who's cruisin' on 8/31 western ?


Earning My Ears
Jan 24, 2002
After much deliberation (..or not), we are taking our first cruise :sunny: with disney for our honeymoon!! anyone else sailing on the same date, we'd love to hear from you. :earsboy:
p.s. we're in room 6592, any tips?

We're going too!!!! (That's me, DH and DD age 10) and guess what? We're in 6588, just a couple of doors up! Feel free to knock on our door - we'd love to see you!!

Location looks pretty good on the deck plan - halfway between mid and aft elevators/stairs and as we've been port-side on our last two cruises, it'll be nice to be starboard for a change!

Hope everything goes great for your wedding and I KNOW you'll have a special honeymoon!

Looking forward to meeting with you!

We have our ressie booked and guess what we are cabin 6580! If we go, this will be our 5th Disney cruise. We have no children and 9/2 will be our 7th wedding anniversary. I say if because I re-booked for this date after our 3 day Wonder sailing 10/11/01 so that I could take advantage of a re-booking deal. I thought that maybe DCL would run a promotion and the price may go down a little and I aslo thought that it would give me one year to save for the trip, but since then we have been agressively trying to pay off ALL of our debt and have come a long way. I am still trying to justify spending the $$$ to go again vs. getting $2,000.00 more in debt. I thought that by July (when the balalnce is due) that I would have saved $$$ from my 2nd job to pay it off, but I have been using the $$$ achieve our goals. Meanwhile, as I mentioned above about no kids, I thought that this might be our year and am currently undergoing fertility treatment but the last three months we haven't accomplished that goal!! I thought if we conceived it would be an easy decesioin to scrap the trip for a few more years until we can go with our kid(s).
Right now I guess what I may do is wait until the May people get back and report about all of the great things available. We have never been to Mexico but did do the 7day Eastern 9/2000 and it was very splendid.
Bkstarbabe- congrats on your upcomming wedding, I think you have selected an awsome honeymoon adventure you will not be disappointed. The biggest tip I have is to stay tuned to these boards and gather as much info as you can from here.
If we end up going we will have to arrange a meet once on board it would be nice to meet you and TartanFan.
this is our second disney cruise. We did the eastern magic in September of 2001 and loved it. We will celebrate our 10th anniversary in August so this is our anniversary trip - plus my birthday is Sept 10th so gotta celebrate that with a jewelry shopping trip in Cozumel. It will be me, DH, DD (7) and DS (4)

We are in a secret porthole room on deck 5.

Tartanfan, HappyHilmore & winnyis-

:sunny:Thanks for replying, we'll be practically neighbors! My husband-to-be and I are really looking forward to it. Did I mention we will be spending a whole week at the resort after the cruise?
About shopping in Cozumel...My mother grew up in Mexico city and their summer vacations were always to Cozumel (when it was still legal to remove the huge conch shells off the beach), she said that she always came home with something "shiny", I bet pretty too. We really look forward to visiting the ruins also. Please feel free to keep in touch, here's our email: bkstarbabe@hotmail.com
p.s. can someone explain to me about the postcards for ship credit?
P.s.s HappyGilmore- Good Luck with the fertility treatments, stay strong.
hello bkstarbabe, I will be cruisin as well on 8/31/02 and already getting excited. Now i just have to decide which excurisions to take. It's going to be a tough decision. Hope to see you on board! anybody else out there cruising on 8/31/02?
As I mentioned before we were still trying to decided if we were going on this cruise. This week, my vehicle decided for us. I had to have a head gasket repair done along with a few other things. So unfortunately we have made the final decision to cancel. Have a great cruise everyone maybe next time around.
hi everyone ,count us in ! this wiil be our third cruise and this time we will also be bringing my father along .this will be his first cruise with disney. we have cabin 7504 &7506 . myself dh dd16
ds12,dd9 and dd5. first cruise didn't get to meet any disers as we boarded late and missed the meet and second cruise did get to spend time with very nice people i met on these boards. i hope we all stay in touch and can get to meet it made the second cruise alot more fun. tartan fan ,maybe our daughters can get to know each other her name is morgan and she spends most of her time at the lab.
i did have some of the postcards i'll see if i can find them again , i offered them when we first got back but at that time people were a little nervous about getting mail from jersey.i'll let you know if i still have them.
It'll be great to meet everyone...is there a special thing you do for the postcards? Fill me in of the info. KIT until then!

P.S. Sorry to hear you wont be joining us HappyGilmore :(
It'll be great to meet everyone...is there a special thing you do for the postcards? Fill me in of the info. KIT until then!

P.S. Sorry to hear you wont be joining us HappyGilmore :(
i have turned my house upside down but i can't find those postcards. i'll let you know if they turn up, tomi
Thanks for looking for those postcards. what are they again? just regular postcards...i've heard little about them. Can't wait to meet you all. are we supposed to wear special things as dis members...bright green right?
I'm sooo looking forward to this trip. yay! :)
bkstarbabe, the postcards are only for firsttime cruisers it is a request for information and if you book a cruise you get a 50.00 onboard credit.sometimes they are in the back of the disney cruise magazine so if i get any before our cruise i would be happy to send it to you. i'll let you know.
also you are right about the ribbons. as we get closer maybe we can set up a time and place to all get together and meet. i think it will be great fun.


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