Was the attic ever a public space?


DIS Veteran
Dec 19, 2020
Was the attic at Disney’s Boardwalk ever a member lounge/hangout space? I have read some things that initially indicated it would be.

Shame DVC couldn’t take it over…. A lounge at the Boardwalk would be awesome… especially if it included alcoholic drinks for a fee. I bet it would be a huge hit!
Edit - see more info at the end.

I don't think it was ever a public space. Here's more information from the past, from @RobDoc:

"The Attic" is privately managed and is not a component of BWV owner's maintenance fees ... BUT ... when BWV was originally announced "The Attic" was supposed to be a gathering place for BW owners and other DVC members where they could enjoy watching fireworks and otherwise socialize. Somewhere along the way that concept was scrapped and the facility has never been a public space.

It would appear that is does get good utilization for these private functions.

Early on when BWV was announced, there was to be a "DVC Member's Only" area for viewing the EPCOT fireworks/Illuminations. It was to be called "The Attic".

When sales began, this area was separated from the resort itself and no longer a DVC perk. "The Attic" is there (near the JellyRolls area but not on the ground level), but is an area reserved for private events. It is a beautiful facility, but has never been used for any DVC events that I am aware of.

TOTWL lounge was announced in similar fashion and, to date, been kept as a DVC Member only facility - but is not truly part of the BLT resort (paid for and supported by BLT owner's dues). It could become a private (or public) facility at any time.

Stay Tuned! :)

Edited to add - found this from @drusba regarding members-only access for a few years after BWV opened:

As noted the Attic is a rentable lounge. In announcements for BWV before it opened, it was mentioned as a lounge that could be used. After BWV opened in 1996, the Attic was open to members, and at times it was even mentioned as usable to members checking in. That changed about the year 2,000 (exactly when I cannot recall) when they started locking off the room from entry, making it a rentable party lounge (although thereafter, for a while, members could sometimes find it open)
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