Mando & Grogu Movie is official

Honestly they have to move on from the OG three at some point. We've already lost one, HF is in is 80s and MH is in his 70s. For the Star Wars sagas to continue on for another 50 years or more, they have to develop new characters.

The OG three IS what made Star Wars, but if they want the franchise to be successful in the future, they're going to have to find ways to do that.

This movie is a great way to do that.

It's not like they can win anyway. This is how it would go:

Don't use Luke/Han/Leia - "We want Luke, Han, & Leia!"
Use Luke/Han/Leia - "You didn't use them right!"
Use CG Luke/Han/Leia - "The CG looks bad!"
Recast Luke/Han/Leia: "Don't recast - use CG!"

There could be any number of other scenarios, but that's how it would go. It's best that they just carry on and do some different stuff.
They are important because they are original and unique, appealing, used as a relatable touchstone for kids, likeable, funny, and just plain cool. Let's face it, without them, Star Wars would never have become what it did.
^^ THIS!!!

Over the course of almost 50 years, SW imagery has become such a common part of the culture. But as an 11-year-old kid in 1977, the promotional images/posters of C-3PO and R2-D2 were captivating beyond description. And Darth Vader!!!!!

Droid Poster.jpg 04.jpg 1970s Darth Vader Poster.jpg

Kids over the past decades seeing these characters for the first time may still react somewhat the way we did in 1977, but they are also bombarded with similar content everywhere. In 1977, virtually nothing remotely like this existed. It was awe-inspiring.
It certainly is. What if someone said, "Jim and Spock et al are pretty much Star Trek"? Does anyone really believe that Jean-Luc Picard isn't really part of Star Trek??

I've already dated myself in the previous post, so it's not surprising I'm also a huge Trekkie (Yes, SW and ST fans CAN coexist!), having grown up watching TOS in syndication every afternoon (along with The Monkees, but I digress).

I remember as a young adult, when TNG premiered and the jury was still out with a lot of TOS fans (myself included), but we stuck with it. TNG hit its stride after a couple of seasons and WOW!!!!

Think how much great Trek the world would have missed if those new characters had not been introduced and allowed to flourish.

Why would SW be any different? My first love is the OT, but I still enjoy all things SW and hope it continues to grow and thrive.
I've already dated myself in the previous post, so it's not surprising I'm also a huge Trekkie (Yes, SW and ST fans CAN coexist!), having grown up watching TOS in syndication every afternoon (along with The Monkees, but I digress).

I remember as a young adult, when TNG premiered and the jury was still out with a lot of TOS fans (myself included), but we stuck with it. TNG hit its stride after a couple of seasons and WOW!!!!

Think how much great Trek the world would have missed if those new characters had not been introduced and allowed to flourish.

Yeah, it's funny, becuase I never watched Star Trek much as a kid (it was on in repeats), but when TNG came out I became interested. They used to show them back to back, and I was surprised to find that I was liking TOS better - like a lot better. Season 1 of TNG was a bit rough. I did stick with it and became a huge fan too, but I still gravitated toward the Kirk school of Trek - especially once I started watching the movies - Star Treks II - IV are peak Trek!
I also agree Star Wars has to move on. I just believe the temptation will simply be too great not to use some OT characters to pull the OT fans back in. The buzz it would create will simply be too tempting not to do for Disney imho. Iger wants profit and he desperately needs a hit, I will be shocked if nastalgia is not on the table to create said hit.
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I also agree Star Wars has to move on. I just believe the temptation will simply too great not to use some OT characters to pull the OT fans back in. The buzz it would create will simply too tempting not to do for Disney imho. Iger wants profit and he desperately needs a hit, I will be shocked if nastalgia is not on the table to create said hit.
i think there are ways to incorporate a lot of things from the skywalker saga; droids make that easy to do. I would have zero issues seeing more R2 and C3PO if the story line makes sense, and for that matter, BB8 as well.
i think there are ways to incorporate a lot of things from the skywalker saga; droids make that easy to do. I would have zero issues seeing more R2 and C3PO if the story line makes sense, and for that matter, BB8 as well.
Big fan of R2 and C-3PO. Not a big BB8 fan, but to each their own.
I also agree Star Wars has to move on. I just believe the temptation will simply too great not to use some OT characters to pull the OT fans back in. The buzz it would create will simply too tempting not to do for Disney imho. Iger wants profit and he desperately needs a hit, I will be shocked if nastalgia is not on the table to create said hit.

100% could have moved on if they had done it correctly IMO.

But nope, they had to spend Rise fixing TLD and use Mando to try and fix Luke. And that popular ending lead to thinking they need more.


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