VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 14 June 2024

Just so the Groupies know, I do believe it is someone's birthday who regularly visits this Thread, a long-time, original Groupie (I believe this person Joined at the very beginning of The original thread). So, if this particular Groupie is sipping a cup of Java Today and happens upon this note, then
:bday: !!!!!
Hmmm I wonder who that could be? Well I sure hope that mystery person has a magical birthday filled with moose dust!
Lots of snow And wind here in Mass. Makes me want to plan a trip to the lodge. Hope everyone is doing well today.
How you doing up there?
16" and still coming down here on the south shore. Power has flickered a few times, must be a branch on a line someplace out on the main road, our lines are all underground. My son's cleared our walkway 3 times so far, it keeps blowing back in. Told him not to bother but he's determined to win this small game.
Snow stopped in Cape May, but it is windy and cold. Very little we can do with the snow, it’s brutal out there.

We were to begin our drive on Monday, and we now think it will be Tuesday before we leave. We hope to get to HH on Wednesday.
How you doing up there?
16" and still coming down here on the south shore. Power has flickered a few times, must be a branch on a line someplace out on the main road, our lines are all underground. My son's cleared our walkway 3 times so far, it keeps blowing back in. Told him not to bother but he's determined to win this small game.
My DH is like that too. He sets his phone alarm to make sure he goes out every hour.
Didn’t have to do that this time though. We got a dusting to an inch here in NoVA. But, so cold and windy. Dreaming about those fireplaces at WL and the VWL lobby.
Hi Groupies! I have been in Sarasota for a bit over a week now, and it’s been quite chilly, we have been able to walk the beach every day, so that’s been wonderful. I missed the nor’easter back home so I am not complaining. We are here until Wednesday.

I decided I would like to spend my milestone birthday in June at WDW. Problem is, the days I would like to travel aren’t all available. And so it begins……
Hi Groupies! I have been in Sarasota for a bit over a week now, and it’s been quite chilly, we have been able to walk the beach every day, so that’s been wonderful. I missed the nor’easter back home so I am not complaining. We are here until Wednesday.

I decided I would like to spend my milestone birthday in June at WDW. Problem is, the days I would like to travel aren’t all available. And so it begins……
I hope you get pixiedust: and what you want becomes available!

Happy you missed the huge snow event. We missed the first one this month, was dumped on during the second. Happily, someone came by and dug the car out, so we can get on our way tomorrow!
I hope you get pixiedust: and what you want becomes available!

Happy you missed the huge snow event. We missed the first one this month, was dumped on during the second. Happily, someone came by and dug the car out, so we can get on our way tomorrow!
You made me wonder, what would I have done if I returned from my trip to a car covered in 24" of snow. I rarely bring a shovel in the car, but y'know... might not be a bad idea to start packing one for these winter trips. ... Or just park in the garage... or go with a service that clears off my car and warms it up for me as I arrive.
This time tomorrow I will be at WDW!!!!! Headed out early and should get in around 1. First 3 nights at BLT the rest at BWV. Not sure if I'll get over to the Lodge at all. So excited!
Today was supposed to be our original departure date. Still glad I delayed to November, but I might have been able to meet some groupies! Have a wonderful trip! The last time I looked at the forecast for this week it looked pretty good.
WHAT!? No comments since Monday? Okay, first let me take care of a Disney PSA.


Going on six weeks after the end of the Christmas season, and I still find glitter in rooms that I inspect. It ain't from kids' art projects, folks. So, next season, consider not having anything associated with glitter including wrapping paper, cards, gifts, and tree decorations. Thank you.
pirate: pirate: Just a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor above...though it is true that glitter is no friend to Mousekeeping, just sayin'.

Second, I'm starting an informal poll...
What would each of you Groupies prefer, the current winter storm of the week dumping anywhere from 4-12" of snow depending on location, or a massive storm that dumped 12-36" of snow (again location dependent) and being socked in at home for well over a week?

