the white salt.

So I made it to the airport after a quick stop at Target as I forgot my foot powder. I used the Parking Spot for the first time and I really liked it. They told me where to park and the shuttle followed me to my spot and helped me with my bags. I was dropped off at the terminal and was able to quickly check in my bags and security took me less than 5 mins to get through, they were moving. The plane boarded on time and we pushed off from the gate on time but were delayed about 10 minutes deicing (the price you pay for safety). We did make it to Orlando about 15 mins early. I walked out to get my bags which if you have ever checked bags on an early flight you know that it is a curse to be early because they are never ready with crew to get the bags. So I waited there a bit and the fire alarm went off which no one really reacted to. I went outside because it was loud and stood where I could see the baggage carousel. Finally the alarm turned off and the bags started to come a couple minutes after that. I got my bags and ordered my uber and I was on my way.
Me at Salt Lake City Airport

Proof of life in the Orlando Airport.

The uber came and took me from MCO to the Animal Kingdom Lodge Jambo House. In my next post I will tell you about walking into there for the first time and what I did since it would be hours before I had a room.

PRE Trip Report Link
Ooooo…hopping on I’m only 2.5 weeks out from my trip and your travel day is making me so happy! I can’t wait to hear more!
Hey everyone following, I have finally found some time to get through my first and day of the trip. So I left off on my way from the airport to the Animal Kingdom Lodge. I had only seen this place in promotional videos and always thought to myself I would love to stay there but those prices always seemed out of reach. But I finally made it and for two nights I could totally swing it.

So I got dropped off out front of the Jambo House and as I walked through the doors I was like this place is AWESOME. I did not get a photo of the lobby when I got in there as I had all my bags and it was just getting light outside. It was just around 620ish and I needed to do somethings before I headed to epcot. Mainly put on some moleskin and change my shoes and of course get out my backpack. So I did all of that and I checked my bags with the bell services.

Then it was 7 and I got on my phone and opened my app. I got a 9:15 LL for Remy's and I bought an ILL for Guardian's. I did not try for the virtual queue because I had a 2pm Spa appointment and I wanted to control the time. I had decided to do early entry and go straight to the Frozen ride. Ok so my plan was set and I headed out to see where the buses were.

I did enjoy the animal drawings on the outside of the hotel. My favorite was the horse


I don't want to brag or anything but I uh got picked up for Epcot on my very own bus. You know what they say "You know you have made it when your own $400K vehicle pulls up with your own private driver"


So I was on that bus at about 7:20ish and the bus driver and I had a good talk about life.

I made it to Epcot and I was like the 15th person in the line waiting for security to open. So not bad but I am not a runner or a have to be there first person so I was not the 15th person through security lol.

Once through security we had to wait and have our tickets checked for early entry. Here is my view while I waited and waited. I have only done early entry once and that was at Disneyland and I rarely ever rope drop because my daughter likes to sleep till lunch but I am always up early. So traveling as a person of one was great because I could get there early. Of course this morning I never went to sleep.


So we finally, got through to our next waiting area, YAY. They basically divided people into 3 bunches based on what ride they were headed to first. I got in the Frozen bunch and waited.
Me waiting with all the people. I did have a nice conversation with the couple in front of me. Its strange for me to be so talkative with strangers but it just felt right.

Finally we were off and people really, really hustle to get there. I walked enjoyed the flowers on the way by them. and got in line for Frozen.

And while I waited outside my first Duck. My daughter, who is 21, and I love to see the ducks whereever we go but you know we really love the Disney Ducks. I took this pic to send to her but I will share my ducks with everyone here too.

Took me about 15 minutes to get to the front of the line. I enjoyed the queue details.
And I loved the ride. It was so cute. The family in the front of the boat kept letting their kid stand up so we did get like 3 announcements to please remain fully seated which took away from the ride a little bit. There is me in the back all by my lonesome and LOVING IT.

So that was fun then I saw a little bakery to the side and I was like yep I will get something, I am hungry. I got a bottle of water and a Mickey Cinnamon Roll. I always think the sweets in the park look soooo good. But and this may make me unpopular, they never taste that good. I ate one ear and threw the rest away. But here is my real secret even though I know I am probably not going to like it. I still buy it. I have a problem. But it is a problem and Disney so how bad could it be.


