When celebrities pay HUGE child support.....

Papa Deuce

<font color="red">BBQ loving, fantasy football pla
Sep 29, 2003
I find myself asking why? Not that I don't want to see the child well taken care of, but I wonder if the custodial parent is monitored to make sure the child gets what they should.... also, do kids need $20,000 a month? Why not set that up in a college fund or trust fund? I "think" I once read that Barry Bonds pays $100K a month in child support? What the heck is that about? Does it take 1.2 million dollars a year to feed, clothe, and educate a child? ( or 2 or 3 kids? )

From the LA Times:

Pop star Britney Spears must increase her child support payments to ex-husband Kevin Federline by $5,000 a month as part of a custody settlement agreed to Friday.

Under the terms of the deal approved by Superior Court Commissioner Scott Gordon, Spears will pay a total of $20,000 a month to the former backup dancer.

She will also pay his $250,000 legal bill from lawyer Mark Vincent Kaplan.
Kimora Lee Simmons is getting $20,000 per month for each of her two daughters. They showed her on TMZ getting on a commercial airline at LAX complaining the whole time. Apparently, the mister took away her use of the private jet when he was forced to pay such high child support. :lmao:
I think part of child support is so the child can live the life they are accustomed to. Or something like that.
the child should have the living standard that the parent enjoys, that's the theory behind child support.
there's no "entitlement" to any funds from a parent once the child reaches majority.
fifty cent's child lives in my neighborhood. the mother could not afford to live here without the child spport.

i think the real proble you're having is that th ecustodial parent gets to enjoy the chld's lifestyle just because they're the parent.

I'd rather see that than the public embarassmnet of a celebrity not fully supporting his or her child.
I think part of child support is so the child can live the life they are accustomed to. Or something like that.

Right. The child would be living a certain lifestyle if he/she were still with both parents. So, the child support is there to allow the child to life a similar lifestyle as it isn't his/her fault that the parents separated and the "poorer" parent has custody.
I think part of child support is so the child can live the life they are accustomed to. Or something like that.

What is a 2 year old used to?

the child should have the living standard that the parent enjoys, that's the theory behind child support.
there's no "entitlement" to any funds from a parent once the child reaches majority.
fifty cent's child lives in my neighborhood. the mother could not afford to live here without the child spport.

i think the real proble you're having is that the custodial parent gets to enjoy the chld's lifestyle just because they're the parent.

I'd rather see that than the public embarassmnet of a celebrity not fully supporting his or her child.

Maybe so. Still, I'm quite sure a child can be raised extremely well on less than 100K a year.... I'd rather see the parents prepare the child for a life of their own rather than pamper them needlessly with $1000 pairs of shoes, $2000 dresses....
My old boss paid one MILLION dollars a month in alimony and child support.

I say if it's being made, they should get a percentage of it. If they don't like it, they should've stayed or became the custodial parent.
My old boss paid one MILLION dollars a month in alimony and child support.

I say if it's being made, they should get a percentage of it. If they don't like it, they should've stayed or became the custodial parent.

Wow, what was his monthly salary. Sounds like Trump.
My old boss paid one MILLION dollars a month in alimony and child support.

I say if it's being made, they should get a percentage of it. If they don't like it, they should've stayed or became the custodial parent.


I have a hard time believing that. 12 million dollars a year until the child is 18?

Who was he, Goldfinger???
My old boss paid one MILLION dollars a month in alimony and child support.

I say if it's being made, they should get a percentage of it. If they don't like it, they should've stayed or became the custodial parent.

Did you add a couple of zeros?
Who was it? If someone was paying that it would be in the press.
My old boss paid one MILLION dollars a month in alimony and child support.

I say if it's being made, they should get a percentage of it. If they don't like it, they should've stayed or became the custodial parent.

Yikes, I mean he MADE a MILLION dollars a month!!!!! :scared1: He had to pay about $28,000 out monthly.

Woooo, I'd deliberately marry and divorce him for that amount!!!! Troll that he is.. :laughing:

My old boss was Willie Gary.... http://massachusettsfamilylaw.blogspot.com/2007/11/how-much-child-support-do-you-pay-if.html
OMG, I remember reading a People magazine about 15 years ago while waiting to get my hair cut.

Loni Anderson was actually whining about getting only $10,000 a month.

I was really broke then. I was only able to get a real haircut because someone gave me a spa gift certificate and the spa let me use it for 2 haircuts instead of massage and all that crap. So, I sat there feeling all happy about getting a pro to do my hair instead of a friend who sucked and being practically giddy about it and then I read Loni's boo-hooing.

I was so pissed at Loni for whining about her pittance of 10K monthly that I think I'd have slapped her if she'd walked in.

I'd always thought there was something wrong with most celebs, but that was the straw the broke the camel's back for me. Publically whining about getting ONLY $10,000/month. And this was like 15 years ago!!

i'de honestly rather see celebs at least paying child support-it was disgusting to serve kids on public assistance who lived in horrendous poverty whose celeb parents managed to get away with not paying a nickle for them:mad:

i would hope a smart custodial parent in receipt of big bucks would be aware of just how quickly those big bucks can fade into zero child support and would be slamming it away for the kid's future needs, but i don't think it's unreasonable that they would need to spend more than the average person. if they have kids whose parental celebrity would lend itself to the need for a security person then i'm all for it. likewise if their child could'nt attend a public school for fear of being hassled by reporters (or it would cause a disturbance to the other students)-then let the absent parent who can well afford it pay for a private education.
Britney's paying $20k a month so Kevin can pay his cs to the other baby-momma!:laughing: Heck, she paid it while they were married so why shouldn't she now?

No, no, I know, Kevin doesn't NEED Britney's cash, he has a career and all that.
I believe it was reported that Willie Gary was paying 28K per month, but that a judge had lowered that amount to 5 thousand per month and that Mr Gary would have to pay for private schooling for the twins.
How long ago did you work for my uncle? I do not recall anyone named Robin working for him.
I guess I will let the troll remark slide.

was that in the comm/publication industry, broadway or grief counseling? Who knew?

That is an outrageous amount of money. But I guess you must be rolling in it in the first place to have to shell it out!
Celebrity Child support $$$$ HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CHILDREN.:sad2:

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