Hope all the Groupies are staying warm, safe, and dry this weekend!
WHAT!? No comments since Monday? Okay, first let me take care of a Disney PSA.


Going on six weeks after the end of the Christmas season, and I still find glitter in rooms that I inspect. It ain't from kids' art projects, folks. So, next season, consider not having anything associated with glitter including wrapping paper, cards, gifts, and tree decorations. Thank you.
pirate: pirate: Just a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor above...though it is true that glitter is no friend to Mousekeeping, just sayin'.

Second, I'm starting an informal poll...
What would each of you Groupies prefer, the current winter storm of the week dumping anywhere from 4-12" of snow depending on location, or a massive storm that dumped 12-36" of snow (again location dependent) and being socked in at home for well over a week?

Hope all the Groupies are staying warm, safe, and dry this weekend!
I live in SoCal and it's going to be between 80 and 85 degrees this week, so I'll take option #3. We hit WDW on Thursday, and it will actually be colder there than at home...LOL
This time tomorrow I will be at WDW!!!!! Headed out early and should get in around 1. First 3 nights at BLT the rest at BWV. Not sure if I'll get over to the Lodge at all. So excited!
Looking forward to meeting you on Tuesday. We get to CC tomorrow. We’ll not be in a rush to leave HHI, so if we can ride bikes a bit in the morning we will.
WHAT!? No comments since Monday? Okay, first let me take care of a Disney PSA.


Going on six weeks after the end of the Christmas season, and I still find glitter in rooms that I inspect. It ain't from kids' art projects, folks. So, next season, consider not having anything associated with glitter including wrapping paper, cards, gifts, and tree decorations. Thank you.
pirate: pirate: Just a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor above...though it is true that glitter is no friend to Mousekeeping, just sayin'.

Second, I'm starting an informal poll...
What would each of you Groupies prefer, the current winter storm of the week dumping anywhere from 4-12" of snow depending on location, or a massive storm that dumped 12-36" of snow (again location dependent) and being socked in at home for well over a week?

Hope all the Groupies are staying warm, safe, and dry this weekend!
I have more than one friend who enclose things like that in cards! :rolleyes: You would think I would remember to open those cards over the trash can!

4-12” of snow would keep me inside for a week. I have no balance on snow. I have no preference except to be elsewhere when those things happen.
What would each of you Groupies prefer, the current winter storm of the week dumping anywhere from 4-12" of snow depending on location, or a massive storm that dumped 12-36" of snow (again location dependent) and being socked in at home for well over a week?
4-12 if given the choice but I like Dons idea of option #3:thumbsup2
WHAT!? No comments since Monday? Okay, first let me take care of a Disney PSA.


Going on six weeks after the end of the Christmas season, and I still find glitter in rooms that I inspect. It ain't from kids' art projects, folks. So, next season, consider not having anything associated with glitter including wrapping paper, cards, gifts, and tree decorations. Thank you.
pirate: pirate: Just a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor above...though it is true that glitter is no friend to Mousekeeping, just sayin'.

Second, I'm starting an informal poll...
What would each of you Groupies prefer, the current winter storm of the week dumping anywhere from 4-12" of snow depending on location, or a massive storm that dumped 12-36" of snow (again location dependent) and being socked in at home for well over a week?

Hope all the Groupies are staying warm, safe, and dry this weekend!
I can’t stand glitter on cards or Christmas ornaments. Even if I fall in love with an ornament I will not buy it if it has glitter. I never buy cards with glitter. I always open cards to peek inside first to see if there is any. I have a Christmas card wreath display and any card with glitter goes into a ziploc. :)
I think more frequent manageable storms are better than a huge one. My DH shovels out our cars as well as the sidewalks in front of our house and several neighbors’. After a while you run out of places to put the shoveled snow when it’s that deep. But I’d take either of those over an ice storm any day!

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