You Get a Suite! You Get a Suite! Everybody Gets a Suite! December 2023 Trip Report! (RL Update 9/26!!)

That's great! Now you don't have to call back again, unless you decide to get the cabana. :)
I'm so excited, I did not think we had any chance of booking the chefs table! We decided to skip the cabana this year, in the end we would only be there 3-4 hours, so we figured since we can't book half days anymore it wasn't worth it. So we'll just chill at the pool in the morning instead, maybe hop over to Epcot for some lunch, and just have a relaxing day before our big dinner!
Glad you got everything you wanted, but it wouldn’t be Disney without some IT problems lol!
I’d like to ask how you book Minnie Van from the airport? I didn’t know you could book that in advance. I usually do a rental car but I have a solo trip in December for MVMCP and JN and figured I’d just take a minnie van to HS but I have a rental car booked but don’t really need it aside from getting to and from the airport.
Ok, one last RL update before I get back into the TR again!

So I finally decided on my costume of MNSSHP!!! I'm going to leave it as a surprise though because it is so awesome/ridiculous and I want it to be a surprise, but also because I ordered it online so I need to make sure it actually looks good! I was debating between this, Yzma, or Minnie, so if this ends up not working out then I'm likely going to go with Yzma, but that means buying more stuff so I'm really hoping this works out! I will give a hint though, it is Up related (and not wilderness explorer, I've done that a few times now).

We also finally got the confirmation email for the chefs table at V&A, so I'm feeling good about that now!

It's wild to think that this trip is in less than two months now, I feel like we've been planning it for years! This is our last long trip for a while, after this we're doing more frequent trips, but much shorter trips, so we're packing a lot into this one. I know this isn't always the best idea, we have a bad habit of doing too much and being exhausted by the end, so we're going to try to prioritize rest this time (we'll see how that works!).

So for this trip we have booked:
-Up Close with Rhinos
-Behind the Seeds
-Flying Fish
-Wine Bar George
-Victoria and Alberts Chefs Table (yay!!!)
-MK Dessert Party

I am so excited, we're eating at three of our favorite places this trip (well four if you count V&A, but we eat there so rarely it's hard to say it's a favorite), so I am soooo looking forward to some amazing food.

Ok, that's it for RL updates today, back to the TR shortly!
Glad you got everything you wanted, but it wouldn’t be Disney without some IT problems lol!
Haha, right?!? Seriously, their IT can be so frustrating sometimes!
I’d like to ask how you book Minnie Van from the airport? I didn’t know you could book that in advance. I usually do a rental car but I have a solo trip in December for MVMCP and JN and figured I’d just take a minnie van to HS but I have a rental car booked but don’t really need it aside from getting to and from the airport.
You have to be staying club level to be able to book it to/from the airport. If you are club level you just have to call DSS and they'll get it set up for you.
Haha, right?!? Seriously, their IT can be so frustrating sometimes!

You have to be staying club level to be able to book it to/from the airport. If you are club level you just have to call DSS and they'll get it set up for you.
Ah, ok thank you. Im staying WL but not club level.

Day 6, Part 5: Our First Luminous!

We last left off enjoying the Candlelight Processional.

After the Candlelight Processional, we decided to try to find a place to watch Luminous, which only debuted two days earlier, so WS was pretty packed. We made our way towards Japan, where we found a gap in the crowds and decided to watch from there. It was actually a great viewing location, there was only one row of people in front of us and they were short, so we had a great view!

The show was good, definitely better than Harmonious, but the loss section in the middle did not go over well at with the crowd around us. After that portion ended and there was a short break of silence, someone in the crowd near us said loudly “I’m glad that part’s over!” and everyone around us burst out laughing.

After the show we moved up to the edge of the lagoon to wait for the crowds to dissipate. It was an extended evening hours this night for Deluxe guests, so we planned on taking advantage of it!

Once the crowds had thinned, we started making our way over towards France. I was shocked, and really saddened, that the after fireworks music was just Disney movie songs. Ugh, I much preferred the unique Epcot music after the show, and yes I’m still bitter they don’t play the tapestry of nations song afterwards anymore!

We finally made our way to France, where we had a DAS for Remy, so we made our way back there. There was a pretty decent line, even in the LL queue, but it moved pretty quickly. We got to the merge point of LL and standby in about 10 minutes. While at the merge point the CM there stopped both lines from moving forward, and after a while we asked him if the ride had gone down. Sadly it had, but he didn’t know how long it would take to come back up, so we decided to wait it out for a bit.

Unfortunately, after about 15 minutes it wasn’t looking good, so the CMs started to clear the lines, but we did get anytime LLs to use that evening. Since my parents really wanted to ride Remy one more time, we decided to hold onto those and hope the ride came back up that evening!

After our fail on Remy, we made our way back to the front of the park to check out the new area in the dark. We got some pictures, and again, it was nice, but we missed the fountain.

Also, the way they have the lighting on the ground apparently makes it really hard for some people to see/navigate. My parents really struggled walking through that area with the lights in the pavement, to them it made it look like there were elevation changes, so they were very unsure of their footing.

