VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 14 June 2024

I wonder how noisy the motors for the gondola running will be down in the stations. The international gateway was always a quiet reprieve from the loudness of the park. I'm trying to recall if all the times I went skiing if I ever noticed a sound other than the click clack of the chairlifts passing over the rollers.

There's usually some clanking when the cars come into the station but nothing terribly obtrusive. The Friendship boats probably put out more noise although that isn't as consistent. And once on the line virtually silent. But I worked at a ski resort for several years and like the hum that comes from the lifts.
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We headed to Epcot for a British Ale and Cheese pairing. Hung out a bit in the DVC lounge, caught a couple attractions including Frozen. Got lucky with a resize available at San Angel Inn, and now back at the Dolphin. It was packed at Epcot. To the point, people were in line out into the main lobby and out the door in Mexico, on one side to get into the Tequila Bar, and the other side to get on the ride. It was crazy, never seen it that busy before, so glad we are back, out of heat, and in the AC

Tomorrow we move over to BWV

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Weird thing happened at a bar at the Dolphin just in last few minutes
Our Visa card got a picture taken of by the bartender. We dint see it but a NYC cop came up to me and told me what he witnessed and he was going to stand up and say so
Had to get security involved and they took bartender side
Had to cancel card etc
Bottom line...only thing I can say, stay away from swan n dolphin as they will put the employees before patrons
They offered free drinks etc
Told em no!!
Weird thing happened at a bar at the Dolphin just in last few minutes
Our Visa card got a picture taken of by the bartender. We dint see it but a NYC cop came up to me and told me what he witnessed and he was going to stand up and say so
Had to get security involved and they took bartender side
Had to cancel card etc
Bottom line...only thing I can say, stay away from swan n dolphin as they will put the employees before patrons
They offered free drinks etc
Told em no!!
Oh my. I am glad the NYC cop saw it.
So glad we are moving over to a Disney resort this AM! I know the above can happen at Disney too, but I feel better about knowing we can use our MBs once our new card arrives(hope by Tues)
Whats bad for us, when we went down to the front desk to change card on record, the guy saw that we were flagged. We did nothing wrong yet we get punished. Something wrong here!!

Oh well, we are moving on.
So glad we are moving over to a Disney resort this AM! I know the above can happen at Disney too, but I feel better about knowing we can use our MBs once our new card arrives(hope by Tues)
Whats bad for us, when we went down to the front desk to change card on record, the guy saw that we were flagged. We did nothing wrong yet we get punished. Something wrong here!!

Oh well, we are moving on.
Oh my. I won't say Disney would never do this, I'm sure it has happened, but I've heard similar stories regarding the Starwood hotels. What's unique is that in your case there was a witness, an off duty police officer at that. This is not the best way to build up and keep a good reputation.
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Oh my. I won't say Disney would never do this, I'm sure it has happened, but I've heard similar stories regarding the Starwood hotels (from an employee in their IT department). What's unique is that in your case there was a witness, an off duty police officer at that. This is not the best way to build up and keep a good reputation.

Unfortunately it can happen anywhere - even Disney. BC/BCV had it a few years ago. Ours was one that was taken I'm 99% certain. In that case I think they had hooked up a skimmer or whatever it's called. :sad2:
Unfortunately it can happen anywhere - even Disney. BC/BCV had it a few years ago. Ours was one that was taken I'm 99% certain. In that case I think they had hooked up a skimmer or whatever it's called. :sad2:
Yeah. -_-
I keep reminding myself that it's a very tiny fraction of society that abuses the majority like this. Disney, and I'm sure the Dolphin, had no intention of doing harm. But like an animal being attacked they will defend themselves.
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Got checked in at BWV, got a room facing the bus area.

Met Jim who is a greeter at BW. He is a very nice guy. I asked him how long he had been here(6 yrs)and inquired if he knew Ranger Stan Moore. He perked up and said yes he did. He spoke about how Stan basically created the greeter positions but took it a step further with the Lodge tour. It was good to meet someone who knew him so fondly

We grabbed a bite at Rose N Crown last night. Period, thats all we did!! Love being so close to walk in, walk out :thumbsup2

We are back to Epcot today, FP for Soarin, LWTL and Nemo along with a stop at Nine Dragons. May stay to see 98 Degrees.
Hey J&T - we’ll be at Epcot later today as well - after the baby’s nap - (hopefully she’ll nap so Grandma can too)...
It’s so different traveling with a little one - we are completely reliant on her schedule for ours...but we’re having a great time! We had her all to ourselves while her parents went to Universal HHN last night. My daughter said the event was packed - they were there for the rides - not the houses - Lauren said the ride lines never were more than 20 minutes wait - but navigating from place to place was nuts - just a sea of people!
We have brunch at 1900 Park over at VGF today - we’ve never eaten there but figured with the baby - it might be fun. She loved the characters st Crystal Palace yesterday. Oh yeah - we’re also stopping by SS to sign some DVC papers - the 54 pt WLV Oct UY we were wait listed for came thru YEAH!!
TCRAIG, text or call me if time allows once you get to Epcot and maybe we can mini meet! I will PM you my cell. Would love to see you folks!! We understand the travels with the grands. Time revolves around naps, eating, etc. Its different but makes for grand memories

With all that WDW has to offer(bear in mind, this has to be trip #40ish for me so far)my biggest adventure so far...(re)learning how to attach these photos to share with you good folks!!
upload_2018-10-15_8-40-37.jpegThese are from the Ghirardelli exhibit at the Festival center, all made from chocolate
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Jen - We are still lifting you both up. We are surrounded by miracles, we just aren't paying attention most of the time. Thanks for keeping our attention.

Jimmy & Tammy - Wow. So sorry that evil permeates even the Disney atmosphere. We, indeed, are surrounded by such things, but we need to work hard at not letting these kinds of thing blind us to the goodness in the world. I know you and Tammy are ones that see mostly goodness, and like DiznyDi & I, are often surprised at the other when it comes into our lives. If you need extra cash, I'm sure Sleepy can help you out. :cool:
Construction at the former Ellens Energy
Sort of hard to see it all, but the building behind the Festival Center is the extension of the new Guardians of the Galaxy ride. The old Ellen building and the new in picture are connected now
If you need extra cash, I'm sure Sleepy can help you out.
Wire money Sleepy, in need now!! Dip into the Groupie inititaion processing fee, in Dire Straights down here in FL.!!!!:D

Dad, so true about staying the course and realizing there is more good than evil in this world. Sometimes we find it in the smallest of gestures, sometimes huge. I told Tammy, no matter what, it will not ruin, under any circumstances, our vacation. We have moved on, not looking back. And I can tell you, being in a bonafide Disney resort does make things settle a lot quicker. Let the good times roll(in my best Figment voice):goodvibes
Jimmy...thanks for the photos, and the sleuthing work on the Guardians attraction construction. While many are quick to point out Disney's greed, you certainly can't say that they're not re-investing in all the parks.

Detective Jimmy said:
Sort of hard to see it all, but the building behind the Festival Center is the extension of the new Guardians of the Galaxy ride. The old Ellen building and the new in picture are connected now

They probably could have done a relatively inexpensive re-skinning of the Universe of Energy and just change the sights, but it looks like they are basically gutting and expanding that location. I'm very much looking forward to that new ride, though I fear that it may be a bit too much for DW & me. I can still do Rock n Roller Coaster, but the new Flight of Passage at DAK is way too much for me.

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