What do you do the night before you leave?


DIS Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
We are leaving bright and early tomorrow (7:30am) for a 2 1/2 hour drive to the airport and then will catch our flight into Orange County. We are super excited! :hyper: How do you spend your last night before you go? Do you do anything special? We aren't planning on anything special (other than last minute packing). I was just looking for something that might be fun to do tonight. I am more excited than the kids because I wasn't even able to sleep last night at all. I hope I can sleep tonight! It is like trying to sleep the night on Christmas Eve!
I'm usually cleaning the house, because I like to come home to everything being fresh and clean, but I think watching a Disney movie would be much more fun!
For the 30 days before we go I usually watch a Disney movie each night. This year probably the last one I watch will be Cars for Carsland :goodvibes

I've seen on other threads where people theme their dinners to the movie their watching as well but I don't have enough imagination to do this :rotfl2:
Put my pre-purchased park tickets on the coffee table so I won't forget them when I leave.

Then forget them in the morning and not realize it until I'm on the plane and taxiing down the runway! :rotfl: (It's will call all the way now!)
Honestly..the night before is when I'm packing lol. We try to leave between 4 and 5 am for our seven hour drive to southern California and I do everything last minute. We don't really do anything special except maybe watch our favorite Disney movie (A Goofy Movie) while trying to sleep. But it's SO tough to force yourself to bed early when you know in a few hours you'll be getting up early to leave.
The night before out trips we always go to bed early (up early to hit the road by 5am). We usually order a pizza and watch a Disney movie themed towards our trip. For our Halloween trip in a couple of weeks we will watch Nightmare Before Christmas.
After the kids go to bed DH and I load the car and check our list to make sure we have everything then he goes and fills the gas tank.
we always get everything done the week leading up to our trip. it saves SO much stress. the night before is dinner out, putting everything on the chargers, and heading to bed early.
For us it depends on how much we've got done already. Usually I've got most of the packing finished, it's just a matter of throwing in a last load of laundry to catch anything I might have missed. We try to do something like pizza for dinner (so we have fewer dishes to worry about) and maybe try to watch a movie if we have time. Then TRY to get to sleep, but I'm always too excited!
I like to rest with a glass of red wine because I know I'll be walking a bunch the next day!
We don't really do anything festive but I like to listen to Disney movie soundtracks/covers while I pack and clean. We eat one last home cooked, wholesome dinner before our 4 day junk food binge. I prep fresh fruit and veggies for the road trip and hotel. I paint DD's nails with Mickey heads.
Q - What do you do the night before you leave?

A - I set TWO alarms, so I don't over sleep.

For a trip I'll have everything packed and ready to go a few days before we leave. I'm not a last minute type of traveler.

The evening before is quiet and easy around the house. Having to get up around 4am for an early flight, means trying to get to bed early. This is a challenge for the kids and me too for that matter.

We are leaving bright and early tomorrow (7:30am) for a 2 1/2 hour drive to the airport and then will catch our flight into Orange County. We are super excited! :hyper: How do you spend your last night before you go? Do you do anything special? We aren't planning on anything special (other than last minute packing). I was just looking for something that might be fun to do tonight. I am more excited than the kids because I wasn't even able to sleep last night at all. I hope I can sleep tonight! It is like trying to sleep the night on Christmas Eve!

We drive so the night before is spent packing snacks and choosing which Disney movies to watch during the drive. We usually start watching Disney movies nightly for a good week before. The kids will pin trade with each other too. :rotfl2: There's lots of Disney chatter over dinner regarding which rides and treats and of course we have to go over the park maps. :thumbsup2

Have a magical trip!
I usually do the following if it aint a Surprise visit.

Get the kids haircuts
Do my hair
Get the kids some snacks.
Pack up
Less than a week to go, and I (hubby) am getting all the goodies together for the trip. Have the bed in the spare room, already with clothing, socks, shoes, and all the goodies that we need. DW is just watching and laughing, she packs 30 minutes before leaving for the Airport (and always forgets something)

Kids (adult kids) are coming in from up north, and we are meeting them at the local Airport and flying to LAX together.

Looking forward to a great family vacation.
My husband and I have been doing disney themed dinner and movie nights every Saturday and will continue until we head out next month! We have been making the drinks from Cody's Cocktails (can be found on Pinterest) and they are so good!

I'm an over planner and early packer so everything will be in place the night of to head to the airport the next morning. Then it will be a nice evening of a disney movie, good food and drink, and excitement. This is our first DL trip too so we are doubly excited! Hooray!
I always say I'm going to finish packing a couple of days before we leave, but that never seems to happen. Instead I'm usually finishing up the night before. since the only non-stop flights from here leave at 6:30am, I should be sleeping instead! Maybe I'll be more successful this time...
Likely I will be sewing, finishing the Halloween costume. It doesn't matter how far I plan ahead, I will keep making changes until there is not more time to make changes.

My flight is not until afternoon, so likely I will get to bed very very late.

The day before I leave, by midnight, is the deadline for making a major employment decision. I have been offered an enhanced retirement, and have to respond by midnight on the night before my flight to California.
The answer would be an easy "No Thank You", except I am being recruited for another job. But it is not 100% certain.
So I am certain I will be very highly stressed.
Finishing last minute packing, charging everything, clean up the house and going to bed early.. 4:30AM comes early
tonight will be the night before I leave!! I plan to clean my place (I too hate coming back to a dirty abode after a trip), do one more weather check, do massive amounts of laundry, run to the drug store and pick up a couple travel sized items, prepack as much as I can, make sure my AP is in my wallet and make sure I have all the paperwork I need (including MHP Tix!).

Tomorrow before I fly out I'll be working essentially right up to the moment i board the plane so I need to have everything as ready to go as it can be. :) Soooooooo ready for some Disney magic.

See you soon Mickey. And, more importantly, Donald. And, most importantly, the bartender at Trader Sam's. ;)
Pack, check, pack some more.

Clean the kitchen sink, bathroom sink and toilet. Those things must be clean when I come home. :angel:


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