We were also shocked that only two days after opening, a bunch of the ground lights were already broken! That’s not a good, and from what I’ve seen a ton of them are out now. Although those were the lights that made it hard for my parents to walk through the area, so maybe not the worst thing to break!

While up in that area we got in line to get a picture with the Walt Statue!

It was getting pretty late after the picture, and Remy still was down, so we decided to just head out.

On the way out we stopped for photopass pictures in the UK.

We made our way back to the BC, and enjoyed some time in the room with some wine and desserts while packing. Sadly the trip was coming to an end :sad: (as is this TR, which is almost as sad, it’s amazing how happy it makes me writing about the trips to relive them, good thing we got a trip coming in under 60 days to plan, which obviously is also loads of fun!)

Next up: The Saddest Day of the Trip
Always sad when the trip comes to an end, but yay for a new trip booked - it sounds amazing!!
After the Candlelight Processional, we decided to try to find a place to watch Luminous, which only debuted two days earlier, so WS was pretty packed. We made our way towards Japan, where we found a gap in the crowds and decided to watch from there. It was actually a great viewing location, there was only one row of people in front of us and they were short, so we had a great view!
We only recently found that there was a great view at Japan. You can stand back, out of the flow of traffic, and still have a great view.

You did a lot of walking that night! It's too bad that Remy never reopened. :(
We made our way back to the BC, and enjoyed some time in the room with some wine and desserts while packing.
The easy return to BC after spending the day at Epcot is the best part of staying there. :)
Such a disappointment with the new lightening! I sure miss the twinkling lights in the ‘ground’ that used to be by spaceship earth…. Was hoping that would make a return but as with the fountain it’s sorely missed….

Enjoying your trip reports! I don’t comment often but still read them all!

On to your next adventure 😎
I can't believe your next trip is coming up so quickly! Hopefully this time our paths will cross. You have a terrific dining line-up! I'm not a Luminous fan either. Agree it's better but Illuminations was something I would go out of my way for -- I'd plan dinner either in EP or early enough to get back to EP and see it as many times as possible during a trip. Sigh. You are getting me excited for holidays at the resort but first need Spooky season and (hopefully) some Food & Wine goodness.
Always sad when the trip comes to an end, but yay for a new trip booked - it sounds amazing!!
Oh yeah, it definitely helps knowing that we'll be back in a matter of months. This next year will be wild having so many trips now that we're APs, I can't wait!
We only recently found that there was a great view at Japan. You can stand back, out of the flow of traffic, and still have a great view.
I was surprised we got such a good spot so close to the start of the show. Luck was on our side that night, and yeah, there are great views from Japan!
You did a lot of walking that night! It's too bad that Remy never reopened. :(
I know, my dad still brings up that he didn't get to go on it a second time. Oh well, we're planning on bringing him back in 2026 and will make sure we go on a few times to make up for it! (hopefully the ride isn't down for refurb!)
The easy return to BC after spending the day at Epcot is the best part of staying there. :)
It is so amazing, one of the many reasons we love the YC/BC!
Such a disappointment with the new lightening! I sure miss the twinkling lights in the ‘ground’ that used to be by spaceship earth…. Was hoping that would make a return but as with the fountain it’s sorely missed….
Yes! The fiber optics in the pavement looked so much better! The new lights just look cheap (and of course broken).

Enjoying your trip reports! I don’t comment often but still read them all!

On to your next adventure 😎
Thank you! Glad you've enjoyed!
I can't believe your next trip is coming up so quickly! Hopefully this time our paths will cross. You have a terrific dining line-up! I'm not a Luminous fan either. Agree it's better but Illuminations was something I would go out of my way for -- I'd plan dinner either in EP or early enough to get back to EP and see it as many times as possible during a trip. Sigh. You are getting me excited for holidays at the resort but first need Spooky season and (hopefully) some Food & Wine goodness.
Oh yes, that would be fun to meet up!

I'm so excited for the stuff we have booked, I can't believe we got everything we wanted!

And yeah, I miss Illuminations. The show and music were just so amazing. I wish they could bring it back some nights, even without the globe and fire I imagine it would still be awesome!

I cannot wait for the F&W menus to come out, it seems ridiculously late this year. Didn't in the pre-covid years the menus come out in like June when they had that preview event?!?! What is taking them so long?

Day 7, Part 1: The Saddest Day of the Trip

We got up around 6:30 this morning, well at least I did, I’m pretty sure my parents were up around 5, they’re both early risers!

Once dressed, we all headed upstairs to the lounge for breakfast, it was just after 7.

We were surprised to see how busy the lounge already was. Compared to the lounge at 7am at both the Boardwalk and the AKL, the lounge here at the BC was a madhouse in the morning. It was packed, and just very chaotic. It ended up being our least favorite of the three lounges, which was surprising since BC/YC are our home resorts!

We picked up our breakfast, got some frittata, some sausage, fruit, pancakes, coffee, and of course pog juice!

The food was really good!

