[Updated 10/15] A Haircut, a Steve’s Special, and a Disco Inferno: A Trip of Firsts

Finally, my parents made it back! After a very brief chat, Tory and I left them in charge of Baby M, and went to ride Cosmic Rewind. We were so excited and had been building our excitement up for the past hour and a half.

I don’t know that I can add anything more to the discourse of how great Cosmic Rewind is. Going in, I thought the hype was quite high, and yet it somehow still cleared that in my mind. What an incredible experience! We sailed through the galaxy to the sound of Disco Inferno! It’s really amazing how there isn’t any lull in the ride. It’s just laugh and scream after laugh and scream. Truly amazing work! We never got to experience the Energy Pavilion that existed in this space before, so I can’t confidently say if Cosmic Rewind was an upgrade, but I am willing to bet it was.



When we got back out to my parents and Baby M, we learned that my parents also got Disco Inferno for their ride through space!

After that thrill, we briefly stopped in Club Cool before we slowed things down with a leisurely walk through World Showcase in search of more Festival treats. EPCOT was quite busy that day and navigating through World Showcase with a stroller proved to be a new challenge.


My dad wanted to buy me a beer, so we stopped at the beer cart in Norway for an Einstok, which is actually an Icelandic, not Norwegian, beer. I got to take another cool Disney dad photo!


Baby M spent a good amount of time studying the Festival Passport to decide where to go first!


We met up with my brother and SIL at this point. They had gone off on their own for the day so far. We all stopped at the The Painted Panda food booth to get the Char Siu Pork Bun. This was pretty good, but the sauce was quite sweet for a savory dish!


We didn’t linger too long in China and instead opted to hit the next food booth in Germany. We got the Red Wine-Braised Beef Short Rib with parsnip purée, broccolini, baby tomatoes, and balsamic glaze, thinking that Baby M would like to try the parsnips since he loves potatoes. We gave him some and his reaction was one of absolute disgust. I think that was the first time we had seen him spit something out. It was absolutely hysterical. I really liked the dish, though!


We spent a good amount of time in the stores in Germany. Tory really wanted to get Baby M an authentic Steiff bear. They unfortunately closed the Teddy Bear store, so we were wandering through all the other stores in Germany. We went in quite a few (all?) of the stores and we could only find a medium sized bear, so we purchased that. We cut through another store and came across the bigger bears. Not sure if we had missed them originally or not…? So anyways, we then had to loop back around and return the medium sized one.

After that little detour, we of course had to show Baby M one of the most underrated parts of EPCOT: the Germany trains!


Next stop was Italy, and Tory and I had one thing in mind: taking our traditional campanile picture, but this time with Baby M. My SIL did a great job getting these photos! We also had someone take a photo of the whole family!

Here's a collage from all four trips - oh how time flies:


It had been 2 or so hours since Baby M had woken up from his last nap, and knowing it wasn’t that long of a nap, Tory and I knew that we needed to find a place for him to nap if he was going to make it to dinner. We said a temporary goodbye to my family and went to the America pavilion where we went inside the American Adventure building. We had 15 minutes until the next show, and so we found a comfy bench in the lobby and sat down. Within 5 minutes, Baby M was already asleep. It had been a busy day so far for him and it was quite quiet in here. They soon announced that it was time to head in to the show. I suggested that we just continue to sit where we were, but Tory thought she could keep him asleep on the walk in. She was indeed correct. He stayed asleep in her arms all the way up the escalator and into the theater. We chose spots in the very back corner, in case he woke up startled. That wasn’t an issue though as he slept through the whole show!

The American Adventure was new to Tory and I. I am a fan of Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln at Disneyland, and this gave me very similar warm feelings. I was amazed at just how many different animatronics are hidden on that stage! They did a great job of managing to cover all the highlights of U.S. history in just 30 minutes while keeping the show moving and engaging. A super neat stop, and I’m not sure we would have ever seen it had it not been for us needing a quiet place for a baby to nap.


When we exited the theater, Baby M was still asleep, so Tory and I decided to head right back into the lobby of the American Adventure to let him get as much quiet sleep as he could. He got another 10 or so minutes back in the lobby before some very loud kids barreled into the wall next to us. It was good though! Baby M woke up so happy!


All in all, it was another hour or so nap, which was good enough to get him through dinner. We texted my family that we would meet up with them at our ADR.

