What would cause leg muscle cramps after surgery?


DIS Veteran
Aug 31, 2007
I had surgery last week and today my legs (right leg especially) have had charlie horse after charlie horse in the calf.

Now it has stopped but my calf is still sore and if I straighten my leg even the top part of it hurts.

Any ideas? I plan on calling my Dr. tomorrow. I'm also a little light headed.
My daughter pulled a bunch of tendons in her foot and was having aches in her calf. The doctor sent her to have an ultrasound to check for a blood clot.
many things..are you drinking enough? Do you take a diuretic? Any redness or swelling?
I've been drinking Diet Coke, probably not the best for me. I don't take a diuretic and I don't notice any redness or swelling at all.

It's just pain when I walk on it or stretch my leg out.
A number of years back I had a reaction to anaesthesia that caused cramping all over, but it was within 24 hours of the surgery. I hope you find some relief soon, it's no fun being uncomfortable like that.
The first thing that comes to mind is blood clots. This is very serious and more common after a surgery. I'd definitely have it checked out. Good luck to you.
Blood Clots crossed my mind but then since both legs are cramping a bit at the top I thought probably not. Just the right leg is hurting in the calf.

Like I said I'm calling my Dr. tomorrow just to be sure. I thought maybe low potassium?
I'd get yourself checked for blood clots ASAP. If that's not an issue it could be a potassium deficiency and/or dehydration.
diet coke can cause leg cramps. Drink water for a calorie free drink, its a better habit.

? clot...no redness, swelling. But sometimes you won't see that right away.
Do you have a 24 hour nurse on call at your doctors office or clinic? Maybe you should touch base this evening?

I would, at the least, call your MD office in the AM.
My first thought was blood clots too. Years ago my mom broke her knee and it was set and casted. About 2 weeks later she started having calf pain-horrible charlie horses. A couple of days past and the cramping stopped-then she started having shortness of breath. She went to the hospital and had 2 blood clots in her lungs-the doc supposed it had started in her legs and worked thmeselves up into her lungs. She ended up with vascular damage in that leg and lung damage. Nothing to fool around with


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