What was a rule in your childhood home that isnt one today?

Sadly, too many rules to list. But, one in particular, my mom really got irritated if we “messed up the snow” in the front yard. She liked it looking pristine.
if I listed them I think I would start a war 🤣🤣🤣 times were different when I was a kid - things were done differently- not the way they were when I raised my kids nor the way they are now - does not make any of them wrong or right - do I feel I was abused ? No I do not - I knew the rules and knew what would happen if I broke them ( well if I got caught ) I am very happy cell phones were not around when I was a kid !!!
I find it very sad kids these days don’t or can’t have the freedom I had as a kid - so I think that’s a rule that’s different as I was allowed to come and go and walk just about anywhere and kids these days just can’t do that - so very sad because it’s just not safe !
Omg yes !!! if I heard once I heard 1000 times about kids in Africa starving and I said once to my dad will send them the stuff they can eat it and I’m telling you I got smacked good hard 🤣🤣🤣 and then I had to finish eating it !! my mother was not a very good cook 🤣🤣🤣
Had to be in bed by 8 pm during the summer, when all the neighborhood kids were allowed to stay out and play until at least sunset, which can be as late as 8:34 pm, or dark, which can be past 9 pm.
We were lucky to get our kids in bed by 9 pm, but being in bed does not mean they went to sleep. I worked graveyard shift and often had two kids waving goodbye to me from their bedroom windows when I left for work at 10:40 pm
Omg yes !!! if I heard once I heard 1000 times about kids in Africa starving and I said once to my dad will send them the stuff they can eat it and I’m telling you I got smacked good hard 🤣🤣🤣 and then I had to finish eating it !! my mother was not a very good cook 🤣🤣🤣
My wife tried that argument too. She almost got sent to Africa WITH the food.
Sadly, too many rules to list. But, one in particular, my mom really got irritated if we “messed up the snow” in the front yard. She liked it looking pristine.

i love the look of pristine snow as well but if we want to be able to back out the cars then the snowblower and plow are a must. also-pristine snow in a yard around us can be a clue to robbers that the owners are away so neighbors will help each other out when someone is away from home by driving cars in and out to create tire tracks, walk around the driveway and up and down the porch walkways for the appearance of someone being home.

Had to be in bed by 8 pm during the summer, when all the neighborhood kids were allowed to stay out and play until at least sunset, which can be as late as 8:34 pm, or dark, which can be past 9 pm.

you've reminded me of an OLD poem by robert lewis stevenson-

Bed in Summer

In winter I get up at night
And dress by yellow candle-light.
In summer, quite the other way,
I have to go to bed by day.

I have to go to bed and see
The birds still hopping on the tree,
Or hear the grown-up people’s feet
Still going past me in the street.

And does it not seem hard to you,
When all the sky is clear and blue,
And I should like so much to play,
To have to go to bed by day?
We had to practice getting up early before school started - like we needed practice ??? Not optional NOT to get up the FIRST time alarm ⏰ said get up -( not mom
Alarm clock ) there was NO missing the bus 🚌 period as walking to school not an option and mom didn’t drive she didn’t have a car even if she could drive - dad had one car and he was already gone to work


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