We had about 45 minutes before we needed to head out of EPCOT to make it to our ADR, so we continued our stroll around World Showcase. Our next food booth stop was Goshiki in Japan where we grabbed the Sushi Donut and the Wagyu Bun. Both of these were fairly tasty. In particular, the fish on the sushi donut was fresh and it was quite a pretty dish! Certainly glad we got to try it! We didn’t have the highest expectations, as my brother showed us a photo of his from earlier in the day and his fish was paper thin. Ours was sliced much thicker. We don’t remember any particulars about the wagyu bun other than its general tastiness.We gave Baby M some snacks as well.


Despite it being sweater weather in EPCOT, I had to get one of my favorite treats on the way out: the Grand Marnier slush from France! Tory thinks the slush is incredibly overrated and way too sweet (Editor’s Note: Yes, I do. I will die on this hill haha.) . Generally, I agree with her about sweet drinks, but this one just hits different for some reason. I sipped on it as we continued to head towards the park entrance.


We had wanted to stop and take part in the paint by numbers mural on our way out, but when we came upon it, the line would have been prohibitively long for us. Bummer. It was of Figment, and super cute!


Instead, we realized we had time for a new-to-us attraction! Journey of Water!


All three of us really enjoyed this! We appreciated that Disney found a way to make a Moana attraction make sense in EPCOT as edutainment about the water cycle! Baby M appreciated all the water fountains and rivers. I have to imagine he will love it even more in a year or two when he can run around through it! All the effects were working for us, and Tory got a cool video of me parting the rain!


We spent about 10 minutes wandering through here, and would have stayed longer if it was warmer out and we didn’t have an ADR to get to.


Bye, EPCOT! (Editor’s note: As we walked out, I realized we never got schoolbread and was heartbroken! All the more reason to book a return trip, I suppose!)


We made the long walk out to our rental car in the EPCOT parking lot. I texted my family that we were headed over to our ADR. My dad texted back that they were hanging out at Banana Cabana, right next to our ADR location: Sebastian’s Bistro!

Readers of our last trip report will remember me gushing and writing way too many words about Sebastian’s Bistro. On that trip, my parents skipped out on dinner at Sebastian’s, so this would be their first experience at Sebastian’s. I know that they had to be excited as I probably talked their ears off about it during our last trip.

This was our latest ADR on the trip at 6 PM. When we booked ADRs 60 days previously, that was the earliest I could get an ADR for 7 people. We figured that it would be fine for Baby M as it was family-style and the food would be out quickly.

We found my family sitting at a table at Banana Cabana having enjoyed some drinks and an app. I walked 5 steps over to the podium at Sebastian’s and got us checked in. We were seated right at 6 PM.

Our server Mo quickly came over and introduced himself. He explained the concept to my family and then asked if anybody had any allergies. My brother noted that he had a mild tree nut allergy. Mo replied confused and said, “Trees?” My brother clarified that he said tree nuts and not just trees. Mo understood this time and joked that he was wondering how someone could be allergic to eating trees.

It took longer than expected for food to be delivered, but Sebastian’s did not disappoint. Baby M loved all the bread, including the puff pastry mickey head. I especially loved the salad which was a nice break from all the heavy food we had been eating. The curry, vegetables, and meats were all on point. We were so busy eating, we only have one mediocre photo of the salad.


Fairly soon after our meats and sides were dropped, Baby M started to get fussy, so Tory took him outside. She had started to eat, so she didn’t miss out entirely by stepping outside. After 15 or so minutes, I went out to check on the two of them and found them sitting on a bench by the water taking in the lights. Baby M just needed some time outside of a stroller or high chair in a quiet environment.


We sat as a family of three for a bit longer before heading back inside. Dessert was being polished off by my family. They noted how delicious it was and I was momentarily bummed, before Mo rounded the corner to our table with a giant bag. He said he felt bad that Tory missed so much of the meal, and so he had the kitchen box some stuff up for us. I looked inside, and this wasn’t just leftovers. It was the entire meal for two people, including bread and dessert! We were so incredibly tickled and touched.

Mo made this meal! He was funny, attentive, and went above and beyond for us. He absolutely made this meal a special experience for our family. Between his presence and the delicious food, our meal at Sebastian’s was an absolute highlight of the trip for me.

With a giant bag of takeout in hand, we settled our bill and got a tired Baby M into the car for the short drive back over to AKL.

We got him bathed and ready for bed. He perked back up after his bath and spent a few minutes playing with his new Steiff Teddy Bear while brushing his teeth before falling asleep quickly in Tory’s arms.


Once he was down, Tory and I sat on the balcony overlooking the savannah and had some of the bread pudding (and ice cream!) Mo packed up for us as part of our meal to go. A great way to end another excellent Disney day!


Coming up next: A rest day adventure!