Anyway done my confessionals for now I headed to Remy. I am at my photo limit so I will post this and keep going.
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hopping over from your PTR. Looking forward to reading more
Glad to see you DLo hope you enjoy.
Looking forward to your report!
Welcome Mich123. I am having fun writing it I need to get it all out soon before I forget.

Ooooo…hopping on I’m only 2.5 weeks out from my trip and your travel day is making me so happy! I can’t wait to hear more!
Hello indyshelley, You will be there real soon. I hope you have such a blast.
We might have crossed paths. I was there from April 7-14!
Hi there Stacybaeasm, did you enjoy the good weather and low crowds, I thought it was a great time to be there.
Hey Nicicnic.nic, I hope you have fun following along.
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Ok so I am back to write some more about my first day there. I walked from Norway to France through a still pretty much empty and closed world showcase. I did enjoy just meandering and not feeling rushed. I got to France and there were so many people over there. I for some reason was not taking any pictures at this time but don't worry coming up is a picture of a worm by my diet coke bottle.

So I got to France and I located the Remy ride. It was time for my LL so I went over but just as I was walking up a guy came out and started telling people the ride was temporarily closed. They were not letting people enter but they were not emptying the queue so I stood over by the fountain and watched people get their photos taken. In hindsight I should have gotten my taken but I was living on little sleep, a ear of a cinnamon roll and the excitement of being by myself at Disney.

I like to people watch and I did for about 10 minutes and then I noticed they were letting people through again. I headed in and pretty much walked straight on using the LL. My thoughts are it is a cute ride but not a must do for me in the future just a happenstance for future rides. I got all done with that and had some time before my Guardians ride and I decided to slowly walk back that way. On the way I grabbed a LL for Soarin and it had an immediate return time.

I think I got to Soarin about 30 minutes after I grabbed the LL. I love Soarin, enjoyed seeing the curved Eiffel Tower again, lol. I jumped on Living with the Land after I left Soarin. It was about 20 minutes before my ILL for Guardians so I went over there and grabbed a bagel type sandwich and a diet coke from a guy at a cart. I sat down on the wall and that is when a friendly worm joined me. I drank my diet coke but I did not really like the sandwich after about 2 bites I was done (beginning to wonder if I really need food).

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Yes, I take lots of pictures of the mundane. Finally it was time for my first ever Guardians Cosmic Rewind Ride. I went through and I want to say took about 25 mins to get to the ride. I rode with a new stranger friend. When we got on the ride she asked if I had ever been on it and I said no. She told me it was the best ride ever and well...
She was not wrong. This is one of the best roller coasters I have ever been on. I am not sure you can even compare it to other roller coasters because it is so different. I loved it and I did get a second ride on it this trip and I will go on it anytime I am in Epcot. Wait till you see my second ride photo my hair looks amazingly similar.

Well I had got 5 rides in and it was about 1pm, I needed to be to the Grand Floridian Spa by 2. I decided it was time to leave Epcot and head on over. I was super tired but would not admit it to myself. I did what any sane person would do I jumped on the Monorail to the Magic Kingdom.
I got there and had to of course transfer to the resort Monorail. I consider the Monorail free train rides for all. On my way between the two lines I did find a hidden Mickey.

Ok also it might have just been someone's trash.

I got to the Grand Floridian at just before 1:30. I had no idea how to get to the Spa and had to ask for directions twice(yeah I was tired). It is actually quite the little walk from the lobby. Which is pretty and classy by the way.

Well I found the Spa and got checked in. I had been traveling and wearing the same icky clothes for a while now but don't worry I brought a change in my bag. So I showered and got all comfy in the robe, all before my nail tech came to find me. I went and got a basic manicure with design on both hands. The tech was nice and we chatted.
I then had about half an hour before my massage. I took a nap on one of the loungers in the relaxation room. the spa is nice and it was clean but the amenities could be a bit better and more spaced out, it did feel like you were a bit crammed in the relaxation area with everyone else waiting. But I would go again.
Finally Vee came and got me for my massage and I mention her by name because this may have been the best massage I have ever had and it was so relaxing. I got the garden massage with hand and foot treatment for 50 mins. I have never felt in such bliss. If you ever go I recommend asking for Vee.

