VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 14 June 2024

Yesterday we had an appointment with the retinal specialist. She wasn't very positive. Pretty much the opposite in fact. We left there feeling very defeated and scared. Today Ian had 2 or 3 tests to look into his eyes and see exactly what his retina looked like. The doctor was 120% different. She was no longer cold, was very warm, caring, patient, kind - everything we wanted her to be. In hindsight I think she was very rushed yesterday. She was talking to her tech about someone being at a hospital so maybe she had an emergency and was rushed and stressed about that. It is the only thing I can think of that would make her seem like a completely different person today.

An exercise I did recently was really helpful in situations like this. I often perceived interactions like this as a direct indictment of me. But, I had to learn that unless someone told me directly that they were upset with me, I did not know that was true. Was someone short with me because they were angry with me, or was it because they had something going on in their lives that was disturbing them? Thinking about this has been really helpful, and I'm also (slowly!) learning to ask about explicitly.
However knowing the love of my life will come out the other end seeing better than he has since he was a very young boy is amazing. Overwhelmingly amazing.

Jen...very happy to hear your news, and we look forward to continued good results as the procedures go along. Prayers going up for you and Ian. prayer.jpg
Jen and Ian-congratulations! This is such exciting news - so glad there really will be a ‘Light at the end of the tunnel’ for Ian’s vision!!
Great news!! I too had tears welling up reading your post. God is good and He hears our prayers,
"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven" Matt.18:19. I believe in the power of prayer, and will along with fellow Groupies continue to lift you, Ian and the doctors, nurses and caregivers up to Him for His healing power.
After seeing the change in the storm Tues night, the decision was made to leave sooner. So we rolled out at 8am, made it to hotel around 6pm. Ran into the most intense rain pour I ever experienced driving St Augustine. About the time we turned onto I-4 Tammy got a text that a tornado warning was up for Jacksonville, where we had been just 1hr 30 mins prior. Thanks for you guys prayers and well wishes as we traveled:grouphug:

Feeling so bad for the folks who have been affected by this storm. Prayers going up for them.

Our area in NC is going to be impacted I fear as it makes its way northward. Looking at radar it looks as though we are just on the edge of it right now. Sleepydog, Praying for you folks as it looks like the storm will be in your area as well.

Our plan today is to leave the Springhill hotel, maybe grab a bite at a really good authentic English restaurant we found called The Friar Tuck thats not far from here. Then transfer to The Dolphin before heading over to Epcot to meet with friends from back home to celebrate their DDs Bday.
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After seeing the change in the storm Tues night, the decision was made to leave sooner. So we rolled out at 8am, made it to hotel around 6pm. Ran into the most intense rain pour I ever experienced driving St Augustine. About the time we turned onto I-4 Tammy got a text that a tornado warning was up for Jacksonville, where we had been just 1hr 30 mins prior. Thanks for you guys prayers and well wishes as we traveled:grouphug:

Feeling so bad for the folks who have been affected by this storm. Prayers going up for them.

Our area in NC is going to be impacted I fear as it makes its way northward. Looking at radar it looks as though we are just on the edge of it right now. Sleepydog, Praying for you folks as it looks like the storm will be in your area as well.

Our plan today is to leave the Springhill hotel, maybe grab a bite at a really good authentic English restaurant we found called The Friar Tuck thats not far from here. Then transfer to The Dolphin before heading over to Epcot to meet with friends from back home to celebrate their DDs Bday.

Safe travels Jimmy!
Just saw an interesting factoid from a report by @wdrl on September DVC sales on DVCnews.com:

Overall, sales might be experiencing a slow period but sales for Copper Creek continue at a quick pace. In September, 129,331 points were sold for the resort. Disney has now sold 1,763,967 points for Copper Creek, which is 53.1% of the resort’s 3.321,966 total points.

September marks the ninth consecutive month that sales for Copper Creek topped the 100,000-point plateau. In those nine months, it has averaged 139,104 points in monthly sales. Even though Disney’s Polynesian Villas & Bungalows also had a streak of nine consecutive months when it topped the 100,000-point mark, the Polynesian never averaged more than 133,967 points in monthly sales during any nine-month period.

