From everything that I have read, there's pretty much zero savings with the sit down dining plan and in most cases you lose money. I think most every restaurant participates, there's a section on the UO website that details all of the restaurants that are included. We sometimes get the quick service plan and just FYI the snack and beverage entitlements are interchangeable. For example, this past weekend we got 2 kids quick service meals. We did Leaky Cauldron breakfast which is a flat $12.99 which includes a drink, plus they got an extra drink so we got 2 $5 Gilly waters. For snacks we got $8 butterbeer, $7.50 ice cream from Floreans, $8.50 bavarian pretzel and an $8 big pink donut. Remember this can always be bought right on the spot so no reason to pre-buy. I know this isn't what you were really asking for but just thought I would let you know our experience.