What would you do differently?


DIS Veteran
Oct 5, 2005
We've been home for almost 2 weeks and are starting to plan for next year. :cool1: I have started a list of things we'd do differently, but I'm wondering what other people would change.

I would change - Spend less time at MGM. We went 2 (1/2 days) times this trip and next time we'll only visit once. Just long enough to make sure we'll hit TOT, RNR, GMR.

How about you?
We're going to try to spend more time at Animal Kingdom. I feel we shorted it last time. Maybe if I slow down and look around I'll enjoy this park more.
I need to spend more time in Epcot. We spent a little time there on arrival day (tired & sensory overload so didn't see that much) and then spent our LAST full day there - SAD, TIRED -- didn't see that much!

Also, I OVERPACKED -- way too much stuff -- we drove so it wasn't that bad but still - had to dig through too much stuff to find what I wanted. Less dressy clothes, less sundries like hand cream. Did I think I was going on a desert island or what???

Those are the two things I would do differently!
This time I am not doing Rainforest Cafe. I am glad we have done it, just to say that we have done it. But not again. This time we are doing Planet Hollywood. :rolleyes: Some of the folks in our party haven't been, and like the RC, everyone should experience it at least once I guess.
We're planning to spend more time at AK. The last time we were there it was so hot we thought we really were in Africa and we never made it back. We are really looking forward to exploring this park.

Plan to see something new, so we are going to visit the boardwalk area after a day at MGM.

Last time was the kids' first to WDW, so we tried to cram it all in, this time there are a bunch of things that they no longer want to do. Like breakfast in the Castle, that was more for me than it was for the kids. Ditto waiting on line to see Ariel. I think (hope) we will have more time to just take it in stride this time
i plan to do some of the slower paced stuff i have missed the last few trips......like hall of presidents, tom sawyer island etc. Just stroll through, take our time more this time. since it is just DH and I, we can go as fast or slow as we want.

i also want to spend more time at AK. i didn't 'get it' or like it that much the first time. Second time i really enjoyed it, third time i loved it. I still want to spend more time there, probably not this trip, since it will be in mid august....we'll stay as long as we can without dying from the heat!
I would not go to IoA/Universal again. They no longer excite me like they used to when I went in May.
We went last Sept and are going again this Sept. Not really anything I would change, but there are a few things I want to make sure we do this time that we missed last time:
See Fantasmic, Illuminations, and Spectromagic
Try a Dole whip
Eat at Lecellier
Spend more time at Epcot
Ride Expedition Everest, Rockin Rollercoaster, Mission Space, Test Track
Go to Hall of Presidents, Tom Sawyer Island, and It's Tough To Be a Bug
We've been going for so long that every year we tell ourselves to slow it down some and we never do :rotfl: that being said - this past January we actually did slow it down and had one of the best times ever :banana: :banana: little things like actually sit and people watch on a bench, really enjoy Animal Kingdom by walking around and taking in all the info they provide at conservation station. The grounds are really beautiful there. We spend a lot of time in Epcot so when we go to MK - we like to take the train around the park - sometimes we'll just sit on that puppy and go around the park about 5 - 6 times :confused3 what can I say - I like trains :rotfl: we also like to go into the off streets on Main street and hang out there. This Jan 07 we decided that we won't eat so much food that we fell like we are going to burst popcorn:: popcorn:: but that somehow never happens :rotfl2: Our course for my Mickey obsessed DD13 :worship: :worship: we have to find every hidden Mickey known to mankind :crazy:

It's so funny to hear people say the same thing that we felt about the Animal Kingdom: First year - didn't care for it; Second year - liked it; Third year - LOVED IT! Every year we add more time to this park because it is just wonderful.
I will make sure I don't do 20 - 30 hrs of OT the 2 weeks before the trip!! The last trip in March, I was exhausted by 6pm and didnt' want to do any evening parks, I did do MK once, but it was hard staying awake till 9pm for the fireworks.
whether it be to DO something the next trip or completely leave it off the next trip. I know last Jan. since it was off season..the parks weren't crowded so we did do the stuff we had not done in years...like Hall of Presidents, more smaller stuff at AK, really took our time in shops throughout World Showcase, stuff like that. I know this next Jan. trip....we will only do RR, TOT maybe Great Movie Ride and Star Tours. That is it. SO that will be a quick little side trip over to MGM. We will spend more of our time in EC and MK this go round. Our trip to AK (which we really never like til this past trip) we will not hit everything again....just out faves.

We will spend more time at AK we only went there for half a day. We will also try to use our "ear's" more and listen to what the kids wanna do, some days my DD8 wanted to take a break and just swim for a bit. I was so crazed that I couldn't fit that into our schedule :sad2: I know for next time that this will be a family VACATION not a fit it all in rush fest :blush:
Biggest thing for me? Find someone who actually LIKES to go! The last time I was there, with my soon-to-be-exDH, he refused to get up in the morning to go to a park, then he'd want to leave at 11 or noon to go back to the hotel and nap all afternoon, then he'd want to be back in our room again by 6 so he could watch the news and the Weather Channel...I always want to try different restaurants, especially in Epcot WS, and he'd just wrinkle his nose and say "Isn't there any place I can get a hot dog?" At least I got him to try a Dole Float and a sweet pretzel, both of which he liked.

I'd also go back to POFQ again and this time, take some time to walk around the grounds!
Like everyone else I'd spend more time at AK & Epcot. I'd try to get more rest before the vacation & I'd plan on making more time to explore the resort area. I'd also bring less things from home to entertain the kids. Of course it was wonderful for my dd to ride her scooter at all the rests stops when we drove down.

I'd also definitly find a store down there to buy essentials off property.

This time I did deliberately schedule things that I know we'd normally never do like Hoop De Doo and a Water Park.
Spend more time in Future World at Epcot. We always spend lots of time in the World Showcase, but usually don't see much in Future World. Also, would definitely do the original version of Mission:Space, not the wimp's version that my DH and I did on the last trip. Our two DDs did it and said it wasn't bad at all.

Go when it's not so humid and/or crowded. :teeth:
Just skip Disney Studios. The only thing we really enjoyed there was the evening show, and we didn't like it enough to go back.

I would like to spend a little more time at AK. We just had a morning there and rushed through, and I'd like to be able to enjoy it more. Of course, I'd like to go when it wasn't the end of August, too. It always seems hotter at AK than the other parks!

Definitely more time relaxing at our resort, more character meals, and fewer expectations -- try to see less but enjoy it more.
This time, I would like to
- try to leave the parks closer to noon instead of 2pm
- spend more time in EPCOT
- visit other resorts, even if I don't have a meal reservation there.
apirateslifeforme said:
Biggest thing for me? Find someone who actually LIKES to go!

YES! YES! YES! I really thought that it didn't matter who I was with, as long I got there. That is so NOT true (said like Chandler from "Friends"). I have learned the hard way that who you go with is 50% of the trip. Next year if I can't find someone who wants to go, and is excited, I AM NOT GOING! :thumbsup2
:rolleyes: Like a lot of others, spend more time at Animal Kingdom. We never have seen their parade, so maybe we will do that.

My kids have never been to the World Showcase at Epcot. (we thought they would be bored with it). Next time we will take time to do that.

We will do Rainforest Cafe rather than Planet Hollywood.

Skip Stitch....Add Sawyer Island.

See Fantasmic. Never have done this either.

Only 373 days left.... :rolleyes: Better than never... :goodvibes

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