Assuming sales continue at the current rate, it will take Copper Creek less than 12 months to be completely sold out. Even if future sales slow to 100,000 points a month, Copper Creek would still sell out before the end of 2019.

I think it is fascinating that CCV is selling so well. I guess the economic boom we've been experiencing along with a 50 year low in unemployment has people ready to buy DVC!

In any event, I'm sure Disney is ensuring that Riviera will be able to open for sales by the end of next year. Wow, just when you think they've saturated the DVC market. :eek:
Jen, I am so happy to hear about the good news for Ian, I will continue to keep you in my prayers.:hug:

I arrived in Sarasota on Monday...the weather has been odd courtesy of Michael, we were under a tornado watch yesterday afternoon,but were lucky. The devastation in other parts of the state is just staggering.

Looking forward to coming along on your trip Jimmy.
Check in when you can!
Storm impacted our area back home and it looks like It impacted your area as well

Wfc4life and sechem32 (Will n Liz) got hit hard. Like a war zone in their neighborhood trees down and power out.

My dad says it came on so fast that it was blue sky then instantly turned nasty to the point that there was little time to react and seek shelter
Jimmy...thank you for the great photos! Exactly what we love to see...attractions and resorts in construction process! Now you just have to get to the other side of the building and give us a shot of Riviera construction. :)

That gondola tower is interesting. I guess it is the last tower before the International Gate onboarding/egress point. It certainly will have an impact on the skyline in the area. I wonder how long the ride from EPCOT to DHS will be using that transportation. It almost has to be faster than the boats or walking...and as such will probably be a pretty crowded mode of transportation.
I wonder how noisy the motors for the gondola running will be down in the stations. The international gateway was always a quiet reprieve from the loudness of the park. I'm trying to recall if all the times I went skiing if I ever noticed a sound other than the click clack of the chairlifts passing over the rollers.
Check in when you can!
Storm impacted our area back home and it looks like It impacted your area as well

Wfc4life and sechem32 (Will n Liz) got hit hard. Like a war zone in their neighborhood trees down and power out.

My dad says it came on so fast that it was blue sky then instantly turned nasty to the point that there was little time to react and seek shelter
Glad you made it safely, JT! We're fine here, though others nearby are still recovering. We had 6" of rain hit in about 24 hours which was on top of the wet ground from Flo a couple of weeks earlier on top of an already very wet summer. We live on a hill, so flooding not an issue. In fact, we didn't even leak anywhere through the French doors as we sometimes do. Wind direction played a large part of that. Parts of the area within a few minutes' drive had closed/flooded roads, down power lines, washed out bridges. A mudslide nearly enveloped a local veterinary clinic. Overall, however, the damage is minor and nowhere near the extreme as those affected by Michael and Florence. Thanks for thinking of us!
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Winds and rain from Michael passed through Cape May without damage, but the change in temperature is alarming!

It’s so sad the see Florida’s gulf coast with so much damage.
Thanks so much for all the love, prayers and positive thoughts from my VWL/BRV family. :thanks: :hug:

Ian's second retinal surgery was today and went as well as the one yesterday. So he was cleared for cataract surgery and then have been scheduled for Monday and Wednesday of next week. We have already been up there 5 times since the 3rd and will be going back 4 days next week. That is OK. I have found my little corner of the waiting room and claimed it as mine. I joked around today that on Monday they should expect me to come with some decor (Disney of course) a blanket, pillow and small frig. :rotfl2:We will be there for probably close to 15 hours next week. I deserve to be comfy - right?

The doctors, nurses and all the staff has been amazing. So kind, gentle and understanding. We have been very lucky and blessed.
Thanks for letting us know you guys are good and weathered the storm ok.
Thats great news! Keep up the great spirits, all will be well in the end:-)
My experience with similar (ski) lifts tends to not be noisy, so my hopes will be the same for this style

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