2018 Dopey Dash


DIS Veteran
Jan 1, 2011
I know it's far out, but I'm focusing on the Dopey Challenge in 2018. I already think I'm crazy, most of my friends agree, but most also know I can do this...

Considering my work week changes almost weekly (and sometimes daily) I'm doing my own training plan based one ones I have used in the past for the marathon I completed two years ago and a number of halves I've run. I'm not sure it will work, but there's only one way to find out...

I've been getting ready for the training by building support amongst my friends and family, and now here. I've also started running on a regular basis again to build up a strong base, drinking more water (almost all water actually), eating healthy (mostly), and of course the most important... bought some new gear.

I'm excited to start this challenge. I'll try and keep this journal up to date, but I might not be the best at it. I do have a my own blog documenting this challenge that you can visit here. I'm a bit better at updating the blog than I am at being on the boards here. Feel free to comment here or on the blog, I'm always looking for help and support!
I have a crazy goal for tomorrow... I'm going to reach 10,000 steps on my treadmill workout.

I have a pretty normal routine of runs and circuits I do at home during the week, and then on my weekend I spend one day working on some machines at the gym and then one day with a long run on the elliptical. Tomorrow is that long run on the elliptical for me and I want to reach my daily step goal of 10,000 steps during that workout. It'll probably take an hour and a half or so, but I have 2 episodes of Game of Thrones downloaded and ready to go to keep me entertained!

We'll see how this goes...
Good luck with this - I did the dopey in the inaugural year and it was great - honestly - if you are a seasoned runner, which it seems you are, you will be fine. Train for a full and take care of your body and you will be great as long as you can get up on time 4 days in a row!
Good luck with this - I did the dopey in the inaugural year and it was great - honestly - if you are a seasoned runner, which it seems you are, you will be fine. Train for a full and take care of your body and you will be great as long as you can get up on time 4 days in a row!

Thank you!

Getting up will be hard, but not as hard as I think it is for some people. I had 4am swim practices through high school and college so now me sleeping in is waking up at 8am. As long as I get my nap, I'm happy!
So I made my goal of reaching 10,000 steps on the elliptical at the gym last weekend. I'm happy, but I'm annoyed that the gym has limited the machines to 60 minutes recently. When I first started you could go for a few hours (not that I ever tried...). I get it's for courtesy and all that, but those machines are never filled up (at least when I'm there)... Luckily my long long runs will be done outside when that time comes...

This week, I'm upping it up to 5 miles!

My advice for other runners... even if you want to retire... rethink it. At least keep a base going because having to start over from scratch sucks.
I have been exhausted as of late. Each day after work I come home and collapse instead of getting out and running, or doing a circuit workout or anything.

I finally forced myself to get up and get out for a run today. It was definitely the right decision because I felt strong and really good on the run and I'm happy I did it. I could have gone farther, but decided to stop and not push it too hard. I have a few more workouts back to back coming up this weekend so I don't need to kill myself now. I can do that on Sunday when I can relax and sit on the couch to watch the Super Bowl for the rest of the day.
Hoping to be running Dopey in 2018 as well. These dark, cold days of winter are the toughest for getting out there. I haven't done Dopey but I did do Goofy in 2015. Sounds like you've had an extensive background for running, so I'm sure Dopey will be achievable for you! Well done on hitting your goal of 10,000 steps on the elliptical!!
Hoping to be running Dopey in 2018 as well. These dark, cold days of winter are the toughest for getting out there. I haven't done Dopey but I did do Goofy in 2015. Sounds like you've had an extensive background for running, so I'm sure Dopey will be achievable for you! Well done on hitting your goal of 10,000 steps on the elliptical!!

I could see how cold, dark days could be hard to get out and run. Luckily I live in Florida and it was 80 last week, which presented me with a heat problem! If only we could have perfect running weather all year and not just for a few weeks!

Congrats on the Goofy! I've never done that challenge and I'm just jumping into Dopey so that's where some of my nerves are coming in for me.
I hit 7 miles on the elliptical yesterday (yes, had to get my 10,000 steps in on my fitbit) and then I ran 5 miles today as my "long run". It felt really, really good. I'm super excited about how I've been feeling during all my runs this week!

I wrote a bit more for my blog, like my pacing and how my new gear's doing, which you can find here!
Finally completed a 6 mile run today! It was a big accomplishment for a few reasons... First, I have been having some rough and painful runs recently so finally completing 6 miles helped things fall back in place... Second, I finished the challenge my friends and I had set up for February through Nike+. I came in 3rd, but I'll still take it!

Walked around Brevard Zoo all day after my run and felt good for the most part. Benches became my friends towards the end of the day and I was stiff getting out of the car when we finally got home, but overall I felt really good after the run!
Sorry I've been MIA for a bit... work and friends visiting makes running and updating these things kind of hard.

I haven't been able to get another 6 mile run in, but I have managed to keep running regardless of my crazy schedules. Last week I ran 4 days in a row. Ok so two of the days might have been on ellipticals, but still... The last run even felt pretty good! I've decided that every other month I'm going to do a 4 days 4 run weekend just to get my body ready for that part of the challenge.

This weekend I've been spending most of my days at spring training so I've been able to get a few runs in here and there, but nothing terribly long. Plus I'm coming off a cold that was attempting to become worse. Even today, almost a week after the cold hit, I'm not feeling 100% on my runs.

So we'll see what this week holds. I had to switch my days off so probably not along run... I have another week or so until I try the 6 miler again.
My first race in a few years is official! I made it into the Lumiere's Two Plate Challenge this November.

I really have to thank my mom for remember that today was registration. Between work and having one of the worse colds in a long time, I totally spaced and forgot it was today. She was also awesome enough to sign me up for the race since I was no where near a computer.

I'm excited for the race and just need to get ready to go. Right now the only thing holding me back is a nasty head cold that won't leave. I had a minor cold a few weeks ago and then this one set in last week. I was trying to ignore it and hoped it wasn't really a cold, but this thing came in with a vengeance yesterday. I'm hoping I'm in the recovery of it now though and just have a few days left. Then next week I can get back into a decent training mind set.


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