

Earning My Ears
Feb 21, 2015
We will be at Disneyland in about 2 1/2 weeks. I've researched the weather, but can anyone who has been there this time of year comment on the weather? Specifically, should we plan to wear shorts or jeans? It looks like the evening weather gets cool. We're from Arkansas and this time of year it's still cold, so we don't have a clue what clothes to bring.

If you look at the last week or so, there's been 20-30 degree differences between the highs and lows and there was rain with 80 degree days on either side. That's basically how it is in March.
On average the days have been nice and shorts are find but in the evenings it's a bit cold for me so I prefer pants. I always see people walking around in shorts and tshirts in the evening when I am freezing my butt off. I would guess they are probably from someplace cold and 50's and 60's is summer weather for them. Nevertheless I would guess you can get away with shorts for the majority of your visit but I would bring a light jacket and either one pair of jeans or sweatpants just for the evening.
Locals are likely to be layered in long pants, shirt sleeves with vest or sweater, hats and scarves -- because we can. And because we are complete weather wimps. Even in the summer months we wear jackets in the evening hours.
If the weather remains about the same as it is now, then here is the general trend...
The first couple of hours in the park it feels a little chilly, even though it is sunny out. I usually wear jeans and a short-sleeved shirt with a light jacket. In the late morning to afternoon it is warm and I usually ditch the jacket. In the evening it can get cool so I put on a sweater. If it is going to be in the low 50s or below in the evening then I bring a hat/scarf and gloves just in case, because I'm a California wimp like that.

I hate being cold, so I almost never wear shorts, unless I'm only going to be out during the hot afternoon hours.

Most importantly, always wear sunscreen, and bring sunglasses and a baseball cap/other hat that will cover your face. Even when it's chilly, that sun is really freakin' bright.
You will really need to check the weather forecast a few days before you arrive. Last weekend, it was in the 50's and low 60's and raining part of the time. This weekend, it will be in the low 80's (although still in the 50's during the morning and evening). With such drastic swings in the temps, it's hard to plan until right before your visit.

While I am also part of the California Weather Wimp crew, I will say that I've never worn a hat, scarf, or gloves at Disneyland...even in the Winter. I don't even own those articles of clothing, as it never gets cold enough to wear them here :-)
It's been extremely variable lately. I was there for the last 2 weekends. The first one was comfy and you could have worn shorts or jeans and been fine either way. Second weekend was cold and rainy. The current monthly outlook is equally variable. I'd recommend layers. It could be 60 or it could be 80. Either way, have long pants and a light jacket at night.

As a side note, if you're from the northeast, you'll be warm no matter what compared to the brutal cold over there right now.
It's been extremely variable lately. I was there for the last 2 weekends. The first one was comfy and you could have worn shorts or jeans and been fine either way. Second weekend was cold and rainy. The current monthly outlook is equally variable. I'd recommend layers. It could be 60 or it could be 80. Either way, have long pants and a light jacket at night.

As a side note, if you're from the northeast, you'll be warm no matter what compared to the brutal cold over there right now.

This is so true. As a local, I never would have gone in the rain last Sunday. However, we had family in from Virginia...and it was their only day to go before flying home. Honestly, the rain wasn't bad. And the Virginians thought the weather was "fantastic". They were so excited not to need scarves, earmuffs, gloves, etc. I guess everything is relative.
I was there last year in mid-March and it was in the low-90s all weekend. Definitely shorts weather. I'm from NorCal, so of course I brought a sweater for the evenings :)
Oh, and I don't know about anyone else, but to me it always feels 10 degrees hotter in the parks than anywhere else!
I was there last year in mid-March and it was in the low-90s all weekend. Definitely shorts weather. I'm from NorCal, so of course I brought a sweater for the evenings :)
Oh, and I don't know about anyone else, but to me it always feels 10 degrees hotter in the parks than anywhere else!

I feel that way in DCA, but not DL. My theory is that DL has more mature shade trees, and smaller walkways that, while they can be challenging in terms of crowds, aren't as reflective as the wide DCA walkways.
The weather is quite variable...We had a chilly rain "storm" over the weekend but today and tomorrow it'll be 80 and very dry because the Santa Ana winds are coming through. Just check the forecast when it's closer and I'd still bring a combination of 50-80 degree weather clothes so you have options. Us locals layer!
I was there last year in mid-March and it was in the low-90s all weekend. Definitely shorts weather. I'm from NorCal, so of course I brought a sweater for the evenings :)
Oh, and I don't know about anyone else, but to me it always feels 10 degrees hotter in the parks than anywhere else!

Agreed! I always feel warmer in both parks during the daylight hours, unless it's below 60 degrees outside, but that's not typical. I think it's all the cement soaking up the heat and cooking you from the bottom up. You can also get an odd rash/burn/sunburn when it's too hot from the heat from the ground there burning your legs.
This is the time of year when the weather is all over the place, so I'd bring everything. Shorts, flip flops, pants, sneakers, jackets, rain ponchos. Then plan to change or wear layers throughout each day. :)
We just left Disneyland today. We were there Tuesday- Friday. Mornings weren't bsd at all. By the time we walked off of hotel property, we were great.

My kids wore shorts most of the day. We put them in pants before heading back to the parks around 4, because it did get chilly at night.

All of the forecasts I looked at while planning what to pack, said highs of 75. I think it got to at least 85- 90 everyday.


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