Polynesian Resale Listings

Headless Horseman

Earning My Ears
Nov 13, 2020
I've been somewhat keeping tabs on the number of Polynesian resale listings for the past couple of years through an aggregator site. The number had recently ballooned to around 100 at the beginning of the year and had been steadily dropping to around 30 as of a few weeks ago. I was a bit shocked though this morning to see only 13 listings left. The remaining listings prices still seem pretty average with a range from $146-$175. Is there anywhere that keeps an historical record of the number of listings available per resort?
I was a bit shocked though this morning to see only 13 listings left.
I think the market is sharply impacted by the upcoming addition of the new Tower resort.

Now that it is widely expected that the tower will be added to the existing PVB building, re-sale prices will likely climb significantly. Let's say Disney sells direct contracts at $220+, and resale trades at a $30-$40 discount, or $180-$190.

Given that, a lot of savvy buyers are rushing to snap up PVB resale contracts now. Conversely, I'm sure some would-be sellers are holding on, again in expectation that they can get more for their contract in a few months. So demand spikes, supply dips, and availability (and price) follow.

Hasn't really shown up in sales prices too much yet, though, at least based on this limited set: https://www.dvcresalemarket.com/blog/dvc-resale-average-sales-prices-for-april-2024/ Maybe other vendors have different results, but I don't think anybody else publishes like this.
Bumping for you as I don't know.

I will tell you they are getting scooped up. I got one that had only been online about an hour at $139 pp..crossing my fingers its makes it past ROFR
Was that the one with the April use year from an international seller? I saw that one, which was $139 pop up, and it was very tempting being it matches my current use year. It was gone almost instantly.
Yes, it was that one. I had the offer in and accepted within an hour of it hitting their site.
Congrats, that was a great pick up! And I think I read somewhere that Disney doesn't mess with international listings. It always shocks me when someone lists something super low just as the tide has turned. Hard to understand the thinking of the seller.
Congrats, that was a great pick up! And I think I read somewhere that Disney doesn't mess with international listings. It always shocks me when someone lists something super low just as the tide has turned. Hard to understand the thinking of the seller.
I did ask my broker if he was concerned about the ROFR, he said he was not in this case and he cited the International Seller as the main reason he didn't expect it to be a problem.
Yep, the new tower announcement as the same association as Poly is a huge win for current owners and is definitely causing some interest in resales. Combine that with a super desirable location and it makes perfect sense to see good contracts sell fast. On the other hand, I see stripped contracts for high prices sit for a longer time. International sellers don't worry me at all as that is what title insurance is for and you can get good deals on those especially.
And then there were 9... this has to be a record. Same site is showing 355 SSR listings for comparison.
www.dvcforless.com is now showing only 8 listings!

I think this will probably be the high point for sales though and things will start to calm down soon. If not I’m flipping my small PVB contracts and getting double the points at SSR… pretty sure they will still be good for the longhouses!
FYI, moderator is going to step in and remind us that we can’t reference sites without posting a link or the posts can/will get deleted.
Oh, I thought you couldn't mention sites by name, which is why I was being deliberately vague. I'm referencing ********** for this info.

Edit, well looks like it took the name away after I hit post. I thought it would do it before it posted. Apparently, I need to go re-read the rules of this site!
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FYI, moderator is going to step in and remind us that we can’t reference sites without posting a link or the posts can/will get deleted.

In this case, the general comment of "then there are 9" is okay because it is not referencing any specific site, but the market in general!

But, posting specifics about those 9 contracts is definitely not allowed! Or, if they are all on one site, then yes, you do have to link (and I see that that poster updated things).
Oh, I thought you couldn't mention sites by name, which is why I was being deliberately vague. I'm referencing ********** for this info.

Edit, well looks like it took the name away after I hit post. I thought it would do it before it posted. Apparently, I need to go re-read the rules of this site!
You can use the 'preview' button (upper-right corner of the post writing component) to see whether the URL will be stripped upon posting. The site is pretty censorious.
I sold a 50 point Poly on the board sponsor's site - it sold within a few days - bananas - this was just a few weeks ago. When I listed mine there were around 5-7 other 50-point contracts at Poly available - now there are and have been ZERO lol.

For reference - I sold the 50 point Poly to help with the cost of 150 direct Riv points - I still have 150 other Poly resale - WAS NOT giving up my whole Poly points love it too much :p
If the direct points are reasonable when released and the resale continues to be in demand (and the price inches closer between the two) I will probably look at selling my resale and buying 300 direct. I would like the option of staying at Riviera, the new cabins @ FWL, and Disneyland Hotel in the future. Not to mention the small perks and not feeling like a second class citizen at times. I just have to figure out what is an acceptable differential between resale and direct.
If the direct points are reasonable when released and the resale continues to be in demand (and the price inches closer between the two) I will probably look at selling my resale and buying 300 direct. I would like the option of staying at Riviera, the new cabins @ FWL, and Disneyland Hotel in the future. Not to mention the small perks and not feeling like a second class citizen at times. I just have to figure out what is an acceptable differential between resale and direct.
If it’s within $30 pp I would do the same. That would be less than $1pp extra over the life of the contract for the opportunity to use at the restricted resorts (plus the discretionary discounts if you can make use of them). However, I doubt we are going to see the gap less than $50 somehow.
If the direct points are reasonable when released and the resale continues to be in demand (and the price inches closer between the two) I will probably look at selling my resale and buying 300 direct. I would like the option of staying at Riviera, the new cabins @ FWL, and Disneyland Hotel in the future. Not to mention the small perks and not feeling like a second class citizen at times. I just have to figure out what is an acceptable differential between resale and direct.
This is the exact math equation I went through with many different Riv incentive cycles until finally pulling the trigger.

I wanted an Epcot resort to balance out Poly.

When you factor in Annual Pass discounts (mine are 5 people at Incredipass vs. Sorcerer now) the cost differential balances out quickly.
If it’s within $30 pp I would do the same. That would be less than $1pp extra over the life of the contract for the opportunity to use at the restricted resorts (plus the discretionary discounts if you can make use of them). However, I doubt we are going to see the gap less than $50 somehow.
I'm thinking the same. At $30 pp it would be about $9K extra for me at 300 points. Any more than that and it's hard for me to process. Of course, if we all think the same then a flood of resale will hit the market at the same time dropping the price! 😆

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