i want adventure in the great wide somewhere - running journal! (comments welcome)

Soooo... I felt pretty good after the puppy barre class at which 0 working out happened.


I also finally felt like I could survive a day without some sort of cough suppressant so when I got home and was already in workout clothes, I decided to just go and run 6.5 miles?

It turns out the route I used was also part of the route for a road race, so at their mile 4 everyone was at about 25 minutes and I had just finished 2 miles in the same amount of time! Glad I could hear the lady calling out times through my head phones.

What was nice was that I had some cheerleaders on my run! That explains my 11 minute third mile. I also knew one of the cops helping direct traffic around the runners. He gave me a high five.

I feel like I should get a medal! I ran farther than they did (it was a 5 mile race) and did at least a mile of the route. That counts.

Anyway, here are my stats according to Endomondo:

Distance: 6.83 miles
Time: 1:27:25
Average pace: 12:48 min/mile

I slowed down and started to trudge through the last 3 miles. The first three were shady under trees and windy by the pond. The last 3 were in the hot sun by my neighborhood. But I finished!

I might do another 6.2 before my race on October 21! Glad to be back out there!
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Joining in on your journal! Seems like your training is going really well. I would say more, but I'm distracted by your adorable puppy!!!
Joining in on your journal! Seems like your training is going really well. I would say more, but I'm distracted by your adorable puppy!!!


Thanks for joining!! I fell in love with that puppy. The class was so cool because this is an enormous no-kill shelter and we don't have to feel bad when we leave because all the puppies that come in to play are in the process of finalizing their adoption so they're on their way to fur-ever homes! But then I held a kitten named Bonsai that needs a home...

Anyway! The instructor is going to try to do this every other month and I am so going to be there. More puppy pics next time (and maybe I can throw in some of my brother's dog if I ever get the courage to run with him).
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That's right folks! Yesterday was officially two weeks until my POT (hopefully) 10k! I'm very excited and nervous. I might need some good vibes and lots of advice on my first real race.

Distance: 2.73 miles
Time: 36:28
Average Pace: 13:21 min/mile

This was my first regular week since I was sick. I still have a lingering cough, but I'm surviving. This run was a coooold morning and I got more of a workout in with the puppies than I realized. The only un-interrupted workouts that morning were for abs and glutes and my God I could feel it. Every cough my abs hurt and every step my butt hurt. I was definitely slow this morning, but I felt good.

Distance: 2.74 miles
Time: 35:03
Average Pace: 12:48 min/mile

This morning was much warmer than I expected. The summer needs to go away so that fall weather can be in full force. These days have been too warm. I was not dressed appropriately for this weather. I did fine, though, and the run felt comparable to Tuesday - a little faster from what I can see.

Distance: 5.18 miles
Time: 1:06:30
Average Pace: 12:51 min/mile

I did NOT want to go for a run today. Yesterday I spent my day apple picking and it was a good time - but very hot. Today's weather on the go-run forecast is crappy, so I considered putting the run off to tomorrow since I have a long weekend, but tomorrow's weather is just as bad. So I laced up my sneakers and decided to do a quick 5 miles around the pond. This was a tough run to be honest. It's raining now, but that means that my run was in the pre-storm humidity. I was dressed right, but I still came home with a tomato-red face.

My splits were as such:
1 mile 12:27
2 mile: 12:06
3 mile: 12:27
4 mile: 13:25
5 mile: 13:23

There are probably a few reasons for the slow down at the end there. But I think that one of them is because at one point around mile 2 or 3 I forgot to take the walking break so I ended up running for nearly 6 minutes straight with maybe a 15 second walk. I think missing that recovery minute for me ended up slowing me down later. I think it's great that I can run for 5-6 minutes without walking, but clearly I'm not quite in a place to be doing that regularly and sustain the pacing I want.

Next week I'll do a weather watch because next week is ONE MORE WEEK TO 10k!

Tuesday: 30 minutes
Thursday: 30 minutes
Saturday/Sunday: 3 miles
Tuesday: 30 minutes
Thursday: 30 minutes
Saturday: 10k Day!
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Why isn't fall feeling fall like yet? But maybe the temps will be great for your race...I'll cross my toes for you :)
Great job getting those runs done. These warmer temps are getting ridiculous!

