What is a year, in transfers?


It's Me, MemoryMakers2669
Nov 16, 2006
I know you can do one transfer per year, but what is the year? MY Use Year? I have an August UY, so does that mean within each of my years...August 1 - July 31? So, can I do a transfer on July 31 and then again the next day on August 1? Or, say I do a transfer TODAY, October 23rd, do I have to wait until October 23 next year or after for my next one. OR, third scenario, in a calendar year...meaning 2024, 2025, etc?

Sorry, tried to find this answer and couldn't.
Yes, it’s one transfer, in or out, per UY per membership. So you could transfer points in or out on July 31 and again on August 1, but that would be all for each UY, if the transferred points are coming from or going to another owner.

If you have more than one membership (different from having more than one contract), MS will usually allow you to transfer from one to another more than once per UY.

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