Who else is nervous about flying?


DIS life goes on
Jun 11, 2000
For me it's probably not flying itself that worries me. It's DYING that I am worried about. Dying in a plane crash is just about the worst way I can think to go out (except for maybe drowning). I used to love flying! I loved airports, and travel...now I am a wuss.

I have Xanax to help me through our upcoming flight to WDW. It's a short hop to Orlando from Greensboro, NC but I am already starting to get anxious about it. Especially after seeing the JetBlue fiasco this morning! If I were on that plane I'd have had a heart attack! Then again, part of me is thinking "Well we've already had an air disaster this month...what's the chance of TWO happening?" Wasn't there also a couple of crashes in Europe and Russia this year?

I KNOW the most dangerous part of flying is the ride to the airport (but I don't fear a car crash). We had BAD turbulence on my last flight last year about 20 min from landing. I honestly thought we were going to die. It was only because the flight attendant was totally relaxed (I heard her on the phone with someone poo pooing the turbulence as "Nuthin") that I didn't have a total meltdown.

What can I do to enjoy flying again? Takeoff and landing were ALWAYS my favorites as a kid. I don't fear terrorism. I fear mechanical failure. I wish I could just relax and love it again. I keep telling myself that if it's my time to go, it's my time to go. But I REALLY don't want to go out like that!
I feel just like you do. In fact, I haven't flown, not only since 9/11, but since having kids. For me, I think I started worrying more since having kids. I really really don't want to fly for awhile, and when eventually I do, I think I'll need a prescription as well!
I absolutely hate to fly! This goes back to the first time I flew 15 yrs ago. I have flown about 1/2 a dozen times but make myself physically sick with anxiety over the flight.

DH wants to go visit a military friend deployed in Germany next year and I said, go without me! No way I'm getting on a plane for that long. And over the ocean to boot!

They entire family knows that if I am going, then we drive. No matter how far. MIL wants to take a trip to Chicago and I told her I'd drive the kids and meet her there. :rolleyes:
Jennasis said:
We had BAD turbulence on my last flight last year about 20 min from landing. I honestly thought we were going to die. It was only because the flight attendant was totally relaxed (I heard her on the phone with someone poo pooing the turbulence as "Nuthin") that I didn't have a total meltdown.

I HATE turbulence! If the flight is going along smoothly I'm usually okay with flying, but the second something seems amiss I get panicky. Of course, I try to act like I'm not the least bit nervous! If I hear a noise that sounds ominous to me or we hit turbulence, I immediately look around for the stewardess and if she seems calm, then I figure everything must be alright. I also check out the people who look like they fly a lot, businessmen, etc., and if they continue reading their newspapers or books, I also figure we're going to be okay. :)

We have two trips planned flying across the country, (Arizona and Hawaii), later this year. I can't wait to go, but the flying does make me nervous.
Jennasis said:
Especially after seeing the JetBlue fiasco this morning! If I were on that plane I'd have had a heart attack! Then again, part of me is thinking "Well we've already had an air disaster this month...what's the chance of TWO happening?"

Wow, I saw the whole Jet Blue incident in a completely opposite way. Far from a disaster, a person got off that plane said it was the softest landing he ever experienced. The pilot was amazing, the crew was fantastic and everything worked out OK in the end. If nothing else it allows me to put some faith in the pilots who fly these planes and realize we are NOT completely at the mercy of the mechanics of the plane... the most likely emergency scenarios are ones that the pilots train for and can handle.
Sorry, I was taking my Xanax, what did you say?

I get myself loopy out of my gord to fly. I am scared of the very same thing. I know I am prepared to kick some terrorist butt, I just think it will crash all on it's own. Silly fear, I know, but you might live through a car crash, chances go down of living significantly with planes.
LMC said:
I absolutely hate to fly! This goes back to the first time I flew 15 yrs ago. I have flown about 1/2 a dozen times but make myself physically sick with anxiety over the flight.

DH wants to go visit a military friend deployed in Germany next year and I said, go without me! No way I'm getting on a plane for that long. And over the ocean to boot!

They entire family knows that if I am going, then we drive. No matter how far. MIL wants to take a trip to Chicago and I told her I'd drive the kids and meet her there. :rolleyes:

Too bad you can't drive across the ocean! :teeth:
I take xanax to fly also. :(

I can be to orlando in 1 1/2 hours and I need a pill to get me there. go figure. I am not afraid of dying or crashing though. I am claustrophobic in the plane. I don't like not being in control and not being able to pull off the side of the road if I *want* too. Weird, I know....
I am also clautrophobic in the buses at WDW when we are packed on there like sardines.
Uh...why do I like to go to WDW??? LOl Well, I look past all those stupid "fears" and find the magic. THAT's how magical WDW is to me!
I certainly do know how you feel! The last time I flew was over 6 years ago...and I was fine. I agree with one of the other posters that my fear began after I had kids. I fear dying in a plane crash and leaving my kids. I know, I know, statistically, I'm safer in a plane than in a car. My brain knows it, but my heart doesn't get it.

I've driven twice to WDW by myself...both after having kids, and mentally I've been fine. I've got a flight booked for a girls-only trip in December (i.e. no dh or kids), and I'm scared out of my wits. But, it was such a great fare, it was worth it for the savings in $$. I was just telling a friend of mine how scared I am, and then the JetBlue thing last night. I was SO relieved to see the good outcome, but I just kept picturing myself on that plane, in a panic. I am definitely going to need either a Valium or a strong drink before getting on that plane. Anyone know how early the aiport bars open in the morning? :drinking1
You sound just like me. I actually cry when I'm flying. I hold pictures of my two nieces in my hands, believing that they are the two faces I want to look at when the plane goes down (I know, very dramatic, but that's what terror makes you do).

During our last flight, DH brought his laptop and we watched a movie while flying. It definitely helped take my mind off the sheer terror of being in the air.
ITA with LisaF. The Jetblue incident proved to me how very competent many pilots are. That's comforting. I'm not normally a nervous flyer, in fact, I enjoy it - except when the plane starts to make weird noises.

At that point, I usually look around for people who look like frequent flyers (business people). If they don't look worried, I relax. :)
I hate flying....always hated flying. The idea of plummeting to the earth and being aware of my imminent death freaks me out. I'd rather just explode in mid-air and not know what happened.

The TVs on Song helped. I used the shows on HGTV to pass the time. OK, so House Hunters is over...that's half an hour down!

I won't lie.....the Xanax helps, too.
I love to fly. and watching that pilot balance that plane on the rear wheels made me understand how much I love my pilots.

drink heavily before boarding and trip will 'fly' by. :drinking1
I am a nervous flyer too, however, with my trusty Xanax by my side I don't really care once it kicks in,.


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