Why isn't fall feeling fall like yet? But maybe the temps will be great for your race...I'll cross my toes for you :)

Thanks to you both! Things seem to be leveling off a bit and it's starting to feel more and more like fall every day.
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Okay. One more week. I have lots of nerves and thoughts and questions, but I'll save that for the end of this post and start off here with a recap of my week. Also, I started a pre-trip report if you wanna check that out.

Distance: 2.83 miles
Time: 36:30
Average Pace: 12:53 min/mile

This was another warm morning. My mom popped into my room as I was laying in bed, trying to convince myself to just get out of bed and told me it was 67 outside. Too. Warm. When I actually got outside it didn't feel quite like 67, but it was definitely warmer than you would expect for halfway through October. I'm hopeful that it's going to continue to cool down. I went out sort of fast, but then slowed down and sort of got into my head a bit. I think it's nerves because then I fell into a worry spiral that I was going to suck on 10k day.

(Splits: 12:43; 12:46)

Distance: 2.75 miles
Time: 34:57
Average Pace: 12:41 min/mile

This was a much more comfortable, cool day. Not much to note about it, to be honest. Maybe that's a good thing? I wasn't in my head?

(Splits: 12:33; 12:42)

Distance: 3.5 miles
Time: 40:48
Average Pace: 11:40 min/mile

I slept in big time and didn't get out for a run until close to noon. I decided to just go for about 3 miles and I flew. I didn't intend to go so fast, it just sort of happened. According to my Endomondo, this is my fastest 5k at 34:08 which is a 2:21 improvement. The weather is sort of overcast and around low-mid 60s. There's a bit of humidity in the air and I felt a couple of drops about midway through my run.

(Splits: 12:06; 11:05; 11:11)


So next week is the big week. I haven't run a road race like this where I actually care about how I do and have been training for it. During high school track I was running 200 meters at most and then when I did 5ks I never trained and was usually walking with a group of friends. So this is the first one, real deal, with a goal in mind. So I guess I'm just looking for advice. How do you warm up? Do you listen to music? Carry your phone? Have some sort of fanny pack to carry it in? How do you time ratios? Ahhh. I'm thinking I might just carry my phone, but I got a new one this week, an iPhone 7+, and it's kind of massive so it might annoy me to carry it for more than the 3 miles I ran today. I'm rambling. I guess, what is your race-day routine? Any suggestions or advice for a first-timer?


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All right, so that's Saturday's weather according to today. The race starts at 9:00 a.m. I have to get there earlier than that (duh) because I have to do race-day packet pick up because I can't go on Friday night to pick it up because I have 2 other commitments at the same time. So, that starts at 7:15 and goes to 8:15, so my goal is to get there closer to the 7:15/7:30 time frame, which means I'm leaving my house around 6:30 to pick my friend up and drive down. It's about a 45 minute drive from my house and adding her house in will make it about an hour drive. I still need to figure out breakfast (granola bars and apple in the car or after packet pick up) and clothes (probably cropped leggings and a tank top). I am sooo nervous & excited!
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How do you warm up?

I usually do 1-2 miles prior to the race. Starting no sooner than 60 min to start and ending no later than 15 min prior to start. I do a few strides at the end of the WU to prime the neuromuscular connections. My advice, do what you're comfortable with and what you've done in training.

Do you listen to music?

Yes, always. It helps me tune out the noise (while still paying attention to things of course). Tomorrow's 10k will be my first race without music (maybe ever?). My advice, do what you're comfortable with and what you've done in training. :D

Carry your phone?

I don't carry my phone in training or races. I've got a Garmin. My advice, do what you're comfortable with and what you've done in training. :D

Have some sort of fanny pack to carry it in?

Lots of people like a spi-belt or flip belt. However, my advice, do what you're comfortable with and what you've done in training. :D

I'm rambling. I guess, what is your race-day routine?

Eat breakfast no sooner than 120 min prior to the last time I can use the restroom. Same for my water intake. Nothing between 120 min and race start. Gives my bladder ample time to be clear. In all the races I've done, I've only had to use the restroom once with this method. My advice, do what you're comfortable with and what you've done in training. :D

Any suggestions or advice for a first-timer?

My advice, do what you're comfortable with and what you've done in training. :D (HAHA!) It's true though. Try to make this as much a normal day as possible. Remember to try your best and stay positive no matter what the race throws at you. Enjoy it. I call races the "victory lap" of training. Doing the training is the hard part. The race is the fun trip around the course as a victory lap for completing the training.