I cannot tell you how delighted I was to find a new report from you this morning. I've thoroughly enjoyed your prior reports. And then to see that you were visiting with your baby?!?! Amazing. 🩷 And congratulations!! 🎉Sounds like you encountered some fantastic cast members on your trip. I agree with you that the magic is still there! I also agree that the level of planning required can be frustrating and I also feel badly for the casual guest who is at such a disadvantage if they haven't "done the homework." I have made notes to investigate the guava pancake situation as well as the Steve special. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip.
His first park day is so precious! Love that he got to do your first honeymoon rides, that's adorable. 🥰

Amazing story about getting your changing bag back, too, so helpful.
I cannot tell you how delighted I was to find a new report from you this morning. I've thoroughly enjoyed your prior reports. And then to see that you were visiting with your baby?!?! Amazing. 🩷 And congratulations!! 🎉Sounds like you encountered some fantastic cast members on your trip. I agree with you that the magic is still there! I also agree that the level of planning required can be frustrating and I also feel badly for the casual guest who is at such a disadvantage if they haven't "done the homework." I have made notes to investigate the guava pancake situation as well as the Steve special. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip.
Thanks so much for the kind words! The Guava Pancake was such a surprise hit! Definitely worth seeking out if you are in AK early in the day.
His first park day is so precious! Love that he got to do your first honeymoon rides, that's adorable. 🥰

Amazing story about getting your changing bag back, too, so helpful.
It was really adorable to bring him to all these places Tory and I discovered as newlyweds a few years prior. The diaper bag story still shocks me to this day. No where else other than Disney property would that level of service have happened!
Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us!
Of course. Glad you are enjoying it. Another day is coming right up!
Day 5 - ‘It’s not called Matt Disney World’

This was our second planned rest day of the trip. We wanted to give ourselves as much flexibility as possible while traveling with an 8 month old, so we did not schedule any park reservations. We basically just planned to play it by ear. The only planned activity was dinner at Flying Fish (another favorite of ours!) with my family. Based on how Baby M was doing at this point of the trip, we had some ideas in our heads regardings activities and things to do, but were also content having a very low-key day at the resort!

After four days of chilly Florida winter weather, the sun was finally out and shining on the savanna! The weather report had it at a high of 71 degrees for the day. You can’t ask for better weather than that in January!

We let Baby M sleep in as long as he wanted since yesterday was a less-than-stellar nap day for him. By 7:45 AM, he was up and happy. We let him play on the floor of the room with some of the small toys we had brought along. I again went to grab breakfast from the Mara and we all ate in the room. We let Baby M try some eggs and pancakes, and Tory and I chatted about what we should do with our rest day. Baby M seemed to be in great spirits and seemed to have adjusted to the time change quite well. Given the nice weather, Tory and I landed on the same thought: Blizzard Beach! We had brought swimwear for the family, because even in January, Florida could give you fantastic swim weather. Blizzard Beach was the last of the parks that we hadn’t been in at WDW. Everything we saw on Disney’s website suggested that it would be open today (despite having been closed for the last few days because of the cold weather). We quickly did some reading where we confirmed that Blizzard Beach offered infant life vests and had a splash pad that Baby M would enjoy. And with that, our decision was set! Since they didn’t open until 10 AM, we had plenty of time to play with Baby M in the room and get our day bag packed.

Shortly before 10 AM, we headed down to our rental car and made the very short drive over to Blizzard Beach. We parked in the front row and we took in the fact that there were less than 10 other cars in the parking lot. It was super weird, but also really funny. I guess 71 degrees is too chilly for a water park for most! We figured that more people would show up as the day went on. They did not (at least not before we headed out mid-afternoon).

We walked right up to the ticket counter, bought our passes, and walked straight in with no other guests in sight. There were, however, a handful of super friendly and welcoming CMs!


Overall, this was a truly surreal day. We were at Blizzard Beach from roughly 10 AM to 2 PM, and I can say fairly confidently that there were less than 100 guests there (Editor’s note: I think it was even lower… maybe 50?). There were likely more CMs than guests. It’s just really crazy to think about and look back on.

I later learned from a CM that in the winter, the high has to be scheduled to be above 70 for Disney to open Blizzard Beach. So we were 1 degree over the threshold that day. Hmm, maybe they should rethink that threshold!

We certainly didn’t mind the quiet though, and it made the day an even more memorable experience!

We all got changed into our swim attire and headed over to the Tike’s Peak splash pad area. We obviously had no problem finding a great set of loungers under a pergola in the shade! The view was nice!