After we finished up eating, we headed back down to the room to finish packing and then went to sit out on the balcony to people watch for a while.

At 8:45 we got a text from our Minnie Van driver that he had arrived for our 9AM pickup. So we said goodbye to the glorious balcony, grabbed our stuff, and made our way downstairs.

The Minnie Van driver was super nice, and he had his car stocked with candy, snacks, and water for us to take, which we gladly did! We ended up chatting with him the whole trip, and were shocked to find out he used to be a police officer in NYC, what a change of pace for a job!

It was a nice quick ride to the airport, albeit a sad one. Leaving is always so hard!

At the dropoff, our driver handed me a folder before we parted ways. The folder ended up containing a printout of the weather forecast in DC (we gave them my flight number since it was the earlier of the two flights), and he slid the welcome sign he had for us in there as well.

We then made our way into the terminal. Fortunately, we were all flying on jetblue, so were at terminal C. This was actually really good since Minnie Vans only pick up 1.5 hours before the flight, so I’m fairly certain we would have missed our flight if we were flying out of terminal A or B. Not sure why they pick up SO late to take people to the airport.. :confused3

The terminal was more crowded than I’ve ever seen, but it still wasn’t bad considering usually when I’m there it’s just me and like two other people. :rotfl:

I quickly got my luggage tag from the self-serve kiosk, then went to see how my parents were doing getting theirs at the kiosk they were at. I was concerned when I got there to see my mom in a total panic and a Jetblue employee trying her best to help.

So I try to find out what is going on, and it turns out that after getting the luggage tag put onto my moms bag, my dad decided to throw away the part of the tag that you’re supposed to keep in order to track the bags in case they get lost. So my mom panicked and went dumpster diving (literally, she was pulling out all the trash from the bin!), but could not find it. The jetblue employee was smart and just took a picture of the tag on my moms bag that had the number needed to track it, but my mom was already too far gone in her panicking.

It was a bit of a mess, and for the next hour this is all dad and I heard about.

Once mom sort of calmed down, we joined the line to drop off our bags. It was kind of long, but only took about 10 minutes.

We then made our way to security, where there was no line for precheck, and quickly made it through and to our gates.

The timing was great for me, we got to my gate 30 minute before boarding started!

Since my flight was leaving first, we all waited at my gate (which was only two down from my parents), and when it came time for boarding we hugged and off I went!

I lucked out again this flight and had the whole row to myself! Wahoo!!!! (I don’t understand how the flights were emptier in December than in September, isn’t December supposed to be the busier time?!?)

As we were taxiing out, we drove by a plane that should have been my parents since they were flying to Boston. (also a bit late, but go Celtics!!!!)

Their plane was the boring one next to that one.

The flight was fine, really fast actually, just over 1.5 hours.

On the way in I had to take the obligatory DC from above picture.

Soon I was back in DCA where it takes seriously FOREVER for checked bags to come out.

I never understand this, the airport here is tiny, there aren’t tons of flights, why oh why is this the slowest airport at getting checked bags!?!?!

My bag did finally come out, and I headed outside to grab an Uber, and within 10 minutes I was pulling up in front of my house!

As sad as it was to leave, it was actually really nice to come home on a Friday so I had all afternoon on Friday and the whole weekend to unpack, do laundry, organize pictures, and of course start this trip report!

Once home I said hi to my cats, did a little unpacking, then headed over to pick up my dog Dug from boarding.

It was nice being home with my farm!

This was such a great trip, we had SO much fun. I absolutely loved seeing all the holiday decorations, everything was so pretty! I also loved checking out three different club levels, and getting to stay in three different suites was pretty amazing.

We ended up loving club level so much that we upgraded our first hotel on our September stay to club as well! So we’ll be checking out the Contemporary club level time around! I was hoping that CL discounts would be released for the YC portion of the stay, but at this point it looks like they won’t be. Not a big deal though, we actually got a great deal for a water view room there months ago when the first round of discounts came out, it’s like $100 less a night than what we had been paying for resort view, so we’ll take it! It’ll be hard going back to non-club I think, but at least we’ll have a nice view!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed reliving this TR with me. I cannot wait to get started on the next one!

I’ll probably post some updates on our upcoming trip as we get closer since it’s just so exciting I just need to share!
I enjoyed your trip report. You had several lucky experiences. And you made great use of the club lounges. :)

As sad as it was to leave, it was actually really nice to come home on a Friday so I had all afternoon on Friday and the whole weekend to unpack, do laundry, organize pictures, and of course start this trip report!
I never liked coming home on a Sunday and going to work on a Monday. It is nice to have a day to get back to normal again. :)
So we’ll be checking out the Contemporary club level time around!
That sound be a lot of fun. We plan to add club level to our Wilderness Lodge trip in February. We've enjoyed club level but can't do it when traveling with family members who don't want to stay at the deluxe resorts.
What a great trip!!! I have yet to stay club level because I’m sure it would be so hard not to once I do 😂

Thanks for sharing your holiday trip! I’m looking forward to your next one 😁


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