I still need to figure out breakfast (granola bars and apple in the car or after packet pick up)

My advice, do what you're comfortable with and what you've done in training. :D
@DopeyBadger, your response brought a big smile to my face! I feel like I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down. I think I'm getting in my head and I need to relax. I can do this. I've been doing the same thing since I started my training in July and I ought to do me.
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@DopeyBadger, your response brought a big smile to my face! I feel like I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down. I think I'm getting in my head and I need to relax. I can do this. I've been doing the same thing since I started my training in July and I ought to do me.


Especially for a first race experience. It's important to feel comfortable. And like I tell all my runners, whatever you do before the race and during the race - it was the right decision. Questioning yourself only breeds negativity. Rule #1 of racing - stay positive! :cheer2:
How do you warm up? Do you listen to music? Carry your phone? Have some sort of fanny pack to carry it in?
I used to never warm up. My thoughts were that I always started slow enough to warm up during the race. Then @DopeyBadger came along with some fancy science and I started warming up. I love it! I'm not totally convinced it's not a placebo effect, but hey, whatever works.

If I have a specific time goal, I carry my phone in my flipbelt and listen to music. My phone is set to tell me my pacing every half mile so that's how I know if I'm on track. Someday I may become a "serious" runner and buy one of those fancy gps watches but for now I have to lug my phone and headphones around.

what is your race-day routine? Any suggestions or advice for a first-timer?
I don't have a very good routine per se. It varies race to race but usually involves waking up earlier than I'd prefer and eating breakfast.

My best advice is to enjoy the experience and stay away from new things. I noticed you mentioned eating a pre race apple. Unless that's part of your typical routine, I'd advise against it. Without getting too graphic, I tried the pre race apple thing once but it had a bit too much fiber in it for me.
How do you warm up? Do you listen to music? Carry your phone? Have some sort of fanny pack to carry it in? How do you time ratios? Ahhh. I'm thinking I might just carry my phone, but I got a new one this week, an iPhone 7+, and it's kind of massive so it might annoy me to carry it for more than the 3 miles I ran today. I'm rambling. I guess, what is your race-day routine? Any suggestions or advice for a first-timer?

OK, so I'm definitely not an expert... most of my races are 5ks, but I did do my first 10k and first half marathon this year, and had a lot of the same questions. I'll echo what Billy said, which is to do what is comfortable and familiar.

Specifically in my case:

- I don't warm up, really. I probably should, but I don't really warm up when I train, either, except on speedwork days.
- Music is an exception to my "do what you do in training" comment. I do NOT listen to anything when I'm racing. I'm not the fastest runner and I like to be able to hear runners coming up behind me so that I can move/don't get spooked. Plus, if the race has crowd support, it's fun to hear it. I also like to race by feel, and I find that when I listen to music, I race to the tempo of the music, not to how I feel.
- I use a Nathan belt when I run. It has a pouch big enough for my phone, headphone case, inhaler, credit card/ID, and keys. It also holds two water bottles, so I can skip water stops at short races. I would NOT advise carrying it for the first time at a race, though - some people don't like the way the belt feels, and I'd hate for you to find that out in a race environment. Try it in training. Also, I'm not 100% sure a 7+ would fit in it, but I know they make armbands big enough for the plusses, so that could be an option, too.
- I don't have a great timing strategy because I typically don't race for time. I try to check my watch a mile buzzes and adjust from there.
- Other advice: Don't mess with what you eat before the race. If you don't eat an apple before training runs, don't try it before a race. Lay out your stuff the night before - I was so nervous for a race I did this year that I almost forgot my shoes because I hadn't prepacked them. Also, have fun with it. The 10k is a fun distance. I was super intimidated during my first one (I had never run more than 4, 4.5 miles), but it probably stands as my favorite distance to race--I have one this weekend!


Especially for a first race experience. It's important to feel comfortable. And like I tell all my runners, whatever you do before the race and during the race - it was the right decision. Questioning yourself only breeds negativity. Rule #1 of racing - stay positive! :cheer2:

Thanks! Reading your journal and the journals of others, particularly those of you who have a lot of race experience, has been so helpful! I'm in a whole new world. (Stop me before I start to sing!)

I used to never warm up. My thoughts were that I always started slow enough to warm up during the race. Then @DopeyBadger came along with some fancy science and I started warming up. I love it! I'm not totally convinced it's not a placebo effect, but hey, whatever works.