We set our stuff down and then took Baby M over to the wading pool for some inaugural splashes and cute pictures with the Frozen characters. We sat him down at the edge of the pool and let him splash. I think he liked it!


We walked over to the little area with small jets that shot up. He was really intrigued by these! It was really crazy to have this area completely to ourselves. There were no other Tikes to be found!


We made a quick loop around the park to check out the other areas. It snowed!



Before we ended up back at Tike’s Peak to check out the sand area. Baby M loved this the most! He had only been to a beach once before in his young life, but he was only a few months old. After a few moments of trepidation sitting in the sand, it clicked for him and he loved playing with the sand and having his feet covered in it. It was a really cute moment for our family of three.


Before we left for Blizzard Beach, I had texted my family that since the weather was nice they should join us, but they wanted to do some more park time. Once we were in Blizzard Beach I sent them a photo of how empty it really was and suggested once more that they come meet up with us, but still, no dice. :sad2: Their loss!

We eventually pulled Baby M out of the sand and went back to our loungers for his nap. Given how quiet it was, Tory suggested we try and see if he would nap right here. Tory reclined her lounger and cuddled up with him, and sure enough he fell asleep! I helped Tory get comfortable with her water and a book, as Baby M napped on her lap. She assured me that she was good, and that this was incredibly relaxing in and of itself. She sent me off to go explore the Blizz! Tory just requested that when I return, that I return with some mini donuts.

I wasn’t going to say no to that! I truly had my run of the place. I waited no time at all for any slide. I feel like I saw the same 10 or 15 guests as we all went from slide to slide at our leisure. At one point I took the chair lift up to the top of the mountain, where I decided against Summit Plummet, but I did go down the Slush Gusher right next to it. That was intense! It felt like I was airborne at one point and the splash down at the end was super disorienting.

I went on every slide except Summit Plummet in less than an hour. And some of them, I went on multiple times! At the Runoff Rapids area, the CM at the top asked me which of the three slides I wanted to go down. I picked one, and then came back up and did the other two! I’ve only been skiing twice in my life, but the ski run theme totally worked for me. Plus the background music loop was phenomenal! I took a quick dip in the wave pool before heading over to acquire mini donuts.

We had them at Typhoon Lagoon and were enamored, so we obviously had to get them again here. I grabbed those from a kiosk with, you guessed it, no line. They were scooped out of the sugar, but they weren’t fresh, unfortunately! I’m not sure why they had a large pile of donuts sitting there when there was no one around to buy them! On the way back to our chairs, I stopped at Frostbite Freddy’s Frozen Freshments to grab a beer.

I walked up to the CM named Matthew and ordered a beer. The keg blew while pouring mine, so he had to change the keg. This was not a big deal, as again, there was no one around. While he was working, we had a good chat about local beers and kegs. He explained to me how the keg and beer lines worked at this bar, and he noted that Disney should invest in some of the high-throughput lines. He said “That’s what I would do if I was in charge, but it’s not called Matt Disney World”. Hahaha. Once he poured my beer in the souvenir Blizzard Beach cup (Editor’s note: which Nick brought home and drinks out of on a regular basis. I often call it his emotional support water cup.) Matt told me to come back as refills are only $7.50 (The first one is $14.). I assured him I would be back.

I can’t think of a better water park snack than donuts and beer! I returned to Tory and Baby M who was still napping. What an hour it was! Totally surreal how empty it was! Tory and I split the donuts and beer as Baby M started to stir. Once fully awake, we gave him a pouch and some crackers. Before too long, we were all ready to move!


We went in search of an infant life vest so we could take a family lap around the lazy river! This proved to be a bit of a challenge. The lifeguard at Tike’s Peak told us we could find them at the main store, so we walked to the shop. The CM there assured us that they did not have them. She had to go in the back to ask a manager where they were. When she returned, she pointed us to this informational kiosk between the Sandal Hut and the Cooling Hut. We asked a CM stationed there if she had an infant life vest, and she did! I would say, now we know for next time, but by the time we get back, Baby M will likely fit in the toddler life jackets that are stationed all around the park!

We got him in his life vest. He looked so silly! We took a short walk down to the Cross Country Creek. I snagged us a couple of tubes, helped Tory into hers, and put Adrian in her lap and we were off! That is quite the lazy river! It’s so long and quite peaceful. This is where we ran into the most other guests in the park, but it was still like less than 10 people total. The lifeguard CMs along the way were incredibly friendly as we passed by. Baby M smiled at all of them.

We got out where we started, and I told Tory that she needed to see the whole park before we left. So we dried off briefly and went for a walk. The first stop, of course, was to have Tory and Baby M meet my new favorite bartender, Matthew! I introduced Matthew to the family and we had a nice chat while I got my refill beer!

