Camcorders in the parks



I just bought a new camcorder for my upcoming trip in june 2003, and i was wondering what are the restrictions are on using it in theme park attractions... please reply if you have any stories or anything.
I think you can video almost everything with the exception of dark shows where you cannot use video lights (or bright lcd screens) and rides where it would be dangerous.
I believe infrared mode emits some kind of signal or light that you can't see IRL, but that shows up as a bright light on the monitors viewed by the CMs (can someone else confirm or explain this better than I do?). If your camera has it and you try to use it on the dark rides, most notably Space Mountain, prepare to be firmly smacked down verbally by a CM. I've heard of it happening more than once!
On the rides & shows that dont allow video taping, they will announce it before hand.
I know Universe of Energy and Cranium Command are a couple of them. We also got the no videotaping announcement during the Carousel of Progress,however other here have noted they have been encouraged to videotape there, so go figure.
I'm not certain about the infrared issue that Eponine mentioned, but you can videotape most attractions. The CMs will give very explicit instructions before the attraction begins IF there is a limitation. And, you really need to listen closely. Sometimes the announcement will simply state that you cannot use any camcorders with "exterior lighting".

In my case, that just meant turning off the bright spot light that normally flicks-on in low light. The camcorder's "night" mode still took brilliant shots in dark attractions like Pirates of the Caribbean and the Great Movie Ride.
I am one of those people who has been verbally reprimanded. On our trip in June 2000, I was videotaping Pirates and made it all the way through the queue area, onto the boat, and to the scene where the skeleton is steering the boat in the storm, when a CM announced over a loud speaker "NO VIDEOTAPING!" I did not recall seeing any sign or other indication of this rule anywhere before or during the ride. Moreover, I do not think I had any special lighting on.

My husband gets annoyed by my constant videotaping anyway, so he always tells people "they stopped the ride and made her turn off the video camera." This is absolutely not true, but he likes to exaggerate.

Imagine my surprise when, on our trip this past month, a man who rode on the same Pirates boat with us was able to videotape the entire ride from start to finish with no problem. I thought they must have lifted the restriction, so I tried to videotape the ride when we returned to ride Pirates another day. I made it through the queue area and was just about to enter the boat when a CM told me there was no videotaping or picture taking allowed. At least I wasn't embarassed by a loud speaker announcement this most recent time.

Now, I am always very attentive to signs or other indications of videotaping and picture taking restrictions on each attraction we visit. I have videotaped the queue areas of most rides, such as Space Mountain, Tower of Terror, and Rock N Roller Coaster. I just put the video camera away before I ride. I have even videotaped the entirety of Test Track, outdoor loop and all.

However, be aware that the rules are different everywhere, and you may not always be able to tell what the rules are. Have fun though. I love watching my videotapes over and over.
Originally posted by Sian
I think you can video almost everything with the exception of dark shows where you cannot use video lights (or bright lcd screens) and rides where it would be dangerous.
Let me second that comment on the bright LCD screens! I'm all in favor of people videotaping wherever it is allowed. However, in the occasional dark show where taping is allowed, please use the eyepiece! Keep in mind that a bright LCD screen can be very distracting and can interefere with others' enjoyment of the show.
As everyone has said, they will announce before shows and some attractions when you can not video tape. There really aren't that many limitations if you are not using a light or an LCD screen. I've never been asked to stop video taping anything as Lonestarstatelady was (I actually have the Pirates of the Carribean partially taped). I always found it interesting that Disney doesn't limit video taping of more shows with all of the copyrights and all that.

I have found that the no video taping rules are somewhat inconsistent as far as enforcement goes. I once taped Splash Mountain from start to finish, and no one said anything to me. I climbed into my log, video camera in hand with a clear plastic poncho wrapped around it, my intent was clearly to video tape the ride. On a few occasions, I watched cast members tell people that video taping was not allowed as they got into their logs.

At other attractions, I've watched people film when they are told not to, and I've never seen them have their video tapes confiscated or anything like that, or asked to turn them off again. I personally wouldn't want tape something that I was told not to tape--I wouldn't want to risk the embarrassment that comes if I got caught.

Just a little tip for you. If you intend to tape a lot of shows (i.e. Fantasmic, Beauty & the Beast, etc.), you may want to invest in a monopod, which you can find at most camera stores. I brought one on a couple of trips, and it helps keep the camera steady and saves on the arm fatigue. It's great for parades and shows.



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