If I have a specific time goal, I carry my phone in my flipbelt and listen to music. My phone is set to tell me my pacing every half mile so that's how I know if I'm on track. Someday I may become a "serious" runner and buy one of those fancy gps watches but for now I have to lug my phone and headphones around.

I don't have a very good routine per se. It varies race to race but usually involves waking up earlier than I'd prefer and eating breakfast.

My best advice is to enjoy the experience and stay away from new things. I noticed you mentioned eating a pre race apple. Unless that's part of your typical routine, I'd advise against it. Without getting too graphic, I tried the pre race apple thing once but it had a bit too much fiber in it for me.

Thanks for giving me some of your race-day advice! Hearing what other runners do is simultaneously overwhelming (so much information! so may possibilities!) and incredibly helpful (flip belt, google that, maybe it'll work. apple, maybe skip)

OK, so I'm definitely not an expert... most of my races are 5ks, but I did do my first 10k and first half marathon this year, and had a lot of the same questions. I'll echo what Billy said, which is to do what is comfortable and familiar.

Specifically in my case:

- I don't warm up, really. I probably should, but I don't really warm up when I train, either, except on speedwork days.
- Music is an exception to my "do what you do in training" comment. I do NOT listen to anything when I'm racing. I'm not the fastest runner and I like to be able to hear runners coming up behind me so that I can move/don't get spooked. Plus, if the race has crowd support, it's fun to hear it. I also like to race by feel, and I find that when I listen to music, I race to the tempo of the music, not to how I feel.
- I use a Nathan belt when I run. It has a pouch big enough for my phone, headphone case, inhaler, credit card/ID, and keys. It also holds two water bottles, so I can skip water stops at short races. I would NOT advise carrying it for the first time at a race, though - some people don't like the way the belt feels, and I'd hate for you to find that out in a race environment. Try it in training. Also, I'm not 100% sure a 7+ would fit in it, but I know they make armbands big enough for the plusses, so that could be an option, too.
- I don't have a great timing strategy because I typically don't race for time. I try to check my watch a mile buzzes and adjust from there.
- Other advice: Don't mess with what you eat before the race. If you don't eat an apple before training runs, don't try it before a race. Lay out your stuff the night before - I was so nervous for a race I did this year that I almost forgot my shoes because I hadn't prepacked them. Also, have fun with it. The 10k is a fun distance. I was super intimidated during my first one (I had never run more than 4, 4.5 miles), but it probably stands as my favorite distance to race--I have one this weekend!


Again, thanks SO much!! I'm glad to hear so many perspectives about race-day possibilities. I think my anxiety is stemming from the unknown. You've all confirmed to me that whatever I do, I do. If it feels right then go with it! Good luck in your 10k this weekend! I'll think of you at the finish line. :)
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It is Thursday night and that means I will be racing in just over 24 hours! I am SOOO excited. I wanted to recap the past two days so I can dedicate Saturday (or Sunday, depending on how my day looks post-race) to the race!

Distance: 2.91 miles
Time: 35:26
Average Pace: 12:11 min/mile

It was soooo cold this morning. Maybe the mid 30s? I wasn't entirely sure what to wear, so I went with my usual running tights + a cotton long sleeve shirt. I ended up being really fast, not intentionally, though. I think it's because I was zoning out a lot of my run, my mind was on other things, so I wasn't thinking about running, I was just running. The colder weather probably helped make it feel like less effort, too.

(Splits: 12:11; 12:29; last .91 was on track to be 11:51)

Distance: 2.81 miles
Time: 36:28
Average Pace: 12:59 min/mile

My goal going out for this run was to take it very slow and easy. I ended up forgetting to use my inhaler (I AM SO BAD AT THIS. If I die, it's my fault) and so that helped me to really take it easy. It was another cold, cold morning, too. I wore a t-shirt with sweatshirt this time so I could take layers off if I needed to (I did). It seems like fall weather is finally moving in! The mornings are in the 30s/40s, but by 11/noon it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Warm in the sun. My favorite weather.

(Splits: 13:23; 12:40; last .81 on track for 12:51)

Um. Cross your fingers. Your toes. Arms. Legs. Eyes. Everything. Cross it. Because this is what the weather looks like right now over in the town I'm racing in.

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Screen Shot 2017-10-19 at 7.51.15 PM.png

That is the forecast according to weather[dot]com on the top and the bottom is their GoRun forecast. Perfect. Running. Weather. The 10k start is first at 9:00 (I think the 5k is starting 15 or so minutes later). I hope it stays this way!
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