We walked over to the base of the Summit Plummet area, and Tory was in a bit of disbelief that I went down the very tall slide next to Summit Plummet. So, I had to prove I did! I took the ski lift up the hill again, and Tory and Baby M watched me from below. She took a video of me coming down the Slush Gusher, which was just as intense the second time.

As we got to the far side of the park, we hit a few more slides. Tory only ended up going down one slide: Downhill Double Dipper. She brought two swimsuits - a one piece in case we ended up at a water park and a two piece for lounging at the AKL pool if the weather was good. The string tying the back of the one piece together somehow got separated from the swimsuit, so Tory couldn’t wear that swimsuit to Blizzard Beach. She says she would have gone down more slides but the two piece she ended up wearing had bottoms that tied, and that she risked having the ties come undone at the end of every slide.

We eventually made it back to Tike’s Peak where we let Baby M have a little more time playing in the sand while Tory and I took turns going to the locker rooms to change. He loved the sand so much.

We headed out of Blizzard Beach around 2 PM. On the way out, we ran into some CMs who were handing out leis. So of course, we needed to get one! Another very nice CM offered to take a family photo of us on the sleigh just inside the front entrance, which turned out really well.


I think I still give a slight edge on overall vibes to Typhoon Lagoon, but Blizzard Beach is adorable and more baby/young kid friendly. The theme and backstory is perfectly executed. Tory and I laughed out loud when we saw the chair lift for the first time. It’s real!

What a fun 4-hour rest day adventure. When we walked out to our car I think the number of cars in the lot may have doubled to 20!

We then headed back to AKL. We let Baby M play some more, and then eventually put him down in his pack and play for his second nap of the day. Tory and I sat on the balcony, watching the savanna below while we feasted on the full meal we got sent home with from Sebastian’s the night before!


After a good nap for Baby M and some quality time watching the savanna, we all got ready for the meal that I think we were all looking forward to the most: Flying Fish!

Tory and I had an absolutely amazing meal here on our September 2019 trip, and missed out on it on our 2021 trip due to its limited days open, so we were dying to get back here and show it to my family and Baby M!

We had a 5:15 PM ADR, and we arrived at the Boardwalk right around 5 PM. While we waited for my family to arrive, we let Baby M practice crawling on the fake grass on the Boardwalk right outside Flying Fish. It was so cute!


My family arrived and we shared stories of our day as we waited for our table. I was trying to hold onto the Blizzard Beach vibe as long as possible, so I wore the free leis I got at Blizzard Beach to dinner over my polo and pants haha.

Flying Fish did not disappoint! This was another absolutely fantastic meal! And the decor is fantastic!


Our server was very personable, but a little overbearing. He was very pushy on the upsell, asking each of us as he went around for our orders if we would like to add on a lobster tail. Just a minor quip on an otherwise great meal. He said his background was in the cruise ship industry. We’re never been on a cruise, but it seems like this may be a common cruise ship thing?

Our server brought out potato bread, which Baby M absolutely loved. He spent almost the whole meal gnawing on pieces of bread. We are starting him on fine dining early! On the whole, we were super impressed with how accommodating every sit-down restaurant was with Baby M. Our baby wasn’t an imposition at all.

To start, both Tory and I got the Grilled Romaine Salad. This was so good! I want to grill every piece of Romaine I get all the time now. The little bit of char just adds something and the buttermilk crème fraîche dressing was superb.


As for our mains, Tory got the Flying Fish signature dish: the potato wrapped red snapper with leek fondue and cassis-red wine reduction. She loved it! Our server said this was their signature dish. She described it as upscale fish and chips. I got Chilean sea bass with bok choy. This was incredibly light and delicate. The sea bass was perfectly cooked and the broth accompanied it well. My dad had ordered some red wine for the table, and it paired really well with both of our mains.


Finally, for dessert, we got the Florida Sunset. We got this on our first visit and loved it. It just embodies citrus in dessert form, and it's stunning visually. Baby M got a little tired of sitting as we waited for our desserts so he got passed around the table for entertainment from his grandparents, aunt, and uncle. And we got a moment to take a cute selfie!


I assure you it won’t be four plus years before our next visit to Flying Fish!

We said our goodbyes for the night to my family (but not before having my dad take this cute family photo).


They were headed to HS for some evening park time, and we were headed back to our hotel to put Baby M to bed. Once he was down, I went back down to the Mara for another set of Zebra Domes.

Truly, another great Disney day that I won’t soon forget.


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