I got all done with that glorious massage and I took another quick shower to rinse off and put on some clean clothes. It was time to go see my hotel room. I had long awaited getting to stay at this hotel and you know I got a savannah view. So I jumped on the Monorail to the MK and I am not going to lie I so badly wanted to go in but I was also so tired. I made the adult decision to pass the entrance and go to the bus that would take me to my room. I do not regret that decision because I was so excited when I got to my room.

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I was on the Kudu Trail 4th floor. I got off the bus and went to the lobby. I stopped at the gift shop as I needed distilled water for my cpap and I got a couple of Cosmopolitan on the Rocks to drink.

And up to the 4th floor. Snapped this pic.

It is just gorgeous in that lobby so comfortable and welcoming.
I headed to my room, I opened the door
and straight to the balcony.
All those animals were just right there for my to see. I loved it and they were all so active. I took a bunch of really bad photos of my view.

I called down for my bags to be brought up and then went out to watch the animals while I waited. I also grabbed some shots of the room. But I am at that pesky 10 photo limit again. Don't worry I was not this good at photoing my whole trip. Next post my room and dinner. Well maybe both if I don't have more than 10 photos.

Alright what did the room look like. Well like this.
and one more view shot.

I already used 3 of my 10 pic limit we may never get to dinner. I had dinner reservations at Sanna at 8, party of 1. It was about 5:30ish when they got my bags up to me. I got them and chatted with the guy a minute and he gave me directions to Sanna.
Then it was time for a drink. I had not had any adult beverages to this point because I was sleep deprived and food deprived and wanted to be able to get around the parks and to the Spa. I poured my a Cosmo and out to the balcony I went.
I sat out there enjoyed the weather, the animals and the drink and I enjoyed watching the antics on some of the other balconies. I read part of my book and just relaxed. I had thought about taking a nap but I was once again all wound up with excitement and maybe Cosmo :) . Also, I was enjoying my alone time. I am an introvert through and through but I am a manager at work, I help with a big volunteer program and of course family and friends all have pieces of my time where I need to put on my extrovert face and interact. This quiet alone time was special to me.
I sat out there until about 6:45 and then I got ready to go to dinner. I decided to walk over. The walk is easy took me maybe 15 minutes and I was walking slow. It might be intimidating to some as it does wind around the parking areas, I felt safe but I could see how some people might not. There is a shuttle between the two.
I made it over there about 7:15ish. I had about 45 minutes to kill, what did I do? I looked at all the art and some giraffes decided to give me a show. They were out there pulling on the food and running after each other and just looking playful.
I also browsed the gift shop but there was not much in there. I did enjoy the art that was on display and of course watching the animals as the sun went down.
I finally got called to my table it was after 8 when it happened, close to 8:20. They apologized said it was super busy but I was too super tired to care.

I got seated between two group on the back wall. It was a good spot I could see most all the decoration in the restaurant. The one couple seated next to me asked if I was one of those solo travelers. I said yes I am for the first time to Disney alone and loving it. We chatted a few minutes. The waitress came and I ordered the sunset margarita and the Indian style bread service. I had only read about this and I was hoping it lived up to the hype.
and I loved it, too much for one person to eat if you are getting other things but I took the extra with me for breakfast.
I ordered another margarita(after all it is vacation) and the lamb chops.
Beautiful on the plate and delicious in my mouth. I highly recommend. Then I had a dilemma, maybe because of all the drinks, I needed desert. I told the waitress my dilemma was the chocolate cake sounded excellent but I was intrigued by the cake that looked like a giraffe. She pointed me toward the chocolate cake.
I would like to eat this every day of my life. She also introduced me to Amarula for my coffee to go with my cake. She will forever be my best friend that I do not know her name. But she was great and I finally ate and it was great and after the drinks with dinner and the ones from the room and the fact that it was somewhere after 9:30 I needed to go to bed.
But I still had to get back to that bed, I was going to take the shuttle back but they told me it had stopped running already. So I was like walk it it is.
But there was a couple in front of me also, who was going to take the shuttle but had to also walk, who stopped at the bus that had just pulled up and asked if they were going to Jambo House, he said yes, I jumped on with them. Smart couple.
I made it safely back to my room and got ready for bed and I was out like a light.
Day 2 I had to be to the Animal Kingdom as it was a day for a tour on the Wild Africa Trek. Can't wait to see how many pictures I have of that.



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