Why does it now take up to 10 days to combine nights into one reservation (same membership)?

I received a trip cancellation notice today, but when I checked further, it was for the merger that I requested on Febr 13th, which had a start date of June 16th. The merger that I had requested on Febr 9th, with a start date of June 12th, is still sitting there. To add to this, when I called in on the 13th, I mentioned that I had done a merger request 4 days earlier. The Member service rep told me she saw it, but she would enter it again just to make sure. Well, still nothing.

Yes, I know, the trip is a ways off. However, I get nervous about this being done properly. So the sooner, the better, and one less thing to worry about. I need the merger because I had bookend waitlists that both came through on the same day, and then created 3 different reservations instead of merging at that point. I'll give this another couple of hours, and then call Member Services again.
Just got off the phone with Member Services. They submitted another request and told me it would be 10 days. Uh, no. What happened to my merger request from 10 days ago? After being on hold while "that department" was contacted, the merger was finally completed. The reason it wasn't done earlier? It had been put in a "box" that no one looked at. Even though it was submitted a second time, along with a different merger. That different merger was done, but again not this one?

Just glad it was finally completed.
Same. My requests from the Saturday have still
Just got off the phone with Member Services. They submitted another request and told me it would be 10 days. Uh, no. What happened to my merger request from 10 days ago? After being on hold while "that department" was contacted, the merger was finally completed. The reason it wasn't done earlier? It had been put in a "box" that no one looked at. Even though it was submitted a second time, along with a different merger. That different merger was done, but again not this one?

Just glad it was finally completed.
Yikes. I bet my set of three merger requests submitted 11 days ago is in that same box... guess I need to call.
I had 2 wait-list come in for 2 separate reservations for NOV. I called and DVC said it will take 7 to 10 days. Took almost 2 weeks This was just 1 month ago.
It was finally done this morning (so the 5th day).
It's still a downgrade in service/staffing/training after all these years. I'm pretty sure in 2023 it was still a within-minutes thing.

It also shouldn't be something that has to be that complicated if Disney IT would write a proper tool for Cast Members to do it without ever having the issue of potentially losing a reservation, but as we all know, Disney IT isn't the greatest and Member Services' tools are probably all written in spaghetti code at this point. :\
We did this last year, it was done while I spoke with the CM on the phone.

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