Value of Pin?

Diz Newbie

Earning My Ears
Jan 25, 2002
I just returned from my first trip to Disney World. I had a great time and plan to return.
My daughter got into the pin trading and we got a couple of pins that I am curious about.

1. Pink Castle W/ Disneyland Paris Commemorative Edition Opening Day 1992

2. A Mickey& Minnie Pin w/ Pins around there necks. It says on the pin
" Continuing The Tradition". It is in a package that says that this special pin was given
to you by cast member/manager for your effort in pin trading.

I just wanted to know the value, if ant of these pins.

Thank you,

Well most people dont choose to put a specific price value on pins, however, if you are looking to find the value of these pins you would have to check ebay. However, I will give you this little bit of information I WOULD NOT get rid of the continuing the tradition pin it is a very special pin which can only be earned, therefore to most people including myself that pin is priceless and it signifies what pin trading is all about

Welcome to the DIS Board. You can find lots of info here.

Check your pins out on PinPics It's a wonderful pin repository and you will be able to find a great deal of information about those and many other pins.

Have fun trading!
Hi, Mark, and welcome to the DIS!

Let me second what Ryan said about the Continuing the Tradition pin. That one is definitely a keeper. The only way to get that is to be awarded it by a cast member at WDW, and congratulations on getting one. :)

The other pin sounds like pinpics #2084, the July 2000 Pin of the Month. It's an LE with a pretty high edition size ... in terms of value, the supply and demand are about even. In trading it may be comparable to an popular rack pin.

Welcome to the world of Disney pin trading! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Originally posted by Dizneypinz27
However, I will give you this little bit of information I WOULD NOT get rid of the continuing the tradition pin it is a very special pin which can only be earned, therefore to most people including myself that pin is priceless and it signifies what pin trading is all about

I'm curious - how does someone EARN a pin like this? On pinpics it says that it's given to people who "go above and beyond in pin-trading" .. I'm just curious what this means.
"Above and beyond" can mean many different things, and sometimes I think it's a judgement call on the part of the CM presenting the CTT. Generally, the CTT's are given to those traders who have continued the tradition of Disney pin trading in a positive manner.
I don't think it's quite accurate to say that the pins are 'earned'. They are 'presented', and it's strictly a judgement call. Kinda like judging Olympic figure skating.


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