you visit the same place every year or go somewhere new?


Alas...these people I live with ...
May 23, 2003
Do you prefer to re-visit an old favorite every year or try a new place?

We tend to do both....some years we will plan a trip to our favorite places and other years try somewhere new. Which then usually becomes a new favorite place that I must visit again.

During the summer we love our two week beach vacation and usually wind up either in Maine, Cape Cod, Block Island, RI, or Hilton Head, Sc. Other times of the year we like to mix it up.
We rotate the Orlando theme parks and the beaches of Charleston SC or the Florida Gulf Coast!
We have been mixing it up lately. This year was myrtle beach and a lake house on one of the finger lakes. 2016 is Williamsburg and a southern Caribbean cruise. 2017 is Disney and probably a beach house in cape cod. Disney every 3 years seems just about right for us.
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At least every other year has been WDW. We also visit beaches on the east or gulf coast. This year we are taking a cruise out of NOLA and with two ports of call in Mexico.

We also spend a few days each year in the Smokey Mountains or a city like St.Louis or Chicago.
  • Definitely not the same place. We LOVE Southern California and have been there a few times and hence have gone to DLR more than once. But besides that, the whole point of travelling for vacation is to see and experience something new and different. We cruise a lot but haven't done so many that we've had to revisit too many ports - we specifically chose the cruise for an itinerary that's interesting to us. When it gets to that point we'll likely stop cruising and start checking out land vacations to places not accessible by ship.
We have been to Disney several times but other than that we like to mix it up.

We have done Alaska cruise, several Carribean cruises, SC beaches, Gulf coast beaches, NOLA, Smokey Mtns.

On our pending list is NYC, New England cruise, Berumda and Yellowstone/Yosemite.
For smaller, weekend trips we go to the same places like Lake Geneva, South Haven Michigan or the Dells, but for bigger trips we mix it up. Last year, we went to Jamaica and Disney, and this year we went to Napa and will go to Greece and Turkey.
We always have these grand ideas of doing something different but usually end up doing the same.
We either just visit family and do the Tampa attractions or we drop the kids off with the grandparents and head to Universal Resort for a few days(they're still too small to really enjoy most things there).
Camping is pretty frequent as well since we bought a popup. We do try new campgrounds every once and a while, but we prefer a certain one in Lake George and none of them ever live up to that one.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It depends on whether or not we are able to go on vacation for a week. Usually it's a mini vacation for us. Last year we (along with our good friends) took DS to MA for Monster Jam for his birthday. The husband is originally from there and him and his wife showed us where he grew up. We are going back again next weekend for DS's 13th birthday. We're all looking forward to it.

Next year, we will be going to Lancaster, PA at the end of April. I'm organizing a group trip to the Sight & Sound Theater. Since we absolutely love Lancaster, we will most probably arrive a few days earlier than everyone else so we can relax and enjoy ourselves. We seem to go almost every year to Lancaster. But it's so relaxing compared to the busy life here in NY.
We've been doing one big trip per year (WDW) in February, then smaller trips to Boston twice/year. We're doing WDW next February, and just decided to forgo WDW in February 2017 and instead go to Ireland. I haven't been back to Europe since 2008, and dbf has never been before (and his family is from Ireland!). I can't wait.
We try to mix it up, but we always go to Spring Break (at least the last 5 or 6 years) to Fort Myers, because my MIL is a snowbird there.

For other vacations, we do like to try other stuff, though. WDW about every 2-3 years, but Universal this last Thanksgiving. And next week, we're going to Europe for the kids' first time - on a Mediterranean cruise :)
We mostly go to the same places. We are creatures of habit and I like knowing my surroundings - when we're on vacation I don't want to have to research and figure out where things are and how to get there.
Like PP, we repeat the same weekend spots, but our annual "vacation" is usually somewhere new.

We've done the same beach 3 times (2004, 2009, & 2014), and this year we are going back to Orlando after having been there in 2012 - that time Disney, this time Universal/SW.
We used to do WDW every year. This will be the first year without a trip there for anyone in our family.
We have a timeshare that we use every year in Hilton Head.
Other trips are a toss-up. We do repeat some and try new places sometimes too.
We also do the same weekend trips, but also try new places. For our week long vacations we try to mix it up. There is so much out there to do and see I just couldn't imagine not searching for it!
We've gotten into a Florida rut recently and have been talking about other destinations we'd like to visit. I'm a creature of habit and find Florida has all I need, but I am ready to see much more of the US now that we can travel so easily with just to two of us.
We've been going to Disney a lot over the past couple years. My daughter is still pretty young so it makes sense for us. When she gets older we may start going other places more often.
We go to the same places because we either go with family or visit family. Every few years, we add in an extra trip somewhere. We're due for one but had to cancel a Yellowstone trip last year due to time and budget. Now DH has a new job and not as much vacation time so it's a little tricky. I don't want to give up our family trips but would like to add another week somewhere. Yellowstone or someplace tropical out of the country are high on the list of new places.
New places, but we'll often repeat the same place more than once if we really like it. We did Disney Cruises in 2013 and 2014 but I think we won't do one again. We're doing Turks & Caicos next week and Hawaii in December - both of those are new to us. We're doing Iceland in 2015, which we've never been to before. And after that we have our eye on England, then Europe.
Semi-regular vacations of a week long or more are kind of a new around our house, so right now we're leaning pretty heavily on Disney, alternating with the occasional week down the shore. (Which is where I grew up, so honestly it's not much of a change.)

We've long been fans of weekend trips, though, and we're more likely to try something new with those.


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